My [F30] husbands friend stayed the night while he was away with the kids seeing family 😬😅🥵 [FM]

So I’ve slept with my husbands friend Jordan a handful of times now, always with my husband there and Jordan’s always left afterwards and such. I’ve joked about the idea of it been just me but the times never come.

Until a couple of weekends ago. Pedro my husband was going to see his parents a few hours away. I had to do a whole lot of work stuff so was probably to busy to go, plus I don’t get along great with the in-laws so I opted to stay home the weekend.

Before they left Pedro told me he didn’t want me to be lonely and I should invite a “friend” around and he made it very clear what he meant.

Fast forward to the Saturday night and 10pm maybe 11pm ish Jordan shows up, I text Pedro to make sure he was fine with this. We do the formalities of small talk, how’s work and such before heading to the bedroom.

What proceeded was the hottest sex I’ve had with Jordan yet. In mine and my husbands bed. While my husband and my kids were with my in laws 😅

I think I remember seeing the clock around 1am once we got out of the shower then we both passed out on the bed. Next morning waking up both Jordan and I are butt naked in bed and I’ve got a few txts from Pedro saying he’s up and the kids are well and such. It dawned on me it was the first time Jordan’s stayed the night and in our bed no less 😬 🥵
