The Sister, Part Seven [M19/F18] [Cheating]


The surprise on my face must have been obvious.

Strip? Surely Natalie couldn’t be serious.

And yet, I couldn’t help but notice the look on her own face. Interest, and curiosity, as she gave me that once over. It was one thing when she teased me by flaunting her own body, but the thought of reciprocating in a similar manner was something else entirely. I couldn’t do that; I had a girlfriend. Either Natalie was flirting with me just for the sport of it, or she actually wanted me. And it was my job to somehow thwart the advances of a sexy girl who was throwing herself at me.

“Natalie, I’m dating Jessica,” I said. The best way to deal with teasing interest was to be direct, right? “You and me? It’s not happening.”

Instead of the cute pout that I expected based on her response to my last few ‘rejections,’ she dropped her jaw for a moment in exaggerated shock. “Jess is my *sister*!” she exclaimed, “I’d never dream of stealing you away from her like that.”

Says the girl who openly stated that she wanted to fuck me. But if she was dropping it, then I wasn’t going to complain. The fantasy might be hot, but the reality would be a nightmare. “Good. Then-”

“But I do need to make sure that she’s being satisfied,” she said, cutting me off, “So I’m going to have to try you out for myself. Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll pass with flying colors, and then you’ll have my approval for life!”

Just like that, we were back. “Natalie-”

She sighed dramatically enough to cut me off. “Fine. If you’re going to be a prude about it, then you don’t have to strip all the way. Just let me take your shirt off, okay?”

“Umm . . .”

“What? There’s nothing wrong with a guy being shirtless. Is it really that big of a deal if I help you out? It’s harmless. And what Jessica doesn’t know, won’t hurt her. Right?”

I hesitated for a moment, weighing her words. She had a way of explaining things in a way that made sense, while also addressing the potential issue instead of avoiding it. It’s socially acceptable for a guy to walk around without a shirt on, sure. The rest got a little hazy, however. It wouldn’t necessarily be a big deal for Natalie to ‘help,’ but it also wasn’t exactly appropriate. Though she was right; Jessica *wouldn’t* know.

But I would. And Natalie would.

It really was tempting, when coming from a mini-Jessica who was wearing nothing but a skimpy pink bikini. Still, I couldn’t in good conscience let her strip me, could I? Even if it was just my shirt. “Look, Natalie . . .”

I barely made it that far. She stepped forward and placed both of her hands on my shoulders, looking up at me with deep eyes and a soft smile. “It’s okay. You can trust me,” she said. Never taking her eyes off mine, her soft hands trailed down my chest, over my abdomen, and paused at my waist. I’m not sure whether or not I would have let her roam further; thankfully, she didn’t put me in that position. Instead, she began fiddling with the hem of my t-shirt. “Ask me, babe.”

For a second, I was too stunned to speak. The last thing I expected was that kind of contact, but her touch felt too good to ignore. Instead of the gentle way Jessica tended to glide her hands from point A to point B, the way I had gotten used to after only being with the same girl for a few weeks now, Natalie kept full contact the whole time. Her fingers and palms fully pressed into me on the way down, only leaving herself enough space to continue the movement without too much friction. If that wasn’t enough, the eye contact was impossible to ignore. Her gaze was expectant, yet patient. There was an innocence to it as well, despite her not so innocent actions.

“Ask what?” I finally managed to get out. With one touch, one drawn out movement, it was like the entire dynamic between us had changed. I was still mentally present enough to be aware of who she was and why we shouldn’t be doing whatever we were doing, but I didn’t have nearly as much resolve as I did a few minutes ago.

Natalie slipped her hands underneath my shirt and rested them on my bare sides, just above my waist. They were soft, and warm. And too still, now that I had experienced what it felt like when they were more active on my body. “Ask me to take off your shirt,” she simply said. “No, wait. Ask me to strip you. That’s more fun.”

“Just my shirt?” I hesitantly asked. This was harmless, according to Natalie. Not technically cheating, right? Just like when I stole a glance or two on the way up the stairs, it’s not like we were actually doing anything. She would just be removing my shirt. In the back of my mind, I knew it was wrong, but told myself it was fine as long as nothing happened.

“Mm hmm,” Natalie hummed, with a small nod of her head, “But I have to hear the magic words,” she said. Her fingertips idly traced my bare sides, and her eye contact was as casually fearless as ever. “‘Please strip me, Natalie.’ You can handle that, can’t you?”

I found myself nodding as well. Like she said, it wasn’t a big deal. Guys took their shirts off all the time, often in public. She was just helping me out. Totally harmless. Obviously, this had nothing to do with the fact that Natalie was a hot eighteen year old with amazing hands and captivating eyes. Obviously.

So, with barely any hesitation, I said it.

“Please strip me, Natalie.”


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