SIL never misses a chance to tease [MF]

For a few years now, I have debated whether or not my SIL has been teasing me deliberately or unknowingly. For so long, I told myself she could not possibly be doing it on purpose, but I could never back that up.

One day I stopped telling myself that and seen it for what it was. I am 99% sure she is teasing me deliberately. Some of the things she has done over the years have been crazy. She even done things today that made me think, she must love showing herself off to me.

Examples are: Asking me what type of porn I watch. Without trying I somehow get a glimpse of her groin and panties every time I see her. Making sure I get full views of her ass when she wears yoga pants while she throws herself around the room full of energy. Once she helped me decorate and when I was talking to her on my way into the room, she was painting down low with her skirt hiked up over her ass – my jaw hit the floor and she said sorry her ass was showing but done nothing about it!

Even today alone there were more crazy examples!

I do not intend to react but this is so intense and frustrating. I always have that small piece of doubt that it is deliberate but it must be! Right?
