No Justice, No Peace [F 18+/M 18+/M mid 20’s/M 40’s][D/s, Dubcon, Maledom, Femsub]

Hello! I wrote this story a while ago, and posted it under an old account. I’ve decided to post it again in hopes of getting some feedback! This is the first chapter of, hopefully, a longer story which is why there isn’t very much overt smut included. It’s more of a setup for the evolution of a young woman’s sexual desires.

All characters are 18+

Tags: Maledom, femsub, slapping, choking, orgasm

So if that’s not your thing, I get it. And if it is, please enjoy! Any feedback is welcome. :)


“No justice, no peace! No racist police! No justice, no peace! No racist police!”

Tony and Clare marched hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder among fellow protesters through a downtown street. Clare felt a swell of pride as the group descended on a statue of Christopher Columbus and listened to one of the organizers deliver an impassioned speech about dismantling racist institutions.

Clare had been apprehensive about going, having seen the news and videos of police brutalizing protesters. However, as the march went on, Clare felt more and more comfortable as her and Tony were surrounded by friendly, peaceful, yet passionate young people. Even the police seemed to be idling by, only observing, seemingly there in case anything got out of hand.

However, as the sun began to set, and the streets grew darker, that’s when they heard the distant yelling. It was faint at first, but grew louder and louder before it swelled into a cacophony of shouts with cops and protesters alike. A horde of officers dressed in riot gear began to march the crowd back, pushing against bodies with their large shields, some waving their batons.

“Get back! Get back,” the police roared.

Clare and Tony were feeling for a way out as they found themselves boxed in by a mass of people. It wasn’t until she’d felt the burning in her eyes that Clare realized she’d caught some pepper spray. Her chest tightened, and her arms flailed about in a panic, blindly feeling for Tony. And then she felt the strong grip of a gloved hand seize her by the arm before pulling her into a vehicle.

Clare Swanson wasn’t yet comfortable in her new body. She’d always had a cute face with a button nose and big brown eyes, topped off by cascading light brown hair. Physically, however, she was a very late bloomer.

Through most of her life, her body had resembled an adolescent cypress tree, straight and narrow. Her shoulders were bony, chest flat, and her hips narrow with coltish limbs flailing awkwardly from them. Graduation came and went, and an 18-year-old Clare had resigned herself to possessing this same, plain figure through college, and maybe for the rest of her life.

And then, on a hot July afternoon, Clare had invited some friends over to her family’s pool for a swim.

She had almost finished changing into her swimsuit when the doorbell rang. Clare quickly finished tying the strap to the top and jogged to the door, opening it to see their long-time neighbor, Mr. Henderson standing there.

“Hi, Mr. Henderson,” Clare said with a cheerful smile.

“Hi, Clare, is…” Mr. Henderson stopped himself. Clare noticed his face had turned red as he averted his eyes to the floor. “Is your, um… is your… father home?”

“No, he’s out, sorry.”

“That’s, um, okay.”

Mr. Henderson looked up one more time and Clare noticed his eyes giving her body a quick scan.

“I’ll, um… I’ll call him later,” he said before he rushed off, back to his home.

Clare had known Mr. Henderson all her life. He was always so nice and friendly, and Clare wondered why he had acted so quiet and distant. Before she could close the door, her friends had already pulled into the driveway and were approaching the door. Clare gave them a smile and a wave, and as Melissa Anderson got closer, she lowered her sunglasses and gave her a long, surveying gaze.

“Jesus, Clare. Did you paint that thing on?”

The other girls giggled, and Clare’s face wrinkled in confusion. She glanced down at her own body and now her own eyes widened in horror as a shameful chill ran down her spine.

No wonder Mr. Henderson was behaving so strangely.

Clare rushed back to her room and locked the door where she gasped frightfully at the reflection in the mirror. The two piece bathing suit was a modest one she’d purchased at Target only months ago. Now, it was clinging to her body like a thin coat of paint, and its grip was so tight that Clare felt it might pop off of her with the slightest twitch of her body.

The cups of the bikini top that were once able to cover the entirety of Clare’s small buds were now barely containing them, and the fabric was so taut that it perfectly outlined her entire areolas. The bottoms of the bathing suit that were once slightly loose on her rump were now snugly disappearing into the crack of her butt, showing off more cheek than she’d realized.

Needless to say, the experience was a cathartic one for Clare.

