Catch [M]e i[F] you can

I (M) workout a decent amount but I never really loved running, it always was a chore I had to work myself up to do. Often times it took myself longer to talk myself into running then the actual run time. I was in the military for more then a couple of years and obviously was forced to run, figured if I was going to be forever to do it I might as well do it well.

Fast forward

Out doing a slow jog along the river a few years ago, can’t remember what got me off my ass and down there but everything else is crystal clear. Im pausing at a bench to handle a small calf cramp when I see this bright flash of neon orange to my left, turns out to be a super tight sports bra. And it turns out there was a fairly attractive girl under that vivid piece of clothing. Attractive in a nice casual way, tits nice enough to stare at but wouldn’t earn her much tip money, a nice firm runners ass highlighted by some mid thigh spandex shorts. I’m sure she had shoes on but I’d be lying if said I even glanced down that far.

She jogs in place for a moment, and then flashes me a grin that I can only describe as absolute evil. “ if you can catch me before that bridge you can fuck me”

And she’s off

I’m standing there like a total fool mid breath, sure that’s I didn’t just hear that. Too much porn before the job that’s all. The bridge she’s taking about is only 100meters away or so, and she’s covered about 20 of that in the time it takes for my head to click into gear.


I don’t think I’ve run that hard before, and I run a solid 5 and half minute mile when I care to. I was straight flying. I caught up to her about 3/4 of the way to the bridge and I’ll be honest I was hesitant to tag her or anything, as part of me still wasn’t convinced I had heard right. It took me a couple paces to work up the nerve to tap her on the shoulder and then I passed her and finished the remaining distance ahead of her ( figured if it was all in my head I could talk myself out of that light contact). When she got up to me she was breathing hard and it made staring at her chest a wonderful thing to do

“ Well, I honestly wasn’t expecting you to catch up like that. But fair is fair”

To which I cooly and suavely gasped for air with my hands on my knees, and looked at her in disbelief. When I was able to muster the air to do so I explained that I thought I had misheard her.

She laughed as well as exertion allowed and asked “ does that mean you’re not interested?”

She had no interest in doing a my place/ your place and instead suggested “this place” and a few steps off the woods side of the river path she yanked down my running shorts and licked my cock, running her mouth all over it. I was still stunned a little when she stood and slid her spandex shorts down to her knees, braced against a tree and reached down to glide my cock into her.

I haven’t seen her in two years. I have only vague recollection of her name. But I run that path every day now, and it’s not as much as a chore anymore
