My 18th birthday [FMF]

I celebrated my 18th birthday by sleeping in half an hour, until
730. The bonus was that my mom was already gone to work, which means I wouldn’t
have to hear her insult my weight or my intelligence or whatever nitpicking
thing she would decide to hammer me with. There was a dollar store birthday
card sitting on the kitchen table, a bunch of cartoon dogs wearing birthday
hats, and the inside saying “happy woof-day”. Mom had personalized it
with “MOM” scrawled below the message. Mom always knows how to pull the
I had a few messages from friends back in my hometown, and one
from basically my only friend in town, Crystal. I met Crystal a few weeks after
I moved in town, at the gym I had started going to. I was taken a back that
this pretty woman in her 30s was interested in talking to me but she was super
nice & validating & after a long coffee chat, offered me a job at her
upscale boutique. The customer base is older women who think they can pull off
looking young, like F21 but nicer clothing & more expensive. The other
girls that Crystal had working for her are also 16 to 18 and are jobs are to
look pretty & gush over whatever the customers try on. Like “OMG I’m
jealous how good that makes you look”. 
Crystal is really cool. She’s super open about her marriage with
Kent, who stops by the store once in a while and is fit but not too muscley.
They live in a fabulous condo and take great sounding vacations and have a
semi-open marriage, I guess. It took a little bit to get used to Crystal always
talking about sex–she asks me and the other girls about our sex lives a lot
too. But it’s nice that she treats me like an adult.
A few months after I started working for Crystal I got suspended
from school for punching a girl in the face (she legit deserved it). I had been
pissed at my mom about something before that and had changed the contact phone
number at my school to Crystal’s without telling her (a bit of I wish Crystal
was my mom moment although I don’t really. Maybe older sister I never had).
When the school called her, she didn’t blink and played along and even gave me
full time hours for the month I was suspended. After that school year finished,
she helped me unenroll & signed me up to get my GED so I didn’t have to
worry about my crappy school anymore.
The past month or two, Crystal had started to joke about me being
“legal” soon. About buying cigarettes or lotto tickets or changing my name. Or
even having sex with Kent, which probably caused me to turn fire hydrant red.
I’ll admit it’s something I had fantasized about when I masturbate but it still
seemed strange for Crystal to suggest it. I am very 100% straight I think but I
do also have a crush on Crystal. She is super pretty and in great shape and
some women have fake breasts that look ridiculous but hers look really good on
her. And she has the softest lips I’ve ever felt. No we don’t kiss and make out
but she loves giving kisses on the cheek & sometimes I think about her soft
lips too. 
And Kent is very good looking. Crystal says he’s got a great dick,
whatever that means. And one girl who worked at the boutique admitted to me
that she & Kent hooked up (with Crystal’s permission of course) and that he
was really good.
So my bday morning, I was thinking about all that. Crystal ‘s text
said she had a present for me at the store and I should stop by whenever. But
15 min before the store opened I was at the gym & she called me &
apologized that the girl who was supposed to be working with her had called off
and Crystal asked me to come in. I said of course, not like I had anything
really exciting planned.
But when I got there, Crystal kept hugging me and apologizing and
promised to take me out for a special birthday dinner. At 1, it was really
quiet so Crystal closed the store for half and hour and took me to this great
bistro down the street for lunch. She was telling me how special and amazing I
am, such a good friend and worker and how lucky she is to have me in her life.
She was definitely touching me more than usual, on the shoulder, the hand, like
that. We split half a bottle of wine (she knew the waiter and he didn’t card
me) so I was light headed going back to the store. 
I went and grabbed coffees for us, and when I came back, Kent was
at the store. He looked sharp in a tailored brown suit and he gave me a kiss on
the cheek and wished me a happy birthday and said he was just dropping off my
present and winked and left. Crystal said she’d give it to me after we closed,
which is at 5 on Thursdays.
