Unexpected lakeside sex on a hot summers day [MF]

Last day submission to the monthly contest, because why not.
Sex only go to: ——————–
Otherwise stick around for a long intro.

It was a hot day in late summer. The kind of heat that people wouldn’t even want to go outside to cool down. The kind that if you took a cold shower and dried off you would be clammy wet from sweat before you reached your clothes. Most people stayed in doors or in the shade, often partially submerged to cool down. The weather report had promised rain to cool down, but it was late or not coming any more. The sky was still a spotless deep, light blue. Regardless, the air was heavy with moisture, making the world feel muggy.

After dinner it was cooler, especially in the (admittedly small) woods close by. The wind seemed to be picking up from a standstill to a soft breeze. I was enjoying the air. It smelled of dried grass. A bit like hay. Even in the late sun the contrast of the tree shadows with the light was intense. Like everything was wrung through a filter to add colour and contour.

This late in summer few birds made sounds. It was still too hot anyway, but the wind brought the soft rush of the leaves. I walked along the crunchy shell path towards a hidden location I like.

At one point I go straight into the bushes. A few twists and turns around the now fruitless blackberry bushes and there is what is left of a fence. It hadn’t been maintained, but vandalism definitely had played a larger role. Still few people probably know it exists, as they follow the beaten path.

Behind it is a lot of wild greenery. In contrast to our well maintained parks and woods, this was private property. It belongs to a semi abandoned villa close by. It was empty for the longest time, but now it seems to be used by some company. They only care about how the front looks though, so this was still wild and free. The heat gave it a musty smell with a deep wood flavour.

A little further is my destination. A small opening in the trees show a tiny lake. Around it is long, thick grass. It still looks fresh and such an emerald green it is practically glowing. Despite the breeze not able to reach here it was cool in the long shadows of the trees. I started to walk around the lake, until I noticed a splash of colour on a bench under an ageing wooden roof. Some clothes maybe? A towel? My ears now realise a sound a heard earlier. Movement in the water. Curious I walk a bit further to see beyond the high lake plants.

*There is a woman in the water.*

It was definitely a woman. Though I have been wrong before about the long hair. I’m pleasantly surprised. Though I wanted to sit alone, a woman cheers me up as well. Her head floats away from me, her body invisible thanks to the reflection of the water.

I walk towards the bank where she must’ve entered the water. There used to be a jetty, but the wood now adorned the bottom, preventing much growth. The tiny sandy beach had long been overgrown by short grass to the edge though.

The lake is smaller than a swimming pool, so when I sat down to watch her she was already on her way back, even with her leisurely swimming technique. She couldn’t have been there long. Her body pierced the nearly still water, showing clear waves emanating from her efforts. She was clearly deep in thought, as she only startled when she was halfway to see someone on the shore.

She recovered just as quickly. “Hello there!” she said enthusiastically. It was loud in the late summer evening. I waved to her, not wanting to disturb the peace more. She stopped and stood on the bottom, waving back.

It was then I realised she wasn’t wearing anything. The bare skin of her shoulder and the lack of other colour than her skin in the muddy water. You couldn’t see more than ten centimetres deep and it was all very vague, but I was certain.

It stirred something between my legs instantly.

Suddenly I wanted some more interaction. I could break the peace of this place a bit more. Lets dip in my toe into the conversation.

“How’s the water?”

She continues her leisurely swim towards the shore. “I have been waiting all day for this. I really wanted to cool down.” Now she’s closer I recognise her. Also a master student, though we never share a class. When I meet her in the pub we always outrageously flirt with each other. She often hinted at more, though not just to me. My guess is she liked being active. I had held off that boat so far, as I was sort of dating someone for a long time. Now I was free of that bond though.

She stood on the bottom of the lake again, much closer. The reflections were less, allowing more depth into the water. It was more of vague body shape, further distorted by the moving water. I guessed she wasn’t standing up fully to keep her breasts submerged. “The water is good.” She said as she stared me down with a smile. It was now an invitation.

