(32)[F] – (22)[M] Intern at work – The Double Entendre

Sorry! Still pretty behind on the updates. These are the events that happened on Friday couple of weeks ago.

This picks up from where the previous part left off. You can read Part 6 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wd1tk3/32f_22m_intern_at_work_the_night_before/)

**Part 7 is below**

I could barely sleep Thursday night due to the anticipation. My mind was filled with endless possibilities that could happen on Friday, most of them naughty ones. By the time I finally drifted off to sleep it was close to 1:00 AM. I woke up on Friday to the phone alarm ringing and looked at the time and it was still early. I had snoozed the alarm just once which was an achievement in itself. I picked up my work phone and quickly looked over my emails. There were a couple of new emails and nothing required an immediate response and thought to myself

*”So far a easy work day. Plenty of time for gym and playtime with Eric.”* 

My hubby had already gotten out of bed and I could hear him in the shower. I walked into the bathroom and opened the shower door and wolf whistled at his naked butt copying him. I then gave him a friendly slap on his butt.  I then went to the sink to brush my teeth. By the time I was done, he came out of the shower, and he smiled and said

*”Someone appears to be in a good mood today. That excited huh?”*

I just pouted and pushed past him and went into the shower. I took my time with the shower, scrubbing and exfoliating every nook and cranny clean, till my skin felt soft and supple. Today I decided to have a light breakfast first (usually have it before I leave the house) in order to give myself sufficient time to try out the outfit and iron out any “kinks”. So I walked over to the dining nook in just my towel where my hubby was already having his breakfast. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and joined him.

*Hubby – “Oooh, looks like someone cannot wait to get naked and is really hungry for some chocolate cereal today”*

Based on the emphasis of his words, I understood the obvious double entendre. It is going to be one of those days. 

*Me – (Pouted at him, pulled my towel down and flashed him my tits) – “I suppose you are referring to yourself. Here is some chocolate cereal for you” (pointing at my brown tits)*

*Hubby (Grinning like a fool) – “Yummy! Can I pour some milk on them”*

*Me – (Playing along) – “Don’t you dare. Knock me up and then you can drink milk from them”*

That one shut him up. He tried to come up with some witty retort, but got nothing. I went into the bedroom to get dressed. I put on the outfit I had picked out yesterday (sheer pink Indian style blouse and dark blue mini skirt) and looked at myself in the mirror. It was very inappropriate as without the lining my tits were clearly visible through the sheer blouse. I started having doubts that I could actually carry it off, so I packed another regular top that I could wear on top into my bag. My hubby just then walked into the room and whistled softly when he saw me. 

*”Woah, we have one hot desi babe in the house today.”* 

He made me twirl around as he snapped a few pictures. He lifted my skirt to check out my G-string and gave my butt a slap and a good tight squeeze.

*Hubby – “I know you are excited, but don’t do anything too stupid that could get you into trouble at work.”*

I acknowledged him and then kissed him deeply. I put on my jacket and the strappy black heels and grabbed the gym bag that my hubby had left by the front door, said bye and walked to the car. In the car I thought I would take a quick peek at my office emails, when I realized I did not have my office phone. I quickly ran back to the house and started searching for it starting with the bedroom. It was nowhere to be found and I was getting late for my train. After more than fifteen minutes of searching I finally found it in the bedroom, it had gotten inside the pillow case. I grabbed it and rushed out. 

*Hubby – “Good luck today…(paused for a good effect)…with the train. I, of course, will need a detailed update of your day when you come home*”

With his words echoing through my head, I drove as fast as I safely could, but ended up missing my intended train by a few minutes. I had no alternative but to wait for the next train which was only after twenty minutes which meant my gym plan went out of the window. Since I had skipped the gym, I was a little early to the office which gave me time to retouch my makeup and also catch up with most of the pending work for the day. My heart was beating faster as the time inched nearer and it was almost time for the meeting with Eric.

