The old guy [FM]

*It took me a really long time to figure out how to tell this story without identifying details. It’s also hard to explain how deliciously sexy this was because I’m so strung out from lack of sleep throughout this entire story. I did my best.*

*Also… He really was quite a bit older than me which makes this a little weird.*

I had a couple brushes with celebrities when I was younger (*one of my friends gave a certain nerdy celebrity head which I still give her shit about*), but I wasn’t nearly hot or cool enough to actually be in that scene. Apart from a weird text flirtation with a goofy star, this dude was the closest I ever came to a real celebrity hookup.

*I should also say he’s actually more of a celebrity because he’s such a good person. I’ve followed his career and have to say this case is one where perception is correct: he is exceptionally selfless.*

When I was in law school I was very broke and quite busy. One semester I had a job, an externship, and a full class load.

*Why am I including this? Because I’m a little weird in this story due to months of sleep deprivation and stress.*

Anyway, I got a tax return and felt very wealthy for a day. My friend worked tangentially with five-star restaurant and got me a table. Instead of enjoying dinner like a normal human, I spent the evening reading about Advanced Civ Pro and color coding my outline.

*You know… Like a batshit crazy person.*

Even though this should have pissed the waiter off, he was weirdly charmed by me and insisted I stay for another drink after I was done eating. In fact, when I tried to leave he told to “hang for a bit” and used the sound logic that I might as well study in a nice environment with a glass of wine.

*He also might have been hitting on me. I was too tired to notice.*

I didn’t really notice when it got too late until a random dude appeared above me and asked how the food was. I told him amazing and then kind of blew him off.

He found this adorable.

“Do you often study in dark restaurants?”

“When finals are two weeks away? Yes.”

“What year of law school are you in?” He asked.

“How did you know?”

“I’ve been around enough lawyers to recognize the books. Plus, you look like a lawyer.”

“That’s the meanest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

He laughed at that and sat down at my table. He asked what my favorite dish was and I told him it was a certain food I hadn’t had since I lived overseas.

“You lived there?” He asked, suddenly very interested.

“Yeah, once upon a time I had a research grant.”

He smiled and waved a waiter down and ordered a bottle of wine from that area of the world. “I lived there when I was in the Peace Corps. I appreciate someone who appreciates that cuisine.”

*Ok… The wine thing was sexy AS HELL. He was kind of dad-cute before, but that put him over the edge.*

What then proceeded was one of the more interesting conversations of my life. I’m not kidding when I say this guy was a genuinely good person who had lived many lives.

I did notice all the staff kept lingering by our table and looked a little nervous.

“Are you the manager here or something?”

He grinned at me and poured more wine. “I’m the owner, Viola.”

“Fuck off, the owner is [his name]. Why would he just be out here at a random table?”

He was VERY amused by this. Apparently he was known for coming out after closing and mingling with people. Most folks stuck around just to talk to him. I still didn’t believe him until I googled him and then turned bright red when his face popped up.


“I’m an idiot,” I finally sighed.

“You’re in law school.”

“Most lawyers are idiots.”

We talked until 2:00am. I don’t even know how it happened. One minute I was immersed in school and the next I was bonding with this dude over the fact that we were both bisexual and were reading the same novel.

In a move that is very un-Viola-like, I started opening up about how my favorite law professor had hit on me that semester and it had crushed my spirit.

“I thought he liked me because I was smart, but it was all a lie,” I explained.

*Again y’all, I was sleep deprived and stressed.*

“It probably wasn’t all a lie, Viola. That’s inexcusable behavior, but I guarantee he still thought you were smart. I’m sorry that happened.”

I kissed him.

We had been scooting closer and closer for the majority of the evening. We were very clearly feeling a spark, so this didn’t come completely out of left field, but he looked nervous.

“How old are you?”

“My early 20s.”

He ran a hand over his face. “I’m twenty five years older than you. I’m probably older than that professor.”

“It’s different,” I shrugged.

“What if I got your number and we did this again? We could really get to know each other.”

I squirmed a little. “I know this is going to sound like an excuse but I am so busy these next few weeks and then I’m moving for an internship this summer. I’m so sorry. Maybe when I get back?”

“It’s ok. We’ve had a great conversation. That’s all I wanted.”

“I’m being serious! I’m about to enter into finals week, I extern for an organization that’s about to go to trial, and I have a job. Plus, I’m currently homeless because I had to give up my lease before the semester ended… So I really am busy.”

He stared at me for a moment with his mouth hanging open. “When do you sleep?”