While Clare had hoped this day would come, the day that she would finally grow into a woman, she felt a deep shame, embarrassment, and frustration. None of her clothes fit her the same way. Her boobs, butt, and limbs ached. She was self conscious around her male friends, and she retroactively analyzed every interaction with them.

Among the frustration, however, Clare did occasionally take the time to admire herself. Some nights, Clare would linger in front of her dresser mirror, naked, and examine the newness of her reflection. She would inspect her own body with the curiosity of a scientist inspecting a bizarre, alien being. Her hands would cup the two perky breasts that had sprouted out of her once flat chest, and she would knead and massage them to take in their fullness, before trailing her fingers down her flat stomach, smoothing her palms over her now rounded hips which had replaced their boniness. Clare would then angle her body and arch her back to look over the bubbly, yet firm, set of cheeks that had blossomed from her once flat backside. She would tense her arms and legs to admire their slight muscular definition.

For the first time in her life, Clare saw her potential as a sexual being, and she experienced a peculiar longing between her legs that she’d never quite felt before. She’d never had the yearning to masturbate in the way she did now, and she would lay in her bed some nights with her legs spread where she would finger her wet vagina and massage her swollen clit. Her inexperience led to vague and fractured fantasies of kissing and sex with boys she thought were cute.

And what now? What, exactly, was she supposed to do with this new body of hers? What was she supposed to do after this sexual awakening?

Inside, she was still the quiet, shy girl that studied on the weekends and looked forward to band camp and soccer practice. Most of her Friday and Saturday nights were spent with her family, playing board games. She was still a virgin, with no prospective boyfriend in sight.

And then August came and she was now a freshman in college, hundreds of miles away from home. That’s where she met Tony, in a Calculus class where they were paired up as study partners. He was skinny, with dark floppy hair, and a boyish face. Most of their encounters were quiet and awkward, as Tony seemed just as shy as her. They eventually warmed up to each other, and would occasionally eat lunch together, or take walks to and from classes. Clare had considered it a blossoming acquaintanceship, so she was actually caught by surprise on the day he asked her out in that library study room.

They were quietly going over “integrals of common functions” when she noticed that Tony kept clearing his throat, and she wondered by the look of his ashen face if he might be coming down with something.

“Are you okay,” Clare asked.

“Yeah,” Tony’s voice cracked. He lingered there, fidgeting in his seat, playing with the pencil in his hand.

Clare could hear Tony take a few deep breaths, and she stared back at him awkwardly.

“Do you wanna go out with me,” he finally blurted out.

Clare felt a lump in her throat, and her chest seized and tightened as she, too, had begun to sweat. She’d never been asked out before.

“Like… on a date?”

“Um… yeah,” Tony trembled. “I mean, if you want. If not, it’s totally cool.” His eyes were glued to the table and his face was devoid of color. He looked like he might throw up.

Clare thought for a moment, and while she never considered that she might have romantic feelings for Tony, looking at him now she thought he was kind of cute. He’d been so nice and sweet over the course of their friendship, and she never would have thought he was attracted to her.

Clare cleared her throat and nodded before she spoke.

“Um, yeah… no, yeah… that would be… cool.”

“Cool,” Tony breathed and finally smiled as the color returned to his face.

Tony took her to the movies, and they didn’t kiss then, or after their next date, or even after the third when he’d finally held her hand. Clare wondered if Tony would ever kiss her. It seemed that any time it might happen, Tony would give her an awkward hug and a nervous “g’night.”

Finally, after another awkward dinner date, Clare took the initiative and invited him up to her dorm room.

“Um, Michelle, my roommate, went home for the weekend, so she’s not there, if you… wanna come up?”

Tony gulped and nodded. “Sure,” he said with a nervous shrug of the shoulders, as if playing off the terror that was evidently eating him up inside.

After a tense and awkward hour of watching a movie, Clare, once again, took the initiative and leaned over to kiss Tony. Her first kiss, and maybe his? The hairs on the back of Clare’s neck stood up as their lips and tongues danced with each other, and even though they would occasionally bump teeth, it didn’t matter… Clare was finally kissing a boy.

After that, Clare and Tony were inseparable, and if they weren’t in class, they were together. Eating together. Watching movies together. Studying together. Finally, after almost two months of dating and kissing, they lost their virginity to each other, and like their first kiss it was also stilted and awkward, but it was sex. Clare had finally had sex. She didn’t know if this was love or not, but it felt closer than she’d ever been, and she was happy.

