I talked about my husbands cock with other Moms in our neighborhood 🥵 [FF]

This isn’t my normal type of story (I have a bunch on my page) but the hubby loves it so I thought I’d share to see how you’d react in this situation.

In my neighborhood there is a group of 7-8 Moms in our 30’s who get together for game nights/girl talk every few weeks.

It’s Utah so we all live within walking distance which makes it easy. A few months back we were all talking about sex and birth control options.

Without going into too much detail… they found out we had problems using a certain Birth control option because of my Hubby’s size down there.

I didn’t mention my man’s size but another Mom realized what that meant and said “I guess I’ll start calling him the Stallion because my husband doesn’t have any issues with that 😂.”

The nickname stuck and now there are 8 Moms in our neighborhood who call my husband the Stallion 🐴😂

I make sure to remind my husband that all of the women in the neighborhood like to talk about the size of his cock and it drives him wild!

I didn’t share my husbands actual size because I don’t want to sound like I’m bragging, plus I figured them wondering what he’s packing is half the fun.

Part of me wishes I could just show them a picture of what he’s working with but that might make things a little awkward. 😘🤣

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/w8ltsf/i_talked_about_my_husbands_cock_with_other_moms


  1. Is the BC method an IUD and he’s running into the string – which isn’t really a string at all?

  2. My ex used to show pictures. After we divorced I got quite a few messages from those friends offering their “support”

  3. You sound like a lucky woman but I checked your profile and you’re hot as fuck so it looks like you and your husband were both lucky to find each other ;)

  4. Damn, wish my wife shared my dick pics with her friends. And then hopefully lead to some other stuff but that’s just me

  5. Back when I was poly, I found out that I had the biggest dick in our group because my primary shared pictures, and all but three women passed because it was too big.

    I got around to two of the three, and gave them a beating.

    Side note- my primary’s husband used to hate that he could tell when I had been with her by the fit, so after a few complaints, I started to make damn sure that he would *always* feel my presence… In my absence

  6. Get his permission first; there’s a good chance he’ll be ok with it.

  7. After looking at your profile, your husband is a very lucky man. Seems like you two have a good thing going.

  8. Just show them my wife shows her friends an coworkers my cock all the time on accident if she is sober an if she is wasted an she ends up showing everyone 😅

  9. Do ot! They’ll get a kick out of it and I’m sure he’ll love knowing they’ve seen it. Not to mention you’ll retain your bragging rights.

  10. These comments makes me feel better. I’m only average right at 5″, but I’ve definitely hit the IUD before and it does hurt.

  11. Wait until those moms star knocking on the door asking for some brown sugar.

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