A Discovery in Summoning [F20] [Tentacles] [Magic] [Summoning] [Fictional]

The day was just as normal as any other as Rayne walked down the stone pathways of the university campus. She had just gotten done with a full day of classes, most of which left her feeling unbelievably tired. The beginning of the semester was always the hardest for her, with being out of practice at waking up at certain times, as well as actually having to do work again,

Rayne rarely found time to herself as classes started up again. As she took out her phone, a cool breeze blew across her exposed stomach and legs, causing her to shiver, messing up her password. Yet another reminder that the summer’s heat was gradually ebbing away. Successfully unlocking her phone on the second attempt, she lazily scrolled through it, finding nothing of interest to entertain her as she walked home. She sighed and slipped the phone back into the pocket of her black pleated skirt, and kept walking. Eventually she diverged from the path, cutting into one of the small patches of woods around the college. As she ducked over branches and stepped over fallen tree trunks, she didn’t notice one of the branches sticking up from the ground. As she stepped a stump, the branch poked directly into her crotch, causing Rayne to let out a small “Ah!”

She turned bright red, snapping the twig in half and rushing past, hoping no one had heard.

That was another thing about the start of the semester, the constant work and classes made it so she pretty much never had any time to get herself off, leaving her extremely horny throughout each day. She had tried a few times to do it in the bathroom, but never got the time to finish due to other girls constantly walking in, her fear of being discovered for being too loud overcoming her intense horniness.

She stepped through the final few feet of forest back onto pavement, the horrible smell hitting her almost immediately. She walked past the row of dumpsters that lined the back of her apartment building as quickly as possible to avoid the stench. She stopped short as she rounded the final one though, noticing something out of the corner of her eye. She turned to examine it, passing it off as a squirrel or pigeon or something, but whatever she saw remained completely still. There was something on the ground, tucked beneath a few bushes. She walked over, cautiously reaching out her hand to pull it out. Upon doing so, she realized what the object was, a thick, heavy leather bound book with no title. She idly flipped through the pages, before stopping on one with a diagram. The image sketched onto the page looked like thick noodles, before she realized they were tentacles. None of the text written was readable, and Rayne had absolutely no idea what language it must have been written in. Looking back at the diagram, her mind began to fill with images of tentacles, immediately bringing her back to how horny she was. She looped her backpack around her arm, stuffing the book inside and hurriedly walked to the front of the apartment building. “Stupid book,” she muttered as she stepped through the double doors of the large building. Upon seeing the door open, the old man behind the reception desk gave her a smile. “Nice to see you Miss Rayne,” the man said with a tired, old grin. “How were classes today?”

“Nice to see you too Al,” Rayne replied. Despite how annoyed and exhausted she was, she couldn’t help but smile at the man as she responded. “Classes were long. . long and tiring,” She sighed, walking over to the elevator. “I won’t keep you then,” Al chuckled and nodded as she stepped through the elevator doors. She didn’t know much about Al, but ever since she moved into the apartment he’d always greeted her with a wave and a smile, something that never failed to lighten her mood. As the elevator light dinged at her correct floor and the doors opened, she speed walked over to her door, hurriedly unlocking it and stepping inside. She locked the door and briefly looked out at her apartment. She hesitated saying her apartment was stereotypical for someone of her personality, but she couldn’t help but feel in denial as she scanned over the dark and morbid decor of her living space, a lot of the shelves equipped with skull replicas and monster trinkets. The many metal posters and vinyl records hanging around the room helped to keep the dark gray walls from being bare. She once heard someone describe the space as “Halloween land,” and Rayne rolled her eyes as she remembered the remark, tossing her bag to the ground and collapsing onto her bed. She let out a sigh of relief as she finally relaxed for a bit after a long day of work.