Summer break was nearly upon them and Tony and Clare were sitting in her dorm room bed, perusing apartments on her laptop that they might move into together next year, when Michelle stormed through the door.

“4pm, Memorial Court. There’s a protest happening. You love birds in?”

Clare and Tony looked at each other in hesitation.

“Oh, come on,” Michelle yelled while flailing her little hands about. She was an unassuming girl, except for when she opened her mouth. “With everything happening out there, you can’t come to one fucking protest?? You’re two privileged white kids from the suburbs! This is the least you could do!”

Michelle herself was white, and from the suburbs, and privileged, but all year she had seemed to be competing for the title of “resident activist” among their freshman class. She had a kind of sardonic/emo vibe to her, with long black hair and sultry eyes. Clare wondered if she’d ever seen Michelle in anything other than what seemed to be the college activist uniform: an unbuttoned flannel over a t-shirt, loose-fitting and ripped jeans, and dirty Keds on her feet. Michelle was petite, barely reaching 5 feet in height.

“Those racist fucking pigs killed another unarmed black man! We have to do something!”

Clare did feel guilty, and she did feel that she was taking her privilege for granted, but she was also afraid. All of the stories and images and videos she’d seen from protests around the country – police hitting protesters with batons and pepper spray and rubber bullets – she just didn’t have the courage to put herself in that position. But her shame and guilt, coupled with the incensed glare she was receiving from Michelle put her in a corner.

“Okay,” Clare said, and then she looked at Tony who had an even more hesitant look on his face. “We’ll be there.”

The back of the van was empty, except for Clare and Tony, who sat across from each other with their hands cuffed behind their backs. Clare’s heart was beating out of her chest as she looked at the worry washed over Tony’s face. Neither of them seemed to have the courage to ask any questions of the two police officers in the front of the vehicle. Soon, they felt the van make a turn as it slowed into a stop before the engine cut off. A moment later the door slid open and one of the police officers stood there and looked them over.

“Get out,” he ordered.

As they exited the van, Clare’s face crinkled in concern as she looked upon the shabby facade of an industrial building that didn’t seem like a police station to her.

“Come with me,” the officer said as he gripped Clare and Tony by each arm and led them up a few steps towards a large set of doors that were being held open by the other officer. Only a few dim lights illuminated the inside of the building that seemed to be an abandoned warehouse of some kind. It was eerily quiet except for the tapping of the officer’s boots against the concrete floor. The officer led them to a door that opened into a bare room with only a set of metal chairs and a table.

“Take a seat in those chairs,” the officer ordered, and Clare and Tony obliged.

Clare looked over at Tony and could tell he was trying to keep calm, but the sweat on his brow, and the wan look on his face gave Clare a different impression.

“Detectives will be with you shortly,” the officer said before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

The young couple sat there, silently awaiting their fate.

“Aren’t we supposed to get a phone call or something,” Tony whispered.

“I don’t know,” Clare said, voice trembling. “I’ve never been arrested before. Have you?”

“No,” Tony whispered.

A moment later, the door behind them opened and closed again. Clare’s body tensed as she heard the heavy footsteps approaching behind her on the concrete floor. And then a tall man emerged in front of them. He appeared to be in his mid-40’s probably, and was tall and lean, with an athletic build. He was wearing a white dress shirt, a dark striped tie, and grey slacks. His head was mostly bald, and the hair that he did have on the sides were closely cropped. For some reason, he reminded Clare of her middle school principal. He was carrying an electronic tablet and a manilla folder under his arm.

“I’m Lieutenant Davis,” he said and flashed them both a friendly smile. “This is Sargent Carter.”

Clare looked over at Sargent Carter who had a peeved expression on his face. She felt guilty that her first thought of him was that he was attractive. Carter seemed to be in his mid 20’s maybe, with short dark hair, a chiseled jaw, and a sinewy figure from what Clare could tell by the way he looked in that tight polo shirt. She felt a shameful flutter in her stomach as her eyes surveyed the intricate tattoos on his strapping arms.

Clare was surprised when Tony spoke up, albeit with a trembling voice.

“Do we… get a phone call?”

Davis cracked a smile and nodded his head. “Yeah, you’ll get your phone call, don’t worry. We’re just gonna ask you a few questions first. Sound good?”

Tony and Clare glanced at each other but didn’t say anything in return, and Davis didn’t wait for them to.

