The Adventures of Mad Bonney, Part I: The Stowaway [Bi, F21, F28, Rape discussed by characters, not depicted] [Historical Fiction/Pirates] [consensual]

AN: I did the first part as an answer to a prompt. Now I am writing a series of short stories following the evolution of these character’s sexual adventures. My partner, when I told him about the story, asked “Is it going to involve actual piracy at any point?” The answer is yes, but it’s more of a backdrop than a focus. If lesbian scenes aren’t to your tastes, just stick around for later parts. There will be MF, MFF, MM and MMFF. Something for everybody! 😅


**Part I : The Stowaway**

The captain paced in the space of the cabin, eyeing the nibbled piece of hard tack on the table. She was waiting for the report on what was consuming their limited food supplies. Not ravenously, just the odd piece of tack here or there, perhaps a piece of dried fruit. Despite being a pirate, the captain loathed this sort of dishonesty. Pirates needed to work together. It just wasn’t done.

Soon the door to the cabin was shoved open, and the Master at Arms strode in, his brow furrowed deeply.

“We found the rat!” he muttered, staring down at his quarry.

It was a young woman who looked about twenty, long, auburn hair tied back in a clumsy knot at the back of her head. She wore a mucky looking dress, that probably once looked quite splendid. Blue-green eyes gleamed like a summer ocean as the helpless woman gazed back at the pirate.

The captain lifted a brow at her. “Well… hello.”

The lass on the ground was in shock. She stared at the captain, their clever, bright eyes glinting at her with something a little warmer than mischief. They were stunning… Long deep black hair that ran about their shoulders in midnight waves, the billowing shirt puckered in the utilitarian corset that carefully pushed up the shaking breasts of the chuckling captain. Blue eyes the colour of the early sky peered at the lass on the floor.

“Yes, you have found yourself in quite the pickle, my dear…”

The apparent thief breathed quickly, eyeing the captain warily. “Are you going to kill me?” Her voice was soft, but defiant.

The captain smiled broadly. “Do you think I should?”

The thief shook her head quickly.

“No. of course not.”

Standing straight, the captain looked over the prisoner’s head at the Master at Arms. He was an exceedingly tall, well-built man of about 30 years, with long caramel-coloured curls framing a buff-toned face. He had a vaguely playful look about him, and he was clearly the offspring of a love affair between a colonist and an indigenous person somewhere in the Pacific Islands. He was disarmingly handsome, with large brown eyes set under a heavy, yet refined brow.

“Thank you, Arthur. Don’t go far, I may still need you.”

“Of course,” said Arthur, tone deferent as he backed out the door. It shut with a clunk, and the captain and the interloper were now alone.

“What is your name?”

After a pause, the young woman said, “Isabella.”

“Blimey,” murmured the Captain, bending towards the lass. “Such a lovely name. Suits you.”

She brought up a hand, stroking Isabella’s jaw briefly. The touch sent a jolt through the young woman’s body, and she pulled her chin away.

“I am Captain Rosa Vaughan, though you probably know me better as Mad Bonney.”

Isabella shrunk only a touch, her gaze sharp and judicious.

“Tell me,” said the captain. “Why were you in my storage room? Hmm? What could a young lass as yourself want on a pirate’s ship?”

Isabella licked her dry lips, shuddering as she breathed. “I was running away from London.”

Intrigued, Rosa grabbed a chair nearby, slamming it down in front of the lass and sitting down in it. She leant back with an arm hanging from the back of her chair, gazing at her, her legs spreading open in a faint echo of masculine dominance. Her thighs bulged in the blue breeches she was wearing.

“Hmmm… You have all your teeth. Your skin is clear from pox and disease. You’re far too pretty to be a working girl…” Rosa tilted her head. “Where did you come from?”

“It doesn’t matter,” said the girl quickly, and Rosa tutted.

“Now, now, yes it does,” she said. “I would like to know if I have a lass of means stowing away on my ship. The last thing I need is for ‘kidnapping’ to be added to my list of crimes, hmm?”

Rosa swung a leg over the arm of the chair she sat on, an idle hand resting at the seam of her crotch.

“I… I am not of the nobility,” said Isabella. “My family are merchants. My father wants to become rich, so he had me marry a fellow he wants to do business with.”

“Older than you, I’d wager,” said Rosa, suddenly looking at Isabella much differently. “Ugly and vulgar?”

“Yes,” said Isabella in a rush, relief flowering within her that someone seemed to understand her situation. “He was always complaining about his gout and he was quite determined to have a child with me.”