The coffee knocked the alcohol out of me and after a huge wave of
customers, it was closing time. Crystal locked up and then handed me a dress
bag. It was a gorgeous silky lavender midi dress that fell just above my knee
with a slit that went up mid thigh. The neckline was lower than I liked, but it
fit so beautiful and Crystal gushed how hot I looked. She insisted I wear it to
dinner and she changed into a super hot pink club dress with cutouts below her
chest and on the back that really showed off her body. She told me to take any
shoes from the store so I picked a ridiculous pair of stilettos with rhinestone
tassels that I absurdly love.
Crystal put her arm around me waist and we walked slowly down the
street. I imagined every eye was on the two of us. Crystal quickly brought the
conversation to Kent as we got to her car. She told me that he thought I was
gorgeous and Crystal wanted me to have sex with him. I wasn’t surprised, like I
said, she had been bringing up the idea for a while at least in a roundabout
way but I really couldn’t believe it. Honestly it was exciting and a turn on.
Crystal talked more explicitly than she ever had about how good
Kent is and how he always gives her the best orgasms. Crystal started playing a
finger on my thigh by the dress slit, just running it up and down and I finally
told her she had to stop or I’d be a mess at dinner. She laughed at that but
We got to the very nice restaurant and Kent was waiting for us at
the table, smiling. He had gotten rid of the tie but looked extremely sexy. He
got up and gave each of us a peck on the cheek and held our chairs out like a
gentleman. Dinner was a bit of a blur and not only because there was wine
(Crystal told the waitress that it was my 21st birthday and she didn’t bother
carding me) and Crystal ordered for me. Kent and Crystal talked mostly,
although Kent was often staring at me with his piercing blue eyes and a smile.
Crystal also kept rubbing leg under the table. I was very turned on.
Kent suggested we skip dessert with a wicked grin and we left the
restaurant. Their condo was half a block away so we walked, Kent with his arm
around Crystal and me following behind. We went up to their place and my heart
was pounding.
As soon as the door closed, Crystal and Kent started to make out.
I just stood there awkwardly watching for like 5 minutes. Crystal reached into
Kent’s pants and started jerking him and he was feeling under her dress mostly
at her breasts. Then Kent turned to me. “I know you are a virgin so I’ll be
gentle.” Which isn’t really true but Crystal had told me on the way to the restaurant
that it was a big turn on for Kent and then was explaining about that Madonna
“Like a Virgin” song how sometimes it’s not your actual first time
but it feels that way. I wasn’t really following because I had been distracted
by Crystal’s fingers on my thigh but I agreed to not correct that.
Kent softly started to kiss me, his tongue pushing into my mouth.
Crystal still had a hand in Kent’s pants and I could feel it as Kent pressed
against me. Crystal took her hand out and came around and carefully removed my
dress as Kent and I kissed. I was only in a pair of undies and the stilettos,
which jangled as I carefully stepped out of the dress. I was a little embarrassed
that I was wearing lame cotton panties instead of something sexier that went
with the dress.
Kent broke off the kiss and led me to the bedroom. It had a huge
bed, like bigger than a king and Kent laid me down as Crystal helped him
undress to, kissing his back and shoulders as she did. I looked up at Kent,
feeling my heart pounding as I took in his body. He was just tight muscles, he
had a six pack and a v-line which I think is super sexy. His penis was erected
and definitely bigger than the two I had previously seen in person but not like
outrageously so. Crystal continued to kiss him and stroke him from behind as he
slid in between my legs. He leaned down and we began kissing again. He moved
around, kissing different parts of my body, my breasts, my thighs, my stomach.
Crystal looked down on me with a smile, continuing to jerk her husband, one breast
out of her dress from when Kent had been touching her.
Kent came back up and gently moved Crystal’s hand away. He told me
that I was very wet so he was going to penetrate me and promised to be gentle.