After laying there for a couple minutes, she was suddenly brought back to what she had found earlier, sitting up in a flash and digging the book out from her bag. She looked through the pages, taking a few seconds this time to properly skim over each page, but while it seemed every page had a diagram of some sort, the text scrawled out on the pages was completely unreadable. She flipped the pages back until she was on the very first page after the front of the book, realizing with a start that something was written there in English. “Tome of Dimensional Service Summoning,” She read out loud. “The fuck does that mean?” she sighed, tossing the book onto her messy desk and leaning back down onto her bed. Eventually though, she gave in, digging through her bag and finding the stack of homework papers she had yet to complete. She sat down in her chair, spinning it around a few times to stall her work, before finally pulling her chair to her desk, pushing a few books out of the way to make space at the wooden table to write. As she worked, images kept filling her mind, different fantasies and scenarios she always had, but never got to live out. She’d had sex a few times, and while it was amazing, not many people were interested in a tall, tired goth girl taking more college classes than she did shots of alcohol. Her mind continued to swirl with thoughts, making it harder and harder to focus on her writing. Occasionally she would accidentally write words and thoughts from her fantasies instead of the words she had intended, erasing them quickly and willing her mind to focus. Eventually though, she couldn’t stand it any longer, setting her pen down on the desk and dragging her chair over to her bedside table, cursing as she did so. She opened the drawer, revealing the collection of toys she had amassed. Rayne looked over the selection, anticipation and arousal beginning to flow through her as she did. She carefully pulled out a large silver butt plug, admiring the fake plastic jewel at the base of the gleaming metal. She stood up from the chair, bracing herself against the wall with one hand, the other slowly pushing the plug into her ass, letting out a slow “Fucckkk~” as she stretched around the silver toy. Once it was fully inserted, she walked back to the chair, her face screwing up with pleasure after every step. She carefully sat back down in the chair, letting out another quiet moan as the plug was pushed further into her large round ass. “I might cum from this alone,~” She muttered. “Not that I plan to~” she grinned, reaching into her desk and pulling a long black wand vibrator out from the drawer.

She walked around the apartment, flicking off all the lights and shutting the blinds, leaving the room in nearly complete darkness. Carefully setting herself back in the chair, she flicked on the vibrator, her heart pounding in anticipation. Beads of sweat formed on the surface of her skin as she carefully lowered the toy to inches away from her pink lace panties. She peeled back the soaking wet cloth, and very carefully, pressed the vibrator to her throbbing cunt pussy.

Her entire body jolted as soon as the vibrating head made contact, she reflexively let go of the vibe, and the waist of her panties, the tight cloth holding the sleek toy in place. Rayne yelped out in pleasure and shock and immediately covered her mouth, hoping no one in the neighboring apartments heard. After being so pent up for so long, the pleasure of the full power vibe felt divine. She managed to swat the toy out of her panties, the head of the toy digging into her tight pussy as she did, sending another spasm of pleasure shooting through her entire body. Her ass repeatedly clenched and unclenched around the plug, sending wave after wave of bliss crashing through her.

When the chain of reactions finally ended, Rayne was left a wet, sweaty, panting mess in her chair. She was amazed she hadn’t cum from it all, but she was also glad she didn’t. After all, when would an opportunity like this come again? She bent down and picked up the now drenched vibrator off the floor, sliding the intensity to its lowest level. She pressed the wand against her sopping wet panties, making sure it wasn’t still too powerful. The gentle vibrations sent a low gradual “Mmmh~” escaping through her lips before pulling her panties to the side and dipping the head of the wand against her bare lips.

“Ohhhhhh y~yeah~” Rayne groaned through labored breaths. She developed a rhythm, her body flowing like a wave as it gently grinded against the toy, filling the room with Rayne’s soft moans.

She pushed herself to the edge again, before pulling the vibe away, watching as her pussy pulsed hypnotically with need. Need for release. She waited as long as she could, trying to make herself calm down to edge herself more, doing her absolute best to ignore her body’s demand for orgasm, the seat of the chair soaked with Rayne’s nectar. “F~uck it,” she panted. “I’ve edged myself enough~” She pushed her folds apart, exposing her throbbing clit, before grabbing the wand again, this time sliding the intensity back to its highest setting. Right before she flicked it on, her eyes caught the leather bound book, still waiting patiently on her desk. She thought of the tentacles on the one page, and of the name of the book. “Tome of Dimensional Service Summoning,” she said out loud again. Her mind put two and two together, the seemingly sexual incentives behind the name, and the big green tentacles. It might have just been her being horny, but Rayne couldn’t shake the feeling that this book could somehow pleasure her.

“Holy shit,” Rayne realized, bolting up from her chair and tossing the wand onto it behind her. She dashed over to the book, flipping through the pages quickly until she came across the page with the tentacles. She bit her lip as a new wave of nervous pleasure washed over her.