Rosa’s knowing expression turned soft. “I see. And did he try?”

Isabella looked up from her hands. She was still, no longer shaking. She almost looked defiant.

“He did,” she said. “Most nights. I put up with up for two years. Then… I couldn’t take it anymore. If I left him, I’d have nothing, and I’d ruin my family’s reputation. I didn’t want to die in the poor house, and I refuse to be a prostitute. I wanted to get away, anywhere, I didn’t care where. So I decided that if I disappeared one day… that would be a tragedy, and my family would go on, sad but with their standing unscathed by my actions.”

“And that’s when you had the grand idea to stow away on a boat?”

“Exactly. wasn’t sure how it would turn out, but I thought… Better to die on the sea than have that bloated wine-soaked pig heaving away between my legs with his sad little sausage.”

Rosa broke into laughter, sitting up and pointing at Isabella as she did so. “You have a mouth on you! I like you!”

Isabella looked baffled, and Rosa relaxed back into the chair.

“Yes, I like you, so I shan’t kill you. I won’t punish a lass for trying to survive.”

Isabella sighed with relief. She put her hands to her mouth, bending over and weeping.

“Thank you, Captain,” she said, her voice quiet and earnest.

“Don’t get too excited, yet,” said Rosa. “There’s still the matter of the stolen food.”

The young woman tilted her head, puzzled, and Rosa laughed lightly.

“There’s no stealing food on my ship,” she said. “Everyone that eats is workin’. Seems like you have a debt to pay… food and board.”

With a disjointed bow of her head, Isabella nodded. “Yes, Captain.”

Rosa nodded. “You won’t pay today, however,” she said. “Today I shall wash you and clothe you, and keep you safe from the terrors of England.” Leaning forward, she cupped Isabella’s pale cheek in her hand. “You will be safe with me.” She stopped, dipped her head, then smirked. “Mostly.”

As Isabella looked wary, Rosa cackled.

“I jest, you sweet fool!” She waved a hand and jumped to her feet, opening the door to her cabin. “Arthur!” she shouted, “Arthur Fitzwilliam! Come bring me some rags and a jug of fresh water!”

Arthur arrived before long, looking at the captain questioningly.

“The lass has been through a lot,” she said. “If she’s stayin’ with us, she needs to be clean and fit for work. I’m willing to sacrifice some of my share of the fresh water for that.”

Arthur nodded in understanding, a knowing look on his face.

“Remember, stay close,” she said.

Arthur met her eyes, cocking a brow. “I shall be standing on the other side of your door,” he murmured, playfully.

“Good man,” she whispered, winking at him. Taking the jug and the rags, she pulled the door closed. “Take off that tatty dress, lass ” she said, walking over to her. “Even in the state it’s in, the quality of the stitching gives it away as the garment of a woman who doesn’t belong at sea.”

“You… you expect me to expose myself to you?” breathed Isabella. To Rosa’s surprise, she didn’t sound afraid, just annoyed.

“You get naked in front of your maids, didn’t ye? It’s just the same. Trust me, after my years on the sea, a body’s a body.”

“Very well,” sighed Isabella. She bent some, unlacing her bodice, and Rosa approached her.

“May I?”

Meeting Rosa’s eyes, Isabella drew still. There was true kindness in this pirate woman’s eyes. Her breath hitched as she took in the features of the captain. Her skin was kissed with the bronze of days in the sun, but Isabella could see she would usually be quite pale, but in the Spanish sort of way.

Rosa brought sure hands up, holding Isabella’s increasingly disbelieving gaze. This wasn’t like a maid undressing her, this felt different. She felt like she’d had too much sherry. Rosa’s tanned, narrow-fingered hands careflly, slowly, pulled at the laces of her bodice. Isabella’s breaths grew rapid, and she watched the captain work at her clothes. Her skin felt like it was burning, but deliciously so. She had never felt anything quite like this. She licked her dry lips, watching with shock and confusion, and something else that was threatening to sweep in and take her like a rogue wave, and it lived in Rosa’s eyes.

“There,” breathed Rosa, pulling away the bodice, leaving the sheer, flimsy dress underneath. “Almost done…”

Rosa’s eyes gleamed as she slowly unbuttoned Isabella’s dress, looking deep into the young woman’s eyes. She really was a distractingly lovely woman… pale ivory skin, clear eyes of turquoise, and trembling lips of a rosy hue. They looked a little chapped, but their delicate beauty could still be seen.

“You poor thing,” breathed Rosa, her hands brushing over Isabella’s shoulders as she divested her of the underdress. Her breath then caught, and Rosa had to bite her teeth not to make a sound.

