I am far more concerned about my husband’s chafing than he is [FM]

There are pros and cons of there being two runners in a marriage. The pros? We can fuck for extended periods. Long sexual sessions seem far less daunting when you’ve grown accustomed to running 9 miles on the reg.

*Also, we can trade headphones and I steal his socks*

The downside includes, sore muscles, cramps, and my husband’s chafed penis.

Now, granted I don’t know what it’s like to have a dick. I’d like to think I’ve picked up some special talents regarding that area of the body throughout the years, but alas my knowledge is second hand.

All that is to say, surely it doesn’t feel good to fuck with a chafed dick right? I am very concerned about this. My husband begs fo differ.

Anyway, we were fucking after he ran 9 miles. We engaged in our customary dry humping, he took my shirt off and bit my nipples, and then I stuck my hand down his pants.

I reared my head back and gave him a weird look. His dick was… different.

“Um honey… Are you ok?” I asked.

He narrowed his eyes. “Yeah. Are you?”

“You’re um… You feel sore.”

“Oh yeah. Don’t worry about it. This feels great.”

However, I swear I saw him wince when I started stroking him. “You’re ok?”

“Yeah, V. I’ll let you know.”

“This isn’t hurting you?”

“You know what might heal it?” He smiled.

I rolled my eyes and sank to my knees so I could take him into my mouth. I pushed down until I heard him moan, but I noticed a gasp when my tongue ran across his head. “Fuck! Are you ok?” I asked as I took him out.

“I’d be a lot better if this blowjob continued.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.” He looked to the left and I followed his eyesight to the gag and whip he had used on me the night before. We made eye contact again and both smiled. “Point taken,” I laughed. “Tell me if it gets to be too much.”

I went deeper, letting my tongue stroke his sides as I pulled him into my throat. I went faster, letting him gently pull my hair as I gagged slightly. I met his eyes and saw him since again when he hit the back of my throat.

“Are you ok dude?” I asked again.

“I’m getting head, Viola. I’m fine.”

“Ok but you’re bleeding slightly.”

He looked down. “Really?”

I shrugged and grimaced. “I could taste it a little.”

“Viola, I’m fine. It feels good.”

“I don’t want to break your dick. I’m not kidding- this is a very important piece of machinery that needs to be handled with care.”

“I think it just needs to be sucked, Viola.”

I put my head towards him again and watched him jerk slightly like he was indeed in pain. “I can’t…. I can’t hurt you. I don’t think you can fuck right now.”

“God damn it.” He pulled me up and bent me over the bed, pulling my pants down so he could spank me.

*The irony is not lost on me.*

“You think I can’t fuck right now?” He asked as his hand came down. I moaned and squirmed slightly beneath him.

“I’m just worried,” I breathed.

He spanked me again. “Tell me again you’re worried I can’t fuck you.”

I smiled as he put his mouth to my ear. I turned my head to kiss him and bit his lip slightly. “I bet you can’t fuck me,” I finally whispered.

He wrapped a hand around my mouth and stuck his fingers in my mouth. I sucked on them as he positioned himself behind me. “I bet I can prove you wrong.”

He slammed into me and I cried out. “Fuck,” I screamed.

“Do you believe I can fuck you now?”

“Yes!” I yelled.

“Is this proof enough for you, V?” He asked as he thrust into me again.

“Make me sore,” I moaned.

He spanked me so hard I yelled and sank my teeth into our comforter. He spanked me again and I backed into him. I let him grab my ass with both hands and bring me to him. He slammed into me hard until I cried and started shaking.

He did it again as I spiraled. He finally thrust one last time as I came. I moaned as he slowed down and gently spanked me through climax.

“Now would be a good time to finish what you started,” he laughed.

I got on my knees and put him back in my mouth. I didn’t hold back. I let him fuck my face so hard I got whiplash. I felt dizzy as he pushed me deeper and finally announced he was close before I felt him fill my mouth.

“I will never underestimate your dick again,” I said as he cuddled after.

You know, marriage.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/witsfw/i_am_far_more_concerned_about_my_husbands_chafing


  1. First of all, I won’t speak for everyone else who comments here, but I’d much rather read about the whip and gag you casually mentioned in a story about a chafed dick.

    Second…get your husband a decent pair of compression shorts. It’s 2022. There’s no reason for a chafed dick from running.

  2. “Why is it ok for you to have sex in pain, but not me?” – your Husband probably.

    > I reared my head back and gave him a weird look. His dick was… different.

    Ngl it’s pretty impressive how you can tell just from a touch *slow clap.*

    > “I don’t want to break your dick. I’m not kidding- this is a very important piece of machinery that needs to be handled with care.”

    So it’s a VIP (Very Important Penis) *get it* oh oh or MVP (Most Valuable Penis) *zing.* Accompanied by the GOAT (Greatest Of All Testiscles) LMAO!

    Taking care of your husband and great and all, but also do take extra care of your knees too. Can’t fuck like a madman if you have bad knees. Cheers to you and your husband Ms. V!

  3. What is he running in that’s causing all this chafing? I’m a pretty serious runner – was on scholarship in college and have continued running up to 115 mpw post college. I’m also relatively hung, so I know this isn’t just big dick problems. Any decent pair of running shorts will prevent this (I use Brooks and Nike with inseams varying from 1-5″). If it’s really still a problem, wear some snug synthetic boxer briefs under the shorts. Never cotton.

    The ONLY time the tip gets chafed anymore is if I run in the cold with cotton underwear. It’s not snug enough, and the shrinkage makes my dick retract so the tip is rubbing directly on the fibers.

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