The Lei before the Min Pt.03 [M 18/ F38][WMAF][Drugs][Manipulation][Coercion][Domination][Premature ejaculation]

This is part 3, continuation of the story because reddit won’t let me post it all at once because of character number.

Part 1 can be found here:

The Lei before the Min [M 18/ F38][WMAF][Drugs][Manipulation][Coercion][Domination][Premature ejaculation] from sexstories

Part 2 can be found here:

The Lei before the Min [M 18/ F38][WMAF][Drugs][Manipulation][Coercion][Domination][Premature ejaculation] from sexstories

All characters described in this story are 18 years old or older and this is entirely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real life people are purely coincidental and unrelated.

If you like my work consider supporting me on patreon, the rest of this story will be posted there, I’ll be posting ebook files, behind the scenes content and other stuff in the future:



Ten long and exhausting seconds passed before he managed to regain full spatial awareness and consciousness. “No!” he stood up abruptly, in an ab exercise motion, managing to slap his face in Min’s boobs in the process “Oh my God, NO! I didn’t mean to” but she was…laughing!? And then he noticed it, one large rope of cum had landed on her bangs and forehead, and there were drops on her chest and top “Oh no, no, no please no” this time he thought to himself without speaking.

“It’s alright Mr. Donovan, I just “ she tried to compose herself thru the giggling “ It’s just, you’re so clumsy it’s unreal. But it’s ok”

“Ms.Lei, Min, sorry ah, Min please listen” His erection still swinging with semen leaking out of it on the sofa “Min please, don’t take this the wrong way!”

“Hihi, and what way should I take it Mr. Donovan?”

“Stop, please this isn’t funny don’t say stuff like that”

“Hihi, alright I’ll be good I promise”

“Min please”

“Alright, alright I’m sorry” her eyes were tearing up from laughter “Whew, well that’s one problem down, I hope you won’t just smash and dash again now like last time”

“Min, don’t say that you know that’s not what I wanted or did, don’t say it like that” he felt his voice becoming more disciplined, almost strict and demanding.

“Yes, Mr. Donovan” she was still trying to hold back her laughter “Alright, now we can go back to our lecture, but I can’t let you leave a mess like this here. Tell you what, could you help me and clean up the sofa and yourself here while I go wash up real quick?”

“It’s the least I can do, again, I’m…”

“Shh” she put her finger on his lips directly, pressing them hard “like I said, what just happened is normal, you should be happy it happened, you’re a man, it’s perfectly natural. I’ll be back in a minute”

She’d hoped Marty would try and catch a glimpse under her skirt as she climbed the stairs, but when she looked back she was a bit disappointed to see him rubbing his dick with the wet wipes she gave him. Poor guy was really feeling miserable about the whole thing…perfect, she thought as she entered the bathroom. This is it Min, time to reel him in, but first thing’s first. She took out a sticky note from her mirror cabinet and placed it on the side of a bottle with a translucent orange fluid inside. “Next time, five drops less, too fast, want more enjoyment” and closed the cabinet. Indeed she wanted to play around with the awkwardness a bit more to get more emotion out of him, the aphrodisiac works wonders obviously, a bit too wonderous. Maybe mixed with the new smaller dose of Viagra since the last time along with all the sugar in the porridge made the delayed orgasm arrive slightly sooner than desired. Well, if she manages to pull off her plan tonight, she’ll have lots of time to experiment and get the mixture just right, she thought.

“Mr. Donovan?”


She’d cleaned up, and changed her top to just a wide gray jersey with a number twelve on it in red. This way combined with the miniskirt it looked as if she was completely nude from the waist down since the jersey reached her thighs, it was maybe three sizes too big. She sat down next to him with her legs on the coffee table. “Are you ok Mr. Donovan?”

“I…I will be I guess”

“That’s good, I like it when you’re confident, even when accidents happen like this. It was just an accident right? I didn’t do anything to arouse you, right?” she was speaking in a childish almost sorry voice.

“No it’s not that, it’s just”

“You don’t find me attractive then?”

“What? No, I do find you very attractive”

“So you like me?”

“I guess so” why did I just say that, this is only going to make things worse, he thought.

“Then I told you you don’t need to feel bad about this, that is a compliment, and you should feel good this happened. Did it feel good?”