Isabella was sublime. Curves of pale silk, and young, heavy, round breasts that were of a generous size. Large, pink, dusky nipples sat low, puckering in the cool sea air. The lass shuddered, pulling her arms close, only making her breasts look even more fulsome and sweet.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” asked Isabella on a breath. “Have you not seen a woman’s chest before?”

“Not a chest like that,” said Rosa, low, with some humour. “Sweet Jesus, girl, I’ve never seen a nicer pair o’ tits.”

Blushing, Isabella looked down, adjusting her arms in front of her and failing to cover up anything at all.

“I’m sorry,” said Rosa. “I just wasn’t expecting-”

Isabella grew still, then looked up at Rosa through her lashes. “I’m not upset,” she said.

“You’re not?”

Isabella shook her head. “My ex-husband never spoke about my body. I thought it thoroughly unremarkable… I didn’t know…” Standing, the girl stepped out of her pantaloons. The aforementioned breasts swayed and bounced as she threw the dirty clothes aside. “Nobody has ever spoken honestly to me before. Am I acceptable?”

Rosa’s eyes grew wide. “I’m sorry, what?”

Isabella glanced down at her body then looked back to her. “Am I pleasing to the eye?”

The corner of Rosa’s mouth twitched in a subdued smile. “Well… it’s hard to tell under those layers of dirt, lass.”

Lifting her chin, Isabella nodded, a little imperiously. “Then wash me, Captain.”

Rosa caught her breath again, wondering what she did for Neptune to reward her in this way. She doffed her waistcoat, and Isabella reached out, putting a hand on her arm.

“Will you take off your clothes too?”

Rosa felt her throat go dry. “Uh, why?”

Isabella shrugged. “I’ve never seen a grown woman naked before. I haven’t had any comparison. It’s just not done. Well, I’m on a pirate ship, now. Such limitations in behaviour aren’t required here, yes?”

“Oh, yes,” said Rosa, her voice shaking as her body began to wake up to the naked woman in front of her. Before Rosa could get to her shirt, Isabella stepped forward, lifting said shirt up over her head. She made a little sighing noise, peering as Rosa’s pert, pointed breasts bounced free from their restraints.

“They’re lovely,” Isabella breathed, and she cupped them with a curious gleam in her eyes. They filled her hands, and a little extra.

Rosa let out a gasp, freezing in place as the younger woman ran her fingers over the contours of them, and after a moment, she squeezed them experimentally. The captain gave a sudden, shocked moan.

“Did I hurt you?” Isabella asked, and Rosa shook her head, a trembling smile on her lips.

“No, sweet lass,” she said. “Have you never been touched so?”

Isabella shook her head wordlessly. Keeping the silence, and holding her gaze with eyes filled with a building urgency, Rosa brought her hands to the young woman’s breasts, slowly, purposefully.

They were softer than she could have imagined, and she ran her thumbs over the curve om them, glorying in the tension in the firm, pale skin, the warmth of them, the clinging of flesh against flesh as she stroked her back and forth over her sweet areolas.

Isabella sucked in a sharp breath, and she let her head fall back, a throaty, moaning gasp echoing off the walls of the small captain’s cabin.

“Oh! Ohhh!” Isabella’s eyes opened, and with the innocent sense of entitlement only the inexperienced and the wealthy could enjoy, she took Rosa’s breasts in her hands once more, running her palms over them, pushing them together, then spreading her fingers, squeezing them firmly.

“OH! Good Lord in heaven, lass!” Rosa moaned, her legs almost buckling.

“We can do this, yes?” breathed Isabella excitedly, stepping closer, her caressing becoming ever more eager. “I mean, it’s your ship…”

“Yes,” moaned Rosa, eyes closed. It had been an age since she had laid eyes on a beautiful woman, let alone been naked with one. “Please, lass, please…”

Isabella chuckled excitedly, pushing Rosa down into the chair and kneeling in front of her.

“They’re smaller than mine,” said Isabella, breathlessly now. A tremble of excitement was in her voice. “The nipples are different, they’re darker.” She stroked them, then carefully squeezed them between her fingers, glorying in the sensation of flesh against flesh, and the hardening nubs beneath her fingertips. “Oh, what’s happening to them?”

Rosa gave a long, helpless moan as she leaned back in her chair. “It’s just what happens to them, lass. Yours do it too.”

Isabella’s eyes went wide, “Will you show me?”

The pirate grew still, lifting her head slowly. “Are you sure about that? Dear lassie, do you know what this is that we’re doing?”