“I don’t really. I get up at four and pass out around 11:00. This night is rare for me.”

*I was very intense back then.*

“And you’re homeless?”

“Only in a legal sense. I’m staying on an air mattress with my ex boyfriend. His girlfriend isn’t thrilled about that.”

“You’re working or studying 19 hours every day and you’re homeless?”

“I’m doing fine.”

“This might sound odd, but do you want to sleep in my bed? I have a couch.” When I didn’t answer right away he looked horrified. “I’m so sorry. That was forward.”

“No, no. I’m just trying to figure out if you want to fuck me or be my dad.”

“Neither. I just want to be your friend. You just look like you could use a friend.”

“I’m that pathetic, huh? Seriously though, I can’t just go home with a random dude. You might be a psycho.”

“It’s a memory foam bed and I’ll cook you breakfast.”

*This is one of those memories I look back on and I’m kind of grateful I was young and innocent enough to say yes. I’ve had enough creepy run ins with weird men that I probably wouldn’t do this today (this is why we can’t have nice things!), but I was exhausted and the thought of someone taking care of me was appealing.*

*He did take care of me…*

His apartment was everything I expected. It was expensive but not flashy. It was clean, tasteful, and humble in the same way he was.

He handed me a toothbrush and pajamas without me having to ask.

A matching pajama set… like a mother fucking man.

When I commented on how he had his shit together because I had never seen anyone have an actual pajama set he laughed. “You’re impressed by what I sleep in? Good grief, I forgot you’re used to dating boys.”

“I’m used to dating lawyers. None of us have our shit together.”

As I said this, I literally just stripped down to my underwear in front of him, put his pajamas on, and jumped into the most heavenly bed of my life.

“Oh my god,” I moaned. “This bed is so soft I just got wet.”

He laughed from across the room and looked me up and down. “I can’t tell if you’re kind of strange or just young. You look like a teenager in my pajamas.”

“You can look at my ID. I’m a full adult.”

“One day when you’re my age, a beautiful young person will pay attention to you and you’ll understand the situation. I went from being young to ‘that guy’ in a blink of an eye.”

“So you’re not getting into bed with me?”

He did. We got under the covers and stared at each other. He kissed me once and started playing with my hair. “You should be having fun at your age.”

“I’ve had enough fun. I’ve lived a lot. Now I just want to be able to afford a bed like this.”

*I have a bed like that today.*

“We can have sex, you know?” I said as his hand grazed my side.

“Do you do this a lot?”

“Have sex? Yes. Usually not with random people though. In fact, never with a random person. You’d be my first one night stand?”

“It’s already just one night?”

I shrugged. “I don’t have time for much.”

He smiled and kissed me again. I pulled him closer to me and ran my hand through his hair, but he stopped me. “I’m not going to have sex with you, Viola.”

“Why? It’s been months since I’ve had sex. I miss it and I’m stressed out.”

“You’re exhausted.”

I smiled. “You do want to be my dad. I haven’t been turned down in a while.”

He flipped me on my stomach and climbed on top of me. He pulled my hair to the side as he kissed my cheek. “No, Viola. I’m not turning you down.” He pulled my shirt above my head and slipped it off. He put his hands on my back and pressed down. “But maybe take a minute to calm down.” He started massaging my back gently and pressed harder when I let out a slight moan. “You’re so tense. Just relax, ok?”

I did. I let him run his hands all up and down my back, kneading slowly as I groaned with relief. He put his hands on my arms, pressing me gently into the mattress as he worked his way up and down. He played with each of my fingers, shaking them slightly.

For the first time in months I relaxed and felt myself let him. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply as he worked his hands down my back.

He pulled my pants down very slowly until they were to my ankles. He started at my calves and then worked his hands up my legs slowly. He hesitated slightly when his hands reached the seams of my underwear and asked if it was ok. I nodded with a groan and felt him slide a hand to my ass.

He massaged it for a while, pulsing back and forth as my breathing hitched. When he moved his fingers in between my legs, he paused for a moment and let us both compose ourselves.

“Do you want this?” He whispered. I nodded and he plunged a finger in. I was so paralyzed from his hands on my body earlier that I barely moved, but I felt myself get tight around him as my body responded. “Are you sure?” He asked as he held his hand perfectly still.

“Please,” I moaned. He stuck another finger in and started going faster. I pressed my hands into the comforter and bit into his stupid $300 sheets. “Fuck me.”

He put his mouth to my ear and nibbled slightly. “I’m not going to fuck you… but I can lick you if you want.”


“Are you sure?”

“Damn it, man!”