“There’s gotta be some way to do this,” She muttered. Staring at the page, she began to read out the text the best she could, taking whatever methods she could from her language classes at the university. “Magnopere active… magnum periculum… vocare sententia… “

She figured it was latin… one of the few languages she neglected to take. She cursed quietly, skimming the page for anything that seemed more important than the other phrases.

She came across what seemed to be a verse of some kind, jotted down in red ink.

“Fortitudo et infirmitas,” She began slowly. “Diuturna et tenuis, delectationis et consummatonis, trahe hanc creaturam ex te.”

Rayne looked up. Nothing happened.

Rayne was about to keep looking, when suddenly, as if an earthquake had struck her apartment specifically, a fissure cracked through her floor, immediately starting to grow almost as quickly as it formed. From the growing hole, a long, green, slimy tentacle slithered out, causing Rayne’s heart to skip a beat. Was she finally going to live out one of her seemingly impossible fantasies? The hole kept growing, three more tentacles emerging from inside and snaking towards Rayne. Two tentacles began to wrap around Rayne’s ankles, no doubt motivated by the intense smell of sweat and arousal filling the entire apartment. As they crept up her legs, they secreted a viscus bright green substance, making it easier for the tendrils to slide up her body. Rayne barely noticed that the liquid seemed to glow in the dark, focused on the two more tentacles that wrapped themselves around her arms. All of a sudden, all four tentacles lifted her up in the air, Rayne letting out an “Ooh!” at the sudden change in position. Her arousal took on a slight air of fear as nine or ten tentacles emerged from the hole, which by now had stopped growing. Rayne stared at the slimy green tendrils that slowly made their way towards her. She tried to break free from the ones holding her, but the others quickly reinforced her bindings, holding her firmly in place. Nothing Raine did could break her free from her slimy green shackles. She briefly wondered how the hole didn’t expose the apartment beneath her, but was quickly interrupted as the tentacles all wrapped themselves around her entire body, drenching her in the thick green fluid. Rayne’s heart rate picked up as another tentacle emerged from the hole, this one with tiny little tendrils on its underside. Rayne giggled nervously as the tendrils tickled her across her stomach and up her chest, all the way up to her supple breasts. The tentacle flipped up her crop top and covered her nipples with its underside, wrapping around her tits, around her back, and up to her neck. Rayne moaned softly as the tentacle tickled her hard nipples, not noticing as another tentacle, this time covered in rough, coarse bumps, emerged from the hole, heading right for the space between her forcefully spread legs. She also didn’t notice how the tentacle’s slime seemed to dissolve right through her clothes as it went. She didn’t notice that is, until the tentacle rubbed up against her soaking pussy and clit, causing her to let out a sharp “Ahn!~” as the tentacle began to rhythmically slide up and down her cunt. She tried to see the source of her sudden pleasure, but right as she lifted her head it was forced back down until she was face to face with another tendril, her long black hair dipping onto the ground, her entire head upside-down. She opened her mouth to say something, and the tentacle took that opportunity to force itself into Rayne’s mouth and down her throat. Rayne immediately panicked, gagging on the thick, long shaft. She thrashed around in the tentacle’s bindings, trying her best to free herself to no avail. The tentacle in her mouth eased up, eventually forming a rhythm, going as deep as it could before Rayne gagged, then sliding back out and plunging right back in again. Rayne relaxed her mouth, fully submitting to the tentacle fucking her throat. She flicked her tongue up and down the tentacle’s shaft as it dove in and out of her mouth, as well as locked her lips tight around the length, doing whatever she could to pleasure her mouth’s assailant. The tentacle that was rubbing her clit suddenly pulled away, and Rayne was about to protest, well, as much of a protest as she could give considering the current state of her mouth, when the bumpy tentacle prodded her entrance, causing her to immediately let out a sharp “Mmh!~” completely muffled by the tendril in her throat. The bumpy tentacle slowly pushed itself inside her, causing Rayne to let out a series of long, muffled groans as the tentacle pushed further and further into her. She continued to struggle against the tentacles holding her in place, but her attempts to escape became less and less forceful as pleasure flowed through her core. A few tentacles started to slither down towards her plump ass, spreading her open and exposing the jeweled plug. The tentacles began to attempt to pull the plug out with assistance from the tickling tendril, which seemed to have a better grip than the others that were completely covered in slime. Her ass subconsciously clenched around the plug from all her combined pleasure, fighting to keep it inside. Rayne’s eyes rolled back into her head from the combination of sensations. She couldn’t handle it anymore, and her entire body tensed as the pleasure became too much and orgasmic bliss shot through her, causing her to squirt everywhere. Seemingly motivated by her orgasm, the tentacles began to go faster, pumping more and more intensely into Rayne’s body, only further increasing her pleasure. The contractions from her first orgasm were so powerful the plug was pulled right back into her ass, causing the tentacles to double their efforts in pulling the plug out, resulting in another orgasm to rock her to her core. This repeating cycle resulted in orgasm after orgasm, showering every surface in her radius with her cum. Finally, the tickling tentacle yanked as hard as it could on the plug, causing it to shoot out of her with an audible *POP!*