Gulping, Isabella nodded. She licked her lip, averting her eyes a moment. “I’ve never done anything like this before. Everything in my life has always been so dreadful. But this…” She cupped Rosa’s breasts in hers again and squeezed, running her thumbs over the nipples in little circles. “It feels good. I like it. I want more of this… please?”

A faint smile cracked through Rosa’s slack-jawed expression of ecstasy, and she sighed, gathering Isabella in her arms, their breasts pressing together.

“Whatever you want,” she whispered, stroking Isabella’s cheek tenderly. “You’re my guest, lass. I’m here to make you comfortable.”

Isabella had become engrossed in the sight and sensation of their breasts in contact, and she pushed herself against Rosa, squeezing them closer in such a way that their nipples rubbed over each other vigorously. She laughed with joy through spontaneous moans and gasps. A delicious tingling was growing in her nerves, in her breasts and jolting down to the seat of her pelvis.

“What am I feeling?” she breathed, eyes closed, head hanging back, concentrating on the hot, pooling energy where flesh met flesh. “This is wonderful!”

“It’s arousal, my pet,” said the Captain. “Have you never felt it before?”

“No!” she sighed. “I want more.” She clutched the captain in her arms, gazing at her with urgency. “I need more, please!”

“Shh, shh, we have all the time in the world,” said Rosa, gently. “Take a breath, and relax.” She guided Isabella out of her arms. “Just tell me what you want.”

Isabella’s eyes roved over Rosa’s body as the pirate was sitting lax in the chair. They fixed on her breeches.

“Will you take these off?” she breathed, throat tight.

Quietly, Rosa nodded. She was almost solemn as she tilted up her hips, easing off the pants with quick thrusts of her hands. Impatient, Isabella reached forward and grabbed them by the hem, yanking them from the pirate’s legs. Rosa’s boots had already been hanging nearby, drying from a thorough sloshing in the morning. The breeches slipped right off her, and like a child unwrapping a Christmas present, Isabella gasped with delight.

“Oh, look!” she said, parting Rosa’s legs without a shred of hesitancy and stroking the dark curls between them.

Rosa shuddered and keened.

“Oh, fuck, lass, you’re doin’ me in slow!”

“It feels good when I do this?” she asked, stroking the apex of her sex again, her fingers dipping down and exploring as she did so.

“Fuck, yes!”

Isabella giggled, hunkering down between Rosa’s legs and peering close as she stroked the thick, dark curls aside. “Your one is very different from mine. I think mine is all wrong. Yours has such lovely dark hair. I am well past the age of childbearing and my hair there is quite sparse. Look!”

She stood, easing forward and parting her legs. She frowned. “I can’t show you like this…” To Rosa’s shock, Isabella climbed the chair, kneeling on the arms and spreading her legs wide. She pushed Rosa down to get an ideal vantage point.

“There, you see?”

Indeed, Rosa did see. It was quite possibly the loveliest vulva she had ever seen. Rusty-red curls crowned a generous pubic mound, behind which were the gleaming, hanging, swollen lips of the young woman’s aroused sex. They weren’t small at all, in fact they were thick and a delicious deep pink. Rosa shook as she breathed in the sweet scent of the puss so close to her face, her body aching to taste it. She would not, not when the lass was still figuring it all out. Isabella might have been a married woman with experience between the sheets, but it was clear she knew nothing of the way a woman’s body worked.

“It’s perfect,” said Rosa, softly. “Just as it should be.”

“And look! Do you see it getting all funny and wet?” She dipped her fingers down, running them over her parted lips. She had spread them wide to show Rosa, and she wasn’t prepared for the ripple of ecstasy that exploded over her skin, from head to toe, as her fingers rubbed against her swollen labia, rolling her still-hidden clitoris beneath them. Isabella bent, letting out a sudden vocal gasp. It was wordless, it was pure arousal that lit a fire in Rosa’s body she knew she could not put out alone. Looking down, Isabella ran her fingers over herself again, and again, the sweet explosion of her nerves made her keen gutturally. She sagged in the chair, leaning her head on Rosa’s shoulder.

“I need, I need…” she whimpered.

“What do you need, lass?”

Isabella lifted her head, meeting Rosa’s eyes. She stared directly into them as she began to stroke herself in earnest. She shuddered, her lips falling open, a breath away from Rosa’s.

“I think… I think… Ughh… uhh…” Her moans became rhythmic as her fingers found the right place. They became slick, and she moaned headily, her eyes half-lidded and hungry. “I need you…”

“Hush, there’s plenty of time…”

“I don’t know what to do,” said Isabella. “This…uhhhh.,. Oh god… this feeling is getting bigger and bigger, the tingling…”

“Keep going,” said Rosa. “Keep touching that place.”

