Two Strangers [M23/F35] Locked In Bathroom Find Love and Have Sex [PART 2] [FOREPLAY] [NUDITY]

**Chapter 5**

As Queen stood up after cleaning herself and went to the sink to wash her hands her mind was rushing. On one hand, she had done something unspeakable, something her husband could never forgive. She had locked eyes with another man while urinating yet on the other hand she didn’t feel any different at all. She hasn’t hurt in any way. What difference did it make if this man looked into her eyes while she peed? She looked at me while washing her hands. A man she barely know yet had seen her in one of her most private moments.

2 hours had probably passed by this point. It was another hour until the electrician would arrive. As I looked at her from the side angle while she was washing her hands I was getting second thoughts about escaping. From the side, her breasts and buttocks bulged like camel humps on her body. I knew I can get so much more out of this if I get the time. I was fine being locked with this beauty. But I had to get her on my side otherwise it is all pointless.

“You have beautiful eyes,” I said to her. I just got a cold “Thanks” from her then silence. I figured she wasn’t too pleased with the peeing situation. “You know if we are gonna be locked here, we might as well get to know each other”. There was no response.

“I am sorry! Okay,” I said, “I couldn’t control myself, you are so beautiful and I just lost control of myself seeing your naked thighs.”

“Look I will be frank when I saw you sitting on the toilet with your thighs exposed that triggered something inside me, I wanted to put my hands on your tender flesh and squeeze it. I wanted to remove the veil hiding your face and kiss your lips. But I didn’t do it.”

“How can you call me beautiful when u haven’t even seen me” Queen inquired. I replied by saying “Look at yourself and don’t play dumb. Your firm breasts and your well-shaped ass. That is enough to make anyone crazy”.

Queen was shocked to hear my words. No one had ever spoken to her in such a crude fashion yet here was this man being vulgar to her after watching her pee. While he was being crude yet Queen found his comments somewhat flattering. Even since Queen gave birth to her second child and gained a lot of weight she didn’t consider herself attractive anymore. But here this young man was talking about how he found her attractive. This made her curious.

“How does my body make you crazy ?” Queen asked wanting to hear more.

“Your ass !” I said “It is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. The way it moves while you walk is hypnotizing. You probably have at least 3 layers of clothing covering it yet all those layers of clothing cant contain its beauty, You are so womanly”

Queen acted indifferently but inside her veil, she was blushing. She liked the idea of a man feeling attracted to her body especially her backside, a part of her body she rarely ever thought about. Before hearing me she didn’t know that an ass can be this seductive to men, this made her ponder what else about her was seductive to men yet she is oblivious to it.

It is when we both heard the sound “DING DONG” It was the electrician. Queen jumped out of her sitting position and ran to the door and began banging it to get the man’s attention but to no avail. While this was happening. I stood at my place not doing anything. I had changed my mind at this point. I wanted to stay locked here with her. I had a mission now. However, I wasn’t gonna let her know my intentions otherwise my mission will fail before it even began.

I stood at the place where the broken exhaust fan was. I saw the electrician out there. He saw me. I made a gesture the told him things are ok and that he can go back. And so he turned around and left. Thankfully Queen didn’t see the gesture. I pretended to be calling the electrician for her to see but by then the man was long gone. Queen told me the set aside and tried screaming at the exhaust opening. Now since she was shorter than me and couldn’t reach the opening she jumped up and down while screaming. The jumping made her buttocks shake from behind every time she landed. I quietly stood back and watched her buttocks jiggle. The vibrations from everything she jumped down made her ass cheeks bounce up and down at least twice. I was so focused I could almost see the movement in slow motion. Two hills switching between north and south with a vague valley in between in perfect symmetry.

I was so preoccupied looking at her ass that I didn’t notice that she had begun crying. I felt bad for her at that moment. I put my arm around her and seated her down on the floor with myself. I think she was so lost in her sense of helplessness and panic that she didn’t even realize that she was crying in my arms.

**Chapter 6:**

I had my arm around Queen’s shoulder. I could feel the soft silky fabric of the Burqa around my arm. She seemed so cute and vulnerable while crying. For the first time since we met, I actually felt something for her that was not sexual. I raised her head and looked into those beautiful brown eyes that I had stared deeply into an hour earlier. She was in tears.

I wiped the tears from her eyes with my fingers. The skin around her eyes felt really smooth and soft. She looked at me with her helpless looks. I looked back and told her “It is okay, We are in this together, we will make it through”.

Strangely Queen found my words comforting. She needed all the comfort she could get in this situation. She was confident that she would get out when the electrician comes but now she knew she has trapped her for at least another 40 hours and this made her feel weak.

“Listen I am sorry for what I did before, it won’t happen again.” I said “I will keep you safe I promise,” I told her. Queen felt the sense of dread she had to diminish a little bit as she heard my words.

Inside her mind, she was in a state of conflict. Was she going to trust this man who had just an hour before compelled her to let him see her pee? Then the thought of her kids came to her mind. She had to survive this situation in any way possible, and if it meant trusting this stranger she would do it. She rationalized these thoughts in her mind. She told herself that I hadn’t harmed her in any way. Watching her pee didn’t bring any harm to her, and if I was a malicious man I would have probably r@ped her the moment we were locked. These thoughts calmed her nerves, she had made up her mind and she was gonna trust me. All this time during this happened we were sitting on the bathroom floor with my arm around her and her head on my chest.

