(32)[F] – (22)[M] Intern at work – The Gym Workout

Sorry! Still pretty behind on the updates. These are the events that happened on Friday couple of weeks ago.

This picks up from where the previous part left off. You can read Part 7 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wg19o6/32f_22m_intern_at_work_the_double_entendre/)

**Part 8 is below**

I was still annoyed by that phone call from my manager for breaking up the thing that was with Eric. It was a case of ***’So close, yet so far’***. I concluded the meeting with Eric reminiscing of what could have been. As I was stepping out, Eric mentioned he was heading to the gym now for his regular workout. It was still pretty early for lunch so I decided I could also squeeze in a gym session to help cool off and make up for missing it in the morning. As an added bonus I could be around Eric and I really wanted to see what he was hiding beneath those formal clothes.

I told him I am headed over there too and would see him in a bit. I quickly walked to the ladies room to clean up all the juices that had run down my legs. I had not seen anybody else on the floor and as I had hoped the ladies room was empty. I put my laptop by the sink and I surveyed myself in the mirror. I could see quite a few streaks on my thighs where my juices had run down and my G-string was still soaked. I grabbed a bunch of tissues and I was about to clean up, when I thought

*”Considering he asked for detailed status updates, maybe my hubby might like to see this.”*

So I tried to video call him, but he rejected it and texted back indicating he was in a meeting which might take a while. I took some pictures of my legs where the dried up streaks of my arousal were clearly visible. The effect was not as good as what Eric would have seen when it was still wet running down my legs, but it will have to do. I quickly removed my G-string which was still wet with my sweat and juices. I started recording on the phone, as I held the G-string above the sink and squeezed it. A few drops dripped into the sink. I saved the video, stuffed the G-string into my jacket pocket. I then cleaned up and went to my desk to leave my laptop and pick up my gym bag. 

When I reached the gym, Eric was already there waiting for me at the reception desk. I picked up a towel and then went to the women’s locker room to change. I opened the gym bag and there was a note on top from my hubby which read

*”Surprise! I repacked your gym bag with some ‘better’ stuff which I think will look great on you. It will also help you get into the mood for your morning meeting”*

I looked into the bag and there was only a brand new colorful strappy sports bra and a fairly risque matching ‘***bun hugger***’ briefs. My usual pair of leggings and workout tops and extra underwear were all missing. No wonder, the bag felt a little light in the morning. I would have been a little apprehensive about wearing this if I had gone to the gym in the morning when I was still in my senses. But now, I was still feeling pretty aroused and so did not even think twice about it and even mentally thanked him. I peeked outside to see how crowded the gym was and saw it was pretty empty. I changed into the sports bra and those bun huggers and put my hair up into a ponytail. I checked myself out in the mirror and saw those briefs barely covered my butt, but I liked what I saw and thought to myself *”Cute & Sexy! Not bad at all.”*

I snapped a couple of mirror selfies. 

*Me – (Texting my hubby. Attached those selfies) – “I am in the gym now. Thanks for the new workout gear. Love it!”*

*Hubby – “Wow! Totally sexy! Keep those selfies coming. Any other updates?”*

*Me – “Yeah, but gotta run now. Will tell you in the evening”*

My gym routine usually is only cardio focused – treadmill, elliptical and exercise bike. I am intimidated by the strength training equipment and usually avoid them. I noticed Eric was in a vest and shorts and was lifting weights. He was way more muscular than I had imagined. He had absolutely huge shoulders and arms and a very strong looking back which was a definite turn on. The treadmills were located on the other side of the gym in front of the strength training equipment. I started running on the treadmill directly in front of Eric. I could see him and the other guys checking out my shapely butt and I was pleased with that. 
After running for about ten minutes I stopped and got off the treadmill. I went to Eric and casually asked him

*Me – “I want to do strength training but am a bit lost on how to use some of the equipment. Can you show me an easy starter routine I could use? Only if that is fine with you and I am not getting in your way.”*

*Eric – “Sure thing, no problem at all. Cute outfit, boss.”*

*Me – (Blushing bright red) – “Thanks.”*

Finally I got a compliment out of him.

*Eric – “By the way how much do you weigh, boss?”*

*Me – (Smiling) – “You know what they say, a gentleman never asks a lady her age or her weight.”*

*Eric – (Grinning) – “I would not have, but I need to know it to get a rough idea on setting up some of the equipment, so that we don’t end up overloading your petite frame.”*

*Me – “Oh then ok. I am 5’3” and about 110 pounds.”*

*Eric – “I know I am stating the obvious boss, but you are tiny.”*

*Me – (Laughing) – “I know I am stating the obvious, but you are huge.”*

He spent the next half hour putting me through the different exercises and stretches. There were plenty of opportunities for touching both intentional and accidental around the hips, back, thighs, legs and butt. Every time his bare skin touched me, the spark inside me burned brighter. It was a great starter routine and by the end of it, I had worked up a good sweat. My entire body was super sore from the intense workout and I was bushed. I thanked him for his time and headed for the showers leaving Eric to finish his workout. I used the steam room for a little bit followed by a long, hot shower which felt great on the sore muscles. I came out of the shower with a towel tied around me and was drying my hair in front of the mirror. My mind was still filled only with naughty thoughts. I looked around and saw no one nearby. I adjusted the towel so it showed a good amount of my cleavage and it was just barely long enough to cover my lady parts. I pouted and snapped a mirror selfie on my phone and texted it to my hubby.

