[MF] A night in the lake

Staying in a beach house for a week had been something I was looking forward to the entire summer. The mid-August heat made somewhat bearable by the breeze coming off the lake, I found myself down by the water more times than I could count over those 6 days.

The last day of the vacation was spent similarly to the others, vying for space on the often over crowded beach. For a small town, there sure were a lot of people.

As the other groups thinned out, mine began popping out the drinks and savouring every minute as the sun crept below the horizon. The evening was much more temperate and we were perfectly comfortable staying to enjoy it.

The hours flew by as we continued reminiscing over the last several days, polishing off everything we had brought with us. By now the sun had been down for a couple hours and night truly was upon us.

Night swimming has always been a favorite activity of mine although lately I have fewer and fewer opportunities for it. With the sun down and the air cool, the water felt a magnitude colder than earlier in the day. Poor planning on my part, I didn’t bring my swimsuit for the final excursion and had settled for just going in boxers. As I waded further I noticed another group towards the far side of the beach had a similar idea and could hear the splash and laughter that ensued.

Before I knew it there were several groups on the beach in various states of undress. Like me, it looked like an impromptu decision. A couple friends ended up joining me as the remainder of the group opted to return to the beach house, preferring to get some rest for the journey home in the morning.

As we make our way deeper into the water we find ourselves drifting towards one of the other groups who had also rented one of the nearby houses.

Even in the moonlight I was drawn to her.

We made eye contact as the groups passed through and I held her gaze. Even in the cooling water I felt myself getting warm below the belt. It was only for a moment though as we stuck to our respective groups, not wanting to get lost in the dark expanse of water. It was a bit of a surprise when I realized how far we had drifted from the shore, and clearer heads made the decision to turn back.

As more of the group split off seeking rest I continued with a couple stragglers wading into the water, this time not as deep.

It must have been close to an hour before we again found ourselves coming across some familiar faces of the group from before. This time however, with the water only coming to our waist, it was clear that the women of their equally thinned out group were now topless.

Now one party, we drifted again into the surf as we looked for constellations and shooting stars. One by one others started heading back, either from the cold or simply being tired – it had to be around 2am by now – until I found myself alone with the woman from before.

Few words were exchanged by this point as we floated inches from each other, the tide pushing us closer together with every wave until we connect. It was like a shock to the system as the warmth of her skin penetrated the coolness of the water.

I was craving her touch. Silhouetted by the moonlight we finally connect and I didn’t want to let go. We embraced tightly as the waves pushed us around and kissed deeply, her legs wrapping around me to pull me, and my rapidly growing erection, closer. I feel myself pinned against her stomach as we continue kissing, getting the occasional mouthful of lake water as the waves plunge over our heads.

We make our way to shallower water until I’m able to stand and support the two of us, her still in my arms floating attached to me as her hands explore my body.

They rest momentarily on my cock and give it a squeeze before she guides herself overtop of my shaft. My hands move as well, supporting her back with one as I caress her ass with the other.

As she slid down my shaft the sensation was euphoric, a drastic change to the now cold water. We held that position for a while as the waves continued to move us, hips rocking along with the motion.

It wasn’t to last as we hear calling from the shore – various people attempting to locate their missing group members – and we part for the final time.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/x5521a/mf_a_night_in_the_lake