Rayne nearly blacked out as the most powerful orgasm she had ever experienced shot every single nerve in her body. Every single movement felt like another orgasm as the tentacles fucked every part of her body they could get to. Several tentacles invaded her gaping ass the second the plug popped out, flooding her body with even more pleasure. Every part of her felt the most sensitive it had ever been in her life, her face contorting into that of pure bliss as she continued to get ravaged by the slimy green monsters. The tentacles started to quicken even more, the sensations Rayne felt before nearly doubling as they fucked her harder and harder. She barely noticed the tickling tentacle venturing down to her hypersensitive pussy, still being plowed by the rough and bumpy tentacle. The tickling tendril began to lightly tease Rayne’s clit, increasing it’s rate of intensity at roughly the same rate of the other tentacles, causing Rayne to scream out into the throatfucking tentacle, her heart pounded faster than ever before as she realized what was going to happen.

With a final, powerful thrust, every single tentacle came into her waiting body.

Time seemed to stand still.

Every part of Rayne’s body orgasmed as the thick, hot spunk of the tentacles filled every single available inch of her body up. Rayne screamed louder than she ever had before in her life, the tentacle unable to muffle the sheer volume of her cries. To anyone in the surrounding apartments, it must have sounded like she was being eaten alive.

A few tentacles that had been holding her the whole time shot loads of cum directly onto her body, glazing her tan skin white with their liquids.

Rayne’s mind broke as pleasure became the only thing she could process, every part of her brain seemingly reduced to mush from how hard she came. As the tentacle withdrew from her mouth, she coughed up several loads of cum, her loud raspy gasps resonating throughout the entire space. There was no doubt that people would hear her, but at that point, she didn’t give a shit. She couldn’t if she wanted to. The tentacles finally started to release their hold on her, lowering her to the floor, laying her in a lake of their shared cum, as well as the thick green slime. Every tentacle eventually withdrew from her, slithering back into the magical hole, all save for one. The tickling tentacle still clung to her bud, stimulating her more and more.

“Pp~lea~~se~” she managed to sound out through choked gasps.

The tentacle continued, almost out of spite, keeping its assault on her clit until she finally came one more time, the sounds coming from her mouth complete gibberish as the pleasure overtook her one last time. She came, spurting the tentacle’s hot white cum out of her pussy, before completely blacking out.

Rayne groaned as her eyes fluttered open. It felt like she was laying in a puddle of honey, thick warm fluid covering nearly every inch of her body. She braced herself on her elbow as she raised herself from the ground, slowly remembering what had happened. As it suddenly hit her, she sat up quickly, darting her head around to look at her surroundings. If it hadn’t been for the luminescent tentacle slime, she wouldn’t have been able to see the sheer state of her apartment. Rayne’s juices and sweat, as well as the tentacle’s slime and cum covering pretty much everything in sight. Rayne tried to stand up, but quickly reconsidered as sharp pain shot through her pelvis. She swore, collapsing back to the ground. Rayne managed to find a way to drag herself to the bathroom, bracing herself on the sink as she slowly rose to her feet. Rayne’s reflection in the mirror was a mess. Fluids soaked through her hair, dripping down to the floor as she stared at herself. The clothes she had worn to school that day were awful, covered in the same fluids and ripped or dissolved in several places. She stumbled over to her bed, collapsing onto the soft mattress, soaking it with liquid as she quickly fell back asleep.


(I’m very new to writing these, so feedback is greatly appreciated! :] )

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/w9ncmc/a_discovery_in_summoning_f20_tentacles_magic


  1. I don’t ever usually comment on this Reddit but this is amazing, definitely keep writing!

  2. Great job and I like the writing style with focus on how she’s feeling.

  3. This was amazing! I love you how go into much detail about what happens and how she feels. Absolutely incredible work!

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