I [M] 24 got my friends mom pregnant [F] 40 after she told me she was “fixed”

It has been a while, this one won’t be as long but if there is enough interest I would be happy to share some of my physical relationship with my friend’s mom.

So I have been flirting with/ having regular sex with Ms. X for some time now. And I have to say it’s been the best part of my life so far. I literally could not ask for a better situation.

However like all amazing situations, I flew perhaps a little too close to the sun.

When we first started to hook up we were being safe and discussed this would just be a flirty/benefits scenario nothing serious, but also being exclusive so that there was no risk of STD’s etc.

I opted to use a condom in the beginning because number one I didn’t know if this was something she did often with others and I didn’t want to give my friend a half sibling (🙄).

After the first month or so she asked me if I was hooking up with other people (though she asked much more formally) (she said “have you been sleeping with other women”)

The truth is that I have not actually which I told her. I did NOT however tell her that she was plenty for me I felt shy saying that to be honest. Then she asked if I had been sleeping with other “girls”. At first I did not get the distinction but then it occurred to me from her perspective she was likely referring to “girls and boys” as those adults much younger than her and “women” as mature women of her age group. So I laughed when I thought she was asking me if I was a pedo lol.

I cleared it up and she laughed as well and told me to get me head out of the gutter. Though when I’m with her my thoughts are rarely clean

We were watching a movie at her house, her daughter was on a date (again, and she didn’t seem thrilled about the new guy in her daughter’s life)( I should also mention that we have kept this thing entirely secret, and I have not uttered a word to a single one of my friends, too paranoid about the gossip).

Anyways, we were making out and then one thing led to another and she was sucking me off after the movies introduction credits had finished (I guess she just wanted something on in the background lol). She really knew how to make me feel good, not just but slobbering on my knob and touching my body, but she made it seem at least that she was enjoying it and that she wanted my cock in her mouth. I wasnt gonna protest at all.

I love fingering her while I’m in her mouth because her hard breathing and moaning always feel good on my balls and shaft. She gets so wet when I graze her butthole (though she says she does not want to have anal sex, which doesn’t bother me, I think she just likes the tease) eventually her pussy will drip where a small collection of drops gather where my palm meets my wrist. I know this is when I get to have a snack.

I go down on her for about 15 minutes or so my jaw is definitely tired but it’s just as well because if she cums during oral she says she is too tight after for sex so I like to bring her to the edge so we can fuck for a little while before I bust. She was getting close FAST this time so I asked if I should get a condom and to my surprise she said “nope”.

I thought maybe I did something to offend her or maybe she just wanted to cum so I kept eating her out and she said “no I want you to fuck me”

I hesitated and asked “like raw?”

She was like “I want it without the condom” I don’t think she was familiar with the term raw, English is not her first language.

I double, triple, and quadruple checked if she knew what she was asking to make sure she wanted it. Finally by the fourth ask she said “please just fuck me I want to feel your cock and only your cock inside me”

That was all I needed to hear. Now I have never had unprotected sex. I want to say it’s not all it’s cracked up to be but I would be a big fat liar.

I was smitten, my face giant grin her face turned into a giant :O as I slid it in, we didn’t even need lube tonight which is usually a staple in the bedroom for me and especially with Ms.X

I pumped slowly until she relaxed her legs in my arms with her knees over my vent elbows and my hands on her hips and thighs. My knees on the floor her beautician ass on the couch the soles of her feet pointing to god.

We fucked for about 7 minutes (I may be being generous with the time here) and I pulled out to stop.

She said “what’s wrong?”

I said “I was about to cum I didnt want to be inside when that happened”

Out of breath she said “I would rather you make a mess inside of me then on my chest and face” and she laughed.

I was a bit stunned this was moving fast. She she said “don’t worry I was fixed after I had Daisy, she wasn’t planned.”

I asked her to reiterated, “ so you can’t have a baby”

She told me “not even if I wanted to!”

Again I needed to hear very little more, I was about to go back inside but she said she wanted to do “the one where you are behind me with your hands on my back”

I told her the name was doggy style and she said she prefers her name lol.

So I bent her over the seat of the couch moved back the coffee table and proper myself up on one knee. Sliding in like I was coated in butter. God this sensation is impossible to replicate properly.

5 minutes of vigorous primal fucking went by she was moaning and then grunting and gripping the couch pillows so they were being pulled off of the Velcro fasteners on the back.

