A Helping Hand From an Old Friend – Part 2 [MF] [Cheating]

Hey guys, if you haven’t read [Part 1](https://redd.it/6yv2e2) of my story, I recommend you do so now. It’ll all make a whole lot more sense, and it’s quite good if I do say so myself. For those of you who have, please enjoy the second instalment.


I awoke, dazed and confused, to the sound of chirping birds and aggressive sunlight which pushed its way through the blinds. My throat was dry, and I felt hot and uncomfortable; I was reminded why I dislike drinking to the point of excess. I had no idea of the time, but I guessed it was probably closer to lunch than breakfast. My head began to ring the moment I stood up; desperate for water and aspirin I stumbled to the kitchen, still dressed from the night before.

I expected to see Lauren still sleeping on the couch, on the kitchen making herself a coffee, but she was nowhere to be seen. Instead I was greeted to a clean living area; all the empty beer bottles and been put in the trash, the blankets folded, and the cushions put back where they belong. Had I not been there to witness it myself, you’d never have known anything took place in my apartment last night. A folded piece of paper sat alone on the bench top; I picked it up and began to read its contents, written in a familiar feminine handwriting.

“Thanks for a fun night, it was good to catch up. Sorry I had to leave so early. I would have said goodbye, but didn’t want to wake you. We should hang out again soon. Lauren. x”

I smiled, tasting bittersweetness, realising I missed her already. Normally it’d be a month or two before we saw one another again, but I knew this time was different. I longed to see her again, I ached for her presence. It took every ounce of strength I could muster to not message her there and then. Wearily, I poured myself a glass of water, and took the box of aspirin from the medicine cabinet before retreating back to bed to sleep away the rest of the day.


It’d been about a week since my eventful evening with Lauren, and try as I might, I could not find a way for us to see one another again organically. I wasn’t hoping, or expecting a repeat of last time we saw one another, I figured it was a drunken one-off; I just realised I enjoyed being around her, and wanted to find an excuse for that to happen without seeming forced. Funnily enough, it was Kate of all people who provided me that opportunity.

She’d just gotten back from her aforementioned holiday, and I suggested we go see a movie together, as some film I really wanted to see was showing. She said she didn’t really feel like going to the cinema, and it wasn’t her sort of film, so said I should just go with a friend instead. I was disappointed at first, but quickly realised this was the perfect opportunity to message Lauren and see what she was us up to. Turns out, she too wanted to see the movie too, so we picked an evening when we were both free and the plans were in motion. I could barely contain my excitement. It felt like when I first started dating Kate again, that giddiness and anticipation of seeing that person and being with them.

I went to sleep that night, curled up in bed with Kate; I could feel the warmth of her body pressed up against mine under the duvet, I could smell the shampoo in her hair, but all I could think about was Lauren.

Between study and work, the evening of Lauren and I’s *date* arrived quicker than anticipated. I put on a nice dress shirt and slacks, trimmed my beard and styled my hair – I even busted out the cologne; knowing full well it was only dinner and a movie, but still feeling like I had to try and impress a girl I’d know nearly all my life. I fixed myself a drink to calm the nerves which had strangely begun to creep in, and when the glass was empty I jumped in my car and headed to her place.

A short drive later and I pulled up to her house, realising I hadn’t been there for a while. I walked up to the door and knocked, and as I waited for her to open it I could feel the butterflies in the pit of my stomach I hadn’t felt for years. She opened the door, clad in white skintight jeans and a black top, along with boots and a coat. I would later learn that those white jeans did a wonderful job of showing off her ass. Her hair and make-up were so meticulously crafted and designed, it bordered on a work of art. It was nothing too fancy, nothing too revealing, but all the same I was floored by the sight of her. We hugged and again, exchanged the usual pleasantries on the way back to my car.

“You’re looking very sharp.” She said with a smile.

“You’re looking stunning as always.” I responded.