Isabella moaned louder, her hand disappearing between her legs as she furiously ground her clit beneath her fingertips. The wet, squishy sound of her slick labia parting and smacking made Rosa’s breath hot. She remembered the smell of those sweet lips, she ached to worship them herself. She had to wait, she had to let the woman explore on her own terms. Instead she wrapped her arms around Isabella, stroking the generous curves of her body, squeezing them, gripping a round, heaving buttock in each hand and kneading as she spread them apart.

Isabella threw her head back and let out a cry.

“Yes! Open me up!” she whined, trembling as her fingers ran jagged, helpless strokes between her labia, over her clit.

“D’ye feel that hard wee nub there at the front?”


Carefully, Rosa took one of Isabella’s hands and she shifted the lass’s thumb to the hardening shaft of her clit, which protruded proudly between the engorged folds of her sex. Isabella let out another cry.

“Oh Jesus!” She threw her head back again. “Oh, oh Jesus!”

“Look at me, lass,” breathed Rosa, gathering Isabella close as the lass shook with her desperate strokes. She focused on the spot that Rosa had shown her, and something in her eyes shifted.

“Oh, you gave me this!” she cried on her moans, her hips grinding against her own wild ministrations, “Oh, I can’t, it’s too good-”

Rosa took Isabella’s face in her hands, gazing deep into her eyes with a steely firmness. “You look at me lass, and you keep rubbing.”

Isabella nodded, mouth hanging open, her lips close to Rosa’s as she stared into her. Isabella’s gleaming wet fingers shook furiously as they rubbed tight strokes over the hard pebble of flesh she had only just found. The harder it got, the better it felt. This pirate woman, that she’d seen smack recalcitrant crew and pull at heavy ropes, held her gently. There was an understanding, and Isabella quaked deep within her as she realised… she desired this woman. It was wicked, it was filthy… the mere revelation brought shock to her, body and soul. She wanted to do more with Rosa. So much more…

Something deep in her slipped, and delight exploded across her body, crushing her and releasing her in the same moment. She bent again, letting out a wordless, sudden wail, a celebration of the triumph of her own release, her own beautiful moment.

Rosa sighed, gathering the shaking woman to her. Isabella had flopped, and she squirmed and let out helpless moans and whimpers as the orgasm rolled through her.

“What is it? What is it?” breathed Isabella, clinging to Rosa as they slipped to the floor. She wrapped a leg around Rosa’s, arms snaking about her, holding tight as she endured the pulsing bliss.

“It’s what it’s supposed to feel like,” said Rosa, gently, “When you’re making love, and not being rutted into like an old sow.”

Isabella laughed, rolling onto her back and spreading her legs. Her hands were down there again, spreading her lips apart and stroking every inch of herself. She twitched as fresh waves rocketed through her, and she squeaked and moaned. “Does it ever end?”

“Eventually,” smirked Rosa. She lay against Isabella, watching her face intently as she continued to explore her sex. She marvelled at the simple joy Isabella found in it. She was so beautiful when she smiled… Rosa sighed. Damn it. This lass was taking a hold of her heart.

“I want to see yours again,” sighed Isabella, rolling against Rosa. She looked down as their breasts pressed together again. Looking up at Rosa pointedly, hungrily, she pressed their tits together, running nipple over nipple. Isabella breathed heavily, her mouth growing soft and open as she moaned. “Yesss…”

“Oh,” whimpered Rosa, rolling onto her back as Isabella crawled across her, legs tangling, parting, Isabella’s breaths becoming jagged as she slipped deeper into desire.

Isabella pushed Rosa’s legs open, and she scootched down, stroking the pudenda again, but with greater vigour.

“Oh lass, oh lass,” whimpered Rosa, “Slow down!” Isabella lifted her head, bringing her gaze to Rosa. “Have a proper look, now.”

Isabella nodded at this, quaking anew with excitement at the thought. She pushed away the dark curls, and she gasped as sweet, deep pink lips parted like a flower as she spread them wide.

“It’s beautiful!” she sighed, and she ran her fingers over the folds. Rosa moaned, the tension of her denial almost painful. In the past, she would have fucked a young lass thoroughly in the time this woman had taken to crawl between her legs. And yet, this was more intense than anything she had ever felt. Rosa gulped for breaths as she felt Isabella play with her sex… parting, pressing, pulling. Isabella saw the dark pearl of the pirates clit peek out from its hood, and she giggled with delight. “Look! There’s your spot! Oh, let me kiss it!”

