My friend who inexplicably gets laid more than anyone I know [FM]

A few times in life I’ve encountered people who are a sexual anomaly (*I wrote about my friend Mike before who still blows my mind*).

I almost feel bad writing this, because he’s still my best friend and I’m about to go in depth about how I’m not attracted to him, but I feel like unpacking this with strangers on the internet.

I’m going to name this dude George.

I met George when he was dating my sister. Incidentally, he is the only man who ever dated my sister who I don’t hate. He’s impossible to hate.

Now, I’m not saying George is ugly. He’s tall, cute enough, and has a southern accent that tends to draw people in. However, he is not NEARLY as hot as my sister.

*My sister is a precious flower who is hot, smart, and much sweeter than me. She must be protected at all costs.*

I didn’t really get their courtship until I got to know him and then it clicked: George was a fucking saint.

When we had a family emergency, George basically kept us all afloat. He cooked and cleaned for my family when we were unraveling and supported my sister with such genuine warmth.

She broke up with him 6 months later. He was talking about marriage and she just didn’t have deep feelings. They told me together and I broke down sobbing because I fucking loved George.

“Viola it’s ok!” He said. “I’m not going anywhere. We can still be friends.”

“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah. This doesn’t change how much I love you!”

George is a saint. He had just gotten dumped by the woman he was deeply in love with and was taking care of ME.

*I am arguably also a selfish bitch.*

Later I was talking to my sister. There is nothing she could do that I wouldn’t support her because she’s a precious flower, but I was so bummed.

“It’s just a shame,” I said. “He’s such a good guy.”

“I know, but the chemistry just wasn’t there… Which is weird because he’s really good at sex.”


*This took me by surprise my sister is very shy and never talks about sex.*

“Yeah… Maybe it’s his height. He would hold me against the wall. Also, he was just so sweet and used to tell me how beautiful I was during. And he was SO grateful for blowjobs.”


“Yeah I felt like a saint when I got on my knees.”

“What did his cum taste like?”

She turned bright red and threw a pillow at me. “I’ve never tasted that! You’re disgusting.”

*I promise she’s my real sister. We did a DNA test.*

Anyway, George stayed around. He became one of my best friends and the two of us started hanging out almost every day. I should say here that I was not at all attracted to George, but I adored him.

So I have this best friend who is my soulmate. My husband is my partner, but she really is my person.

She’s also fucking HOT. She’s a lawyer but she’s one of those who probably could have gotten away with not working. She’s that good looking.

When she moved back one day we were playing True American. If anyone has played this in real life, it’s a very fun way to get wasted AF.

At one point my best friend and George were on the same “spot” and she put her arms around his neck.

I stared in utter confusion.

Again, he’s cute enough I guess, but my best friend is like the hottest woman I’ve ever seen.

When he was out of earshot later that night she was like, “Hey do you mind if I fuck George?”

I just gaped at her.

“What do y’all have a thing or something?”

“No I just… Yeah, fuck George. I just don’t really get it.”

She shrugged. “He probably eats pussy. He has the look.”

She did. Apparently George was fucking AMAZING in bed. My best friend still talks about this. They never dated because they’re very different people, but my friend explained how he lasted three hours and pulled her hair during reverse cowgirl.

She came four times in one session which is her record to this day.

He also apparently was QUITE good at dirty talk. The sweetest man I’ve ever met smacked her ass and told her he was going to fuck her until she was paralyzed with pleasure. He said he wanted to fuck all of her holes and cum on her face.

My best friend is kinky AF and was very into this.

So… George was amazing.

One night we went out for New Years Eve and two girls fucking fought over George. He was paying attention to one and then a different girl just randomly started making out with him. The first girl came back, pulled girl #2 off him, and slapped her.

George fucked girl #2 that night. I heard it through the walls and had to wake my future husband up to fuck me because it sounded really hot.

Once, after my best friend and him stopped seeing each other she was like, “You know George is in love with you, right?”

I kind of blew her off. I was already dating my future husband at this point and wasn’t attracted to him.

One night when he was very, very drunk he says, “I know you’re going to marry [future husband] but have you ever thought about us like that?”

I shook my head. “I love you dearly but it’s not there.”

“I love you dearly.”

We never acknowledged it again. Weirdly enough, my husband knows this story and they’re still best friends.

*My husband is the most secure man I know.*

Alright so George already had an impressive track record, but the woman he’s currently fucking might be the most impressive of all. She is hot AF and just kind of exudes sexual energy. She’s also one of my dearest friends.

*She regularly skateboards around the city in a bikini. She’s a character.*

He doesn’t live here anymore but when he came up to visit, he met one of my friends and she was immediately like, “I have to fuck that man.”

*I interviewed her on here once btw. I think she talked about him.*

Again, I was like, “George? Are we talking about the same person?”

“You don’t see it? God, I’d let him do dirty things to me. I want him to call me a slut with that accent.”

They didn’t have a condom but she sucked George’s dick that night and he apparently went down on her for hours. They have since had an impressive record of escapades which have included a bathroom at a 5 star restaurant, a counter in a hotel, against the wall of her apartment, and at my fucking parents’ house.

One day I went to breakfast with my friend after they had seen each other and she was like, “It’s the best sex I’ve ever had. He fucked me against the mirror and made me watch while I took his dick.”

“MY George said that? He MADE you watch?”

“He pressed my head against it and said he’d stop if I looked away.”

“George said that?”

My friend started laughing. “I know you’re not attracted to him, but surely you see he’s objectively hot. He’s 6’5 and has a southern accent.”

“I have a fucking southern accent and you never fucked ME!”

My husband was there for this conversation.

Anyway, I’m rooting for these two. I just want George to keep having incredible sex… Also so I can keep hearing about it.

Idk man, be like George.



  1. > When she moved back one day we were playing True American. If anyone has played this in real life, it’s a very fun way to get wasted AF.

    Wait the game from New Girl? People actually play that? Holy shit that’s awesome!

    You know it actually makes sense how and why the two of them slayed so much. If you put their names together it becomes “George Michael” and they will be your preacher, teacher, anything you had have in mind.

    I too am now rooting for them, hope it works out or at least they both find happiness! Cheers to you and your friends Ms. V!

  2. Guys like “Mike” and “George” aren’t really anomalies. Guys who are clean, kind, and confident typically do very well with women, even if they’re not necessarily the most attractive.

    I was a “late bloomer” but I didn’t get any more attractive. I just stopped caring about my appearance and started being myself around women and not being so self-conscious. It’s amazing how far that goes.

  3. I just think it’s funny that you keep ending up having to hear about it 🤣

  4. Hey, we can try to be like George but if what makes him hot is being 6’5 with a natural southern accent then some of us out here are going to find that a challenge

  5. Ive met a girl like this in school she was a 6 or a 7 nothing special to look at , BUT she had some insane sex appeal she had F*ck me eyes whenever she talked to you and wound up pregnant on her first year of college. She got married to sports basketball captain who was some Brad Pitt lookalike of course they divorced 6 months later.

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