Crystal moved back and removed her dress and I saw she was naked underneath as
she slid on the bed next to me. She kissed me lightly on the lips, the cheek
and then the neck as Kent pushed into me. It felt great and I gasped. Kent
slowed down, worried it was pain but I told him to keep going until he was all
the way in. Crystal continued to lightly kiss me as Kent thrust into me,
standing at the edge of the bed. He pulled my legs closer and I wrapped them
around him as he fucked me and it felt amazing. Crystal slid closer and pushed
her wet vagina against my upper thigh, sliding against me as she kissed my neck
and shoulders and Kent leaned over and grabbed my tongue between his teeth and
sucked. I was tingling all over, it felt great and the two of them focused on
me until Kent started to tighten up and grunted as he orgasmed and I could feel
the semen (it was my first time without a condom but Crystal had told me that
Kent had a vasectomy so it was OK) slowed, breathing a little heavier.
Crystal told him that it wasn’t nice to come before me and Kent
swatted her butt playfully in response and said I was so tight and sexy it was
hard not to. He slid his penis out of me and got on the bed on my other side
and the two of them started kissing me all over and kissing each other as they
both penetrated me with a finger. I think this was even better and I started
moaning and sweating and wriggling around. I could feel the orgasm building
until it crashed over me and I cried out as it did. 
Crystal took her finger out and licked it and then licked Kent’s
finger too and they started making out as I took deep breaths still feeling the
pleasure. Kent pulled Crystal over me and she got on top of him and they fucked
like really hard, both of them bucking and pushing and grunting until Crystal
had an orgasm and then Kent did again. The three of us laid on the bed, sweaty
and Crystal kissed me some more, this time on the lips, pressing our bodies
together, holding my face. She thanked me for being such a good friend and
sharing with them. 
Kent got off the bed and went to take a shower and Crystal and I
laid there and chatted lightly. It was almost 10 and I said I should probably
go home but Crystal asked me to stay for the night with them. I texted my mom
that was I hanging out late but I knew she didn’t really care (I was surprised
when an hour later she would respond with a K). Crystal and I got up and she
gave me a silk robe that barely went down to my thighs and I finally took off
my heels. She didn’t bother to put anything on just winked at me. When Kent
came out of the shower he kissed us some more and I loved the way he smelled.
He was getting hard again and before I knew it, I was bent over the bed and
Kent was sliding back into me from behind, the robe pulled up to my waist. I
could hear Kent & Crystal kissing as he fucked me hard but not like super
hard, his hands caressing my butt. This was a better angle for me and even
though he popped out a few times I orgasmed quicker than the more missionary
position from before.
I felt exhausted and just scooted all the way onto the bed and laid there,
tingley feeling and although I knew I should get up and go to the bathroom I
must have fallen asleep to the moans of Kent & Crystal because when I
opened my eyes again, the room was dark and someone had put a light blanket
over me. I looked at my phone and it was almost midnight. I went to the
bathroom and clean up down there and then went to the living room, where Kent
& Crystal were sitting on the couch watching a baseball game, their limbs
intertwined. Kent looked at me with that hungry look and Crystal smiled and
they untangled. She came over and hugged me, pushing her body against me. Kent
was erect but I said I was tired and hurt a little in my vagina so Crystal
suggested we get in bed and just try to sleep.
That didn’t last too long, as soon after we got in bed, Crystal in
the middle, she was having me lean across her and give Kent a blowjob. I could
feel Kent fingering Crystal as I did. I’m sure Crystal gives better BJs than me
but Kent did come again. His semen was slightly sweet. I went to the bathroom
to clean out my mouth and went back to bed. Kent and I both snuggled against
Crystal, and we fell asleep.
A little after 3 I woke up and slid out of bed and put my dress
& shoes back on and called an Uber. The driver was a 40 something perv who
leered at me the whole ride home.
So that was my first time with Kent. The next day at work Crystal
gushed about how amazing it had been and how the two of them wanted to keep
seeing me. Kent has been hot and cold with me though. Like sometimes we have
hooking up a couple times a week but it has now been a month of Crystal making
excuses for him. Like I get that they have other partners, and Crystal often
tells me about them, but I guess I’m jealous when it isn’t me. 
Crystal has given me some gifts including a wearable vibrator that
I love. And she’s still giving me those kisses. I don’t really know how to end
a story so here’s a [picture of me]( Thank you.
