Vanessa and her professor part 5 [20sF/30sM][con][fiction][fantasy]

I had to make a new account. >_< but here’s the continuations of my Vanessa and her professor story.


Vanessa was out on a double date. NOT with Beau. Her roommate Abby had been chatting up this guy all semester. He finally agreed to a date but Abby was shy and hated solo first dates. And since their other 2 roommates had boyfriends, Vanessa found herself as the chosen one. The semester ended in two weeks, not including finals week. Vanessa could think of quite a few things she’d rather be doing and yet here she was. Her mood was not improved by the fact that Beau had not strayed from their Monday/Wednesday arrangement during the holiday week. Even when she strongly emphasized she would be at her apartment, ALONE, on Monday as she left. She woke up in the middle of the night in a panic that he was married. She never saw a ring. No pictures in his office. No anecdotes or off hand mentions of a wife or family in class. She spent most of Tuesday scouring all social media to see if she’d missed anything. By Wednesday morning she’d convinced herself he was single. But she chatted about Thanksgiving on Wednesday and he mentioned going to have dinner with his mom, dad, and sister. This week had been the same Monday/Wednesday meetings and Vanessa was anxious.

The guys went up to the bar get more drinks and Vanessa poked at the cheese sticks at the table.

“Mark’s friend is waaaaaaay into you!” Abby gushed. Vanessa shrugged and took the last sip of her drink.

“Oh come on! He’s gorgeous! What’s not to like?!”

“I’m…um…I’m kind of seeing someone?” Vanessa said.

Abby’s eyes widened as she stared into Vanessa’s soul.

“EXCUSE ME?! Since when? Why didn’t you say anything when I asked you to tag along. Oh shit…here they come. You will be telling me EVERYTHING when we leave.”

Mark sat down next to Abby and put his arm around her shoulder. Abby flushed. His friend plopped down next to Vanessa. He also draped his arm around her shoulder, hand getting rather close to her breast.

“Vanessa! How nice to run into you outside of class!” Beau walked up behind Abby and Mark and stood next to Vanessa at the table. Vanessa got very still. His stare was boring holes into her.

“Hello Professor Hudson.” She said more to her drink than him.

Abby’s eyes were darting between the two of them. Growing bigger and bigger. Then she looked at Vanessa and grinned. Vanessa kicked her under the table.

“I’m Vanessa’s friend Abby! We’re out celebrating the last few weeks of school!”

“Is that what you call a double date?” Mark teased.

Beau tensed. Vanessa bit her lip.

“Well, I don’t want to crash the fun. Always nice seeing one of my students outside of their normal class hours.” He turned to leave and dropped his phone. While picking it up, Vanessa saw him stuff a napkin in her coat pocket. Shortly after he left, Vanessa excused herself to the restroom, taking her coat with her. On the napkin was an address. Vanessa shoved it in her purse with trembling fingers. Abby texted her.

A-you okay?

V-I’m fine

A-you sure?

V-yea. Come on, let’s get you to Mark’s place!

Vanessa went back to the table and put on the charm. No one noticed her knocking back a few more drinks than normal. Eventually, Abby and Mark got handsy and they called an Uber to Mark’s place. Mark’s buddy started sliding up near Vanessa dropping hints about her being alone at her apartment. But she ignored him and ordered her own Uber. Putting in the address from the napkin as her destination. The buddy eventually took the hint but not before calling her a stuck up bitch. Vanessa didn’t care. She got into her Uber and drove away.

Her Uber pulled up in front of a dark townhouse. The neighborhood was nice. Not too far from the college. Her driver asked if it was the right address when Vanessa hesitated getting out of the car. She said she was just looking for her keys, jingled them to bring truth to her lies, and then got out. She walked to the front door holding her breath *Please be unlocked. Please be unlocked.* she thought. The door swung inwards. She closed and locked it behind her. Vanessa exhaled.

“Beau?” She called out walking further into the house. She saw a light and started walking towards it. She walked thru the doorway into what appeared to be a home office. Beau was selecting a liquor from a shelf of nice options when he heard her. He dropped his glass as he turned towards her. Vanessa couldn’t breathe.