“Good. You two need anything? Water? Food?” Davis’ voice was commanding, yet reassuring, with no sense of hostility or anger, as if he’d done this a million times. Tony and Clare shook their heads.

Clare looked up at Davis, and as her eyes met his it was as if she just remembered what she’d been wearing – a short pair of khaki shorts and a thin white tank top. She’d planned for the occasion of marching in the hot sun, but as she sat there in that cold, concrete room, surrounded by two large men of authority, she suddenly felt naked.

“Okay,” Davis sighed as he picked up the tablet and fiddled with it before setting it in front of Tony and pressed play.

First the murmur of the crowd, and then a loud “FUCK THE POLICE” sounded over the speakers before Davis paused the video.

“That’s you, right? Sayin’ ‘fuck the police?” Davis pointed his thick finger at Tony’s face on the screen.

Tony didn’t say anything.

Davis smiled and shook his head a bit before turning to Clare. “This your boyfriend?”

Clare’s eyes darted up to Davis, and the pit in her stomach grew larger and larger.

“Hm? Who’s this guy, in the video? You must know, you’re standing right next to him.” Davis pressed play again and the camera shifted towards Clare’s face, screaming “FUCK THE POLICE” as well. She cringed and her face turned a shade of red as she replayed the moment in her mind, the moment when she was swept up in the emotion of the protest.

“Goodness,” Davis said in mocking consternation as his eyes shifted towards Carter. “That’s quite a mouth on her, huh, Carter?”

“Pretty fuckin’ filthy,” Carter spat in a deep and steady voice that was unnerving to Clare.

Davis turned his attention back to Clare, and he became serious again. “We have you and your boyfriend on camera throwing objects at police officers. All we need is a confession, some names maybe, and this all goes a lot smoother. If not, then, well… tell them how it goes, Carter.”

“Pretty fuckin’ hard,” Carter spat again which made the hairs on Clare’s neck stand up.

Clare shifted in her chair, tensing as her eyes ricocheted between the two cops. She glanced over at Tony who kept his eyes down, as if he were desperately wishing himself away from this moment.

“You look like a pretty good girl.” Davis smiled as he scanned Clare’s face. “Even got the little pigtails and everything.”

Clare blushed, embarrassed now by the French braids she’d tied her hair into to keep it out of her face.

Davis took a long look at Clare before he opened the folder on the table. “Clare Swanson… 18 going on 19… freshman at UCD. Impressive,” he said with a raised eyebrow. “You like it there?”

Clare sat there quietly, not knowing what to say, as a long and tense silence was soon interrupted by an annoyed sigh from Carter, and then the clack of his boot hitting the floor. Clare’s eyes shifted towards him as he was now towering over her with a stern look on his face.

“Get up,” he ordered as he pulled at the back of her chair, causing it to slide back a little. “Come on, get up,” Carter repeated with an impatient tone in his voice.

Clare’s blood pressure rose as the metal legs squeaked over the concrete floor and she felt a sense of unease, and a dubiousness as to why she was being ordered to get up, but she did. The moment Clare was on her feet, Carter pointed to a spot beside the table, near Davis.

“Right there,” he ordered, and Clare shuffled towards the spot. “On your knees.”

Clare looked at Carter with confusion, and he looked back at her with impatience.

“On your knees,” he barked, and Clare’s eyes shifted towards Tony who was now watching them with unease. “Don’t look at your boyfriend, look at Lieutenant Davis. He’s the one askin’ the questions. On your knees. Now.” He snapped his fingers as if he were commanding a dog.

Clare looked back at Davis who just stared and watched her. Clare gulped, and then she did it. She slowly lowered herself to the floor and she was now kneeling between the two officers.

“Sit back. Ass on your heels,” Carter commanded.

Clare looked at Tony again.

“What’d I say? Don’t look at him, look at Lieutenant Davis,” Carter scolded her. “Ass on your heels. Sit back.”

Clare swallowed, and sat back, needing to spread her legs into a vee shape in order to rest her firm bottom on the backs of her sneakers.

“Back straight,” Carter snarled.

Clare winced as straightened her back and squared her shoulders. The fact that her hands were cuffed behind her back caused her chest to jut forward, and her breasts pressed even tighter against the fabric of her shirt. It was at that moment that she wondered how far these men might be able to see down, or even through her shirt. Clare suddenly felt her nipples aching, poking at the thin fabric of her top, and she wondered if they noticed those as well.

