Sweet Tooth: If Anuses Could Talk [25M;28M;26F]

Chapter 1: New Moon

“Not again!” exclaimed Sugar as she spilled her iced coffee over her white shirt. I should have worn a bra today, she thought, the cold coffee quickly hardening her nipples. “I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again…. I’m my own worst enemy,” she sighed to the barista. His name was still a mystery to her, but she had been mooning over the handsome, scruffy barista since the coffee shop first opened.

“Better you than me! If I did that, my chest hair wouldn’t dry out for weeks,” he observed, unable to pull his eyes away from her shirt clinging to her hard nipples like fresh snow clinging to mountain peaks. “It’s these dang compostable cups. They may not be the best, but it’s better than seal murder,” he said in an attempt to hide the twinkle of satisfaction in his yellow-tinted eyes.

As Sugar patted her breasts dry with the local Lunaville Times paper, the barista, still leering at her chest, read “ANOTHER HIKER FUCKED AND LEFT FOR DEAD: All 17 have been found face down, ass up at the peak of Devil’s Bite.” As he handed her a new cup of coffee, their fingers brushed and she noticed his claw-like nails for the first time. She couldn’t stop from fantasizing about what it would be like to have his claw exploring her damp, downstairs cavern. Her fantasy man said seductively, “Are you gonna take it?”.

“MA’AM! Are you going to take it from me or not?”

Sugar realized that she hadn’t firmly grasped the cup out of his hand yet, and, trying to save face, said, “Oh sorry, I was distracted by the fact that I haven’t gotten your name yet”.

“Oh, my name is Lycan.”

“Nice to meet you!” she chirped as she hurried out the door.

Chapter 2: Waxing Crescent

Having never walked a human on a leash before, Brandon was mildly uncomfortable, but that ass wagging back and forth in front of him kept him interested. Just half an hour ago they had been finishing a bottle of wine at Wolfgang’s. This whole bondage thing was just another aspect Brandon had been witness to of Sugar’s transformation over the last couple months from a quiet, ditzy girl into something altogether wild. Given this metamorphosis, it hadn’t come as that much of a surprise when Sugar asked him to go home with her even though they had been just friends for the past two years.

His discomfort waned as he eased into the role of Alpha. “Sit! Beg!” he commanded as he pointed a stern finger down at Sugar. She complied and rolled her eyes upward to him, her tongue panting out of her mouth. Just as Brandon’s sapling was maturing into a thick oak tree in his jeans, a mean glint appeared in Sugar’s eyes and a low growl emitted from her throat. Surprised, and taking a step back, Brandon tried to calm her, “Eaaaasy, down girl.” This time, Sugar did not obey and sprung from her crouching position, toppling Brandon onto the couch. Impressed by her agility and strength, his oak tree practically burst from his jeans. Before he could aid its escape, she was already tearing the clothes from his body. Literally, shredding. Scraps of his shirt being tossed up like confetti really got his roots pulsing.

Brandon could hardly handle the anticipation, but every move he tried to make to reclaim his Alpha role was stunted by the animalistic tenacity of Sugar’s vigor. After licking him all over, she flipped the both of them and barked, “You want me to sit?”. Sugar slapped her clitoris, swollen like a well fed tick, onto his face. Starting off slow, but accelerating quickly, the rhythm of her haunches mimicked that of a pilgrim woman churning butter.

“AWOOOOOOO,” Sugar’s peaking pleasure could be heard from three blocks down. A steady trickle of sap ran from Brandon’s arboreal member. Noticing this, Sugar thought, It’s time to tap tonight’s harvest. Freeing Brandon’s ears from between her thighs, she snarled “I only do it doggy style,” and handed Brandon back the leash. He quickly mounted his steed like Teddy Roosevelt in the Cuban Savanna. Together, they rode off into the night.

Chapter 3: Half Moon

Sugar ordered her coffee like she always did: no sugar, lot’s of cream. She needed an afternoon pick-me-up after closing the big account at work. I just made my company 10 million dollars, she thought to herself. She may have been her own worst enemy, but she was her company’s hero. But not even 10 million dollars couldn’t distract her from the rapturing gaze of Lycan’s golden shower eyes. He smiled and said, “I still haven’t gotten your name.”

“Sugar,” she replied. Feeling spurned, Lycan turned and reached for the sweetener. “No! Sugar is my name, cream is my game,” she blurted in an awful attempt at being flirtatious.

“Really?” he raised an eyebrow. “I’m an expert creamer myself.” Holding her gaze, Lycan poured a delicate flower of latte art over her coffee. She knew, watching the display, if he was half as artistic as filling her with his cream, she would be satisfied for many moons.

“Wrap it up kids!” shouted a husky voice. Sugar and Lycan’s eyes jumped to see sheriff Sol Hunter, a busty brunette, standing next in line. As enthralled as they were with each other, they both had to admit to themselves that they wouldn’t mind spending a night in her dog house.

“I’ve got 17 shredded anuses on my desk. Those colons have families! Don’t act like you haven’t read the papers.”

Lycan quickly whispered to Sugar, “I’ll get off right after I wrap this up,” as he turned to service the sheriff.

Sugar sat down, and thought to herself, Although the sheriff’s words sounded stern, a shredded anus doesn’t seem like the worst thing in the world right now.

Sol grabbed her steaming black coffee. As she started to exit the shop, she lit a cigarette while locking eyes with Sugar. Though she spoke like she was announcing to the cafe, Sugar knew the sheriff’s words were for her: “Keep those buttholes tight! Don’t let your ass be next.” The cafe door squeaked close.

As Lycan unplugged the neon “open” sign, he asked Sugar, “Do you mind if I take you out the back?”

“I always wondered what the backside looked like … the back of your cafe I mean.”