Always the careful guy I test the waters a bit more. “I don’t have my swimming wear with me.”

“Me neither.” Even the silence smiled. “I do feel a bit weird like this though. Here in the water alone and you there…”

It was playful, but I do feel an undertone of the wrong tension. I take off my shirt. “Fine, but you will owe me one.”

“Yay”, she says happily. “Wait owe you one?” she asks as she watches my short pants fall to the ground.

I take off my underwear and put all my clothes on my slippers as much as possible. My weight distribution is awkward because something half stiff is flailing about. “Yes you do. I have a fear of submerged things.” I give her a full frontal as I step carefully into the water, feeling the slippery wood beneath my feet. The jetty is luckily easily imagined as in the ground and my fear of submerged things is only a smidgen of what it used to be. I keep some mindless chatter about a submerged house boat I once floated over when I was younger. I’m only to my navel submerged as I arrive at her. I break off my half finished story, as my fear has been explained enough.

“So fear of submerged things?” she asks as I lower myself in the warm, yet refreshing water.

“Definitely” I tell her as I hold her wandering eyes.

“I’m not getting out of the water.” She lowers herself further, submerging even her shoulders. “You have to fear my body a bit longer.”

It was unexpected. I laugh short, but hard enough that I hear it reverberating from the trees. “I fear what your body can do to me.” I look her over. “But I like it submerged.”

We have some more small talk, sometimes swimming a bit. So close the reflections are barely there, so if she stretches for the swim the biggest muscles of the body show their vague distorted shape. Somehow it was easy to imagine how shapely it would be, standing on long legs. We’re off to our usual flirting, though with a bit more distance than usual. I was very conscious about our nakedness and she had sent a signal of hiding in the water, however sexual it was. At that age I could go skinny dipping without expecting sex.

We swim quite a while, enjoying the leisurely swim and talk. We gaze at the sky as we float about aimlessly, watching the first stark white clouds march behind each other through the deep blue sky.

But not expecting sex doesn’t mean I don’t try. We stood deep in the water after arriving at the middle of the lake. Our feet deep in the mud, cool under our heels. Or I assume so. She must have been on her toes. “I have to thank you for helping me with my fear.”

“Is that so?”, she asks while doing a slow twirl in the water.

“It is really helpful to have something sexy under water. It is hard to be afraid of your breasts.”

She laughs. “You haven’t even seen them!” Then she looks down at her breasts shimmering under water. “At least not fully.” She grins at me.

“It’s called an imagination. It helps if it’s hard to see. You could help me further though.” She looks at me questioningly a long time before I dare to take the leap. “Touching things under water is the worst fear. Not seeing something and touching it.. it could be anything.”

“Here you know exactly what you feel.” She floats as she’s deliberating her options. “I can help you a bit”, she tells me as she tiptoes over. I can nearly imagine how she’s curving her body to make her breasts stand as forwards as possible.

A tip if you a girl allows you to touch her anywhere. Do a hug. 0 distance, full body contact. It practically can’t be seen as boorish like grasping for breasts or the ass. When you hug her you suddenly are allowed to grasp for the ass or breasts. It is intimate or sexual instead of cheap.

I hug her, feeling her body under water. A warm contrast to the cool liquid around us. Her expression is surprised as her breasts are compressed between us. “You tricked me!” she slaps my shoulder playfully as she tries to look indignant and fails.

“You were fully expecting me to grab your breast.” I slide my hand along the side of those curves to accentuate my point.

“Yeah, but I wanted to make you work for the whole package.” My arousal suddenly was palpable. Not that it wasn’t half hard already. “You know… slowly.”

“So first one breast. Then the other. Maybe a small peck on the cheek and then two hands on your ass?”

“The art of seduction fully lost on you”, she tells me as she feels up my hind cheeks.

I press her close via her own butt. She can’t miss my hardness on her leg now. “There’s many forms of seduction still available. I’m sure you can find something to still make it an art.”