“Now, he asked you a fuckin’ question,” Carter repeated while gesturing towards Davis.

“Eyes on me, Clare,” Davis ordered, and Clare’s eyes shifted back to his. A chill ran down her spine as he told her “Good girl.”

“So, do you like it there?” Davis smirked and leaned in a little closer. “UCD, I mean. You like going to school there?”

Clare was still rattled from Carter’s harshness. An uneasiness washed over her as she knelt underneath these two men. She was motionless and hushed. Petrified and pacified with intimidation. She felt a lump in her throat that grew larger as it choked off any words that might have come out of her mouth.

A moment later, Clare felt Carter’s large hand on the top of her head as he rudely palmed her skull and rotated it towards him. Her eyes traveled up his tattooed arms once again before resting on his scowling face, and she looked up at him with a demure concern.

“Listen,” he said in an even tone. “Any time somebody asks you something… if you don’t answer right away…”

Clare didn’t even notice his other hand whipping across her face, it was so swift, landing on her cheek with a loud and sharp *CRACK!*

“You get your face slapped.”

It wasn’t until Clare had felt the sting on her cheek, and then the tears in her eyes, that she’d realized what had just happened… Carter had slapped her. The sensation was so confusing as she’d never been hit in the face like that before. Her eyes shifted towards Tony, and they shared the same bewildered expression. Tony’s mouth was agape, and his lips quivered as if struggling for the right words to say.

“What’d I say about looking at your boyfriend?” Carter growled. “Don’t look at him. Look at me when I’m talkin’ to you. Hear me?”

Tony averted his eyes and looked at the floor again.

Clare’s mind was reeling. She began to open her mouth to say something, anything, but he’d already made up his mind to slap her face again.


“Do you hear me,” Carter asked again, but didn’t give Clare a moment to respond before he cracked her again across the same cheek.


Clare nodded as her eyes welled up with tears. “Yes, yes,” she whimpered softly.

“Yes, what?”

Clare again hesitated and Carter connected with another sharp smack to her face.


“It’s Sir to you. You refer to us as, Sir, whether it’s for me or him,” Carter said as he gestured towards Davis. “Say, Yes Sir.”

“Yessir,” Clare meeped out desperately as she noticed Carter reaching his hand back.

“Good,” Carter said and he put his hand down. “Now answer his question.” He rudely turned Clare’s skull back towards Davis who was seemingly amused by the scene in front of him.

She looked at Davis, trying her best to collect herself and remember the question he’d even asked.

“Y-y-yes… yes, Sir,” Clare stuttered as she held back her tears. “I like it… I like it there.”

“Good, that’s good. Smart girl? Make good grades?”

“Y-yes, Sir.”

“Good girl. So, you got a bright future ahead of you?”

“Y-yes… I think so… Sir.”

“And, you wouldn’t wanna throw that all away, for some silly protest, right? Assaulting a police officer is a felony. That could get you kicked out of school. You don’t wanna get kicked out of school, do you?”

“N-no, Sir.” Clare shook her head.

“So, are you gonna give me what I want and tell me who that is in the video?”

Clare thought for a moment, unsure of what she was supposed to do. What the right thing to do was. And the more she thought, the more tears fell from her eyes.

Davis breathed out of his nose and leaned back, clicking his tongue. “She’s still a little quiet, don’t ya think, Carter? Maybe you oughta loosen her mouth up for her. Sounds like something might be caught in her throat.”

Clare’s blood ran cold as her mind bent and twisted every possible scenario for what those words might mean for her. She thought about blurting out that it was Tony in the video, but she couldn’t.

“Sure thing,” Carter answered. He gathered her pigtails in his fist and turned Clare’s head towards him. He took his other hand and pressed his beefy pointer and middle fingers against her lips. “Open,” he commanded.

After a brief second, Clare parted her lips and Carter pushed his fingers into her mouth. She tasted the saltiness of his rough calluses as his fingers brushed over her wet tongue and towards the back of her throat. Clare gagged and immediately jerked her wrists against the handcuffs.

“That’s it,” Carter muttered, as if he were searching for something in the drain of his kitchen sink. “Wider,” he barked as he pushed his fingers even deeper.

Her face crinkled and her shoulders lurched as he pressed further onto the back of her tongue before pulling out. “Damn, not far at all,” he said with a chuckle. Carter held up his wet fingers to show Davis.

“You gag when you suck on your boyfriend’s cock,” Carter asked her.

