(32)[F] – (22)[M] Intern at work – Friday shenanigans

To say I am posting this update due to popular demand would be stretching the truth, but a few redditors got back to me asking for further updates. So here is the continuation of this “journey”. You can read about Part 1 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/w7vb1s/32f_struggling_to_keep_my_senses_around_the_new/) (Short summary : – 32F Indian attracted to the new young black intern )

As this is a bit long I have broken in two parts.

**Part 2 is below**

My plan was to go back to the office only once a week, but I had to go back to the office for the second time this week on Friday because there was a team lunch planned to allow us to meet all the new interns.

Sigh, I suppose I should not have posted my confession here or chatted with the guys who responded to the post as I ended up getting unduly influenced by their suggestions on how I should proceed on this and how I could make my next office visit “better”. I decided to implement some of the subtle suggestions and ignore the truly outlandish suggestions. Pro tip gentlemen, Subtlety is the name of the game when it comes to seducing a woman. We take our time to get there, but once we get there, the sky’s the limit to what you can get us to do. I wish I could give my hubby a crash course of subtlety. Anyways I digress, back to matters at hand.

***Suggestion 1: Dress sexier***

One of the more popular suggestions was to dress sexier than the first day and gauge his response, which I decided to try. I picked out a more sexier dress than I would ever wear to work. I wore a fairly low cut white top with a push up bra underneath, so that it showed a generous amount of cleavage and the top of my smooth firm breasts. My tits are of average size, but have been described as “juicy” on occasions by my hubby. As I usually say, “Girl, we just got to work with what we have.” Anyways talking about hubby, I did not want him to question my wardrobe choices and having doubts (just yet). So I wore a denim jacket on top which is not unusual since it is fairly cold in the mornings even in the summer. I paired this high waisted pleated red mini skirt. I just wore the skirt low on my waist so it appeared long enough to be office appropriate wear. I wore a skimpy black thong underneath and a nice set of heels completed the outfit. It also worked great with the casual Fridays theme at work. When I left my house, I looked nice and not overtly slutty.

Reached work and I had set up a meeting with Eric in the morning to go over the progress. My plan was to remove the jacket just before the meeting. I removed it, then got cold feet and felt it was too inappropriate and then put it back. Went back and forth a couple of times and then summoned up enough courage to remove the jacket and drape it on my chair and sit down just in time when he walked in. My heart started beating wildly and I was nervous, excited and apprehensive all at once. He was smartly dressed like the other day and looked even more handsome. My face flushed beet red remembering the other day and I could feel myself getting a little hot and bothered. I somehow maintained my composure and started on the agenda. Eric was pretty good with his work – He had completed the initial part of the project in just 5 days which was way quicker than what I had estimated. Every now and then he would steal a furtive glance at my exposed cleavage.

Every time I caught him, I would get goose bumps on my breasts and a warm tingling sensation down there and would wet my panties a little. Just as I was getting more and more worked up; much to my disappointment, we reached a logical end to our discussion .I emailed him the design document for the next part of the work and I put on my jacket and headed for the team lunch as it was almost noon. Lunch was a slow affair with just small talk with the other team mates and interns. I realized I had lucked out since none of the other interns (both guys and girls) were not as good looking as Eric.

***Suggestion 2: Act suggestively around him***

Another popular suggestion was to act suggestively around him to see how he will respond. I wasn’t so sure about this one, but an hour after lunch an opportunity presented itself to push the envelope a little more which I could not resist. Eric pinged me if we could meet since he had some clarifications in the document I had shared. I decided to go to his flex workspace which was on a different floor. I grabbed my laptop and purse and went to him. As he did not appear to be uncomfortable with my wanton display in the morning , I took the liberty of removing my jacket and draping it over the chair without any second thoughts. His flex workspace was a smaller space than my room and being even closer to him with his strong masculine scent was having an effect on me. His furtive glances in the morning were now replaced by longer confident stares at my exposed cleavage which was making me wet. I could barely concentrate on what he was saying and was having naughty thoughts about him running in my head. I needed to get away from there before I completely lost it, so I excused myself to go to the ladies room. As I was trying to calm myself down, I just decided to hell with it and go for it. First step was to turn my outfit from nice to naughty. I hiked my skirt higher up my waist and also folded the waistband so it shortened significantly – from being just above the knee to a micro mini just barely covering my butt. I undid a couple of buttons on my top so my boobs were even more exposed and the top of my bra was clearly visible. Fixed my makeup and hair and followed it up with the master weapon – Generously applied that shade of “Come Fuck Me” red color lipstick.

I then confidently walked back to the room and now it was Eric’s turn to be dumbfounded. He was just staring at me when I calmly went and sat down and went back to discussing the document as though nothing had happened. The tables had turned and he was very distracted and he could barely concentrate on what I was saying. I decided to make a show of it. I purposely stood up and went to the white board and started to explain something, so he could get an unobstructed and leisurely look at the whole package – my face, body, legs, tits, thighs and ass. He tried not to stare, but failed miserably. Every time I turned around to write something, I could feel his eyes on my body mentally undressing me. I was profusely leaking the entire time and pretty much soaked at this point. As I went back to sit down, I saw my laptop was running low on battery and so without thinking I bent down under the table to plug it in. As soon as I did that I realized my skirt rode up and exposed my ass and the soaked thong to Eric. I could hear a sharp intake of breath from him, so I let him have a good look by unnecessarily fiddling under the table for a good couple of minutes. I came back up and saw he was all flushed and bothered. I was all business like, smoothing my skirt down, asked if he needed anything else. He could barely get out a whisper. I just assumed it was a no and I coolly picked up my things and walked out. I converted back from naughty to nice in the ladies room and went back to my desk.

Continued in next part

P.S Originally posted by me on r/SluttyConfessions a few days ago

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/w89vym/32f_22m_intern_at_work_friday_shenanigans