A Brief Interlude (Pt 3 of 9) (F27/F29) (Lactation, Shibari, Waxplay)

Start at Part 1 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/wh15pr/a_brief_interlude_pt_1_of_9_f27f29_lactation/).

The bathroom was sleek and modern, which made sense given that the apartment used to belong to some bougie dick. Sam did note Amy’s touches in the towels, at least- pink, fluffy, and monogrammed, of course. Sam had set her own clothes down at the edge of the sink and her bag of toiletries on one of the shelves in the shower when she noticed a circle on the wall of the shower opposite the shower head. A wet spot about three inches in diameter and set just above her knees. She wondered if it had anything to do with what Amy had grabbed before she came in, and curiosity got the better of her.

She listened for the sounds of cookware being used before gently opening the cabinet, only to be met with a silicone double-dong with a suction cup base standing straight up under the sink. The stalagmite had the traditional, veiny penis shape, she guessed at around 9 inches long, and a second, smaller dong about half the length and girth, two inches below it. It took a moment for her to absorb it all, during which time the thought of Amy fucking herself against the shower wall, getting double penetrated by this beast, snuck into her head. She felt herself grow instantly wet as a hand meandered, unbidden, to rub herself through her pants. Hell, it had been, what, a year-and-a-half since she and Paul had split? She hadn’t had anyone since, and her need pumped into her full force. She idly stroked the cock with her left hand before finally getting hold of herself through sheer force of will and closed the cabinet door shut. Maybe a tad too hard. She froze and listened for the sounds of Amy cooking. Silence. She strained her ears, concentrating, praying that the sounds would resu- “Sam?” she heard Amy say from what must have been inches away from the other side of the door, startling her into falling backwards onto her ass. *Oww!*

“Sam, are you okay? Did you fall? I’m sorry if I scared you. I was just going to say that you have to give the water some time to heat up, and if you keep turning the heat up on it, you’ll burn your skin off. Trust me. Are you alright? Should I come in?” Amy inquired.

“N-no! No, I’m fine. Yeah, you just startled me a little bit, haha, but the only thing hurt is my pride” Sam returned, standing and rubbing at her butt where it had hit the cool tile.

“Oh geeze, I’m sorry!” said Amy. “Let me know if you need anything, though!” she added, before leaving, presumably back to the kitchen.

Sam freed her hair from its usual ponytail and shook it out, pouring brunette and golden streams of hair down her back, which she examined over her shoulder in the mirror. Satisfied that it wasn’t knotty or greasy, she tied it back up into a tight bun, giving her what she thought looked like a stern, librarian-chic style. Next, she pulled her hoodie and t-shirt up over her head and separated them, noting with disdain that she had managed to leak into her shirt slightly. After becoming an au pair for twin infants and staying with the darling little things for 10 hours a day every day for months, she noticed that she had started to produce milk herself. Her doctor calmed her panic that she wasn’t pregnant – not that that should have been possible by that point – and that it was a natural, hormonal reaction to spending so much time with infants. “It will clear itself up on its own time,” her doctor had comforted her, “probably.” Ever since then, she’d produced a few ounces a day, never enough to need to pump, as she could take care of that with a few minutes of hand milking. Normally, she would have already gone through the ritual by now, but given the train ride had thrown everything off for several hours…

She unbuttoned and shimmied out of her curve-hugging jeans next and noted that, yes, her shirt wasn’t the only thing that was wet. She almost lost her hand back down to her still moist flower but thought better of it. Panties and socks were next, and she folded them all into her shirt, in case anyone were to see them. Finally nude, she stood and examined herself in the mirror. She stretched her arms above her head and felt a little proud that, although she’d put on some weight, her ample breasts had remained much more perky over time than she had expected. They were also slightly bigger than normal, something she chalked up to being engorged with her milk. She twisted slightly, looking at her sides and her ass. Her hips, thighs, and ass had also, unfortunately, grown much larger over the years and gave her a decidedly “child-bearing” hip ratio. Still, a lot of people liked that, and she was happy for any advantage she could get, not that she ever had a chance to date these days. She felt her mind wandering to Amy and making mental comparisons. *Her skin is much fairer and clearer than mine. She’s so short and thin. But those tits, why can’t I stop thinking about those tits? I am straight, aren’t I? Am I just that horny?* She shook her head again and stepped into the shower.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/wh1fu3/a_brief_interlude_pt_3_of_9_f27f29_lactation