Clare looked up at Carter, bemused as to how she was supposed to answer that question. She finally shook her head and whispered out an innocent “no,” which caused both men to exchange a snicker.

“No?” Carter chuckled and then turned to Tony who was sitting there, looking at the floor, red-faced. “Not packin’ much down there?”

Tony didn’t answer.

Carter’s smile dropped from his face and he lifted his fingers back to Clare’s mouth and pressed them against her lips again. “Open,” he commanded and then he pushed his fingers back into her mouth. He didn’t waste any time shoving them towards the back of her throat which forced another gag from Clare’s throat.


“That’s it,” Carter growled.

Clare watched him as he fingered her mouth and sensed that he must have been taking some sadistic pleasure in it. As uneasy as it made her, she was surprised when she felt a quiver between her legs.

Carter pushed his two fingers in again and again, and Clare’s gags turned into loud retches. Her body once again lurched and spasmed as her wrists pulled against the handcuffs. Her eyes turned red as her brow furrowed with each invasive push into her throat.


Carter finally pulled his fingers out of Clare’s mouth and she desperately gasped and coughed for breath.

“Nothing back there, Lieut,” Carter smiled and then rudely wiped his spit-soaked fingers against the strap of Clare’s tank top. “Think she might just be playin’ dumb.”

Davis leaned in close, and Clare could almost feel his breath on her. He stared so deeply into her eyes that she felt as though he could read her mind. She’d never felt so vulnerable in her life.

Davis leaned in a little closer. “Are you playing dumb with me, Clare?”

Clare gulped, and shook her head. She tried to speak, but as she opened her mouth and began forming the words, nothing came out. Clare hadn’t realized it, but she’d started to quietly sob. She assumed the raspiness in her throat might have been from Carter’s fingers, but she soon realized she was choking back tears. Davis watched her for a moment, and when he lifted his hand to wipe a tear from her face, Clare flinched and turned her head.

“It’s okay,” Davis said as he turned her chin back towards him, rubbing his thumb over her wet cheek bone. It was the first time she’d noticed the wedding band on his left hand. “You’re okay. He’s not gonna hurt you anymore.”

Clare sniffled and tried to fight back her tears, but they kept flowing down her cheeks. She whimpered softly as Davis continued to gently rub her cheek with his thumb.

“Get up,” Davis said as he gently grabbed her by the elbow. “It’s okay,” he nodded. “Get up.”

Clare sniffled and then awkwardly rose to her feet. Davis leaned back and patted his left thigh.

“Take a seat. Right here. It’s okay. Come on.”

Davis was already reaching out and guiding her by her midsection towards his knee, and he sat her down. Clare’s legs hung down between his and she continued sobbing quietly while looking down at him. His left hand was on her back and the other was patting her flat stomach like a concerned father.

Davis’ blue eyes were painted over in a gentleness that was oddly comforting to Clare.

“You’re a good girl, aren’t you?” The sympathetic tone in Davis’ voice as he stared deeply into her eyes caused Clare to sob even more. “Just scared? Got yourself into a mess.” Davis examined her face as if sifting through her thoughts. “Just a scared little girl that got herself into something she shouldn’t have?”

Clare didn’t exactly know why she was crying. Yes, the sting from Carter’s slap had hurt and scared her. And, yes, the uncertainty of the situation frightened her as she was unsure how she and Tony might come out of this, charged with a felony, beaten up, or worse.

However, Clare knew that was not the reason she was crying. She knew that her tears had emanated from a stirring awakening in the pit of her stomach that bewildered her. Carter’s heavy slaps, booming voice, and rough fingers pushing deeply into her throat had done something to her. And now, Being held by Davis’ muscular caress was also doing something to her. Clare felt a wet yearning between her legs that she couldn’t quite process. It was faint at first, but the longer she looked into Davis’ commanding glare, the larger that feeling grew, that arousing helplessness. All she wanted in that moment was to be held firmly. To be cradled and caressed by two strong arms. To be held against a large, firm body and assured that everything was going to be okay.

Clare closed her eyes as her face scrunched up into a deeper and deeper sob. And then she nodded her head.

“Bring it in,” Davis whispered, and he pulled her into the crook of his neck and wrapped his arms around her in a tight and strong bear hug. Clare felt as though she’d disappeared into his muscular chest, as his hands rubbed her back so tenderly.