“I’ll show you my backside if you show me yours,” Lycan replied. Sugar’s heart began to race. She had imagined this moment so many times before.

“Let me put you up where you belong, with the other sweets,” Lycan said as lifted her up and placed her on the cookie counter. His artisan hands began to caress her body and her clothes started to melt off like butter sliding down a hot croissant. Her buns had never felt so toasted. Despite his gentle touch, Sugar sensed that he could twist her like a pretzel at any given moment. As he pressed himself against her, she could feel his baguette rise. He loosened his pants and slid his baked good into her pussy, already shining like a glazed donut. Just as her timer was about to ding, he removed his organic whole grain loaf from her oven and flipped her over onto her stomach. Her nipple tips stiffened like the peaks of a meringue against the cold steel table. Immobilized by his hairy grip, Sugar could only hear him rummaging through the baking instruments behind her.

“Now I’m really gonna work on you,” he said as he firmly brought down his wooden log onto her pound cake. For a moment, its weight and heft were so similar to his baguette that Sugar didn’t realize it was a rolling pin… and quite a large one at that.

Lycan began gently rimming the edge of her chocolate pudding cup with the handle of the rolling pin.

“I have enough toppings,” Sugar said, “I need some filling.” Lycan’s eyes widened with excitement, and he placed his bread back in Sugar’s oven. “You’ve already taken care of my top rack, now I need something in my bottom rack,” said Sugar.

“Oh sorry, I didn’t realize I had to satisfy the morning rush,” he said. His loaf still cooking inside her, Lycan started rummaging behind them again. Sugar heard the pop of the lid coming off a tin. “Wouldn’t want to risk burning this batch.” He, smoothly, massaged a glob of crisco onto the end of the rolling pin.

The powerful feeling of double penetration was the last distinct memory Sugar had before drifting off into the bliss of candy land.

Chapter 4: Waxing Gibbous

Eyes darting from anus to anus, Sol struggled to untangle the web of red yarn that connected the victims. She mumbled to herself, “No puncture wounds on the necks, brain still in their skulls, ectoplasm screens came back negative.. there’s only one explanation.” She pinned the corner piece of the puzzle to the board. Stepping back, her heel crushed on one of the many disposable coffee cups scattered around in her room. Her sunken eyes strained in the fading window light fighting through the Venetian blinds and cigarette haze. Sleep had been an elusive mistress since the mountain of anuses started piling up and it showed.

BANG! Her office door opened and a harsh swath of light cut across the final pinned puzzle piece: a werewolf.

“Go home Hunter.”

Standing in the doorway to her office was Dick Wolfe, the bulgy blonde commissioner. “Get some sleep. You’re too deep in these anuses, and I’m still not sure how you convinced me to spend all of the taxpayers’ dollars on silver bullets. I’m taking you off the case.”

“I’m so close Dick!”

“It wasn’t a suggestion.”

Sol grabbed her jacket, comforted by the heft of the bullets and revolver in its pocket and blew past the commissioner, her elbow brushing against his protrusion.

What does he know anyway? Sol thought. The office work is done. It’s time to go into the field.

Chapter 5: Full Moon

“Thank god you have such voluptuous feminine air bags,” Lycan said as he pulled himself off of sugar, “otherwise that trip could have been nasty fall”

“They’re good for other things too,” she quipped

Closing in on the peak of Devil’s Bite, Sugar mused how this was much more beautiful than the inside of the Lunar Lanes bowling alley where they had their last date. “A sunset hike was such a good idea, I just feel at home on this mountain. Thanks to all those anuses getting tossed around, this hike hasn’t been as busy lately. I’m really glad you’re here to protect me though.”

He smirked at her with fang like teeth, “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t let anybody else near your anus.”

The pair stepped out onto the ledge just as the sun was beginning its final descent.

“So… you said these things have other uses?” Lycan quizzed as he traced his finger around her areolas. Sugar wasted no time unbuttoning his fair trade hemp pants and placing his shaft between her sweater puppies. He pumped excitedly thinking, What a beautiful place to fuck some titties.

He finished just as the last bit of the sun disappeared below the horizon. Blood still churning, Lycan flipped Sugar onto her back and dove between her legs. Lavishing there, he paused for a moment and lifted his head, ready to comment about how she hadn’t shaved since their last tryst. The words caught in his throat, however, as he saw the light of the full moon wash over Sugar’s form. A form that was changing before his very eyes.

My, what a long nose she has. Have her eyes always been that big? He thought, but when he saw the furry tufts of her ears sprout, he knew he was in for trouble.

Shocked, Lycan knew he needed to run but his body could only rock backwards, away from her monstrous bush. I thought sugar was supposed to be sweet was his last thought before she pounced. She pinned him to the ground and muscled a furry paw into her suitors anus. One swift motion left his small intestines rather more external than they had ever been. The blood pooling on the ledge only served to reflect the moonlight onto the scene.

Before she could go back for round two, a gunshot rang out. Sugar looked up to see sheriff Sol closing in through the trees. For a moment, they locked eyes. Recognition passed between them, not just a shallow one from their brief time together in the coffee shop, but also a deeper one as always does between predator and prey before the deciding moment. The spark passed quickly, and Sol’s finger squeezed down on the trigger as Sugar sprang away from Lycan’s obliterated asshole. Knowing her speed was outmatched, Sol halted her pursuit, looked up at the moon and intoned, “On my sexy tits, this is the last anus you’ll take.” As though in response, a howl echoed in the distance. Sol fired three shots into the night.


Charles beamed as he opened the door to his new coffee shop. He knew since the last one closed, customers would be pouring in. As he raised his eyes up from the sidewalk, he was amazed at how beautiful his first customer was. “Hi, I’m Sugar.” she said.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/we0lez/sweet_tooth_if_anuses_could_talk_25m28m26f