Wearing a vibrator in a house party [FM]

*[If you want to know a bit more about me, [here’s a post for that.](https://www.reddit.com/user/SaysLuna/comments/w9j02v/who_is_luna/) If not, you can skip ahead!]*

A while ago, I shared a [story about Paul]( https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/w6xy31/i_f_fucked_my_neighbor_after_matching_with_him_on/), a neighbor who I matched with on Tinder (who I thought was gay, by the way) and with whom I ended up fucking. That first night led to a second, and then a third, and so on.

Soon after we became what we both called “neighbors with benefits”.

Our relationship was simple, carefree, and loose. We had a lot of sex, but we also hung out quite often for platonic reasons. We became good friends, and we even brought Maria (my best friend) and James (his brother) along into the friendship.

Paul and I were not exclusive, but we were each other’s main sexual partner for months (and months). The stability of our arrangement, and the consequent growing levels of confidence, led to a lot of perks that casual sex with strangers doesn’t usually have: raw sex, nudes, videos, intimacy, you name it.

Today’s story marks the birth of a whole new dimension of my “neighbors with benefits” relationship with him.

It all began with a text from him. We hadn’t been together in around two weeks. He had been out of town and wouldn’t come back until later that week.

“Hey Lu, are you free this Friday night?”

“If the plans include catch-up sex, yes. If not, I’m sorry but something unexpected came up”

“Yes and no, I guess?”

“Well, I can try to postpone that unexpected thing. What’s the plan?”

“Sophie is throwing a house party for her birthday. She said you should come if you want to.”

Sophie was Paul’s friend and ex-coworker. Once our friendship strengthened, eventually we started dipping our toes into each other’s social circles. Most people in my close circle who had met Paul, knew he was a friend of mine with whom I slept. On Paul’s side, some people thought we were friends, others that we were friends with benefits, and others that we were dating. We didn’t really bother with explanations. Sophie fell on the group that thought we were a thing. I couldn’t blame her. We had a lot of chemistry.

“Does the house have a lot of rooms?” *a bit obvious, no?*

“I don’t know, should I ask?”

“No, I don’t want to be uninvited. Alright, let’s go.”

“Awesome, I have a surprise for you.”


No answer.




Of course he didn’t. He didn’t text me anymore that day, while I flooded his inbox.

Thursday afternoon there was a knock on my door. I made a beeline to the door and opened it before Maria could even blink. As expected, it was him. I was ready to blindfold, muzzle, and kidnap him to my room but he shoved a package in between us two, breaking my initiative. It was a small box enveloped in wrapping paper.

“Here’s your surprise. I have to go” he leaned in and gave me a kiss before walking upstairs to his floor, leaving me dumbfounded with his present in hand.

“What’s that?” Maria was right next to me before I knew it, peeking over my shoulder, looking as if she could will her eyes to see through the packaging.

“Nope. No way. I’m not going to tell” I left her giggling behind me as I made my way back to my room just as fast as I had first come.

Closing the door behind me, I sat on my bed and tore the package apart. The content was instantly obvious, and there was a handwritten note from Paul: “For you to wear on Friday. It’s charged already. I already have the app.” I placed the note aside to grab the pink remote-control vibrator he had just given me.

Friday night came. We shared an Uber to Sophie’s place. As per his suggestion, I was wearing a red flowery sundress and white sneakers (it was summer). The first couple of hours of the party went by smoothly. We met everyone, though there was an overwhelming amount of people neither of us knew, had dinner, and mingled into the party.

I need to add this here. After receiving the gift, I had spent Thursday night and all Friday *heavily* sexting Paul. He had been loving my overdrive as much as I hated it. *To be honest, I loved it too*.

At some point during the party we’re sitting on a couch outside, each with a drink, having a break while most people were dancing and drinking on the yard. He placed one hand on my thigh and gave me a shit-eating grin.

“Did you bring it?”


“Alright, go put it in”

He didn’t have to ask me twice. I got up, went to the bathroom (trying not to run) and when I came back, I had the vibrator inside me with the antenna safely held by my panties.

I sat down next to him again and crossed my legs. This tightened my inner muscles around the vibrator. I felt a shiver. *This is going to be hard*.

