It took a while to transition into friendship [FM]

I once had a layover in a city close to where my best friend left. We had recently stopped fucking and we were having a rocky transition into friendship. However, he convinced me to push my flight to hang out with him for a day. We got HELLA drunk and I passed out in his bed while he slept on the couch.

He failed to mention this to his girlfriend.

“Who the fuck are you?” A voice said as the lights flew on.

“A hungover person,” I groaned as I sat up. “Oh shit! Are you C?”

“Yes and you are asleep in my boyfriend’s bed and in his clothes.”

“Oh yeah, I don’t have any luggage and I’m in his bed because he drunkenly lost a bet so he had to sleep on the couch. Fuck, I forgot about that. Jesus, my head is going to explode.”

“Let me rephrase this, dear, why the fuck are you in my boyfriend’s house at all?”

“Oh shit! I have hungover brain. I’m Viola.”

She blinked at me. “Who?”

“Viola? I’m sure he’s mentioned me. We talk everyday. Viola? V?”

Hey eyes grew wide. “YOU’RE V?”

“Yeah. What’s wrong?”

“Oh nothing except that I was under the impression that V was a man.”

*Oh snap!*

He chose that moment to barge out of the bathroom and throw my bra at me. “Why the fuck did you leave this in my bathroom?”

“That’s a very good question,” his girlfriend stated flatly.

“Oh hey C,” he walked over and kissed her like nothing was wrong. “I presume you’ve met V.”

“Oh yeah, V! Your buddy from [redacted].”

“She is my buddy from there. She had a job there. We met overseas.”

“The one who hooked up with your ex girlfriend?”

He shrugged. “Yeah? Viola has sex with girls.”

“Pronouns never came up, bro?” I complained from the corner. This whole thing seemed a little sus.

He looked between us. “What?”

“She thought I was a man,” I answered.

“Oh shit! Yeah, her real name is Viola.”

*Thats not my real name.*

Anyway, that’s how we were introduced so you can see how she wasn’t my biggest fan. After they had a fight while I was awkwardly in the next room, they kindly invited me to brunch where she was big enough to give me a second chance. Things were going decent until my best friend had a few drinks and this conversation happened…

She brought up her teacher and he complained he had a thing for her.

“Oh shut up,” C said. “Professors and students only hook up in porn.”

“Not true, V fucked her professor,” he said.

She looked at me in horror so I gave an apologetic smile. “I did.”

“In law school?” She asked.

“No… in undergrad.”

“That’s not unethical?”

“It’s not as bad as it sounds. He was teaching while he was in a PHD program so he was only like 6 years older than me.”

“Yeah, but you fucked in his office. Oh my god, I love that story!” My best friend laughed.

“It’s not even a story. That’s it. I had sex with him in his office.”

“He bent you over your term paper.”


C looked HORRIFIED. “I can’t believe he did that. That’s awful.”

*TBF, he probably shouldn’t have fucked his student. I’m not traumatized by it, but C was the only adult in the room here. I realize I have written about my former professor and boss, but PLEASE don’t fuck your subordinates.*

I shrugged and was thankful when my best friend changed the subject. “Are you still with that one dude I met who like works for the IRS or something?”

“Nah. Long distance was a bitch and I got bored. He was good in bed though.”

“How? He seemed kind of boring.”

“No dude, he was like hella into bondage and had a spanking fetish.”

“Uggg,” my best friend groaned. “You and bondage. It’s so weird.”

“You’re fucking weird for not liking it.”

“I’m sorry I don’t like seeing women tied up.”

“Oh my god!” I threw my coffee down. “Please don’t act like this is a moral thing. You know why you don’t like it? YOU like seeing what you can get women to willingly do for you in bed.”

“Yes, V. That’s what consent is.”

“Fuck off. Bondage is consensual. Making people do things in bed is just verbal bondage. It’s another form of degradation.”

“I don’t get what’s wrong with that.” He shrugged.

“Nothing! You’re just not morally superior for it.”

“Hey! If you want someone to tie you up, bu all means do it.”

“I do and I will.”

“Fucking weirdo.”

His girlfriend looked horrified. “How long have y’all known each other?”

“A few years,” he answered. He was also somewhat drunk again at this point.

“Dude, stop drinking!” I said. “You’re going to get sloppy and I’m not going to get your drunken ass back to your place.”

“You’re the only one who gets sloppy, V. I can actually handle my alcohol.”