“There, there. You’re okay. It’s all gonna be okay.” Davis’ whispers were gentle and soothing in her ears. His cologne mixed with a musky, working sweat reminded her of her father. “Sh-sh-sh, it’s okay. You’re okay.”

Clare wasn’t sure how long she’d been crying on his shoulder, but Davis’ soothing caress had caused it to dissipate.

“Gonna be a good girl for me,” Davis whispered into her ear. “Hm?”

Clare took a breath, then nodded against his collar.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good. Now, look at me and tell me.” Davis guided her shoulders back so that Clare was now looking at him. “Tell me you’re gonna be a good girl.”

Clare sniffled and gulped in a breath. “I… I’m gonna… I’m gonna be… a good girl.”

“Good.” Davis smiled, and it gave Clare a strange sense of satisfaction. “Now, say it to Officer Carter so he knows as well. Go on, say it.” Davis gently guided her face to look at Carter who was wearing an unmoving and forbidding expression.

“I’ll b-b-be a good girl, for you… L-lieutenant Carter,” Clare whimpered. She glanced at Tony who seemed to be forcing his gaze away from the scene in front of him.

“Good, now we’re on the same page,” Davis said as his voice seamlessly switched into an upbeat pitch. His eyes shifted to Tony. “See? Your girlfriend’s cooperating. She’s being a good girl. Wanna do the same, Tony?”

Tony looked up for a moment, at Davis, then at his girlfriend. Clare could see the suffering in his eyes as he looked at her wrapped up in this large man’s embrace. From that look, Clare felt as if she’d hurt him somehow.

Davis clicked his tongue near Clare’s ear as she watched in concern. “Your boyfriend’s a little stubborn, isn’t he?” Davis rubbed his hands over her arms and shoulders, and then deftly rotated her body and picked her up with ease, facing her towards himself and placing her on his thigh so that she was now straddling his right leg.

Clare immediately felt the pressure of his muscular thigh against her crotch, and soon felt that yearning wetness growing between her legs.

Davis rubbed her arms and then gently massaged her shoulders before he trailed his right hand a little higher, tickling the side of her neck before gently wrapping it around her throat.

Clare’s body seized, and her eyes widened.

“We need to trust each other, don’t we?” Davis looked deeper into her eyes while his fingers softly rubbed Clare’s neck. “Do you trust me, Clare?”

She wasn’t sure, but she nodded anyway and whispered “Ye-yes, Sir.”


Davis’s hand gripped a little tighter around Clare’s throat, causing her to jerk her wrists against the handcuffs.

“Relax,” Davis commanded.

Clare’s eyes shifted towards Tony.

“Keep your eyes on me,” Davis ordered, and Clare did, returning her eyes to Davis.

“Drop your chin and just relax. I need to trust you, too, Clare. You want me to trust you?”

Clare winced before she nodded her head slightly.

“Good, now show me I can trust you and do as I say.”

Clare dropped her chin and lowered her head. Davis squeezed a little harder. Clare’s heart ticked faster and faster, thudding against her chest as Davis’ brawny fingers closed around her throat for a few more seconds. Clare felt the air leaving her lungs, and when she tried to take a breath, she couldn’t.

Davis loosened his grasp and smiled at her again. “Good girl. That’s what I want to see. You okay?” he asked.

Clare nodded, and she felt a surge of adrenaline pumping through her body, and a surprising and gentle twitch in her vagina.

“Did that scare you a little bit?”

“Yes, Sir,” Clare breathed out.

Davis smiled slightly. “Want me to do it again?”

Clare’s face crinkled in confusion, seemingly caught off guard by the question, and by the fact that he was asking her if she wanted to be… choked… again? What would happen if she said no? Would they do something even worse to her?

“Um…” Clare mumbled as Davis continued staring into her eyes. He moved his leg slightly and again she felt that firmness of his thigh pressing and rubbing against her vagina in just the right place.

“Okay…” she whispered.

Okay? Okay? Clare felt as though she were sailing through murky waters now, as she wasn’t sure herself if she had answered “okay” because she felt she had to, or because she wanted to.

“That’s a good girl.”

Davis’s nose was lightly touching Clare’s own as his eyes burrowed a hole deep into her soul and his hand tightened around her throat again.

“Just look at me, Clare,” Davis barked.

Clare winced and kept her teary eyes on his as Davis squeezed harder.

“Good, that’s a good girl.”

Clare’s body jerked and her wrists jolted against the cuffs as she struggled for oxygen, but Davis continued squeezing.

