I Received Some Spectacular Unexpected Love [MF]

The first day of Intro to Macroeconomics is not normally a notable day. But when Katherine chose the seat next to me, I took note. All I could think about that first day of class was “this girl is cute as fuck”.

And she definitely was. She was 5’4”, straight brown hair, and a body that was textbook former high school cheerleader. Small everything: boobs, butt, waist, you name it, hers was small. She was dressed cute too; she wasn’t the type to roll into class just wearing gym clothes (which is how the other person in this story would dress every day). She was in a flowy dress and stylish flats. When we spoke, her intelligence was readily apparent, and I quickly noted how driven she was. The first time I made her laugh I developed a crush on her fast enough to make Michael Scott blush

Even though we hit it off that first day, she was serious about her classes so it took me a few weeks to make enough of a connection to ask her out. Fortunately, she thought I was funny enough to tolerate the occasional missed note, although later admitted she considered moving seats because I was distracting her when she wanted to pay attention.

Once I get her away from class I managed to not screw things up on Date 1, so I got a Date 2, and eventually lucked my way into her being my girlfriend. We went out for probably two months before we did anything more than a good night kiss. She was very logical and stayed in control, and she outright told me on our 2nd or 3rd date that she wanted to get to know me well and that she had to be in a committed relationship before she did anything sexual.

That first night we did sleep together we had gone to a late dinner after a movie, and we’d laughed so much we started to get looks from the other tables. When we got back to her apartment she looked at me as I pulled up to her building “I’ve had so much fun with you tonight. Would you ready to come up for a bit?” Don’t have to ask me twice.

Anytime you sleep with someone for the first time it can be a bit awkward being naked in front of the other, discovering what they like, etc. But I was very pleased to discover that not only was her body as nice naked as it imagined it would be, but our bond we’d formed in the preceding months let us skip any of that and just be present with each other.

The only caveat to this is that she compartmentalized in everything she did. So while the sex was great, she wasn’t one to want to throw herself at me out of the blue or go all night. We would have our fun, but then once we were finished and cleaned up she would almost mentally check that box and shift gears to whatever she was going to do next.

There was one time where we’d been going at it pretty hard, she’d had her legs wrapped around me, moaning and shuddering, we finished at basically the same time, and as I’m coming down off of my high and still inside her she nonchalantly tells me about her paper she had due at the end of the week. It was one of those personality quirks that you either love or find infuriating. I found it amusing more than anything, and would gently tease her and ask where “Sex Kat” went.

But people can surprise you, and once she broke with her tendency and gave me one of my favorite orgasms of my entire life. However, to give you the proper context for our stories setting you’re going to first have to learn about one of my favorite past-times: disc golf.

Disc golf is structurally similar to “real” golf. There are 18 holes, each of which have a par based on distance and difficulty. However, instead of a ball and club, there are specialized frisbees (some are designed to go farther than others, some will more naturally go left or right, etc) that you throw and try and make into a basket that is a cage on a poll with chains dropping down from a top section to catch your disc. Courses are typically in local parks, which is where we were.

Kat would come with me when she could fit a mid-day excursion into her schedule, mostly to enjoy my company and to be outside. Because despite the fact that she was in good shape, she appallingly bad at sports. Anything that involved a throwing, hitting, or catching she was adorably terrible.

She was meeting me there since I didn’t have class that day. She had changed from her normal clothes she wore to class and was in light blue yoga pants and a white tank top. I whistled in appreciation as she got out of the car and gave her a pat on the rear.

“Oh stop it, act like you’ve been in public before” she sighed.

I looked around the parking lot, there were only two other cars parked and no one was around.

“I’m not 100% sure this qualifies as public, I mean the park is pretty empty. Plus you know I love that booty, and it calls for me to touch it.”

She playfully pushed me away, and I stretched for a bit and then we got started. The course was designed that the first few holes were relatively open and wound around a playground, then on the fourth hole you turned into the woods and played the rest of the round surrounded by forest.

We were on the back 9, maybe hole 13 or 14, when an errant drive kicked off of a tree and went way off the fairway and down an embankment that’s probably 12-15’ high. This is the double edged sword of disc golf, you’re out in nature, but occasionally you have to go hunt through that nature to find your disc.

I trudged down the slope, and after a few minutes still couldn’t find it. I asked Kat to come down and help me look, so she obliges and we both look under leaves, move around underbrush, and try to figure out where this stupid thing has gone.

After several minutes of this I started to get a bit frustrated. I picked up the bottom of my shirt and wiped the light sweat off of my forehead, then sigh deeply and stare off at the spot up high on the tree where my disc hit, irritated both at my poor through and that I can’t find one of my favorite discs.

I stay in this semi-trance for a bit as I replay the flight path in my head, and as I sweep my eyes back down the hill I see that Kat is just standing there watching me with a smile on her face.

“What?” I ask somewhat distractedly. “Did you find it?”

“Oh” She blinked, looked around for a split second and then back at me. “No, I didn’t…Hey, I really like you.”

I was in the zone a bit and it took me a second to register what she was saying. “Um, yeah, I like you to.” Then I looked at her and I stopped short. My heart skipped a beat as I was struck by the way she was looking at me. She had this spark in her eyes and it seemed as if her smile was bursting past her attempt to control it.

