Auction Night Part 1.2 [M+F+ over 25] [cheat][exhib][bdsm]

The second half of my original post got lost, so I’ve tried to recreate it here. Part 1.3 coming soon!

[Read Part 1.1 here.](

I am normally not into these types of school booster events, but I knew it would mean a lot to Lucy if I joined her so I agreed. I quickly changed into a nice pair of pants and a dress shirt while Lucy put on a summer dress that made her look really good without being inappropriate. I reached over and rubbed her ass. She pushed my hand away.

“Not now! We need to get going.”

The silent auction was at the school. A bunch of parents were there, including most of the families of the kids in Lucy’s classes. They all wanted to say hello and tell her what an amazing teacher she was. Seriously, it was like she was a celebrity — there was a constant line of people coming over to gush over her. Lucy’s not at all a vain person, but I could tell that she was enjoying the attention.

I noticed that quite a few of the dads, especially, seemed really excited to see Lucy. They would stand and nod while their wives talked endlessly about their kids, and then they would lean in, hold Lucy’s elbow, and tell her how much they appreciated all of Lucy’s hard work and commitment. One or two of them even started talking history — Lucy’s passion, and she would get totally animated chatting with them about Watergate or the Pentagon Papers. I stood by, nodding and smiling.

Eventually I got a little bored with that so I headed over to take a look at the items up for auction. This wasn’t your typical school auction, with $20 bottles of wine and dinner at the local Italian bistro. No, the stuff here was more like, “Play a game of HORSE with Steph Curry,” or “Fly to a private villa on our Gulfstream jet.” Obviously I wasn’t bidding on anything.

There was one item that caught my eye. It just said “Mystery Party: You know the drill. 20 spots.” No explanation. Just for kicks I wrote down my name (and added Lucy’s so they knew who I was) and a $100 bid. Then I went back to Lucy.

She was standing in a quiet corner, talking to Grace. Eventually Grace saw me and gave a small smile, gesturing me over. “Lucy and I were just chatting about Shelly,” she said.

Lucy took my hand. “We should probably get going,” she said. “That was an amazing night. Thank you!”

Grace took her hand. “No, thank YOU. You are fitting in so well here.”

On the drive back to our apartment Lucy let her seat back and started massaging her breasts over her dress. She reached over and grabbed my crotch, squeezing until I started getting hard.

“Woah!” I said. “What’s gotten into you?”

“I’m just horny,” she said. “Can we go home and fuck?”

I think I broke a few speeding laws getting home that night.

The next day was Saturday. At about 2PM the phone rang. It was Grace.

“Hi, Grace,” I said. “Congratulations on a successful auction last night.”

“Thank you, Brian,” she said. “That’s actually why I’m calling. I saw that you placed a bid on the Mystery Party.”

“Yes, I did. I didn’t place a winning bid, did I?”

She chuckled. “No, not exactly. I’m afraid that event goes for a little more than $100. But it just so happens that Jack and I are the hosts of that party, and we would love if you and Lucy would join us.”

“That is so kind of you! I’ll confirm with Lucy, but I think we’d love to come. When is it?”

“The party is in six weeks. And if Lucy is available, I’d love to chat with her briefly now. I’m concerned about Shelly.”

“Of course,” I said, and called Lucy over to the phone. She picked up, and quickly gestured for me to give her some privacy.

“It’s a sensitive student issue,” she said. I left her on her own.

During the next six weeks Lucy would spend a lot of time at Grace’s house. I guess Shelly was going through some problems and Lucy was her most trusted teacher. Grace apparently appreciated using Lucy as a sounding board. Some nights she would be there until late.

Strangely, often when Lucy came back from Grace’s she would be especially aroused. One night when I opened the door she dropped to her knees in the front hall, unzipped my pants and started to suck me off before the door was closed. Another night I was in the kitchen making pasta sauce and she walked in, handed me a bottle of olive oil, pulled her jeans and panties off and bent over the counter. “Fuck me hard,” she said. I obliged.

The night of the Mystery Party arrived a few weeks later. I rented a tuxedo; Lucy wore a sexy cocktail dress with thigh-high stockings. We hopped in the car and Lucy directed me to Grace’s house. As we drove through the neighborhood with the gated mansions I started to realize just what kind of people Grace and Jack must be.

Soon Lucy pointed to a huge iron gate, opened to a long drive. “Turn there,” she said. “That’s their place.” Her arm was shaking.

“You OK?” I asked.

“Sure,” she replied. “I’m just excited.”

I pulled into the driveway and got in line behind a queue of Bentleys, Range Rovers, and Maseratis, feeling a little self-conscious about our 2009 Subaru. Lucy must have read my mind because she gave my thigh a squeeze. “I love you,” she said.

The valet showed no indication that my car was sub-par; however, he might have been distracted by Lucy, who showed a fair bit of her thigh highs when she stepped out of the car. We walked together up to the front door.

Grace and Jack met us in the foyer. Grace was wearing a kimono-style dress, but it was one of the most elegant things I had seen. She looked amazing. The dress must have cost more than my salary. Jack was in a simple but impeccably-tailored tuxedo. He shook my hand.