*Eric (messages on chat) – “Your Place or Mine, boss?”*

*Me – (wondering if that was double entendre) – “Where are you at?”*

*Eric – “Same place as last week M’Lady. My private secluded nook”*

*Me – (Again it appeared a little suggestive to me, so I played along) – “I need to show you the next part. I will be there in five for our tryst.”*

I went to the other floor. It is almost completely empty and I wondered if Eric picked this place on purpose (especially after the events of last week). I went to the women’s room and shortened my skirt by a couple inches and adjusted the lipstick. My heart was pounding again in my chest as I walked towards *”his place.”* Eric was dressed quite sharply in a formal shirt and slacks.

*Eric – “What are you planning to show me today, boss?”*

The way he said I knew it clearly was a double entendre. I decided to take the bait and play along. It was a major turn on to hear him calling me boss. It added a sexual energy to the whole atmosphere.

*Me – “The way it works is you show me something and I show you something…” (I let those words sink in for a bit and then added after a pause)… “You show me what you have done so far and then I show you the next part of the project”*

*Eric – (Fake disappointment) – “Aw boss, I was hoping it was more of a ‘****show and tell****’. You show me….(Pausing) … what you got in the next part and I see and tell you how long it will take me to complete it”*

*Me – (Loving this conversation so far) – “Last time I checked, I was still the boss, which means I get to make the decisions. So now big boy, get up there and show me what you have….(Pausing) … completed.”*

Eric grinned and threw up his hands in mock defeat at that one. He got up and started folding his sleeves. This was a total power move as the act of a guy rolling up his sleeves is such a huge turn on for me (and [many women](https://love.allwomenstalk.com/strange-things-we-find-sexy-about-guys/#1)) and is an instant panty dropper.

He walked towards the white board where the projector was showing his work. He then realized it was too bright from the sun outside, so he went to the window blinds and lowered them darkening the room. He did this in a very deliberate manner and the entire time I was staring at his hot body and got pretty wet. He then walked towards the board and he had his hand close to the zipper of his pants. I had scooted all the way to the front of the chair in anticipation of him unzipping his pants. I had to keep my legs tightly shut to avoid gushing at that very moment. My skin was crawling with excitement. I waited with bated breath for his next action. Instead his hand dug around his pockets where fished out a key bunch and put it on the table. 

*Eric (Casually) – “Ah sorry, I felt something uncomfortably poking in my pants.”*

I was still hyperventilating, so I didn’t even try to reply and just nodded. The atmosphere in the room was already charged and he had just fed a millions volts into it. He was all business like as he completed the demo of his work over the week which was the second part of the project. He had completed the work assigned to him and the quality even exceeded my expectations.

*Eric – (Smiling) – “Thank you! It is now your turn boss”*

I looked down at the jacket and it was ‘*deer caught in the headlights*’ moment for me. My hubby’s words about ‘*do not do anything too stupid*’ came flashing back. I was suddenly petrified and started having second thoughts and continued to just sit on the chair. My mind was in turmoil and I was sweating and trembling with trepidation. 

*Eric – “Should I reduce the temperature of the air conditioning as it seems to be a little hot in here and you seem to be in that thick jacket.”*

That statement from him snapped me back to the present and I decided it was now or never. I connected my laptop to the projector. I got up and looked back to see if I had left a spot. There indeed was a tiny but noticeable spot. I walked past Eric towards the white board, who went and sat down on my chair. 

*Me – (Shaking and stuttering a bit) – “Yeah it is a little hot in here and the jacket is not helping”*

I was facing away from Eric as I removed the jacket and put it on the table next to the white board. I looked down and my tits were clearly visible even more so in a darkened room under the projector light. I paused a little and then summoned the courage and turned around. I could audibly hear the sharp intake of the breath from Eric as he saw me. Under the projector light, the sheer top hid nothing. It was almost like I was topless. I tried my best to start talking about the next part. This time around he did not attempt to not stare. His eyes were glued to all the juicy bits – my breasts, my bare midriff and my thighs and legs. If I turned around, I could feel his eyes staring at my butt. He would occasionally look at my face and wink whenever he caught my eye. As I was breathing heavily, with every labored breath my chest would rise and fall rhythmically. Under his hypnotic gaze my nipples had become harder than eraser points. I was getting wetter and wetter with every suggestive look and had soaked myself by the time I was done talking. 

