The revelation [28F/29M][fisting]

*Inspired by a true story. :)*


*Are you ready? he whispered in my ear. I really wasn’t – I was nervous – but nodded, yes. I was shaky, a little scared, but excited.*
*I’m ready.*

*I don’t know why. For a long time, regular sex had been enough for me. Then* that *video, that one that I came across while bored on the internet in places I don’t normally go. In it, she’d been on her back, another woman’s entire hand up between her legs, and at that moment, that idea, that thought of that woman on the bed being* me*, stretched, full, set off fireworks in my mind. In that moment, I wanted to* be *that woman. And for the next week, I both tried my best to talk myself in and to talk myself out of trying it. In the end, the idea of it was too seductive to ignore. I had to. I couldn’t* not*. I asked my husband for help, and in that same night we tried.*

*He lit a candle and placed it on the dresser. I lay on my back as I’d seen the other woman do in the video, my knees bent as she did, my bottom raised high on two pillows. He reclined beside me, rubbed between my legs, and roughness became smooth as I grew wet as his touch, and the thought of what was to come. Gently, he worked in one finger, two, and ran his thumb along my clit as he did, and it felt good, good, as it always did. In and out he ran his fingers, one knuckle slightly bent, grazing along the top of me as it moved, and I closed my eyes, turned my head, and let his touch relax me.*

*One more finger, and with three I felt as full as though he was on top of me, inside of me, and though I could tell myself that the feeling was simply* him *, hard and full, I could feel him flex his fingers, one after another, there in me and as always it felt…*different *, strange as he wiggled his fingers, and as he did I felt a hot rush run up my belly, sharp in my mind.*

*Another? he asked, and again I nodded. That fourth finger pushed in, and* in*, up to his palm, and at last it felt a bit uncomfortable. I shifted slightly, and he again ran his thumb along my clitoris, gently until I relaxed, he moving his hand in and out ever so slightly, letting my wetness run along his fingers until they were just as smooth as I felt inside. Then….then he pulled his hand out almost all the way, leaving just the tips within, and I felt his thumb join the others as he brought them together. And slowly,* slowly *he began to push his hand back up and inside of me. The feeling of excitement grew, that electrifying heat in my thighs, my stomach, my head grew and* grew*, and it was incredible, sensational, and as the pressure between my legs grew so did the pressure in my mind. It didn’t* hurt *, exactly, but as his hand went in to the palm, past it, to the widest point of his hand, that tension grew, the feeling of being stretched became more and more intense, and all at once it was too much to handle. I grabbed his wrist to stop him, pulled away, felt myself go dry.*

*I’m sorry, I told him, it was just too much. I lay there, shaking a bit…not from pain, but from disappointed excitement, that despite still wanting it (and oh! how I wanted it), I couldn’t go through with it. He lay beside me for a minute, stroking my hair, then spoke quietly.*
*Why not try another way? he asked, and suggested I turn over onto my knees. It might be easier, he said.*
*Shaking still, but now from anticipation than disappointment, I turned around, knelt, and again he ran his fingers along me until I was wet enough to take first the one, then two, three…four, and again that pressure in my mind began to build, and I found myself moving backwards as he pushed forwards. Again, the thumb, and again that feeling of being* stretched *almost beyond what I could handle, and as the pressure grew I buried my head in my pillow, bit it against the scream building in my throat. More, and more, and almost, *almost* I stopped him, but then all at once, like a cork in a bottle, his palm was through, his hand was up* in * me to his wrist (and oh god, it was* in*, it was* inside *of me!), the tips of his fingers brushing against my cervix, and as I* felt *his hand enter me I felt again that rush of electricity run along my belly, my chest, up into my mind and I buried that scream in my pillow as I came, more intensely than ever before.*

*He paused and asked if I was all right, and in silent response I began to move my hips, taking his hand as I would take* him*, feeling his hand pull out again almost to the widest point, delighting in that intense, almost not-pain, then back inside, and it wasn’t long before I came again, and then again, a rush of wetness down my thighs each time. Then enough. Too much.*

*I’m done! I told him, heaving for air, and again I came – one more time – as he carefully pulled his hand out completely. How empty I felt when he did, how I wanted it back when it was gone. Instead, he moved between my legs as I knelt there and entered me, and while it felt nice, as it always did, I missed that feeling of fullness, that intense pressure. As he moved within me he gripped my shoulders and I took the one so recently fully within me and I tasted myself on his finger, the back of his hand, the wrist, and as I did I again felt that pleasant pressure within my mind and I came yet* again *, and with one final thrust he did as well, and as he withdrew to leave me so achingly vacant I knew, right there, that this,* this *would be only the beginning.*



  1. Loved it. Hope there’s more to come. I always love the thought of fisting but never had a willing participant.

  2. What an awesome description of a first fist. Next to have you turn over onto your back and continue. … Either with the hand still in or removed and reinserted once repositioned. I got horny reading it and want to to this to any who want to try

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