A Convenient Affair: Ch. 1 – Planting the Seeds [M38/F44] [Cheat,Con]

*Testing out the waters here with this little opener, any feedback in greatly appreciated!*

The morning started as they usually do. Nicholas woke up, did his morning routine of fixing his brown hair that seemed to always have new strands of grey coming out of it, inspected himself in the mirror for a few and got ready for work. He made sure that everything was set for the day so that when his wife woke up, whenever she woke up, she could move about with ease. He was always out the door by 7:20, coffee in hand, heading towards his car. It was always on his way out that he’d see their neighbor a couple doors down, Lee. Lee was a woman just a tad older than him, early 40s but he only knew this since she told him. He would have guessed that she was early 30s at most. Nicholas generally didn’t ever have a type when it came to women, if he found them attractive then that’s all that mattered. If he did have a type, though, it would be Lee. She had a great figure, this long, brown hair and these dark eyes that he couldn’t help imagine from time to time peering up at him while she laid out in front of him. She always put the younger moms in the community to shame. His wife never really cared for her, probably because she was generally always nice and pretty positive. Her looks probably didn’t help much with jealousy from his and all the other wives.

Nicholas would always smile and wave, they’d have a small exchange with her. There always seemed to be a bit more there but they were both married. Just harmless banter, he always thought. He did like to think about it from time to time. Who hasn’t had thoughts like that? Some sort of lustful affair with your hot neighbor, it’s like one of those fantasy porns but maybe a little less cheesy than how those typically play out. Nicholas shook the thoughts out a bit as he saw Lee making her way over, waving with that huge, glowing smile of hers.

“Hi Nicholas,” she said, very chipperly, greeting him with a hug as she always did. And as always, the waves of her subtle perfume washed over him. He smiled at her.

“Lee I’ve told you, you can call me Nick,” he said, still smiling. She waved her hand at him, dismissing that notion.

“Please, I much prefer your full name, you don’t look like a Nick at all.” He had liked to hear that, he always preferred his full name but people always liked to shorten it. He had only offered it to her since he didn’t really mind it coming from her for some reason.

“Anyway, I’ve got a huge favor to ask,” she continued, holding her hands together and a strained look, afraid of Nicholas’ answer.

“What is it that you need,” he asked.

“Well, I just got a few new of these new things to help the wifi in the house and neither me nor Ted are that great with that sort of thing. Not that he tries,” she says with an exhausted looking eye roll. Nicholas laughs.

“So I guess you need some helping hooking them up?”

“Yes! Please! You will be my favorite person on this earth if you can. Not that that is a hard feat since I’m a bit partial anyway,” she said with a smile.

“Of course, Lee. As if I’d ever say no to a neighbor in need.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” she exclaims. She claps her, jumping up and down. Nicholas couldn’t help but notice her breasts bouncing along with her, underneath the tank top she was wearing. She hugged him tightly, he could feel her nipples were hard. He laughed and hugged her back but he was deep down secretly hoping she wouldn’t feel him springing to life down below.

“Just let me know when you’d like for me to stop by and I’ll come check it out for you, see if I can help you.”

“Would tonight be too soon,” she asked, her face cringing just a little, wondering if she was asking too much of him. He let out a laugh.

“Sure, I can stop by after work this evening.”

“Hopefully Tina won’t mind that I’ll steal you for a bit.” Nicholas waved his hand.

“I’m sure she won’t mind at all,” he answered back. Knowing full well she’d have something snarky to say but ultimately she wouldn’t care much. Not like they would be doing much of anything anyway.

“Great! You can keep me some company as well since Ted is working late as usual.”

“It’d be my pleasure,” he returned with a smile.

They parted and went their own separate ways, waving to each other again. Nicholas got in the car, promptly putting his iced coffee in his lap. He blew out a heavy breath, convincing himself it was just nothing. *It’s just a normal reaction. Normal reaction to not having had sex in a year* he thought to himself. He closed his eyes and felt his mass about to burst from his pants and shook out the thoughts of taking Lee on her bed. Of sliding her panties off with his fingers hooked around the waist band as she laid back, arms and hair sprawled out onto the bed. The instant when he took them off over her delicate feet, running his hands up her legs. Slowly spreading them apart to see her moist slit come open slightly, her clit, waiting, pulsing for him. He’d lean in, his breath on it would make her tingle as she’d gasp out in a slight giggle. The ecstasy filled moan she’d let out as he’d take that first taste, sticky sweet on his tongue as the wetness of her strings off from his lips. Nicholas brought his hands up to his face, rubbing it roughly as he groaned. He shouted at himself internally *Christ, Nicholas, get a fucking grip. She just asked for help with some wifi thing in her house. That’s all it is!* He took a deep breath, a long sip of his coffee, driving off to get to work, where he could focus on something else and forget about these thoughts.

Lee watched from her window as Nicholas drove off. It took everything in her to keep from grabbing the growing bulge in his pants she felt against her when they hugged again. She wondered if he could feel the urge to do so coming off of her, if he could feel through the hug how ridiculously wet she was. *God, Lee, he’s married. So are you! Him and Tina are THE couple of the neighborhood. There’s no way he’d go for someone older anyway.* Lee put her hand to her face, laughing at herself a bit and shaking her head, idly messing with her necklace. She stood there for a moment, then she thought a bit more and found her hand from wandering down her chest, stopping to pinch her stiffened nipple. She breathed heavier as she applied pressure, a whining moan exiting her mouth. She eventually released it before wandering further down, closing her eyes and biting her lip as she went underneath her pants, letting out a shuddering moan, her mouth open, her breathing staggered as she touched her throbbing clit. She got lost in thought of pushing Nicholas down on her bed. Imagining taking him inside of her. Feeling him swell inside of her as she gasps out, grinding herself down on him. His hands, a rough softness to them, running over her breasts as he pushed himself up inside of her, stretching her out. Her fingers slid between her slit, parting it slightly. It was like a gushing waterfall, she could feel it streaming down her legs. Her body shuddered slightly as she opened her eyes and jolted herself out of her carnal trance. *Jesus…what am I doing?! What am I thinking?! This isn’t me! Or…is it??* she trailed off, lingering just a moment more on those thoughts before she finally shook them off and went about her day.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/wk8q7m/a_convenient_affair_ch_1_planting_the_seeds


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