She untangles from me, letting one hand playfully slide down my chest and belly. Then she moves to the shore.

I see her back glistening with drops as she rises from the water. A bit of breast is visible on the left. More so when she turns to look at me a moment. Then she continues, revealing more of her body.


*Sketch by* [*KeithInk*](https://www.reddit.com/user/KeithInk/) *when he offered services on a different sub.*

The ass I have been longing to see rises up, water falling in streams off her. Each drop or stream is accentuating her curves, though she’s moving her hips from side to side to make them even more clear. The drops quickly slow down their torrent from her skin, but it doesn’t matter. Their effect is still the same. Her legs are smooth and sexy. “Are you coming?” She asks. Without waiting for a reply she walks away, knowing I’ll follow.

She’s towelling off at her bag. Her front finally visible, yet just as unclear thanks to the quick moving towel. When I’m close enough she grips my cock with the towel. “Dry off”, she commands. Then walks away to the grass.

I dry myself as quick as possible. The details seem to heighten, preparing to soak up all her features. The glowing green of the leaves on brown stems. More clouds are marching in, concealing the blue with their dazzling heights, frozen billowing smoke shapes and their blinding white colour. The wide blades of the grass tickling my heels and along my calves. I was ready .


I follow her to the grass. “It is unfair. You think you can just wave your ass in my face and call the seduction an art?”

“Wouldn’t you?”, she asks slyly. She knew she had won. She turns around, showing me the full view of her body to make sure.

“Yes that is an art”, I say defeated but not unhappy. She lays down in the grass, happy and victorious. Even here it smells of dry grass, despite the lush colour here. She had a good spot. It looked like the thick blades of grass covered the ground and then some.

I sit down next to her, sliding my hand down her curves. Breasts, special slide over the nipples, more breasts, stomach and mound. So lovely.

“Get on”, she whispers. Eager to start.

Moving in between her legs is as exciting as it sounds. Finally seeing her fully naked body is incredible. My clock slides over her mound down, just until the lips. Then it sort of falls off. Not too far though. The blood rushing through does it’s magic to keep it upright.

Her hands slide over my chest as she bites her lip and I position myself. I enter the head and retreat. Another quick thrust a bit deeper and retreat. Soon enough I slide in fully. I continue the light, quick rhythm, feeling her wet lips enveloping me nicely.

“That’s good”, I muse softly as I thrust deep again.

She giggles and grabs my wrist. “Just fuck me.” I keep the nice rhythm as I start playing with a nipple. “That’s good”, she confirms.

I fuck her with the enthusiasm of when I was eighteen. I use my full body for every thrust, letting our bodies slide over each other so I feel her breasts rub against my chest. My ears close enough so even with deep breaths you might hear the softest moan.

It was hot I tell you. Not just figuratively, but also physically. Soon enough we start to transpire. It lubricates our bodies, making it from a soft warm resistance to a slippery wet slide between us. I pound happily away, knowing in this heat I will last a while.

Her legs grab me tight as I thrust. It us lovely until she twists and forces me to stop. I let her topple me into the grass. Now both sideways I feel the grass tickle my nose as she moves her hips pleasantly. I see her looking down on how my cock keeps disappearing inside her.

It is slow going, so soon enough she decides to make real work of it. She finishes the manoeuvre, twisting us further and sitting on top of me. Without the grass tickling my nose I can fully appreciate her. I watch as she starts to roll her hips, making the rest of her body move seductively. Swathes of wet sweaty skin is visible, as if she has that skin submerged. However, where I hadn’t rubbed directly against her it was a different story. Her left shoulder and most if her left breast, among many random parches, had thousands of tiny droplets. They adorned her skin, making her curves stand out even more than the wet skin already did.

Though her speed wasn’t fast, it was still done with plenty of enthusiasm. She looked directly at me, making sure there was contact as she sighed and moaned for every nice moment. They appeared to be in large numbers. I couldn’t help to moan back every time I slid deep into her, while normally I was much more quiet.