“I guess it did”

“Of course it did, you should feel happy always about this, an orgasm is a good thing. But, it looks like you could use some more of it” she pointed at his still persisting erection.

“I can’t explain it, I’m sorry, this has never happened to me before”

She quickly walked to the fridge to grab a beer and sat down, took a few sips with closed eyes and realized what she did.

“Oops” he was 18 he still couldn’t drink “…you’ve tried beer before right”

At this point admitting to alcohol is the least bad thing that has happened today, or good as she put it. “Yeah I drink sometimes at parties, not just beer, sorry”

“Oh shush, no apologies remember, never here. Here, I won’t tell if you won’t” she handed him the bottle. He took a few sips from it but barely focused on the flavor of the liquid, rather just realized he just tasted her saliva on the bottle. “Alright that’s enough, I won’t let you get drunk around me, just wanted to make sure you weren’t bluffing” she kept giggling.

“Min? Are you mad at me?”

“No, not at all” she finished the rest of the beer and put it on the table “I’m actually kind of glad, you made an older woman like me feel good about her looks again. I should be thanking you Mr. Donovan. In fact, I want to help you with your little problem here” she made a circling motion with her hand towards his crotch. “We obviously can’t continue the studying if your dick keeps getting in the way of where you’re reading”

He was feeling uncomfortable, maybe even a bit scared knowing her mood swings could go from aroused to psychotic instantly. “I’m not exactly sure what to do, maybe we should call it a night and reschedule”

“And do what, you’ll go home to jerk of alone, or even worse to pornography?”

“What? No, I don’t watch that stuff”

“But you just admitted you are going to masturbate later tonight”

“I mean, can’t I?”

“You can, but I kind of already know what you’re going to be thinking about when you jerk of, me. We both know it Mr. Donovan”

He had no reply on that, she was reading him like a book.

“So” she continued “why should we ruin a perfectly good study night, and waste a whole day again if we know by now this is going to keep happening to you every time you come here, and you will come again and again” she giggled again, maybe the beer was having an effect on her, Marty thought”

“Min listen, this may happen again, and I do find you attractive, but…”

“But nothing Mr. Donovan. Deep down I know you’re a guy and you have urges like everyone else, and I wouldn’t want those urges to affect your grades in any way, so I think it’s better we resolve this issue right now and just continue with studying.”

“Ok!? And how do you propose we do that? I mean I can try taking a cold shower or?”

“Mr. Donovan, I’m not stupid, ok!? We both know you’re just going to jack off in my shower and honestly I’d rather not clean up there after you.”

“What, no, I’ll clean up everything myself, promise”

“Ha! But you admit you’re going to jerk off in there, gotcha” she was even more playful with her body language as time went on “so to save myself a lot of time and work I have a better solution, take your pants off”

“Min…you can’t be serious”

“Please, take your pants of!?” she made a playful, sad eyes expression “or would you like me to do it for you?”

“What? No, alright, you win”

“Yayy” she rubbed her knuckles and jumped a little. ”Wow” she was stearing at his dick, jaw dropped, looking back and forth between it and his eyes “you must be what, like, nine inches?”

“Ten actually, I’ve…measured”

“Oh my… alright, now sit down please, right here. Now, when I say go, you are to start jerking off as fast as you can, faster than you’ve ever done it alone”

“Alright, if you say so”

“Not if I say so, this is for you Mr. Donovan, remember that, you need to get off quick and this is so we can stay on track. Are you ready? Three, two, one, go!”

Marty pumped, he moved his hand like a locomotive wheel piston, faster and faster.

“Come on, faster, yeah, just like that, faster faster, faster, keep pumping, cum now, faster Mr. Donovan faster” she continued encouraging him “cum for me Mr. Donovan please” and that was the last straw.

It barely took a minute, and he was there. The pressure behind his ears, the itch at the base of the head, the tingling along the length of his dick.

“Min…I’m there, I’m” he turned around to see Min pulling up her shirt, completely exposing her hanging breasts, instantly sending an electric pulse up his spine to his brain.

“Wait! The wipes, no! Don’t cum, take your hands off quick” she let down the shirt and grabbed the wipes and pushed his hands away.

