Being Seen, Revisited [FFM]

Sheila twisted and writhed against the ropes that bound her. Anne’s mouth hovered just above Shelia’s pussy, teasing shield with hot breath. Anne smiled at Sheila’s erotic torment.

Anne had once babysat for Sheila and in the process the two had become extremely close. Sheila had become a close confidante.

Sheila had also played heavily into a sexual encounter where Anne had exposed herself to the older woman. Anne had confided how much she’d hoped that things would escalate with Sheila afterwards but nothing had ever happened.

Years passed. Anne graduated. We got married and moved cities. The two women drifted apart, although they kept tenuous contact.

One day I came across Anne almost in tears. Sheila and her husband, Mark, were getting divorced. Anne had always looked on them as an example of what a great relationship could be and the news was a shock to her.

Eventually she invited Sheila to come visit us and Sheila agreed, eager for a change in surroundings.

Sheila was in rough shape when she came to visit. Mark had cheated on her and been pretty brutal when he announced that he wanted a divorce. Someone who Anne had looked up to had turned out to be a colossal ass.

Sheila stayed with us longer than intended, but it turned out to be great. Anne loved having her old friend around and Sheila really used the time to recover. She was a great house guest. It was a little awkward for me though. She was clearly Anne’s friend and we didn’t have a lot to talk about when it was just the two of us.

One such afternoon, Sheila brought up something that had clearly been on her mind.

“Did Anne ever talk about the time I saw her naked?” She blushed deeply.

“Are you joking?” I should have been more cognizant of her mental state. She looked away, embarrassed. “I’m sorry. What I meant was that Anne talked about it a lot. You helped fulfill one her deepest fantasies and it meant the world to her.” Sheila smiled. It gave her courage to go on.

“Did she ever talk about more?”

“Absolutely. You featured in a lot of pillow talk after that.” Sheila was almost beaming now. She needed the boost to her ego.

“Do you think she’s still be interested”

“There isn’t a doubt in my mind.”

We talked pretty extensively after that. Sheila was in a weird mental space. She was bold and aggressive one minute, timid and shy the next. I suggest a scenario where we could start slow. That night I talked to Anne, obliquely, to see how she felt about Sheila and if she still felt how she had after then incident. It led to amazing sex and a clear green light to go ahead.

We waited for the weekend. Anne slept in late, we went to the beach, tired ourselves out, came home and had a nap. Or at least Anne did. Sheila and I got ready. The plan was to surprise Anne when she woke up.

I couldn’t do it. I’m not a fan of sexual surprises. Too many things can go wrong. I gently woke Anne and whispered in her ear.

“Would you like to see Sheila naked?”

Anne blinked, she wasn’t as startled as I expected her to be. She was wearing her favorite comfortable pj’s.

When we walked into the guest room Sheila was splayed across the bed like a virgin sacrifice. Her hands were tied to the headboard and her legs were held wide with ropes. She wore nothing but a lace choker and stiletto heels. She was in the same position Anne had been years ago.

Anne gasped. Even with my warning she was taken aback. Sheila was gorgeous. She obviously worked out and her body was nicely toned. Her breasts were large for her frame, but still firm. Her nipples were already hard. She’s obviously spent a lot of time grooming. Her pubic hair was trimmed close. She smiled up at Anne.

“I have a little problem” Sheila said. “I can’t untie the knots.”

Anne walked over, almost in a daze. She sat down beside Sheila. She put her hand on Sheila’s ankle and tenderly slid her fingers over to the bonds. Sheila gasped in arousal and bucked her hips upwards slightly.

I sat down opposite to Anne. I made no pretence of looking at the knots. I just watched Anne. Anne plucked at the knots a little, but her attention was on Sheila’s body

Sheila was flushed and clearly aroused. Her nipples were taut and her hips were writhing. Anne abandoned the knots and started to run her hand up Sheila legs. Sheila tried to push towards Anne, but the ropes held her back. She moaned in frustration. Anne smiled.

“I think I know how this goes. I’ll go get a knife.” She disappeared into the kitchen and came back with a serrated knife. She sat on the bed and put the knife against the rope. Sheila watched Anne intently.

Anne looked up. Stared at Sheila pussy. She softly put the knife down.

“Or maybe not.” She said. She bent over, kissed Sheila ankle where the rope was tied. Sheila sighed. Anne kissed upwards. Single firm kisses, climbing Sheila’s shin, then her thigh. Sheila tensed as Anne approached her pussy, but Anne went passed, kissing Sheila’s stomach, then between her breasts. Finally she kissed Sheila’s open mouth. Sheila reacted almost frantically, pushing her lips against Anne. Her touch snaked into Anne’s mouth, licked her intently. Tasted her, drunk her in.

Anne pulled back.

“Have you been with a woman before?” Anne asked.


“Oh.” Anne pouted a little. ” I was hoping to be the first.”

“Sorry.” Anne kissed her again. When Anne pulled away this time Sheila was panting.

“God. You are delicious.” Sheila said. “I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long.” Anne bent down and kissed her again. Long and lingering.

I sat quietly, watching them. I softly ran my fingers up Sheila’s legs. Sheila started to thrust upwards in time with my strokes. Anne looked down and smiled. She started to kiss her way down Sheila’s body.

Eventually Anne’s mouth hovered just above Shelia’s pussy, teasing Sheila with hot breath. Sheila twisted and writhed against the ropes that bound her. Anne smiled at Sheila’s torment.

“Dear god, Anne, eat me. Please.”

Anne dipped down and lapped softly at Sheila. Sheila sighed in relief. Anne reached up and spread Sheila’s pussy wide, licking her gently. Sheila gasped. Anne slowly slid two fingers into Sheila. I brushed Anne’s hair back so that I could watch. Sheila’s pussy was dark pink, almost red. She had big beautiful lips that Anne sucked at softly. Her clit seemed marvellously sensitive. Every time Anne’s tongue got close Sheila started to thrust upwards.

Anne fingered Sheila slowly but firmly, going as deep as she could with every stroke. Her fingers were drenched. Anne noticed me watching and stopped for a second. As Sheila watched Anne pushed her cum drenched fingers into my mouth. Sheila tasted delicious.

“Fuck her.” Sheila whispered. “I want to see you fuck her.”

I moved behind Anne and pulled down her flannel pajamas. I slid my cock into her in one fluid motion. She was soaking. She groaned into Sheila’s pussy as I fucked her deeply.

I tried to go slow, so that I wouldn’t disturb Anne’s rhythm. Anne was so soft, so gentle, but relentless. Sheila grew more and more frantic, staining at her bonds. She wanted to clasp her thighs around Anne’s head, grab Anne’s hair. She could do none of it. She was open and helpless.

Her cries got louder and louder. She shouted once, in pure ecstasy. The ropes strained as every muscle in her body tensed. She fell back to the bed.

Anne stopped with her mouth. Laid her head on Sheila’s stomach. I pulled out and bent over, eating Anne’s pussy from behind. She came quickly, biting at Sheila’s belly as she did.

When she finished I mounted her and fucked her until I came as well. It didn’t take long. We all collapsed into a heap. A long moment passed until Sheila cleared her throat.

“Can you untie me now?”


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