I (M24) have been fucking the exchange student (F18) we are hosting [MF]

My life has never been better.

My parents have been hosting exchange students for a long time. I’ve gotten used to people moving in and out of the guestroom in our house for years. I’ve always been friendly with them, and my family has always gone above and beyond to welcome them to Canada. Our most recent student is from Korea, I’ll call her Jenny. From the minute I saw her I was absolutely infatuated. 18 year old bombshell. She’s got such a cute face, long shiny black hair with short bangs, tiny shoulders, massive, gorgeous, rounded yet perfectly perky tits, slim little waistline and perfectly toned belly, beautiful thick hips and perfect thighs, stunning hourglass figure and an absolutely amazing butt. The first time we had a conversation I could see my parents glaring at me. Don’t even think about it, my mother scorned after she had left the room.

Lol. I was thinking about it.

So I came to find out that she is engaged. Even worse, her engagement is arranged. By her parents. She doesn’t even like this guy, but was afraid of the consequences of disobeying her family. But I could tell she liked me.

One week my parents asked if I could take her into the city and see a concert. And that’s the night I learned that she was unhappy being engaged. It’s also the night I learned she was a virgin. It’s also the night we drove to the lake and I fucked her raw on the hood of my parents car. We’ve been fucking almost every night since, and the sex is absolutely unreal. Her pussy is so tight and after our first time she immediately went out and got on birth control just because she knows I love to cum inside her.

My parents now know about us, but she has yet to come clean with her family. She says she wants to find a way to stay here and I really, really hope she does. Wife material for sure.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/w9melq/i_m24_have_been_fucking_the_exchange_student_f18


  1. How much longer will she be attending college and be living in your parents home? You could marry her and then she could stay in the US.

  2. Birth control takes a week to start working. I hope she also got a plan B pill or you’re about to have player 3 enter the game

  3. Great fantasy. Basically an anime character moved in to your home and you are to amazing to resist.

  4. you’re having fun now which is fine.

    about actually marrying her though, you’re only hearing her side.

    I’ve seen stories where someone only hears one side, gets in a serious relationship, then they end up in the same position their partners ex was.

  5. Do you ever mock her fiancé when you are fucking her? If not, then you should. It will feel amazing for both of you

  6. Tell her that she shouldn’t be controlled not by her parents but by fear itself, that should help

  7. Wife material?

    She wants to stay. You two are gaga another. You’d be helping her get out of a crap situation at home.

    Sounds like another type of exchange may be in the works.

  8. I could be wrong but I think she’s using you. A woman from a culture that stresses virginity until marriage gives it up on her first date with you? On the hood of a car? No romance? No simple kissing and make out sessions first to finally lead up to going all the way down the line?

    This smells suspect. And neither one of you thought to use protection the first time? She may want a baby out of you. Are you prepared to be a father? I don’t trust birth control and is she really even taking it?

    Was she a little sad over losing her treasured virginity on the hood of the car? Was she cramping over the birth control pills like many women do the first time?

    I hope I’m wrong. All i can say is take it slow. If she’s marriage material, she can hold out for a long term bf-gf situation before marrying. Don’t fall for the wanting to marry you so she can stay in the country. Don’t get her pregnant. In fact, don’t have sex with her. Date other girls and tell her you’re young and you fear her situation can get complicated. She may cry. Or she may get mad and move onto one of your buddies.

    This kind of manipulation is more common than you think. Later there’s marriage, then divorce and then child support for 18 years. And she’ll then talk about you to her friends and laugh at how gullible men are. Yes. Laugh. Let that sink in.

    Be smart.

  9. The fuck you still living at home and driving your parents car for?

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