“Ahh, no oh no…” it kept coming, no warning, the cum flowed like out of a tap, not as much this time, he was spent, but still there, but he couldn’t even pay attention to his orgasm, his eyes were fixed on Min, holding his dick at the base with her bare hand, and with a bunch of wipes covering the head, staring at him with a huge grin on her face and wide open eyes, shot after shot, spasm after spasm, it felt like he was a deflating tire. She never budged, she caught them all.

“Why?” he almost yelled.

“I’m sorry Mr. Donovan, but if I let you cum like you did before every time, I’ll need a lot more t-shirts, unless you plan on buying one for me every time you cream me”


“You heard me, or are you disgusted by my choice of words”

“No, I mean, you said – every time!?”

“Well, this won’t be our last lecture together I’m assuming? And this seems much more productive than having you storm out every time this accident of yours happens”

He wasn’t sure if he was hallucinating about the breasts, was it just the exhaustion getting to him or was it just his imagination, either way the image of them sent him over the edge instantly. “Min, when I was getting close to orgasm…”


“I thought I saw…”

“Go ahead Marty, say it!” her strict voice was back as she was crumbling the wipes in a ball. At this point Marty picked up on her mannerisms. If she addressed him as Marty, along with the sudden change of voice to darkness, was she descending back into her demented alter ego? Or was she just playing a game of control. He didn’t have much experience with women, and didn’t take worth the risk asking about it.

“Stars, I thought I saw stars, it felt great”

“Ohh, you sweet thing, and to think it was while thinking of me. Thank you Mr. Donovan” she hugged him and kissed his cheek. “let me just throw these away I’ll be back.”

At this point into the night Marty had another difficult life altering choice to make – either save his skin from a potentially demented woman who may or may not disappear him, or stay and see just how well the night goes and how far this new intimate relationship can go. As any man in the world thinking mostly with his second head he chose the later. Luckily to Min’s approval of her skills as a master alchemist, Marty’s erection finally laid to rest after a few minutes and they continued the lecture as if nothing happened, they finished the pizza and arranged another lecture for next weekend.

Min never talked or referenced what had happened much to Marty’s disappointment and at the same time relief since this could blow up into something wonderful or something disastrous at the same time. The goodbye was also formal and uneventful, as was the drive home. When his phone reconnected to his home WIFI, he heard that familiar whatsapp ding.

“Sweet dreams Mr. Donovan” along with an extra happy and glad emoji.

“You too Min, you too” he hit send. And then another message, a calculated risk, a heart emoji. Send again. To his delight he received another message, heart and kiss emoji.


For the first time in a week Marty actually felt like a functioning human being, well, almost. He managed to get a few good nights sleep before his next scheduled lesson with Ms. Lei, he started going to the gym again after a few months break caused by a small shoulder fracture he got while practicing calisthenics at the park, fell from the pull up bar while swinging forward right on the side, shoulder first in the ground. But now with the pain finally subsiding, his new romantic adventure with his teacher, all that coupled with what he thought may be his grades improving he felt on top of the world as any man with his life together at his age would.

But he couldn’t shake that feeling of underlaying instability, Ms. Lei’s constant personality shifts, as well as his accidents with her, the awkward question of their age difference and their unorthodox teacher-student relationship all played a part in creating an aura of walking on a glass pane with a bottomless pit bellow. He was on top, for now, but one small crack in any place, and he’ll spiral into mental oblivion again as he was just a few weeks ago, or so he feared.

Min continued her agonizing behavior towards him, and frankly anyone else per usual while they were at school, but Marty got used to it, he started to notice the little things that make her tick. He was getting accustomed to saying the exact thing at the right time to calm down the situation, he began learning her talk patterns the more they communicated, and despite her coldness and impersonal character at work, they both noticed that since the private lectures started, their relationship and communication both at school and home had improved. However she did notice a few things had improved she found of great delight, as she focused on strengthening exactly those aspects of Marty thru her training and manipulation.