He flipped me over and put his tongue to my clit. He buried himself in me as he started moving his tongue back and forth. He went so fast I started convulsing and shivered with pleasure.

“It feels really good,” I breathed.

“Keep describing it,” he mumbled as he put his hands around my thighs and pulled me closer.

I dug my fingers into his blanket and cried out. “God this feels so good! This is so hot! Your tongue… Fuck, this is so much better than Civ Pro.” He put a finger back inside me and I heard him moan as I shook beneath him. I was so tight it almost hurt when he stuck another finger in and I felt all my muscles pull around him as my stomach dropped. “You’re really good at this.”

*Age has its benefits.*

He put a hand to my chest and pushed it under my bra. He put one of my nipples between two of his fingers. He squeezed gently, but just hard enough to hold me in place.

“Please don’t stop,” I whispered.

“Just relax,” he mumbled before he kept licking me.

I felt myself go slack and then tense again as the build became too much. I pulled his hair slightly as I whispered I was coming and felt myself explode around him and tighten a final time. I cried softly and then fell back and let my head hit the pillow.

Then I fell asleep.

I woke up at 5:00am with a sudden lurch forward. “Where am I?”

He woke up quickly and I saw him almost chuckle. “You’re in my bed. I would have put your pajamas back on but I didn’t want to wake you.”

“I have to set an alarm.”


“No! I have to set an alarm now! I have to be up in an hour. I should just get up.”

He sat up and put an arm around me. “What are you doing today?”

“I have to study and I have class at noon.”

“Don’t study this morning. Sleep in and I’ll leave you breakfast.”

“I can’t.”

He put his fingers to my lips and I felt my shoulders relax. “Viola. Please stop. You’re running on fumes. Take one morning to sleep.”

I fell back and stared at him. “I’m sorry I’m naked.”

“I really don’t mind.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t do anything to you.”

“I’ve enjoyed this night a lot, my dear.”

I fell asleep. I thought I’d wake up when he left me in bed but I barely stirred. When I regained consciousness I found his phone number on a post-it note beside the most beautiful baked apple I’ve ever seen with fresh bread and juice.

*He did want to be my dad.*

You could argue this was the right guy at the wrong time, but I’d disagree. It’s actually been really rare that I’ve encountered someone so obnoxiously selfless and exceptionally generous in more ways than one.

We never got together again, but I hear about him on occasion. He’s doing well.

Ironically, my husband loves his food and I think was more impressed by this story than jealous. We are at one of his resultant a for our anniversary a few years back.



  1. >”(one of my friends gave a certain nerdy celebrity head which I still give her shit about)”

    Must you torture us with these details? lmaoo

  2. Great story as always!

    Just curious, but what did you mean by “you could argue this was the right guy at the wrong time, but I’d disagree.”

    Why would you disagree with that statement. Do you think he wasn’t a suitable partner for one reason or another?

  3. I just want to say you’re an amazing writer and I hope one day I can evoke as much feeling as you do! Also, what a hot story god damn it.

  4. > “No, no. I’m just trying to figure out if you want to fuck me or be my dad.”

    Welp why not both? *Sweet Home Alabama*

    Ok so it’s a wholesome selfless older dude restauranteur-chef who’s good at oral….

    It’s Wolfgang Puck isn’t it, he always says “Live, Love and Eat” so it checks out. Yeap I’m just gonna pretend it’s him or maybe Keanu Reeves because why not.

    You are still quite intense to this day, hope you have time to get some proper rest and sleep on that awesome bed! Cheers to food and to you Ms. V!

  5. People think angels only show up when your broken down on the side of the road or about to fall down an elevator shaft but they also show up when your soul desperately needs them to. They show up to give you that much needed, soul quenching comfort to remind you everything is going to be ok and it’s perfectly fine to just stop for even a short moment to appreciate what your fighting so hard for……you! Your angel happened to also give you a muscle cramping orgasm. Lol. Nicely written. Thank you

  6. As you said, Age has its benefits….I hope you are an incredible attorney…

  7. Apparently it’s a bit of a meme in the queer girl community to still be great friends with nearly all of one’s ex’s. I love how you still have such great relationships with all your past encounters. Kinda ish in this scenario and well…. Almost all I suppose sadly

    I’m honestly very curious what kind of food this fellow of yours serve at this restaurant must be good for you to have an anniversary there o.o

  8. Awesome read. Thanks for the wonderful story – I felt like I was there with you. Looking forward to your next story.

  9. I like to put recklessly wild guesses in for your stories like this.

    This time it’s Bill Murray.

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