She said “hit me”

I was assuming she meant a spanking, so naturally I left a big red handprint on her right cheek and then an inverted one with the same hand on the left. She absolutely squealed, she said something in her native tongue under her breath, I am hoping it was good I never got the courage to ask her.

I put a little spit on my middle finger and reached under to rub her clit as I slowed down to do longer strokes. She was bucking her knees and shaking her hips, it was about to happen. I spat on my thumb and rubbed around her butthole she collapsed her stomach to the couch and gave out the elbows she was leaning on.

My opportunity to grab her dainty pale wrists and pull them back and I drive deeper into her and faster, I wanted to finish before she tightened up to much so she wouldn’t be in pain. Luckily her screaming “fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck don’t stop” and “do it now” was all the encouragement I needed to cum. I blasted inside of her right after she came, however she did not tighten up like she normally does , she was stilll pushing her hips back on me and pumping my cock like she was trying to get out the last bit of toothpaste out of a tube as I deflated. Instinctively I was about to pull out but when I looked down and remembered I was raw it just felt right to stay in.

I wanted to pull out after but she was still rubbing around on me, and moaning into the couch cushions. Eventually her arms relaxed as I let go and she said to stay there for a minute she wanted to “feel it” inside her, which now I understand was the cum.

We cleaned up, showered, had a little bit of shower sex (which we both agreed is better in theory ) and then went to her bedroom to makeout and go to sleep. I love sleeping at her house, I am happy there.

That was a month and a half ago.

Fast forward to this past weekend. She callls me and said she wanted me to come by immediately.

I assumed it was a hookup and I got myself ready to go, made up a lie to my folks about where I’d be and walked over.

I arrive and she is waiting in her front window, she points and motions for me to go around the back (I guess daisy was home)

I meet her in the back and she sneaks me to her room.

She starts smiling and kissing me immediately.

Then she says “do you want to have sex with a pregnant lady”

I stopped, cold sweaty and heart thumping. This is my worst nightmare.

I asked “but I thought you had your tubes tied?”

She giggled “I lied”

I was honestly panicking and A bit mad. BUT something miraculous happened. She kept taunting me and saying that she can’t wait until her breast grow and booty gets bigger. She also said she can’t wait to be fucked by “daddy” she pointed to me. I gulped.

I have never been called that but goddamn she can do it anytime. She got dirty really fast. She asked me if I would fuck get “pregnant Asian cunt” I was blown away. She had steered away from raceplay for a while but I guess she rediscovered her love for it.

She kissed me and put my hands on her hips, as she climbed on me she said “I’m so glad you put a white baby in me, baby”
We both laughed a bit, I don’t know why I was able to look past the panic. But it was the best sex I had in my life. I cannot believe this woman lied to me to have my baby, and she seems to be in this for the long haul. I really don’t know what’s gonna happen but the sex we have had since she told me has been like an 11/10 I don’t know why, I am so fucked up but its really hot having someone want you that badly even if they are a bit wild lol.

I guess maybe I’m gonna be a dad now? She said she doesn’t know what she wants but wanted me to impregnate her because “I couldn’t think of something hotter than that white seed spilling into me”

I’m gonna enjoy the ride for now.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wem305/i_m_24_got_my_friends_mom_pregnant_f_40_after_she


  1. Also please feel free to ask questions, legitimately might help me think this through!

  2. If you’re not ready to be a dad with your friends mom, say that. Don’t just fall into parenthood because you like fucking raw. Say you made sure she was tied to prevent exactly this.

  3. I mean… I’m jealous because that’s hot asf, but when that baby come out I think a lot of the experience is gonna be soured, unless it means you get unlimited access to this MILF?? Idk kinda sounds like an L lol

  4. There is a chance she’s lying to you for the kink, but if you get to cum in her every time after that then kink away, breed the hot little slut

  5. I dunno why you’re happy about this, 18 years of child support for what the occasional good BJ? Not worth it imo

  6. Maybe you should tell your friend if you’re okay with this. They will find out one day.

  7. The sex will be over in 8 months. Tell her she can do whatever but that you won’t be a father to that child

  8. It’s all fun and sex and games until there’s an actual baby to take care of. Being a parent isn’t something to be so casual about. And the fact that she lied to you is incredibly manipulative. Don’t ignore the red flags because the sex is great.