Regardless whether at work or at home, Marty was constantly, sometimes rudely and intently staring at her breasts. Even while she was talking sometimes for several minutes, all he did was listened, mesmerized by them without reacting or spitting out one word replies. This however did not bother her one bit, after all, her whole objective was to get him addicted to her. Another phenomenon was while they were texting, Marty was careless enough to admit to her that he couldn’t orgasm while masturbating if he didn’t think about her, even less he couldn’t orgasm some days at all. One night she even sent him a picture of her covered boobs under a tight turtleneck, nipples poking under the guise of “helping him with his problem” but never anything nude. Of course that didn’t help Marty much, he couldn’t explain it, he felt damaged, maybe even sick, but there was at least comfort in Min, he began looking forward to the lectures as a comfort zone where at least some of the awkwardness disappeared.

Tonight for example as he waited at her front door with nothing but his clothes on, as he began leaving his notes and stuff at her place more and more. Min opened the door in her usual ecstatic and cheerful way and greeted him with a tight hug. He could feel the lack of any bra as usual, he wondered if she even wore any underwear?

“Make yourself at home Mr. Donovan, guess what I have for you tonight, chocolate chip cookies!” she was almost making little jumps as she brought the cookies to the table. This time she wanted the mixture to have a different effect than before on him. She was wearing her usual, a loose jersey, bare feet and shorts, she became increasingly lax with her personal grooming, tried making her make up to look as if it was done with less experience, fun and loose hair, some wrist bands and bracelets. She wanted Marty to look at her as if she was a twenty something collage girl, not his teacher or anyone with authority in her home.

“Min are you trying to get me fat so other girls don’t want me?”

“Haha, if I wanted to do that I’d just kill them, much easier”

Uhm…what? Marty whispered inside his head.

She looked at him with a serious face “I’m kidding Mr. Donovan, maybe just slap them around a bit, haha”

“Oh yeah, funny” he took a bite of the cookies as she sat down next to him. Same as always, delicious, sugary as fuck, why was she making everything so sweet, and she always served everything warm, it felt so cozy those first few minutes of every lecture. “I love them, as usual everything you’ve done so far is great”

“Everything? Cause I kind of feel like you leave my house unsatisfied every time.”

“What makes you say that Min?” he was munching his second cookie now.

“Hey easy, you’ll get crams, those are heavy.” She wasn’t expecting him to eat so fast, it may hit stronger than it should, she made them intentionally super sweet so he had to eat slower “I don’t know, really, it’s just I feel like, every time the lecture ends I sense like this negative energy in you, like you feel tight and tense”

Marty picked up on her language also, lately in the privacy of her home she was using ever more younger lingo, as if she was trying to act like a teenager, not a good act, but there was an attempt he didn’t let go unnoticed.

“I admit, the first few times…I mean you know what happened” he finally stopped eating, halfway into the third cookie “I thought you might see me as kind of a perv, I mean who does what I did?”

“Many men I told you, most men actually” she noticed he was intently staring at her breasts, so she purposefully jiggled and jumped her chest area as she talked and moved “it’s completely normal, and I don’t mind you busting a load around me as long as everything stays clean, cleaning’s a real bitch, the rest is perfectly fine Mr. Donovan” he picked up on the word bitch. She’d been liberal before, but never cussed or used vulgar language. “plus, it’s not like I can like stop you or anything, like right now I could ask you to look at my eyes instead”

“Hugh” he picked up his gaze “sorry…they’re just so…”

“Big? Soft? Juicy? Jiggly? Voluptuous? Squeezable?”

“I was going to say…”

“Lickable? Fuckable?”

“Oh my God, no, I was going to say beautiful”

“Ohh, you sweet thing” she pulled his face in and kissed him on the lips, pressed nice and hard “you’re just so” another kiss “sweet and” and another “cute” and another, on the last one she made sure to slip her tongue out a bit, then let go of his head. “I’m sorry, It’s just I expect most men to be jerks when it comes to things like this, you’re a dear.”

“Thanks, I guess”

“You’ve never kissed another woman before, have you?”

“I have, why?”

“Nothing, guys usually try and stick their tongue down my throat when I do that” she laughed it off. Was she a bit drunk? Marty whought. “But anyway, you’re probably tired and we should start with the lecture, you want to jerk off before we start and get it out of your system?”

“Yes, I think that’d be great” he was still looking at her breasts for some reason. By now he was used to the routine. He comes over, they eat, he jacks off, they clean up, then study. He took of his pants, and for the first time was glad he could keep his cool after that kiss. He was still flacid.