Our conversation the rest of the way there, and all throughout dinner was fairly mundane. No overly flirtatious tone, no mention of our last meeting, and certainly no drunken sex banter; just two friends enjoying a meal and each other’s company. It was nice. We finished eating and made our way to the theatre; we bought our tickets and went into the cinema to find our seats. The sessions wasn’t far from starting, and there was maybe a dozen people in the entire room. It being a weeknight, and a movie that was released a couple of weeks ago will do that. We walked up the stairs, scanning the aisle numbers.

“I’ve got K2, what about you?” I asked, holding the ticket in my hand, straining to see it in the dimly lit theatre.

“K1.” Came her reply from behind me.

I found the seats; towards the back of the cinema, and against the wall. I chuckled once I saw where we’d been put.

“What?” Asked Lauren quizzically.

“They’ve given us a couple’s seat.” I said with a laugh. She found it funny too. The women who served us had assumed, understandably so, that we were together, and as such, gave us the seats with no arm rest in between. It was more of a glorified couch; cozy for couples, awkward for friends – or it would’ve been if it wasn’t Lauren and me. We shrugged it off and took our seats, as the ads gave way to trailers, and the trailers eventually gave way to the movie itself.

We were probably half-way through and nothing unusual had happened, except maybe Lauren resting her head on my shoulder at times, but then it happened. Up until now, I’d written off her recent act of kindness as a one-time offer, brought on by some combination of booze, sympathy, and general horniness, but as Lauren’s hand started working its way slowly up my leg once more, I knew this wasn’t a coincidence. This time though when she leant in close and whispered in my ear, it was to ask for permission to continue.

“Do you want me to do it again?” She asked, as her hand rubbed the front of my trousers. Her tone was matter-of-fact, rather than sexy, but it still sent my heart racing. I didn’t need to ask what *it* referred to.

“Only if you want to.” I whispered back. There was no point denying it; my rapidly growing member betraying any attempt at denial. What I really wanted to say to her was something along the lines of ‘For the love of God, yes, please’.

“I just want to help you. I want to do it for you.” She breathed back, as the hairs on my neck stood on end, and my penis stood at full attention beneath her delicate touches. Nothing more was said, because nothing more needed to be said. I attempted to swallow the cricket ball sized lump in my throat, and did my best to refocus my attention on the movie. I was experiencing déjà vu, only this time alcohol wasn’t an excuse or catalyst, and we weren’t in the comfort of my living room.

Despite us being tucked away in the corner of the cinema, despite there being almost no-one else in the room, I still felt so exposed as Lauren reached down and began to unbuckle my belt, unzip my pants, and pull out my cock. My rock hard erection was out on display, and in the hands of my long-time friend for a second time. The thrill of a somewhat public encounter, combined with the risk of potentially being caught turned me on immensely, and it seemed to have a similar effect on Lauren as she buried her head into my lap with a sense of purpose.

She wasted no time, spitting onto my cock and beginning to pump it up and down with long, hard strokes. Her tongue swirled around the head of my cock, exploring the sensitive tip while she continued her literal handiwork. It took all of my willpower to stifle the moans as she first wrapped her lips around my dick, and then swallowed it up, taking me entirely into her mouth as she deep throated my cock – a feat which Kate had never so much as come close to achieving. From there her hand and mouth formed the perfect partnership, working in tandem to suck and stroke in the synchronised movements you’d expect of an experienced cocksucker, while her spare hand reached further down and began to gently fondle my balls. It was the sort of pleasure that makes your eyes roll into the back of your head as words and rational thought escape you.