“Vanessa? Vanessa!” He looked around for a clock, swaying, and it took him some time to focused on it. “It’s been 3 hours since I saw you. Three hours! I didn’t think I needed to write ASAP on there!”

She swallowed.

“Abby was having fun. I didn’t want to hurt her chances with Mark by bailing on her.”

He stalked over to her, backing her into the door. He stood so close. So close. But he wasn’t touching her. He brought his mouth down to hers. Stopped just before touching her lips.

“And what,” he asked, his lips just barely grazing hers as he spoke “have you been doing for 3 hours to help dear Abby’s chances?”

He was staring into her eyes. His breath smelled like whiskey and under it she could smell his cologne. Vanessa’s voice shook as she answered.

“Trying to be nice to an annoying boy when all I wanted to do was get an uber and come straight here.”

He slammed into her. Crushing her between him and the door. He devoured her with his mouth. Running his hands up her arms, her neck, her face, to twist into her hair. Vanessa dropped her purse and clung to him. Beau began peeling the clothing from her body. She hadn’t been trying to attract the attention of the friend so she’d dressed more conservatively. It was probably the most clothes he’d ever had to remove from her. His shirt was off and Vanessa was down to her panties when Beau pulled away from her.

“No. Jesus, fuck, not in another goddamn office!”

He opened the door. Vanessa jumped and wrapped her legs around his hips. His hands grabbed her ass. Their mouths clashed together and he started walking. He carried her upstairs to his bedroom.

Beau’s shins hit his bed and he dropped her. She bounced on the bed while he stripped his joggers off. Vanessa reached out and grabbed his cock. She aggressively stroked it up and down before taking it into her mouth. Beau groaned and speared his fingers into her hair. Vanessa bobbed on his dick, taking his full length down her throat, drool everywhere. Beau pulled from her mouth and pushed her onto her back. Ripping her thong from her body. She slid up toward the pillows while he crawled over her. Kissing his way up her stomach. Her breasts. Licking and biting her neck.

“How many drinks did you have?” She asked as she tugged on his thick cock and licked his ear.

“Well I started with one.” He stopped to push her tits together and lick them. “But as the hours, HOURS VANESSA, went by I had a few more. Anything to keep me from seeing that arm around you. That hand so close to these delicious tits.”

Vanessa moaned and they returned to kissing. He placed the head of his cock at her entrance.

“Why do you taste like vodka? How many drinks did you have?”

“More than I should have.”

“Why?” He pressed forward separating her lips but not going further.

“So I had the courage to come here.”

He pushed into her cunt. Vanessa’s head fell back and she moaned. Beau bit her exposed neck. And then both his hands were grabbing hers and holding them down above her head. She slid her feet up. Bending her knees and giving him better access to her pussy. He positioned his knees under her legs and pressed her thighs back. Slamming his dick into her pussy. Causing her tits to bounce up and down.

“Your pussy is so tight. It feels like velvet. Just entering you is enough to make me cum.”

“I love feeling your fat cock stretching and filling my tight little cunt.”

Beau kissed her. Tongue diving deep into her mouth. Vanessa moaned on his tongue. She started pulling at his hands. Desperately trying to free an arm. To touch him. To touch her clit. Anything. Not being able to touch or move, do anything but thrust her pussy on his cock was driving her crazy. Beau released one of her hands. He palmed and squeezed a breast.

“I think I’d need both hands just for one. Good God your body is made for fucking.”

Her hand was clutching at his back. Her nails dragging down it leaving red marks. Her head was thrashing from side to side. Beau kissed her again. He snaked his hand between their bodies and started rubbing her clit. Little circles.

“I’m going to need to fuck that mouth of yours again tonight.”

Vanessa was wild. She felt herself crashing into an orgasm.

“My mouth. My pussy. My ass. Fuck all my holes. Use them. Use me. Fuck me. They are all yours.”

And then she screamed. Climaxing on his cock. Beau moaned and exploded into her. Filling her pussy with his cum. He collapsed onto her. A few minutes later when his breathing had slowed, he withdrew and curled onto his side. Pulling her ass tight against his
softening cock.

“You’re staying here all weekend.” He told her.

But Vanessa was already asleep. Cum leaking from her pussy onto the sheets.
