The very religious girl I used to fuck [FF]

Oh how I love this story. I’m going to start at the end.

This girl is on my social media. I have no idea why she hasn’t deleted me. She regularly posts homophobic rants and I make a point to “like” every status so she remembers…

*I kind of have a theory the the majority of people who express a level of contempt for queer folks that’s noticeably over the top is a LITTLE gay.*

I met this girl in law school who was HELLA religious. I have absolutely no problem with religious folks, I just don’t love the constant converting. She was one of those.

She was also my roommate’s best friend.

She bugged me, but I’m fairly certain I was her special project. She always made a point to talk to me and seemed oblivious to how annoyed I was with her constant political rants and speeches about how the country was in ruin.

She very, VERY often talked about how queer sex was a sin. When I told her I was bi, she made a very offensive comment I will not be repeating at this time.

I did not like this girl… She was cute though.

For some very odd reason, we were once hanging alone. My roommate had passed out and I was bored enough to chill with her. We were a couple of glasses of wine in.

She asked who I was texting and I absently was like, “This dude I’m fucking.”

“You have a boyfriend?”

“No. It is very much just sex. You’ve never had a fuck buddy?”

She giggled. “I’ve never had sex.”

“Oh… didn’t you ask about lube a couple of days ago?”

*Yeah… For someone who didn’t have sex she definitely casually dropped stuff like this a lot.*

“Yeah. We do… My boyfriend and I… we do other things.”

*If she’s not being vaginally penetrated, there is exactly one specific act I can think of that requires lube.*

“Good god,” I moaned. “You let him fuck your ass? Explain to me how that is not sex.”

“It’s still bad, but you can’t get pregnant. We’re saving the ‘final step’ for marriage.”

I stared at her. “Riddle me this. If I fuck my girlfriend, is that ok? We can’t get pregnant.”

“No… Well that’s immoral because it’s two women.”

“Interesting compass you’re using. Does he at least get you off?”

“Yeah with his fingers.”

“He doesn’t go down on you?”

“I don’t think I’d like that. I feel weird about it. Like, that can’t be enjoyable.”

“You let him go up your ass but you’re worried going down on you won’t be enjoyable? Because I assure you, going down on a woman is like the best thing in the world.”

“You’ve done it?”

“Yeah. A lot. It’s sexy as hell.”


“Because it’s hot as fuck when a woman comes from my tongue alone. Pleasuring someone is fun.”

I’m not sure how this happened. To this day, I replay it in my mind. It started with questions. Then I kind of mapped out a diagram of how I screw women…

We kissed for two seconds and then things escalated very, very quickly. She unbuttoned her blouse and let me put a hand up her shirt and started squirming and moaning into my mouth.

I tried to slow down. We spent a very long time making out like that because I was kind of worried about taking this girl’s queer virginity. That’s a tall order. Also, I really don’t like cheating. I’ve been the other woman a couple of times, and it’s not a good feeling.

*The fact that her boyfriend ass fucked her but didn’t go down on her helped me justify this a bit, but I definitely had some emotions about it.*

But then she started begging.

She took off her shirt and bra completely and told me she wanted to try it. She touched her own damn nipples until they were hard and gave me a pleading look.

*What the hell am I supposed to do, damn it? She was cute and literally begging me to fuck her. I’m only human.*

“Are you sure?”

She nodded and I finally gave a little shrug. She unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down. I gently pulled down her underwear and asked her one more time if she was ok. She assured me it was al fine.

So I ate this woman out. It was some of my best work, if I do say so myself.

I stuck my fingers in her mouth and then played with her nipples. I kissed around her stomach and thighs, and teased her until she was shaking with impatience. By the time I kissed her and then licked her, she was already moaning.

At one point she was like, “I don’t know how I feel.”

So I stopped and looked at her. “Do you want me to stop?”

She pushed my head back down so I continued.

Hot damn, she said was loud. I guided her hand to my hair so she could play with it as she moaned, and I swear I was afraid she was going to wake my roommate up. I finally threw her a pillow for her to scream into as I played with her clit.

When I started fingering her she finally shuddered, jolted forward, and came around my hand.

What’s weird is I expected her to leave, but she didn’t. Instead we got wine drunk and talked about what kind of wedding she wanted. She crashed on our couch that night and I swear she looked disappointed when I didn’t invite her to my bed.

I just didn’t want to get attached, honestly. She was with someone and I was quite certain I was just a filler for some fantasy she wanted to try before her boyfriend proposed.

What’s crazy is we hooked up like four times that semester though. It was fucking weird. We were once in class and she started making an argument against legalizing gay marriage and I stared at her with genuine, honest amazement at the level of cognitive dissonance. Like, I wasn’t even mad, just impressed by her abilities to justify herself.

So yeah, I chuckle when I see her Facebook statuses. I would never, ever out someone, but it’s a fun little fact that me (and now everyone in the internet) can quietly revisit.



  1. Often times you see the person objecting the loudest is ashamed of something they’ve done or actually like…. did she ever reciprocate or was it all bout her fantasies?

  2. Religious indoctrination is some real tough shit. A lot of people never break out of it. I count myself as a lucky one.

  3. > If she’s not being vaginally penetrated, there is exactly one specific act I can think of that requires lube.

    A Slip N’ Slide competition?

    Hmmmm so she’s like the other side of the coin to Corvette Girl. Do they perhaps know each other? I feel like they’ll “get along” for some reason. Not in a wholesome way, more like “Walter White and Hector Salamanca teaming up against Gus Fring” way.

    You still won that interaction kinda-ish, so here take your 👑 Queer or Queen or both why not. Cheers to you Ms. V!

  4. Dan Savage once put forward the same theory about rabid ‘phobes who talk about homosexuality being a choice. As in, a lot of them are actually bi or pan and so for them, it *could* actually be a choice to be straight or gay. It also happens to be a choice to just repress a part of themselves and they use to oppress others, though, so… yeah, fuck ’em.

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