“Wow, even soft, it’s gotta be at least four inches” it worked, her friend said it had a slightly delayed reaction, but she put enough of the medicine in every cookie expecting him to eat only one at first. Still, the boner killer worked. “I’m really glad this awkwardness between us is gone Mr. Donovan, like, I can feel you trusting me more and being more comfortable. Am I right?”

“You are Min, you are trust me, I feel the same way every time I come over” he sat down on the bed and began slowly squeezing his dick back and forth “damn they’re beautiful, oh sorry, I didn’t mean to say that out loud”

“It’s ok, you can look at them if that’s what gets you off quicker, I don’t mind you admiring my body Mr. Donovan”

“They’re just so…” he was completely hooked.

Min was just checking her phone, she tried not to cause any awkwardness and break his vibe, but she picked up on his growing frustrtation.

“Ugh, I don’t know what’s wrong, I promise I haven’t jerked off the past two days like you said.”

“It’s ok, keep going, I’m sure you’re just tired, did you go to the Gym today?”

She tried keeping him interested with small talk and questions about school, girls, sports, vacations, anything non sexual.

“I’m not sure what’s wrong Min…” he felt defeated, maybe ten minutes passed and nothing, not even a twitch, he felt amputated at the crotch.

“Maybe…you don’t find me attractive anymore?”

“What? No, I can’t stop looking at you, thinking about how you..”

“How I what? Is there something you’d like me to do Mr. Donovan?”

“Ugh…” he kept trying to bring his dick to life.

“Have you, like, had any fantasies about me?” she said while curling her hair and pressing her breasts together.


“It’s alright, say it, say it Mr. Donovan” her voice was becoming more high pitched by the second, Marty noticed.

“Well, and this is only when I’m doing it alone, I always imagine you, doing… stuff to it!?” he tried saying it as polite as possible.

“Oh you want me to suck your dick? Or maybe jerk you off? Do you want a titty job? Or…”

“Min stop”

“I…I’m sorry I…”

“No I mean, I can feel it…”

“Feel what? You’re completely soft, wait, are you about to cum”

“Yes, I’m close, I’m so close, it’s just, ah…”

“Tell me what it is Mr. Donovan, you can tell me anything, I’ll understand, I promise”

“I need to see your breasts”


“Yes, please Min, please I’m begging you, I’m right there at the edge”

“Hmm, alright, I can show them to you, but lets play a game I think you’ll like, it will help you have a stronger orgasm, considering you can’t get it up”

“Min, please, for the love of, I’m so close, I can’t cum, I need to see them.”

“Alright, I’ll show them but as soon as I lift my shirt up, you have to take your hands off, no jerking off to my breasts, I don’t want any sudden surprise boner and you giving me a reason to paint my walls over”

“Yes, I’ll do anything Min, please! I need it now!”

“Alright” she turned to face him and sat with her legs tucked under her “take this plastic cup, put it on top of your dick when I lift my shirt, better than using cups. Ready? Three, two “ she made a slight pause to torture him just a bit more “one, hands off”.

A shortness of breath, a tingle in his lower back, and a tightening around his pelvis as his brain was overloaded by the flash image. No pleasure in his cock, no spasms, twitches or any satisfaction. Just a stream of leaking cum, no pressure, just flowing out like a waterfall into the cup. By the end, Min had already pulled down her shirt again.

“Wow, my breasts did that?”

Marty looked back at the cup, it was more than half full. “Min, I, I didn’t…”

“Shush” she put a finger on his lips and took the cup “let me just throw this out, you get the notes set up and we can begin.”

Marty was in a daze, he didn’t feel tired like after a usual orgasm, it still felt good, happy, but not as, explosive. Was Min right? She knew so much more about the human body, so much more about sex then him, he felt a bit emasculated, even worried she might get bored of him if he can’t, preform so to speak.