*Me – (Texting) – “Here is another selfie for you. Enjoy!”*

*Hubby – (Reply)  – “Oooh…Wowza! Hot! Hot! Hot!  Wifey is feeling naughty today. Must have had a good* ***’productive’*** *morning.”*

*Me – “Yup I did. By the way what is your opinion of me* ***’accidentally’*** *texting the photo to Eric?”*

*Hubby – (A long pause before replying) – “It does not show anything he has not seen before. Sure, you can send it.”*

I decided to up the ante. As there was nobody nearby, I quickly turned around, dropped the towel and snapped another mirror selfie looking back at the mirror. My bare back, naked ass, a side view of my tit and a little of my pussy was visible. I texted it to my hubby.

*Me – “How about sending this one too?”*

*Hubby – (A much longer pause) – “This one falls beyond the* ***’little more fun’****, but… you can send it naughty slut.”*

I opened up the text conversation on my phone with Eric. I attached those two pictures and wrote under it *”Something to jerk off to, my dear husband.”*

I hesitated with my finger resting near the send button, as this would be crossing another line in the sand. I went back to the text with my hubby and

*Me – “I am about to send it. Are you sure?”*

*Hubby – (Immediate reply) – “Yes.”*

I took a deep breath and pressed send on the text with Eric. It was done and there was no going back now. I waited for a minute and then texted Eric again –

*”I am really really sorry for the spam. Those photos were meant for my hubby. I sent them to you by mistake. I accidentally selected your name as it was at the top of the recent conversation list. Please delete them. Sorry once again.”*

I resumed drying my hair and waited with bated breath as a couple of minutes ticked by with no response. My hubby asked if he replied and I responded in the negative. Another few minutes went by at an excruciatingly slow pace and by now more than 5 minutes had passed. Still nothing. I thought maybe he is still working out in the gym and has not seen it yet. I was done drying my hair. I gave it another minute and then went towards my locker to change, a little disappointed. I literally had just put the phone down inside the locker when it buzzed. It was a message from Eric. Trembling with excitement, I unlocked the phone and clicked on the message. It was a selfie of Eric. He was standing in front of a mirror with his huge muscular chest and arms drenched in sweat with a towel tied low around his waist. You could just about see the top of his dick which seemed to be extremely thick. I could make out a faint outline, but it was hard to tell, as it might have been a crease in the towel. He had written under that –

*”Just finished my workout. No accident here. Just following up on* ***’You show something, I show something’****. You do not have to delete it.”*

I started shivering and instantly became sopping wet looking at his photo and his words. It was such a teaser revealing nothing and everything at the same time.  I forwarded that message to my hubby. 

*Hubby – “Wow! That guy is jacked. He also appears to be have an enormous cock.”*

Seeing those words from my hubby made me wetter. 

*Hubby – (Another text) – “Did that turn you on?”*

*Me – (Pretty sure I would not be able to keep my lies straight, so chose honesty) – “Yes. Super turned on. Pretty wet.”*

*Hubby – “Going to do anything about it?”*

*Me – “I don’t think so. I am still in the locker room”*

*Hubby – “I am going to tell you what you are going to do.  Go into the nearest shower and video call me and put me on mute.”*

I could feel his new found assertiveness in that text. So I went to the shower and called him. 

*Hubby (Texting) – “Now rub yourself till you cum.”*

My pussy had been in a state of constant arousal since morning and desperately needed a release, so I just blindly complied.  I put the phone at a spot from which he could get a good view. I started to let my fingers do their magic on my heated pussy. 

*Hubby (Texting) – “Now whisper to me softly what turned you so much.”*

I was turned on thinking about Eric’s muscular body and wondering what he was hiding under that towel. I was turned on imagining it was him pleasuring me and filling me up instead of my fingers and him taking me hard as I was bent over the table in the morning. I was about to whisper this to my hubby when I thought I heard a noise. I froze. I could hear someone walking nearby and it seemed like they entered another shower stall. I quickly turned on the shower to mask any noises

*Me – (Texting) – “Cant, someone nearby. Tell later.”*

I pointed that shower towards my pussy and went back to rubbing myself faster and faster till I came. I came hard and my orgasm came in multiple waves. I nearly blacked out from the pleasure and my legs felt like rubber. I had to lean on the shower wall to avoid falling over. My hubby gave a big thumbs up and a kiss as I ended the call. I stood under the shower till I finally recovered. I went back to the locker to finally change. I remembered that I had not responded to Eric. I was unsure what to respond.

I first typed out *”Thanks”*, then erased that and then typed *”Hot!”* and then erased that and typed *”Nice”*. It still sounded lame and nothing sounded correct.

So I finally settled on  *”Hot! Thanks!”*

I then followed it up with *”Lunch?”*

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wigd5k/32f_22m_intern_at_work_the_gym_workout


  1. This is the dream I didn’t get to live in so jealous of the intern !!

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