*Me –  “Any clarifications about the next part of the project”*

*Eric – (grinning) – “Everything was ‘****crystal clear****’ boss”. (Continues in the same mischievous tone, while quickly moving his eyes all over me) – “I was hoping you would show me a 360 degree, complete, unfiltered overview…(paused suggestively before adding)…. of the rest of the work”*

*Me – (His words were not lost on me I clearly understood what he was wanting me to do, which caused me to nearly come) “I….. (stammering and then composing myself)…Easy there tiger.. One part at at time for now”*

*Eric – (Fake disappointment) – “Aw boss. Your approach of gently stripping away in pieces till we get to the core is also great”*

*Me – (Continuing suggestively) – “The next part ..(Pausing) … of the work.. is a little tougher and you may need to work harder and longer”*

As far as the work was concerned, the above statement was actually a lie. It was not difficult at all and. My heart sank when I realized this was the last part of the work I had originally planned and it might be that Eric would be done by next week.

*Eric – (Smiling) – “The Road to Valhalla (Norse mythology reference) is expected to be* ***’long and hard’****”*

*Me – (Impressed by his wit so far and also found it intellectually stimulating) – “If I remember correctly, the bridge to Asgard is* ***’wet and slippery’****… You would not want to slip and fall into the deep abyss.”* 

*Eric  – (Smiling even more) – ” Is it now? It is better to go through something wet and slippery first before entering* **’Ass’**….*gard”*

Oof! That was a good one and just like that our conversation had steered itself into the virgin territory of “Anal sex”. A vivid image of Eric entering my virgin asshole flashed in front of my eyes and caused my pussy to  spasm. My soaked G-string could not hold it all in and I could feel a single drop of my pussy-juice running down my thigh. I was mortified and instinctively looked down. Luckily nothing was visible as the drop was still above the hemline of the skirt.

*Eric (who was sitting in front of my laptop) – “By the way boss, your laptop is running out of battery.”*

I immediately knew the hidden meaning in his suggestion (based on what happened the week before). I walked over to him and then leaned over him to check on my laptop. I was on fire when my boobs and the bare skin of my midriff touched his neck. Being so close to him caused my pussy to go into a juice production overdrive.  My poor G-string had no chance. I could feel rivulets of pussy-juice running down my legs in several places. At this point my brain had pretty much shut down and my actions were being driven by my pussy. 

I said in a husky tone *”Maybe I should connect it to the power.”*

He pushed his chair back ever so slightly to give me some space. I stepped in front of him and leaned forward trying to fish the laptop power cable through the hole in the middle of the table. The skirt rode up higher exposing more of my thighs and I slightly spread my legs. I could hear him breathing in sharply and saying something that sounded like *”Wow”* very softly when he spotted the obvious signs of my arousal trickling and snaking their way down my inner thighs and legs. He was so close, he could have reached over and touched me. I was not even sure how he was demonstrating so much self control  and so I wiggled my butt at him suggestively. The sexual tension in the air was electric. I could hear him shifting around in his chair as I waited for him to reach out and touch me. I would have backed into him and sat on his lap if this went any longer.

My phone which was next to the laptop started ringing at the most inopportune time, breaking the reverie and bringing everything back to stark reality. I tried to ignore it, but the ringing was incessant. I silently cursed my luck. It was my manager and I picked up the phone hoping for a quick conversation. Unfortunately, the conversation dragged on for a while and the opportunity was gone. 

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wg19o6/32f_22m_intern_at_work_the_double_entendre


  1. Damn! That cliffhanger is cruel. Such KLPD. Eagerly waiting’s for the next one.

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