Meanwhile Min took the cup to the upstairs bathroom, locked the door behind her, and turned on the tap water to dull her noises. She sat down on the toilet and started franticly masturbating, rubbing faster and harder than ever before, this was it, what she’d been working on and waiting for the past two weeks. Denying herself every chance to orgasm every time she masturbated to prepare for this moment. She didn’t want to ruin a second of it. She inserted one finger in her vagina, then two after a few seconds of thrusting, then three, helped along by her tsunami of fluids excreting from her hole. She thrusted harder and harder, stretching herself to the limit, and then, at the tip of the edge of combustion. This was it, she put the cup to her lips and tipped it upward. The taste, the texture, the slight saltiness, the chewy lotiony stickiness of it, filling her mouth and stretching her cheeks to their limit. She tried holding as much as she could, as she rode the first wave of the orgasm, then swallowed everything down, feeling the gush of sperm flooding her organs and the now cold fluid slushing in her belly as her orgasm and shaking was nearing it’s end. She’d blacked out for a few seconds, with her head hanging backwards, still sitting on the toilet seat. She brought the hand she was fingering herself with to her face, licked it clean top to bottom and sucked every finger dry. Washed up, looked at herself in the mirror for a few seconds, admiring her triumph. Then hurried back down before Marty noticed she was gone for almost ten minutes.

All the drugs, all the money spent, the reading, the careful planning and timing of events to turn him into the perfect cum bull who was addicted to her, it all worked out better than she’d hoped.


“Heyy, sorry had to take a quick potty break” she sat down beside him. ”Soo, where’d we stop?”

They studied for a lot longer than usual. Min was trying to implement phase two of her plan for the night. At some point she could notice Marty not really paying attention neither to what she was saying or the notebook, just zoning out at times staring at the wall in front of them, or chewing on his pen.

“Hey!” she took the pen from his mouth “Focus Mr. Donovan please it’s already been two hours I’d like to be finished soon if you don’t mind” she started chewing on the same pen herself, Marty picked up on that too. She was trying to tease him obviously, it had to be that, he thought.

“Min” he closed the notebook “why did you ask me if I’ve ever kissed a girl?”

“Oh, well I didn’t really mean anything by it, it was just a thought, you seemed kind of, and don’t take this the wrong way but, inexperienced !?”

“You really think so? It actually has been a while”

“How long?”

“Last time I remember kissing a girl was at a summer pool party back when I was sixteen”

“No way, two years?”


“Two years? Without a woman? And are you also a virgin?”

“…Yes.” It was obvious he wasn’t comfortable with that answer.

“Oh my, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you, I just got cought up, you tasted delicious and…”

“What do you mean I, tasted?”

“When I kissed you dummy” close one, she thought. “Listen, Mr. Donovan, can I ask you, to do something, but for you?”

“What is it?” he was hoping this was leading to where he thought it was leading.

“I’d like to, teach you, how to kiss properly, I am a teacher, and you are severely missing out on girls at your age, no man should have to go that far without landing something. Soo…do you trust me?”

“I do, fully actually” he held her hand softly, used his other hand to cradle her chin as he moved forward slowly while closing his eyes.

“What the hell are you doing?” she lunged backwards and yelled out.

“What? I thought…I thought this is what you asked for!? Wasn’t it”

“Oh my God Mr. Donovan” she started giggling “of course, but not like this, I swear men need romance courses as soon as they turn eighteen. Come with me to my bed.”

This was it, he thought as she pulled him quickly by the hand up the stairs and pushed him down on the bed. “Sit here” she said, turned around to turn off the top lights. “I’ll be back”

Min went down and turned off every light around the house. Locked all exits, closed all the blinds and curtains. Turned on her phone’s flash to find her way up the stairs. The house was in total darkness. Marty had dreamed of this moment for days now, maybe even before this whole thing started. Min was a good looking woman and he did have an attraction to her even if it was purely physical, he loved her slanted thin eyes and sharp facial features, her thin but toned hourglass figure, her heavy slightly hanging big breasts, he only felt intimidated by her height, but not in a bad way either. For all intents and purposes, Marty realized at that moment, he didn’t just want her, he loved her by now. He couldn’t stop thinking about her morning to dusk.

Min was making some noise next to the bed, Marty guessed she was taking off her clothes. “Do you want me to undress too?” he asked.

“If you want Mr. Donovan, you can do anything you want in this house.”

He promptly took off his pants and hoodie. His underwear already discarded from before when he jerked of.


Oh shit, not Marty.