“Eyes here, Clare. Come on, now. That’s a good girl.”

And as the panic in Clare’s body grew, so did the coursing titillation in her pussy.

“Good, that’s what I want you to do. Just look at me. Just relax. Just listen to my voice.”

Davis kept that sturdy pressure on her throat as the color of Clare’s face began turning a bright red.

“Now I’m gonna count down from three…”

He lowered his gaze, burying himself deeper into her mind.


With no oxygen left, Clare fought back the panic. Vision blurred. Body limp. She was lost in the swirling hurricane in his pupils. A darkness surrounded him, and soon everything else disappeared except for the deep, blue, billowing ocean in his eyes, and the rumbling quake between her legs.


Davis let go, and as he did Clare gasped in a loud breath of air. Sharp inhales followed, and her little body trembled and shook as she sat there on his muscular thigh.

“Good girl,” Davis said with a smile, caressing the side of her face. “See? You’re okay. How’d that feel? Pretty scary, huh?”

Clare nodded, which elicited a chortle from Davis. She felt the adrenaline coursing through her veins, and a frenetic titillation that she’d never felt before. It was like riding a roller coaster, but she felt a strange sense of accomplishment. As if she’d conquered a deep seeded fear.

Davis rubbed his hands around her waist with a delighted smile. His expression turned slightly confused as he looked down which caused Clare’s eyes to follow. A slight wet spot on Davis’ pant leg trailed towards the crotch of her khaki shorts. Her face turned beet red as she looked at Tony who had the most perplexed expression on his face.

“You have an accident, sweetie? Or did that make your pussy wet?”

Clare was so embarrassed and ashamed that she wanted to disappear. How could she have let this happen?

“These liberal chicks always got the filthiest minds,” Carter chuckled, shaking his head before looking at Tony. “You know she was into the rough stuff?”

Tony said nothing and continued looking at Clare, mouth agape.

“It’s okay, sweetheart. Nothing to be ashamed of,” Davis said, assuringly, while he stroked Clare’s hips and looked into her eyes. “You did good.” He wiped a tear that had fallen from Clare’s cheek then patted her just above her ass. “Get up for me.”

When Clare rose to her feet they were all finally able to see the full extent of the damage, and all eyes peered down at the cantaloupe sized wet spot on Davis’s pant leg, and then at Clare’s soaked crotch.

“That’s gonna be hard to explain to the missus,” Davis joked.

Clare wanted to die.

Davis patted her on the hips. “Go ahead and sit back down with your boyfriend.”

Clare gulped and turned to walk back to her chair. She averted her eyes from Tony as she sat down next to him, but she could sense his tenseness reverberating from his body.

“You live on campus,” Davis asked and only Clare nodded. “We’ll have our officers drop you off. We’ll be in touch if we have any more questions. Otherwise… ” Davis got up and collected his things from the table and walked towards the two of them. He pulled out two business cards from his pocket and stuffed one in Tony and Clare’s pockets. “Here’s my card if you decide you wanna tell us something.”

Clare glanced over and locked eyes with Carter. His handsome face seemed unchanged. The same scowl he had before was still there, and the look in his eyes made the hairs on Clare’s neck bristle in an odd and anxious way.

Not a moment later both detectives were gone. The young couple sat there, in silence. Clare looked over at Tony, but he didn’t look back. She gulped and swallowed, not knowing what to say, so she said nothing.

Clare hoped this was all a terrible nightmare. She imagined herself waking at any moment, in bed next to Tony. She imagined that everything would be normal again. She imagined that her and Tony would make love, and look at apartments together, and make plans to meet each other’s parents. She imagined everything would be fine.

The damp stickiness between Clare’s legs snapped her back into reality. She could still taste Carter’s salty fingers on her tongue, and feel the sting on her cheek from the slaps of his hand. She could still feel Davis’s fingerprints around her throat, and the firm pressure from his thigh on her crotch. If she closed her eyes, she could still see their domineering eyes peering down at her.

Finally, the door opened and the same officer from before walked in, grabbed them by the arms and led them to their feet. A moment later, they were in the back of that van again, sharing a silence like before. Clare wasn’t yet able to process what had just happened to her, but she knew whatever it was, it hurt Tony. He wouldn’t even look at her, and in that moment that’s all Clare wanted. To be forgiven. For Tony to look her in the eye and reassure her that he still loved her.

He didn’t.


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