In my mind, I knew I had to make her feel safe with me and trust me. I was tempted to move my hand below her shoulder and rest it on her ass, I knew that in the state she was in she wouldn’t resist however doing so would undermine the trust she is building with me so I didn’t do it. We both were leaning on each other while sitting on the floor when both of us fell asleep.

I awoke not much later, it took me a few minutes to remember where I was. When I did I had a sense of dread followed by relief. The dreed was realizing that I was locked in a bathroom for 40 hours, and the relief when I saw the woman in the burqa sleeping in my arms. I told myself that being locked for 40 hours was worth it if this is what I am getting. There probably is no other situation in the world where I would have a thick conservative woman sleeping in my arms than this. Her closed eyes through the eye slit in her burqa looked so cute.

I imagined that what would make this situation better would have been if she was naked with her swinging breasts touching my chest, her big thighs on top of mine, and my hand resting on her bare ass instead of her shoulder. The thought made me hard and by this point, all the dreed was gone as I knew that I had something to work towards while being locked here.

**Chapter 7:**

The bathroom was damp, moist, and humid. There was no ventilation due to the exhaust fan being broken. This made me very sweaty and uncomfortable. I moved slightly to the side trying my best not to wake up and disturb Queen and took off my shirt. It was very sweat soaked at this point. I threw the shirt away nearby and got back into my initial position.

A few minutes later Queen awoke from her nap. Her hand felt something hairy and moist. She looked up to see that hand was on my bare chest. Queen’s eyes were overwhelmed by the sight, she did not expect to wake up in the arms of a shirtless man.

“Why are u shirtless ?” Queen asked in an interrogative manner. “It is so hot and damp here, I was sweating so badly” I replied. Queen heard my response and came to the realization of how hot it was in the confined room. She was also feeling extremely hot but was helpless.

She was a woman and a modest one. She couldn’t just take off her clothes like me, she had to protect her shame and dignity. Plus she realized that underneath all those clothes she was sweating profusely. She sweated a lot in regular heat so in this hot locked room it would be a lot more. She could feel her clothes and undergarments sticking to her skin like wet tissue paper probably leaving not much to the imagination and she didn’t even want to think about how bad she must be smelling right now. The only thing between her body oder being exposed is her burqa which she needed to keep on at all costs as long as she was around me. She didn’t want me to smell her in this state, what would I think?

Then as quickly as the thought had reached her head she questioned herself “Why did she care about what this man would think?” was she losing her mind ? she thought to herself. She stood up and took a long look from up to down at the shirtless man that stood in front of her. My body was slender, I had a nice toned abdomen and a hairy chest with pink nipples.

There were 100 things running through Queen’s mind as she stared at my naked upper body. “This man is attracted towards my buttocks,” she thought, “He looked into my eyes while I peed, he saw my naked thighs and he wiped tears from my eyes and let me nap on his chest”. She felt a sense of familiarity with this man. No longer did she fear him or mistrust him. Looking at his chest didn’t make her feel violated anymore it made her heart pump.

Queen felt her arrogant and reserved demeanor towards me slightly diminish. She felt she was with a close friend rather than a stranger. Of course, none of this escaped her mouth all this internal conflict happened in her mind.

While this was going on I had the sudden urge to take a leak. I knew this was a good excuse to take my penis out. I told her “Listen I need to pee.” My announcement snapped her out of her thought process and she “excuse me?” I repeated myself.

She said “Oh okay and then proceeded to turn towards the wall”

I called her out and said “There is no need for that” “How would I know you aren’t gonna peak when I’m peeing”. Queen turned around. She knew where this conversation was heading but she didn’t bother to interrupt instead she played dumb.

“What do u want me to do then ?” she asked in an innocent manner. “Exactly what I had to do when you were urinating, look into my eyes so I know the entire time where u are looking”. Queen didn’t object. Instead of saying anything, she walked over to me.

I was standing with my legs open by this point in front of the toilet. Queen walked up to me with no hesitation, perhaps even confidently. We both stood in front of the toilet with her standing to my right looking directly at my face. “How do you know you won’t miss?” she asked in an almost flirty voice. “I never miss,” I told her and then smiled.

Our eyes were locked again just as before. While looking back at those beautiful brown eyes I unhooked my pants and dropped my underwear to my knees setting my penis free. Then I let loose and a stream of piss made contact with the water in the toilet as the sound of water flowing echoed in the locked bathroom once again.

Instead this time it was my genitals producing the sound instead of hers. I looked into her eyes. They were the same beautiful eyes I had stared into earlier when she was peeing but this time there was something different about the way they stared into mine. The sense of lust I was seeking the last time could be felt this time. The thought that my penis was exposed while this beautiful woman was looking into my eyes made me a little hard. This caused my penis to erect slightly while I was still peeing. The piss touched the toilet bowl for a few seconds before I readjusted it all this time not breaking sight of her eyes.

While this was going on Queen felt a warm sensation on the top of her right hand. She didn’t pay attention to that because she was too busy looking at my eyes. When I was done Queen turned around to let me pull up my pants. In doing so she caught a glimpse of my penis for a split second.

While I was washing my penis with the shower, Queen was walking towards the corner. She looked at her hand where she had felt the warm sensation. There she saw a few drops of water and she knew what it was but for some reason, she did not want to wash it off. She liked the feeling that those drops of urine had on her hand. And thinking about the glimpse of my penis she way brought her lips to a smile underneath the veil of the Burqa. However unfortunately for me at the time I couldn’t see it. Unknowingly at that point, she was accomplishing my mission and I was another step closer to embracing her nakedness. It was just becoming a matter of “when?” now as the hours were passing.