She changed tactics after a while. Moving up and down more directly with her breasts closer to me. It allowed me more opportunity to move with her, helping her impale her pussy on my cock. “Fuck that’s good” I whispered. She smiled and redoubled her efforts as I could only gawk at the lovely display. Her smile didn’t last long, as it turned into the grimace of intense sexual pleasure.

But as the minutes pass she slows down. “Is it not working?”, she asks. The smell of fresh sweat of our labour now permeates the air.

“It is definitely working”, I assure her. Then I realise what she is talking about. “But coming is quite difficult in this heat.”

“What would be best?” Her smile suggests her mind has a lot of creative vivid imaginations that would definitely do the job.

I slip out of her and sit up, feeling her breasts pleasantly against my cheeks. Then I lift her up by her waist and lay her down in the grass. Her hips are a bit higher than the rest. Perfect.

“This might work” I tell her as she guides me back inside. I sit on my hunches, able to see her whole body. I grab her hips with two hands to really go at it.

From the first thrust she loudly moans barely audible affirmatives. As she starts moving her hips in my rhythm it gets more difficult to tell who is fucking who. It is working slowly, but I feel it us definitely working.

Finally I place my hand on her breast, feeling the wet skin vibrating with every thrust. Is it perfect. Though frustrated it takes so long we’re definitely enjoying it.

Suddenly a large drop of water scatters the tiny sweat droplets on her shoulder. A thick wet drop sits there with a splash zone of smaller droplets, distinct from the sweat. Another hits my head, big enough to penetrate the layers of hair and touch the skin with a surprisingly cool feeling. We realise we heard drops fall already around us. Unbeknownst to us the wind had picked up, moving darker clouds above us.

We slow down the rhythm as we watch the rain. I feel it hit my back and shoulders, giving extra cooling. Her body is accentuated by more water as they fall. Thick drops splashing on her curves at odd angles, staying on her body to hug her closely.

It quickly becomes clear rain doesn’t bother us. Allowing her hips to guide me we speed up again. Hard and fast, the slaps and our moans the only things louder than the rain. “Come on”, she edges me on. As hard as I can.

The cooling helps. Placing my hand on her mound gives me control while the other plays with the curve of her leg. She quickly recognises I’m getting there. Her legs squeeze me softly in signal she knows. My breath becomes more laboured than it already was. My thrusts try to go even deeper. Then she pushes me over the edge. My normal silence is broken by a loud open moan as I pull out.

Thick white drops spill into the air, filling it with another soft yet powerful fragrance. In contrast to the rain it immediately clings to her body, sliding down the curves of her breasts and sticking thick to her belly. Despite their weight and ability to cling to her skin they couldn’t resist the rain. Soon enough drops hit it or close enough, scattering the white drops and watering them down.

Catching my breath takes a long moment. Only when my cock deflates enough to touch her belly I realise I’m still pinning her down. She gets to her hunches as I let her go, her deep breaths making her breasts move in an enticing way. The rain is simply nice. We couldn’t get much more wet anyway and it is still warm enough we don’t need much in ways of clothing. Nothing at all really.

Wordlessly we get up and start dressing. My clothes are already pretty damp, but the big drops already make her top cling to her breasts when I walk up to her, showing her hard nipples through the fabric. She’s packing her bag still naked from the waist down. I give her ass an approving tap that makes her smile.

I notice she doesn’t pack much. Just her bra and the still dry towel. Clearly she wasn’t wearing any underwear on her way there as she puts on her tiny shorts. I wonder if that doesn’t chafe bad, but quickly get distracted by imagining her nakedness under the shorts.

“Where is your bike?” she asks.

“I’ll meet you at the south entrance”, I tell her. The evening had barely begun.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wctbhu/unexpected_lakeside_sex_on_a_hot_summers_day_mf


  1. this is a great story. the details are really elegantly written.

    but i can’t help but point out that the word for sweat is perspire, not transpire.

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