“Are you ready?” He already had the phone in his hand and a grin on his face.

“Yes” I was smiling like a kid waiting for a new toy.

He nodded and moved his finger on the screen.

I was *not* ready.

I almost jumped. He laughed. A couple of people looked but they had no reason to suspect anything. Still, I knew the freckles on my cheeks were being covered by a red wave as the skin on my face turned hotter than lava. This fucker had chosen possibly the day where I had the least amount of sexual self-control to make me wear the vibrator. And I had played right into his hand by practically edging myself against the idea of having him for 24 hours straight.

I couldn’t hear a sound coming from the vibrator. *At least there’s that*. But the sounds I had to worry about would come from my mouth.

The following hour could warrant a whole book on its own. Paul sent me on a series of quests while he sat back on that damned couch, sipped on his drink, and controlled the pleasure between my legs.

“Can you grab me a drink? (…) Why don’t you go over to Sophie to tell her the party is great? (…) Srike up a conversation with that guy over there. (…) You look a bit racey, why don’t you mingle into the crowd and dance?” and so forth. As you can guess, each time I did any of those things he kept toying with me, or rather, with the toy inside me.

Quite a few people in the party must have thought I was completely wasted, when I wasn’t even tipsy: I lost track of thoughts during conversations, I stopped halfway through trips to handle a particular strong vibration, I masked more moans than I would like to admit with coughs, you name it.

At some point, while I was dancing alone with the vibrator (and literally everyone else around me), I even ended up screaming a “Fuck yea!” to mask a yelp that would never go by unnoticed otherwise. A few people stared. It was hilarious, but I was mortified. Truly, I made a fool of myself, but I loved it.

Paul joined me in the middle of the crowd, eventually. He touched the small of my back as he approached, and it felt as if I was about to catch on fire.

“Is it any good?” he whispered in my ear.

*Good? Baby my panties feel like a swamp*.


“Good, let’s dance.” He increased the vibration.

Have you ever seen a jellyfish breakdance? I haven’t but I’m guessing that I made a perfect imitation for a couple of minutes.

And then the fucker turned it up TO. THE. MAXIMUM.

My legs felt like pudding. Unsteady. Weak. Uncompliant. As much as I wanted to dance with him, to throw my back at him, grind my ass on his junk until his pants smoked, my legs just were not into helping me. My thighs spasmed and trembled and standing up felt like a challenge of its own. Mind you, he had already used it on maximum on that same party previously, but the hour-long build-up was proving too much for me.

Still, I tried my best, for long, valiant minutes.

He spun me around so I faced him, and brought me close. “Are you gonna cum?” even his breath on my skin made me flinch. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“If you don’t make it slow down, probably.”

He did even worse. He stood with one leg in between mine, slid his hands over my ass, and then pulled me in. Hard. He rose his thigh ever so slightly, just enough for me to grind my crotch up his thigh as he pulled me.

It was all I needed. In came the explosion.

“Fuck, Luna, you’re hurting me!” a frightened whisper from him. I didn’t hear it. I was biting on his shoulder as the orgasm suddenly roared and flared all over my body. I must have turned as red as my dress. I was desperate not to moan and make a scene, but bucking my hips against him involuntarily as I came must have looked just as obvious. I don’t know if anyone did, because the world was suddenly reduced to my body and his as I came.

At last, it subsided. I was panting, and sweating. Holding myself upright against him with all my strength. I let go a bit.

“Finally,” he chuckled “I was almost choking over here” he teased me and quickly turned off the vibrator. The sudden stop in vibration was both a relief and a disappointment. Around us, people were dancing as clumsily as ever. He didn’t seem worried.

I looked at him like hunger itself looks at the greatest feast imaginable. I had just finished but I was just getting started.

“So, does this house have a lot of rooms or what?”

It did.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/whmumw/wearing_a_vibrator_in_a_house_party_fm


  1. Literally could not stop laughing at that jellyfish break dance comparison. That was amazing omg.

  2. Lush 2’s are so much fun to play with, my partner has one and I highly enjoy controlling it for her. So far it’s just been when we can’t see each other, but I told her next time I visit we are going to have her wear it out to dinner or shopping. Great story!

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