“Marty, Marty….Marty” she sat down on the bed next to him “poor, little Marty. Hasn’t kissed a girl in two years, hasn’t conquered a woman yet, and he won’t conquer one tonight”

“Min, please”

“What’s wrong baby?”

“Please, I, I feel scared, please tell me you’re ok with this, is this some sick game”

“Sick? You think I’m sick?”

“No! Look, I’m sorry, I didn’t do anything wrong, did I? Min please…” he began panting, in the dark, can’t see the walls, and there was a dangerous hunter somewhere in that void, staring at him, scanning him, watching his every move.

“Marty…” she grabbed him by the shoulder, felt his sweat and a little instinctive jump “please don’t get my bed sheets all sweaty, I just changed them, don’t make me angry ok?”

“I won’t Min, I promise, please, just tell me what you want please, why are you doing this to me?”

“What am I doing to you Marty?”

“This, I don’t know if you like me or not, you keep changing, sometimes in the same day.”

“I like you.”

“Then what’s this?” his heart was racing, and she couldn’t see but she felt the tremor in his voice, his eyes were likely red and teary by now.

“Marty, shush!” the voice was demanding. “Lay on your back, and not another word!” She laid down beside him, with her mouth close to his ear.

He did as instructed, still heavily breathing, panting and shaking.

“Marty?” she called “Listen to me very carefully!”

“Yes Min!”

“Ms. Lei!”

“Yes, Ms. Lei, I’m sorry, I’m sorry please”

“No, actually Min again”

“Yes Min, anything”

There was a few seconds delay, she waited for him to calm down, then leaned into his ear to whisper.

“Marty. I like you.” she was speaking slowly, calmly, almost hypnotic. “Do you like me?”

“Yes Min. I like you.”

“That’s, not enough…Marty…I want you, to love me”

“Yes Min, believe me…I, I love you”

“…I know. I know everything about you Marty, I know, how you think, what you think, all your dirty thoughts about me” she was caressing his abs with her finger nail up and down, from chest all the way to the base of his cock. The drugs had worn off, it was standing fully at attention. “I know all the sick, and dirty, and filthy, and gross things, you want to do to me! And I know, that you also want me, to do some of those, to you!”

“I do, I’m sorry I got like this, all anxious, it’s just, you’re so different, here and outside, and before.”

“Oh Marty, it’s because I have to be” she brought her hand up to his chin and turned his head in her direction. “Open your mouth for me Marty” she circled and pressed on his lips with her index finger. “Good” she stuck the finger in his mouth and swirled it around his tongue, then pulled it out and stuck it in hers, made a suction noise to make sure Marty knew what she was doing in the darkness. “Uhm, tastes exactly as I expected”.

Marty was in heaven, tormented heaven, agonizing and crushing heaven.

“Tell me what you want Marty, what’s on your mind?”

“I wonder…how you taste Min!”

“Go ahead, find out!” with that last whisper, she bit his ear with a grin on her way out and disappeared into the darkness.

At first he wasn’t sure what to do, but managed to find her head with his hand, run his fingers thru her hair “Min…I love you”

“…I know Marty, I know.” She pushed her tongue forward in a passionate embrace, with her head on top. Their saliva mixing, their tongues dancing in the vacuum created by both sets of lips. Marty couldn’t believe the heat inside her mouth, the juiciness of her tongue, it was so relaxed, so disciplined, she knew how to pleasure him just right. She broke the kiss in between sentences. “Touch me Marty…touch me” went back in and out between kisses “touch and squeeze, this body is all yours…oh God…squeeze me Marty, touch your woman”.

Never breaking the kiss, Marty began exploring her body, from the first obvious choice – her breasts, giving them a nice firm athletes squeeze he’d been holding out on for a while, causing her to let out a small high pitched scream “Ah, yes, yes keep going! Don’t stop!”. Then moving down slowly, to cup the ass he had been eyeing for a while now. He couldn’t feel any kind of fabric anywhere, she was completely nude, completely raw. Slowly down under and around the thighs, his hands moved down under her thighs and around them, he was in complete extasy now, kissing her all over her neck and face. “Keep going Marty, all of this, all of it’s for you, don’t stop” she encouraged him on.

