[M]y fwb’s quest to be the best sucker in all the land

So continuing on and adding more to this adventure. My friend still wasn’t ready to have sex and was wanting to hold out for the eventual man that she was going to marry. “Whoever I end up with will probably have been with so many people before me so the least I can do is try to be the best at sucking dick.” We both have very traditional families so it was difficult to find a time and place to meet up and make this happen. We settled on meeting during the day and finding a secluded park where we would lay on a blanket and she would start “practicing.”

The first place we stopped had people walking by so we looked elsewhere. We ended up on a back street/alley where there was minimal traffic and no parked vehicles but it was still broad daylight. I moved over to the passenger seat and reclined the seat all the way back and she sat down on the floor in front of me. Now I had been single for a while and hadn’t had sex in a while so I forgot about my stamina. I unfortunately/fortunately have very high stamina (there are pros and cons. Trust me). She was down they sucking me for a while. She kept asking “are you close yet?” And I would just reply “sorry, nowhere close yet.”

I was guiding her on what felt good, what she should try to avoid, get her tongue involved, tease the head. All of that good stuff. She was on her knees in the burning sun with her face all messy from her saliva and my pre cum. It was a beautiful sloppy blowjob. When I was starting to get closer I asked her if she was going to swallow my load and she said “I’m going to try.” Finally I unleashed such a big load that it filled her mouth and when she thought I was done spewing out I had some more trickle onto the seat of the car. When she asked how she did I told her, “you did pretty good, but you’re still gonna need a lot of practice if you’re going to be the best. Your goal should be to get me to cum as fast as you can.”

She took on that challenge and we tried to hang out more often so she could rightfully earn her title. It was a good few months for me after that 😏

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wgybfu/my_fwbs_quest_to_be_the_best_sucker_in_all_the