Before Rosa could say anything, the satin lips of Isabella pursed and pressed against her clit, kissing it firmly, as a child would kiss a brand new toy. Rosa bucked, her body rolling with arousal.

“Fuck!” she cried, and Isabella looked up curiously.

“Did that feel good?” she asked. Rosa just moaned in reply. “Then I should do it again,” she said, breathlessly, kneading Rosa’s outer labia as she stared at her sex fondly. “You showed me such a special thing…” She smiled and pressed her lips against the pert nub again. Then, she stopped.

Rosa glanced down, and saw that Isabella was burying her nose in her dark curls, the tip of it nuzzling her clit in an agonisingly slow circle.

“What a curious scent,” she said, softly. “It’s sweet, but it’s musky… it’s such a strong smell…” She nuzzled again, closing her eyes as she took in a deeper breath and gasped. “Oh, it brings something very wicked alive in me.”

“Wicked?” breathed Rosa, eyes half closed. Isabella seemed to ignore her as she kept on about her business.

Fingers parted Rosa’s labia again, the tip of Isabella’s nose stroked the hood of her clit. Isabella’s fingertips slowly ran up and down on the firm palette between Rosa’s inner labia, and with each stroke they wandered down farther. Isabella tilted her head with intrigue.

“That’s it, isn’t it?” she murmured, as her fingertips became slick with Rosa’s fluids. “That’s the smell. The entrance to your womb…” She bent her head and kissed that too.

“Oh bugger me flat,” mumbled Rosa through moans.

“Curious,” said Isabella. She bent and kissed the twitching opening again, and moving down, she parted Rosa’s legs wider and really stared at the source of this new, wondrous smell. Rosa’s vagina was relaxed and open, and Isabella ran the pads of her thumbs over the rim of it. As Rosa responded with pleased groans, Isabella focused on the fluids that were collecting at the opening of her inner sex… clear and slippery, her thumb almost disappeared inside that wondrous hollow as she applied pressure. She brought her nose close and kissed the open vagina again… and this time her lips were coated with Rosa’s desire. Isabella moaned happily and kissed it, again and again, Rosa’s fluids slowly spreading across her lips and face. A strange, salty, tangy taste erupted on her tongue, and Isabella let out a gasp of delight. “Oh, I can taste you!”

Rosa gripped the leg of the chair nearby.

“I want to do it again!” She shook her head and sighed. “The Devil will have me…”

“Fuck the Devil,” mumbled Rosa. “He has to wait until I’m finished with you.”

After a moment of scandalised shock, Isabella laughed and buried her face in Rosa’s aching sex. She pressed hungry kisses on the opening of her vagina, licking the juices off her lips again and again. She peered at the spread vulva before her, stroking sopping wet folds, her fingers finding the clit once more and rolling back the hood to expose it. Isabella slowly brought her mouth to Rosa’s clenching, eager pussy, and she pressed her lips to it yet again. But this time, she did not close them. She grew still, mouth open against the folds, the bounty of Rosa’s liquor pooled in her twitching hole. Very slowly, Isabella pushed her tongue out from between her lips, sinking them into the shockingly hot, soft cavity. To her shock the muscles tugged and clenched as she sank her tongue in deeper. It was a strange and enjoyable feeling, so she pursued it without reluctance. She buried her face into Rosa’s vulva, digging as deep as she could go into her vagina with her tongue. That wondrous taste filled her mouth, her tongue thoroughly basted with the copious, slippery fluids. She then did something she knew was utterly scandalous – she pursed her lips and began to suckle at the flesh under her mouth, licking up whatever she could. Her own cunt thrummed as she felt desire flood her again, and Rosa continued to moan and sigh.

This was Isabella’s only purpose in that moment – to thank her rescuer in a way she didn’t think possible.

She needed more. Remembering the reaction she’d seen to kissing Rosa’s clit, she dragged her tongue up from Rosa’s vagina in long, open laps, moaning with abandon as she drowned in the essence of this pirate. Her tongue drew across the nobbled, hard nub, which had grown considerable in size since she last looked at it. It was now as big as a pea. Her sex and her deepest instincts demanded that she run her tongue run over it again and again, so that’s exactly what she did.

Rosa bucked beneath her, back arching, fingers gripping the carpet helplessly. Encouraged, Isabella opened her mouth wide, covering the inner lips and clit and suckling on it hard like a hungry babe.

“Oh yes, fuck me, yes!” wailed Rosa, veins in her neck sticking out as her body tightened.

