[MF] Catching My Professor in the Act

I can easily say that my attraction to confident, intelligent and self-empowered older women traces back to a single moment when I was in still in school, studying as an undergrad at NeverTelling University.

I was 21 and feeling fresh and confident back from a semester studying abroad and “finding myself” in South America. In retrospect it’s honestly cringe inducing to think about the time I spent trying to impress all the underclassmen with my expanded world view and Not-fake ID.

Professor Robinson was in the Gender Studies department and up until that semester, had barely crossed paths with her, but I knew her by reputation as one of the best and most sought after teachers in that department. Her classes filled up quick, but I was able to grab a spot in one due to its cross-over with my Film minor.

She lived up to the hype and more. She was one of those teachers that no matter your interest in the subject, her command of both the classroom and the material made each class electrifying. She made the space open for free discussion but was able to challenge opinions and assumptions in the way that actually helped shape positive growth.

It also didn’t hurt that she was hot. Magnetic eyes, warm smile and an absolutely distracting ass, she was really the first woman outside my peers to so thoroughly capture my attention. I tried to impress her during classes with the same worldly takes on life that worked so well on girls my age, and she cut through that bullshit with grace and ease, leaving me walking out of the class with a weird mix of shame and admiration.

By the end of the semester, my head had come a little bit further out of my own ass, and Professor Robinson and I had developed the same warm and friendly rapport that made her adored by her students.

To cap off the year, she threw a pot-luck at her and her husband’s house near campus and invited all her upperclass students to come celebrate either their up-coming graduation or completion of junior year. After dinner about 20 of us over drinking age stayed late, playing charades and card games and just have a rowdy good time. Professor Robinson and her husband could hang, they kept up with all the rules of King’s cup and lost in honorable fashion.

Around mid-night the last of us shuffled off, stumbling and laughing down her front steps has she and her husband saw us off. A block away, falling a bit behind the group, I started fumbling around my pockets for the joint I had rolled earlier and realized, I had the joint… but I didn’t have my room key.

I called out to my friends that I had to go back and I’d catch up and I focus speed dunk walked back to the house. I didn’t even think to knock.

When I pushed the front door open, I saw, through the large open doorway in the entry way, Professor Robinson standing in the middle of the living room with her dress hiked up around her waist, and her husband bent in front of her with his head buried in her pussy. She had her head thrown back and her legs strongly spread, one hand on the back of his head while the other squeezed her tits and pinched her nipples under the fabric of her dress.

I stood transfixed.

She was pressing her hips into his face, demanding with her actions that he push his tongue deeper and stroke her clit firmer. She let out the sexiest moan I had ever heard in my life, it was high pitch and sudden, but seemed to emanate from her whole body and not just her throat. It was the sound of gratification and bliss bursting through the dam of suppressed lust.

It shook me to my senses and I quickly and quietly backed out of the house, but the imagine and the sound of her ecstasy was burned into my brain. Though I woke up the next morning on a friend’s floor with very few solid memories of the night, that one stuck with me. Still to this day, I find that, in my moments of distraction during sex, my mind pulls up the echo of Professor Robinson, her toned legs trembling with exhilaration and her tight stomach rising and falling as she commanded satisfaction from the now faceless man knelt before her. And before I know it, I am left panting and breathless, filled with my own contentment.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wgg1bk/mf_catching_my_professor_in_the_act

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