She started walking toward me, holding steady eye contact. God she looked amazing. When she spoke she radiated joy. “Like, seriously. I really like you. I think what we have is great, and I’m thankful every day we sat next to each other and that you put up with me.” At that she blushed a bit and glanced down. But when she looked back up at me her broad smile shifted and she grinned with a subtle lip bite.

I felt two things at once. First, a huge smile broke across my face, the kind that only can happen when you’re on the receiving end of a genuine, heartfelt declaration of affection from someone you genuinely care about. At the same time I felt my stomach twist a bit and blood redirected toward my crotch, because unless I was mistaken…that look only came out before…

“I think we’re pretty great too, and I mean a guy would be an idiot not to like you, you’re great.” I chuckled and glanced around as my mind was racing at what she had in mind as she closed the space between us.

Her grin broadened back into a radiant smile. I inhaled her scent as she reached me, and could feel an energy pulsing off of her as she gazed up at me. I went to put my hands on her hips but she pressed herself into me and I was off balance for a second and then my back was up against a large pine tree. She reached up and pulled my head down to her with both hand and kissed me on the lips.

“You’re an idiot” she grinned, and I laughed, but my laugh was cut short when I felt her hand go into my pants and cup my dick.

“But you’re *my* idiot.” She glanced back and forth, then said in a hoarse whisper. “And now, I am going to suck you off.”

A million thoughts ran through my head at once. I had no idea what had happened to make this sweet, smart, caring girl ready to deliver oral in the middle of a park. Because even if there wasn’t anyone around at the moment, someone could come by at any time. But at the same time, I wanted her as badly as I’d ever wanted another person.

I just stared at her a bit slack jawed, watching her as she beamed at me, my erection growing to its full length in seconds as her hand stroked me inside my shorts.

My breath was short and with my last remaining shred of decency I managed to feebly ask “Are you serious right now?”

She just smiled and nodded, and giving my cock a squeeze said “you seem on board with the idea.” Then she pulled my head back to her with her free hand and pushed her tongue into my mouth. At that point I surrendered myself and fully embraced the moment. I felt my hips buck involuntarily, grinding up into her stroke as our mouths danced together.

She broke our kiss and dropped down to her knees, pulling my shaft free from its confines and put big, wet, open mouth kisses down each side. I couldn’t do anything but watch her as she worked her magic, and when she was satisfied that I was sufficiently coated she grabbed me by the base, pointed my dick straight toward her, and slowly engulfed me.

“Oh sweet fuck” I gasped. Any idea I had that I was going to stay perfectly quiet were gone, because she quickly picked up the pace.

She rocked her head back and forth, first with her fist working my pole in tandem with her mouth but as she picked up the rhythm she took her hand off, grabbed each of my ass cheeks, and fed herself my full length with each thrust. She had a ferocity in her movements, she wanted me to feel as good as humanly possible at the maximum speed she could deliver it.

Her oral bombardment soon had drool running down her adorable cheeks; the sloppy squish of my cock entering her throat reverberating in my ears.

I leaned my head back against the tree, closed my eyes and lets the waves of pleasure wash over me. I moaned with each slurp, gasped at expertly applied teeth grazing me, and cursed as she fondled my balls. I felt my legs getting weaker and the remaining rational part of my brain wondered what would happen if I fell over.

An unexpected twirl from her nimble tongue caused me to gasp and threatened to push me over the edge. I looked down, eyes wild, and my movement caused her to look up at me.

I saw her smile around my dick, then she popped it out of her mouth, whipped off her tank top and sports bra in one quick motion, and then she held my gaze and greedily swallowed me again.

It was all too much. For my sweet girlfriend to be so brazen in a public area, to be so forceful, and to do it all not because I’d ask her but because she WANTED to. Just too much. It swirled inside my mind, multiplying and exponentially compounding until there was nothing left but raw emotion and physical desire. I let out low groan and watched my cock disappear over and over, her breasts swaying with her movement, and I knew I was done for.

I mumbled a warning, and then detonated. My legs turned to complete jell-o and I actually had to grab the tree to keep myself upright. Despite my bucking Kat had me inhaled to the root, so she gulped each shot directly down her throat.

After I finished she slowly pulled my head back, almost regretful in having to let each inch leave her control. Finally she only head the head between her lips, and she gently sucked it and sent a shiver racing all over my body.

“Holy fucking fuck.” I gasped. “You’ve got to stop. It’s too much.”

Her laugh in response was bliss, and she teased me as she finally released me. Then she stood up and pressed her naked chest into me, the trusty pine supporting both of our weights as we leaned against it. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly, as if I could hug her hard enough to express everything I was feeling. Somehow, that seemed to work. I felt her heart pounding against me, and she molded her body around me as we embraced.

We stayed like that for a minute, not saying a word. Eventually I felt her pull my shorts back up, and I let her go so she could put her bra and shirt back on.


After we collected ourselves and I felt like I wouldn’t fall over, we walked out of the woods. I was practically giddy. I asked her what brought that about, not that I was complaining. She told me when she’d looked over at me and I had this look of concentration mixed with frustration she felt a visceral call to make me feel better, and when she realized what she wanted to do and why she wanted to do it she realized how much she cared for me.

So even though it was the wild and certainly out of character for her, it was really a reflection of genuine human connection and in that way we were brought closer to each other.

Finally, if this story felt sexually one sided, don’t worry. We went back to her apartment and after a joint shower I returned the favor. Twice.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wk727a/i_received_some_spectacular_unexpected_love_mf


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