Even if this was a sympathy blowjob, she didn’t let it show, as Lauren passionately made love to my hard dick with her mouth. Everything she did was done to perfection, as she applied just the right amount of pressure, in all the right places. In that moment, I couldn’t have told you my own name, let alone what was happening in the movie I was supposed to be watching. I couldn’t help but look down and enjoy that mess of blonde hair moving around in my lap, while my hand reached over to rub her back, her hair, and stretching to find her ass. Her strokes and head bobbing grew faster, and I could feel the spit dribble down my cock as she sloppily sucked away. I could’ve sworn I heard her moan on my dick, or at least, I could feel it, as I struggled to not do the same; while she claimed this was for my benefit, it was hard to not feel as though she was enjoying it at least a little bit. Her increasing speed pushed me over the edge and into a spine-tingling orgasm, and I gripped her hair tightly, as once again I shot load after load into her eager mouth, which she happily swallowed up.

She sat up when her work was finished, a smile on her face. At some point I came back to reality, made myself decent, and did my best to focus on the film which wasn’t far from over. The credits rolled soon after, as the lights came back on; save for some slightly smudged lipstick, and runny mascara you’d have never known Lauren had just finished giving a world class blowjob. We left the cinema, her arm arms wrapped around mine as walked to my parked car, then began the drive back to her house. It was practically silent the whole way there, only quiet music from the radio, and the noise of the engine filled the silence. We pulled into the driveway at Lauren’s house, and I turned off the car. This was the part where we talked about how we both had a good time, and it was nice to see each other, and we’d catch up again soon. Then we’d say goodbye, and she’d go inside, and I’d go back to my apartment and yearn to see her again. Instead we sat in silence, and I knew I had to say something else. My head told me that asking this question was a terrible idea, and yet I did it anyway, I just had to know and get it out in the open.

“Is this going to be a recurring thing for us then?” I asked her. Once again, *this* needed no clarification.

“It can be if you want.” Came her nonchalant reply. “We’re still friends, we can hang out and have fun, and I can give you the other things you’re missing out on; if that doesn’t bother you. Then, when you and Kate sort things out, we just go back to being regular old friends.”

I wasn’t sure if I loved or hated how *professional* she seemed to be about the whole thing; I guess it helped to convince me that what I was doing wasn’t so immoral. Driven by stupidity, horniness, and a morbid curiosity, I asked another question that my brain told me not to.

“Is it just limited to… you know… that stuff?” I sort of mumbled out. All of a sudden, I’d gone shy. I felt like a child trying to discuss sex.

“What, blowjobs?” She asked knowingly, with what almost seemed like a giggle. “Not necessarily. What else did you have in mind?” There was no mistaking the hint of suggestiveness in her tone. I thought carefully about my next step, I really stood to lose or gain everything in this moment.

“Well, as much as I definitely do enjoy all that, I also miss being able to return the favour; Kate won’t even let me do stuff for her anymore, let alone do anything for me.” I said, doing my best not to let on how badly I wanted this.

“So?” Lauren replied. She wanted me to outright say it.

“So,” I said, and feeling bold, I knew this was my chance “Instead of you getting out of this car and going inside, and me driving away, I want to come in there with you, go into your room, and I want to bury my face between your legs.” Came my fervently detailed plan. I did my best to sound persuasive or sensual, but likely came across as blabbering and awkward.

The silence that followed that statement was almost deafening. The ticking of the watch on my wrist was all that could be heard, and Lauren and I simply stared at one another, unsure if of what to say or do, unsure of who should make the first move. Eventually she cleared her throat, and turned around; se opened the car and started to climb out. I sighed, figuring I’d completely blown my chances with my stupidity and greediness. I cursed my inability to let a good thing just be – I had to push everything to the breaking point.

The passenger side door didn’t close though, instead, Lauren stuck her head back inside the car and said with a smirk “Well, what’re you waiting for?”.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/70kvax/a_helping_hand_from_an_old_friend_part_2_mf


  1. If only you were polyamorous this would be the start of a really sweet story. I sometimes forget how hard people who aren’t poly but struggle with monogamy have it.

  2. oh more to this story!

    Yea I was surprised lauren here didnt go with a proffesional,okay or sure when you said you wanted to eat her out.

    She kind of left you hanging,until the end

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