Isabella was suddenly possessed by some strange yearning beyond words. An animal deep within her had broken free, and it was wild and hungry. It was ravenous, it was a devourer.

Her mouth began to do something beyond suckling, beyond licking – it was total, desperate and immense. She created pressure within her mouth and pulled that hard little clit inside her lips, her tongue pumping furiously against it. Every gulp, every wet, slapping smack of her mouth as it released Rosa’s pussy lips sent a wash of Rosa’s arousal over her tongue. She moaned deliciously, clutching Rosa’s hips as she lost herself completely.

Rosa was in shock. She had expected to slowly convince the girl that perhaps it was in her best interests to spend some time with the captain. She hadn’t expected an eager woman gasping to buck against the society that had hurt her so deeply, one that grabbed positive, joyous emotions sensations with both hands the second she experienced them.

She looked down at Isabella. Her eyes, green flecked through blue, gleamed in the light that cut through the gloom of the captain’s quarters. No longer were they the eyes of a shivering stowaway. Staring at Rosa lustily over the curve of her dark pubic mound, Isabella was conquering her. Rosa know that Isabella didn’t care about anything in that moment other than chasing this bliss, this one place in the world where she could take control of something. It was no doubt intoxicating. Rosa had felt something similar in her early days of making love to women.

Isabella’s moaning turned guttural, and pinning Rosa with her gaze, she growled.

Rosa made a sound close to a panicked bleat, grabbing at Isabella’s head as an orgasm hit her like a thunderbolt. After a tense moment of silence, she let out a raw, throat-tearing cry, absent of control, the intensity of the thorough fucking she’d received made into pure sound.

After another cry, Rosa rolled aside, pulling her legs closed, practically weeping as the orgasm continued to crash through her like waves in a winter storm.

“Fuck!” she whimpered. “Fuck!”

Isabella crawled over, and bending her head down to meet Rosa’s gaze, she looked at her with lifted brows. “Did I do it right?”

Rosa let out a mighty cackle, and she pulled Isabella to her. All pretence of control was gone. She rolled with the beautiful woman in her arms, slipping her leg between Isabella’s round, silky thighs, the firm top of her own finding Isabella’s wet cunt and grinding against it, her hands tightly gripping her hips and arse as she pulled her close.

Isabella squealed with delight and gasped deeply, her legs and arms falling open as the woman atop of her consumed her with her heady caresses.

“I’ll have you,” growled Rosa, playfully, suckling on Isabella’s earlobe. “Would you like that?”

“Yes!” gasped Isabella, writhing underneath her and grinding against Rosa. “Please, please… I want you to do all manner of things… leave me a husk!”

Without another word, Rosa slid down Isabella’s body, seeking out the prize that had tormented her for hours… to her delight, it was more than ready for her.

Isabella’s gaping, thick pussy clenched with eager tension as Rosa spread it wide open with her fingers, pulling back the hood of her clit to expose it. Isabella had never felt anything quite like it, and a jolt of bliss rolled through her body crisply, leaving insatiable wanting in its wake. Rosa’s tongue was firm, expert, stroking the tiny shaft and flicking the engorged tip firmly before soothing it with a lick. Rosa’s muffled, eager moans were punctuated with the wet, slick sounds of her suckling, slurping and lapping. The woman tasted just as good as she looked, sweet and salty and a little animalistic, something jagged that ensared her irrevocably.



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    Rosa lashed her tongue up and down between the flapping lips of her guest, exploring their slick inner flesh before swirling her tongue around the increasingly bumpy outer surfaces that were impossibly engorged. Frantic hands grabbed Rosa about the head, and she focused her ministrations on the tight nub. She drifted her fingers down under her chin and found Isabella’s dripping entrance, and she massaged the hole with her thumb. She looked up at Isabella, who looked down at her with helpless need.

    “I need you!” she whimpered, “I need you to complete me!”

    Closing her eyes a moment, Rosa let her already slick thumb sink inside Isabella’s vagina. Isabella arched her back and gasped, her hips rocking with instinctual rhythm. Rosa held on, wrapping a strong, tanned, muscled arm around the lilting waist of her lover, keeping her still. Rosa’s unexpected strength sent jolts of arousal through Isabella. Knowing this pirate could own her, take her, claim her completely, sent her wild beyond words.

    “That’s it!’ cried Isabella. “Take me! Fuck me!”

    With a twist of her hand, Rosa swapped out the thumb with two long fingers. She met Isabella’s eager, stunned gaze as she slipped them in deep, stroking slowly as she searched for the right spot.