“Brian! Good to see you. Thanks for coming. And Lucy! Lovely as always.” He leaned in to give Lucy a kiss on the cheek. Grace kissed my cheek, then gave a quick hug to Lucy. Jack turned back to me.

“You’re with Intresis Software, right?”

“Yes si—” I stopped myself from calling him “sir”. “That’s right.”

“Peter’s an old friend,” Jack said. “We still play a few rounds when we get the chance.”

Peter is the CEO of my company and he wouldn’t know me from any of the other 5,000 people who work for him.

“Well, enjoy yourselves, you two! There’s plenty of food, free champagne, and a full bar with whatever you want.” Jack gestured across the banquet hall. “And we have a few preliminary attractions before the main event. Check it out!”

We said our thank you’s and headed through the hall. As we left I thought I saw Grace give Lucy a wink.

The room at the far end of the hall was smaller (but still larger than our entire apartment). There were a bunch of cafe tables placed around, each one with a bottle of Dom Perginon, caviar and toast, and sliced baguettes with butter. On one side of the room was a stage. A topless woman was pole dancing in the center while a few couples watched and sipped champagne. Her breasts were large but well shaped.

“Do you think they’re real?” Lucy asked.

Just then Grace walked up to us. “I’m afraid I need to pull Lucy away for a moment,” she said. “School stuff.”

Honestly that annoyed me. I mean, I understood that our invitation to the party was charity, but it felt inappropriate to expect Lucy to play her teacher role tonight. But I tried to hide my annoyance. Apparently I didn’t do a great job because Grace leaned in, squeezed my shoulder, and whispered, “I’ll have her back to you very soon, don’t you worry.”

Lucy gave me a surprisingly long kiss and left with Grace.

I spent the next several minutes snacking on food, drinking champagne, and watching the pole dancer. More time must have passed than I realized because eventually she stopped, and a loud voice announced “*Madames* *et Monsieurs*, the main event is about to begin. Please make your way to the stage.”

Where was Lucy? I couldn’t believe she was still talking with Grace about Shelly! My phone chimed. I took it out to see a text. It was from Lucy.

“No matter what happens, I love you,” it said. “I really want to do this. I am so nervous and excited! Love you, love you, love you.”

What the hell? What did that even mean? And where was she?

Before I could linger on those questions, Grace walked up onto the stage. “Welcome everybody, to another year’s Mystery Party!” The crowd cheered. “This year we have a very special surprise. Normally we hire professional talent for our main event; however, this year we have decided to work in-house. Our very own Lucy Porter has been spending the last six weeks studying with me… learning *shibari,* the Japanese art of rope bondage.”

Grace gestured across the stage. The pole dancer walked toward the center. In one hand she held a leather riding crop; in the other a long length of red rope. At the other end of the rope, naked except for her thigh-highs and a blindfold, was Lucy.

The rope had formed a kind of net across her body, with knots and sections stretched tightly around her chest, pushing her B-cup breasts up and out. Even from where I stood I could see her nipples were hard. The intricate system wound down the inside of each thigh, and kept her arms tied tight along her back. When she moved her arms at all, the ropes at her thighs pulled back, stretching the lips of her pussy open.

I was dumbfounded. What the hell was happening? I couldn’t believe this was Lucy. I didn’t know whether to shout and storm the stage or what. But the people in the room were powerful enough to end my career with a call. And hadn’t Lucy just told me that she wanted this? And I couldn’t deny the straining in my pants, which told me that at least part of my liked what I saw on stage.

The crowd liked it, too. The couples pressed closer to the stage. The pole dancer tugged on Lucy’s ropes, forcing her to a kneeling position. Her pussy lips stretched open even more. Beads of sweat ran from her face, down her neck, and across her tummy.

The pole dancer flicked the riding crop across Lucy’s chest, toying with her stiff nipples. Lucy’s breathing got harder. As the dancer traced lines across Lucy’s body, she made her way down to Lucy’s pussy and gave her clit a quick, hard slap. Lucy’s body jerked, and she let out an audible “Oh!”

A woman in a satin champagne-colored dress turned to her husband and said, “God, she has a delicious pussy.” She started to rub his cock through his tuxedo pants.

Grace walked over to Lucy. “Lucy,” she said. “Thank you so much for joining us here tonight. We’ve discussed the evening’s agenda. Are you still up for it?”

Lucy took a deep breath. “Yes,” she whispered, then more confidently, “Yes. I’m nervous, but excited.”

“Wonderful,” said Grace. “Based on the results of our auction, three bidders have won the right to spend time on stage with Lucy. The third place winners are… Raj and Lakshmi!”

A small cheer came from the back of the crowd and an Indian couple walked toward the stage. Raj was on the shorter side; his wife Lakshmi was a little taller and full-figured, her breasts accentuated by her silk dress.

As they walked on stage, Grace shook their hands and said, “Welcome, you two. I hope you are ready to get the entertainment underway!”

[Part 1.3](