  9. Control, this is Philippine Air 998, reporting spermjacking in progress, repeat, calling Pan Pan Pan, code spermjack. 1 soul on board, we’re going to need all the equipment you got

  10. The sex may be good my dude but this is screaming red flags for me. Like bright crimson levels of red here. She lied to you and had put you in a very difficult position. If she wants to, she could absolutely ruin your life now.

  11. You need to have a serious talk with her, and potentially with her son. I am speaking from experience, I was in an almost identical situation with a girl I used to date. She lied about being on birth control, then immediately everything became about her being pregnant. While it is awesome to be called daddy and the sex at first is amazing, that goes away pretty quickly. You are not in a relationship with this woman, you were FWBs and were hiding it from everyone. And at 40 (with grown kids), it sounds like she misses being a mom and having the family life. Many countries are now considering pulling a condom off as sexual assault, you should find out if lying about contraception on the woman’s part is illegal or something that can be fought legally where you live. You are 24 and don’t even know if you like her as a person, you only know her in the context of her being your friend’s mom and your FWB. Hell, you still live with your parents, how are you supposed to provide for a new family? You two may be incompatible as partners, and then you’re divorced and forced to pay alimony and child support. I would have a serious talk with her about you either not being in this child’s life if she chooses to keep it, or if you’re willing, to be co-parents. If she is difficult and wants you to do something you’re not comfortable with, I would speak to a lawyer about your rights and options, and have a serious talk with your parents as well, because if you can’t afford a family your parents may need to help you out. I really hope everything works out for you and you make a decision that you’re happy with. Good luck!

  12. If you’re still into it, go for it absolutely. Just make sure you guys are spending her money faster than yours, since you got roped into it nonconsensually.

  13. Whatever you do go for 50/50 custody. It’s the only fair thing you can do. It’s a win/win. You will absolutely regret not having that time with your baby. And if your worried about money, I’m sure she makes more then you which means she will be paying child support to help raise the baby.

  14. You didn’t get her pregnant. She got herself pregnant. You were just doing what you thought it was OK

  15. Sorry bud but it sounds like you got trapped. She could be lying too so pay attention to her closely. Also if you were my friend and I found out you got my mom pregnant… man lmaooo helluva story tho

  16. Now imagine if she actually had a whole different relationship with another dude. And if it’s true she’s pregnant, it could probably not be yours.

    You just got trapped for child support.

  17. Tell an adult.

    What she did has major legal consequences and, importantly, is likely criminal.

  18. Tell your friend he has to call your dad now.

    You’ll probably never be this fucked again in your life. She is a deplorable person for lying.

    Know who is even more fucked? That baby, a product a lie, her kink and a mother who puts her pleasure above all else.

  19. Why do you all never want to put on the condom?

    Happy Father’s Day!

  20. If there is one thing every guy should know is, if the girl says, “she’s on the pill” or, “cannot have a baby because, x, y, and z” and she wants it raw, SHE IS LYING! You should have pull up your pants and ran away from her as soon as she said that.

  21. If you can forgive her for lying to you to get you to impregnate her, go for it. You are old enough to make your own decisions. But you have to tell her daughter before she finds out. She probably won’t be happy either way, but if you tell her she might have some understanding for you.
    Also from some other replies I’ve seen maybe get Ms. X to show you a pregnancy test to make sure she’s not just doing this for the kink.

  22. Say hello to new responsibilities right out of young age, regret may come right out from the corner.

  23. I know nobody on this sub likes to hear things like this, but that was a form of sexual assault. Lying about being on birth control isn’t okay or allowed.

  24. A girl told me her doctor told her she couldn’t have kids. I broke off the fling. The next week my friend knocked her up. They’re married with 2 kids now.

  25. For some reason I don’t like the Asian part of this, especially if it’s her second language.

    I’m Viet and lots of Viet women want babies as tools to control their husband, couple that with American laws favored to women then she has lots of leverage.

    Not saying this is all Viet women, but the more party talk I get into the more prevalent it is heard..

  26. The lying about being on contraception or being “fixed” is behavior that I would expect from someone in their teens and twenties.

  27. How do you even know the kid is yours? She lied about the tied tubes she can lie to you about not sleeping with other people

  28. She played you…Asians having babies with white guys is considered hitting the genetic lottery for them. Lawyer up kid, she’s gonna milk you for more than just your DNA.

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