    “Oh sweet Lord!” cried Isabella. “I am to die!”

    Rosa responded by moaning happily as she suckled the rock-hard clit firmly, her tongue pulling it further, further to the point of no return. Isabella sat up and gazed at Rosa whose face was subsumed by her throbbing sex. Steel blue eyes peered over her mound, and Isabella shivered with yearning. This pirate wasn’t just playing with her body until she fell apart. She was turning her upside-down, not just beauty seen in her form. No, Rosa’s lean tan figure, her tight buttocks, the very smell of her musky sex – it attracted her. It brought about a lust and an aching she had never felt before.

    She would never escape this ship. In fact, she was quite sure she never wanted to.That realisation sent a bolt of shock through her. She was scandalised, she was in disbelief, she thought herself a dirty, filthy, pussy-licking whore who serviced pirates with her body.

    Rosa’s fingers pressed against something deep within, and cascades of shivering joy impacted against her sudden understanding of her true nature – that she wanted nothing more than to be owned, desired and utterly dominated by a dangerous, beautiful woman. She let out a keening wail, long and unceasing, her cunt pulsing and tightening around Rosa’s pumping fingers, the pressure of her mouth still clutching her clit tight.

    “Yes, yes, yes!” she cried, grabbing her own breasts and squeezing them, pinching her nipples as her climax rolled over her with relentless repetition.

    “You’ve taken me!” whimpered Isabella, arms reaching for Rosa, clutching her head to her sex tightly. “I am yours, truly!”

    She twitched and spasmed, the climax holding her in some distant space of bliss, all worries and hurts pushed completely out of mind. She barely registered Rosa letting go of her sex, nor her crawling up to her, pressing her lips to her cheek.

    “There, sweet merchant girl,” breathed Rosa, a curl of a smile on her lips. “I have taught you how to ravage yourself.”

    A grin spread across her face. “You have taught me far more than that…”

    Rosa smiled, cradling Isabella’s face in her hand. Looking over her porcelain features, she shook her head.

    “Is something wrong?” panted Isabella.

    “All that carry-on,” said Rosa. “We forgot the best bit.”

    As Isabella tilted her head in askance, Rosa pulled her close, pressing her lips against hers in a careful, tender kiss.

    Isabella’s eyes widened and she sighed.

    “My word!” she gasped. “How could such a simple thing make my body come to life again? How is my heart beating so fast?”

    Rosa didn’t answer her. She just kissed her again, tilting her head and opening her mouth, luring Isabella in with tiny, playful flutters of the tip of her tongue. Isabella moaned, growing limp and open in Rosa’s arms.

    As Rosa gently made love to the lovely maid in her arms, kissing her and cradling her like a beloved, she felt a deep, dark knowing within her soul. This young woman could take hold of her, pull her undone. Whether this was a good thing or no, she had no idea. Either way, it seemed that this was going to be interesting to figure out.


    Arthur Fitzwilliam sat at the chair by the door. Many times he had been required to guard the door while the captain saw to – delicate business. He had never quite heard the sorts of noises he had heard that day, however. It made him physically uncomfortable, not because he was disturbed by what he heard, but rather that it aroused him so intensely that his pants were now almost painfully restricting his burgeoning need.

    The door clunked open, and Captain Vaughan stepped out. She was wrapped in a blanket, and her hair was tousled and twisted over her shoulder. Arthur stood up, his cock feeling painfully full as he saw the state of his captain. Her cheeks were still red and damp from exertion.

    “All is well, captain?” he said, towering over her despite her considerable frame.

    “Yes, Arthur,” said Rosa, nodding a little distractedly. “We’re not dropping this one off to port straight away.”

    Arthur rolled his full lips between his teeth as he tried not to laugh. “… Really?”

    Rosa narrowed her eyes at him. Stepping towards him, her stern, captain’s expression returned to her face.

    “Stand at attention, hands to your sides…”

    He followed her command. After peering into his eyes for a long moment, she withdrew her hand from the blanket she was clutching and slid it down over his crotch.

    Her nimble, strong fingers traced the long, full shape of his engorged manhood. He stood absolutely still, trying not to move as she explored the shape of him through his pants, humming with approval as she felt him grow harder still.

    “I think I shall have use for you,” she said, eyes flashing with knowing.

    “Aye-aye, Captain,” he said, his voice husky as he stood tall.Rosa nodded, turned, and walked back into her quarters. It was completely understood in that moment that he was expected to follow her.

    Well, he thought, it was miles better than untangling rope and scrubbing the deck.


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