At some point the thought of how wrong this is engulfed his state of mind, the obviously unorthodox nature of their relationship. She was his teacher, nearly twice his age, his parents would disown him if they found out, she’ll get fired likely, and the rumors, the gossip, a small town like theirs. But nothing could stop his animalistic onslaught now, his hands digging ever deeper into her flesh, her folds, squeezing and crushing every elastic, juicy and meaty part of Min.

“Marty? Stay with me Marty! Focus! Keep touching me, come here” she stuck her tongue deep in his throat. At this point his erection was unbearable, it was hitting min all over her thighs, slapping her abdomen. “Marty? Stop!” and he did, right in his tracks, as if caught like a house thief. “Grab your dick for me Marty” he followed as instructed “and lay on your back. Start jerking off Marty, don’t worry, I’m here, you’re safe here” she could hear his panting and the rubbing motion, she knew he was following her instructions. “touch me with your other hand Marty, anywhere you’d like. I’m all yours.”


“Yes Marty”

“I’m there Min, I’m close”

“It’s ok, faster Marty, jerk it fast”

He was franticly trying to squeeze her breasts at the same time, he could feel her face right above his, her mouth was open, she was breathing onto him, her spit falling In small drops into his mouth.

“Marty…how close are you Marty”

“I’m there Min, I’m so there oh…Min, Min, ah”

“Stop!” she grabbed his hand “not another stroke” she was no longer whispering, rather strict and demanding.

“Ahh, Min, no please, ah, I’m there, I’m going to cum.”

“I said stop Marty! Right now! Calm down, think about something else, I don’t know, poker or whatever. Stop!”

And he did, it took a few seconds but he finally managed to stop moving and squirming.


“Yes Marty?”

“I…I love you” he spoke almost as if he was having a fever.

“I know Marty, and you’re going to love me a lot more trust me. But here’s how it’s going to go down from now on” she climbed on top of him in a cowgirl position, holding both his hands down and falling her head next to his, whispering in his ear “from now on Marty, I decide everything, when you get hard, when you cum, how you cum, if you cum, and in the future maybe, even how much you cum. All in good times” she licked the inside of his ear “and right now Marty I’ve decided, you get exactly five strokes to cum. Brace yourself!” she was still sitting on him, moved down a bit, just above his thighs, she grabbed his dick in her hand and began counting with each stroke. “One” she tugged slowly on his dick, one per second “Two” then slightly faster “three” then even faster “four, five” the last two were in one sequence, at the same time turning on a lamp from behind the bed, perfectly illuminating her breasts , it overloaded Marty’s visual senses from sitting In the dark for a while, and definitely sent him over the edge. She didn’t continue stroking him after that, only rubbing and massaging his head while pulling the foreskin all the way back so it stays upright. Unlike earlier, the cum exploded in the cup of her hand, he had seven powerful eruptions, his entire body trying to jump out of the bed as Min restlessly continued rubbing the oversensitive head during the entire orgasm, she managed to turn off the lamp with the other hand that was pulling the foreskin just in time before it was all over. Now in the dark again, Marty was desperately trying to make sense of everything that just happened in less than ten seconds, Min still standing over him, her hand covered in sperm. She was giggling, he could hear her. Was she happy? Was she satisfied? Did I do that?

At some point he began to hear sloppy noises, suction, licking, panting, swallowing…no, was she, was she eating my cum off her hand? He wondered. “I have to see this, I can’t miss out” he thought and tried to reach for the lamp switch behind the bed.

“Don’t you dare!” Min’s voice echoed through the house.

Again, he felt like in a dark jungle, hunted, her eyes were on him, but he couldn’t see her, she sensed his entire body, and he could only wonder where she was in space, or time, who knows how much elapsed while they were in bed. A minute? Or an eternity as it seemed to him.

“As I said Marty” she kept slurping and sucking on her fingers “I, decide. I also decide, what happens, with your semen.” Then she leaned down and took his whole half-flaccid cock in her mouth to clean him completely, one long and clean suck from the base to the tip and out.

“Oh my God” Marty exhaled.

She laid down next to him, both of them staring up as if there was a skyline and they could see the stars. “Marty?”


She grabbed his hand in the dark, pulled it up and kissed it. “…I love you too Marty.”