“You literally told me how you shaved your asshole last night when you were wasted. That wasn’t sloppy?”

“Hell no! I am very open about that. It’s the polite thing to do.”

“Why is it polite?” C asked.

The three of us got very quiet then as I waited for him to answer. “For… ass play.”

Her eyes got big. “You’re into that?”

I almost spat my drink as I suppressed a laugh.

“What’s so funny, V?” He asked. “You own a vibrating butt plug.”

“Not anymore, my ex threw it out. He said I wasn’t allowed to recycle toys.”

“No! You had such a great collection.”

“Right? And some of that is irreplaceable. Like, I have not found the right nipple clamps to replace my old ones.”

C cut us off. “Why do y’all… what?”

He blinked innocently, “What do you mean?”

“You’ve seen her sex toys?”

He gave her a weird look. “Yeah? We have a very open friendship.”

“A little too open,” she mumbled.

“By the way, [his ex girlfriend who I fucked] wants to know if we can all hang out later,” my best friend said.

“Fuck no,” I shot back quickly.


“First off, she’s so sweet but she REALLY wants to get married like yesterday.”

“Yeah no shit, V. That’s why we broke up. I told you that.”

“Also, let’s play this out. You want to hang out with your current girlfriend, your ex girlfriend, and a girl who YOU used to fuck who has also fucked your ex girlfriend?”

C cut us off. “You two have had sex?”

Things got awkward.

“You didn’t know?” I asked, shooting my friend and odd look.

“Of course I didn’t know! I thought you were a man until this morning.”

*Oh shit! This bitch doesn’t know he fucks men. He’s an asshole for not telling her for both accounts, but I am HELLA invested in this drama.*

“Right…” I said. “Sorry, hungover brain.”

“I would like to make it clear that Viola and I never dated,” he said. “We are not compatible.”

“Except in that one way,” I laughed.

“Yeah we are!”

We. Fucking. High. Fived.

I looked over at C who was understandably upset and I suddenly felt bad. “Oh fuck. I’m so sorry. That was insensitive.”

“That’s one word for it,” she spat. “Are you STILL having sex?”

“Of course not!” He answered quickly. “We stopped like a year ago.”

“And you’ve known each other for three… you fucked her for two years?”

“Not consistently. It was on and off. I would have kept going but she claimed it was unhealthy.”

“Bro, what the hell? Is that supposed to make her feel better?” I asked.

“She doesn’t care. Do you care?” He asked her.

She sat quietly and looked in between us like someone who cared.

“Perhaps a conversation about boundaries should be on the horizon,” I mumbled.

“Why?” He asked. “I don’t get it.”

“We’re upsetting her.”

“No I’m not. Are you upset?”

She glared at us and didn’t answer for a long time. “I think I’m going to go.”

“Are we still hanging later?” He asked.

She shot him a look. “Figure it out.”

When she left he looked completely unbothered. “She’s hot right? You should have a threesome with us.”

“Bro… What do you think just happened?”

“You met my girlfriend.”

“She HATES me and this is your fault. You have to fix this or I’ll never see you again. She’s about to ultimatum your ass.”

He shrugged. “I’ll dump her. I’m not going to stop being your friend.”

“We can’t talk about sex anymore.”

He laughed. “US? We can’t talk about sex? What the fuck are we going to talk about?”

“Our feelings.”

We both burst out laughing.

For the record, we never QUITE found that balance. We tried but it was always a little off. However, C and I ended up being pretty good friends.



  1. I would have paid for your brunch… drinks and all…to be at the next table over listening to this.

  2. LMAO. This is great. I was cackling the entire time. Poor “C” what a culture shock for that woman lol!

    >“Oh nothing except that I was under the impression that V was a man.”


    I’ve had that happen a few times.

    Oh… so did C end up marrying this friend of yours. I honestly have trouble keeping track of the huge cast of “best friends” plus your occasional misdirections.

  3. I hope your husband makes you scream out your own name when you have sex to celebrate being published.

  4. Pretty sure this is what would happen if one of us/your readers ever meets you in real life.

    Thank you representing us C! Your “sacrifice” is not in vain!

    Welp at least this story had kind of a happy ending-ish so yay? Lol! Cheers to you and your colourful friends Ms. V!

  5. This story is awesome. Your friendship is the best case of FWB I have seen so far. Thanks for sharing.

  6. C is every one of us the inexperienced the first time we stumble into this blog.

    Also I’m curious, did they break up immediately or did they last longer?

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