Vancouver Nights part 2 [MF] [FFM]


Continued from Part 1 ( []( )

I felt J’s hand reluctantly slide out of Mine, as she stepped back to pick up her things from the little cafe table we were at. I adjusted Myself, slightly … she certainly HAD caused certain parts of Me to ‘stand at attention.’ The cool breeze blowing past me on the cafe rooftop deck was a sharp contrast to the sudden sensation of heat I had felt when she had leaned up against Me just a moment before.

With care, I picked up The Book of O and put it away in my satchel. I knew Tom would come and pick up the remains of my tea and pastries. J put away her sketchbook in her bag, and I swear she practically *floated* down the stairs to the main cafe in front of me, her gauzy sundress swishing to and fro, hiding and revealing everything in a pantomime of a game of peek-a-boo while her hair bounced about by her motion and the breeze.

“Hey Tom, would you look after my bag for me until I get back?” I asked. He nodded, eyes bright with mischief as he put the bag behind the cafe counter. He had certainly managed some crafty matchmaking mischief today. NO doubt in my mind, at all.

The shore of English Bay Beach runs all along the west side of the city of Vancouver, and is a popular tourist spot. The bay is big enough that you can just about make the mountains and shore on the other side on a clear day. In warmer weather, people love to lay out there and tan. On a Fall day like this one, it was more people walking their dogs and the beach was mostly undisturbed.

We started walking along the walking path by the beach together. “Allright, so you know I like erotic literature…” I started. “and I know that you are skilled with a pencil and an artist… and that YOU like erotic literature. I’d like to know more about you, J, since you now know a little bit about who I am.”

J laughed, softly and … for lack of a better word … *swished* … her lovely ass at me while walking slightly ahead of me. “Well,” she said smiling “I like a lot more than erotic fiction. I also like erotic facts.”

“Is that so?” I quipped. I may have mentioned her sundress was gauzy… but I think I need to make this fact a bit clearer. In the morning sunlight, it was downright sheer and almost transparent… and distracting as hell. “Tell me an erotic fact then. What is something I should know about you?”

J slowed her walk by a step so that she was next to Me. Shorter than I was, she put her hand on my shoulder and leaned her lips right up next to my ear and in a stage-whisper said “I am an incorrigible nymphomaniac submissive exhibitionist!” She pushed away from me lightly, twirling ahead of me until her dress started to lift up, and then stepped back into Me.

“So you’re telling me you’re not a manic pixie stardust dreamgirl then?” I teased. “You’re just a run of the mill standard sex obsessed submissive kinky freak then? Well, that’s good to know. I’m relieved!”

J’s eyes twinkled, and she sassed back… “I am ***also*** a manic pixie stardust dream-girl… but only on alternate Thursdays…”

We walked for an hour like that, bantering back and forth, learning about each other. I found out she had two jobs, one as a graphic designer for an ad agency, and a part time job as a pet sitter. She discovered I was an SFX artist and that I traveled extensively for my job. She spoke three languages ( English, French, and German ) and I spoke four … but we only had English in common. We both loved movies, science fiction, and comedy.

As we talked we ended up walking hand-in-hand as if we had been together for years, and not just an hour. Every few minutes she would stop, face me, and we would be there looking at each other drinking in the other person, chatting away.

As we circled eventually back to the cafe where our walk started, she stopped and wrapped her arms around Me… pressing her _very_ lovely shape against My body. “We’ve been walking FOR-eeeeevv-eeer,” she exaggerated, “and you’ve been rude.”

“I have?!” I said, surprised, “Why?”

“You… haven’t made a move on me once, Mr. Dominant Guy.” she smiled. “And I AM all the things I said after all. How do I know you like me unle.. MMMRRPH..”

I kissed her, wrapping My arms around her, and picked her right off the ground. She melted into me, the same way she did when she held my hand at the cafe. Not a ‘limp’ kind of melting, but rather an enthusiastic acceptance and warmth. Again, I could smell fresh apples… but added into it was another more primal smell of desire coming from her. I ***kept*** kissing her until I needed to draw a breath…

… she would have been perfectly happy to have passed out from that kiss, and when I stopped she took in a fluttering breath and pressed herself up against me. “M,” she said in a whisper-quiet breathy voice, “I … want to give myself to you. Will you take me?”

God, there are some times in life where I swear the sexiest thing a woman can give is her enthusiastic consent. There was no other answer for me but to say, “Hell yes.”

My place was only a couple blocks away… one of the reasons I went to that cafe rather than make my own breakfast was the convenient location, after all. I honestly don’t remember walking from the beach up to the penthouse apartment. The whole express elevator ride up from the lobby was one long makeout session of kissing each other… and finally the door opened onto the corridor at the top floor.

The building was a bit weird for Vancouver… instead of one Penthouse the top floor was divided up into two with a corridor in the middle. One key opened the elevator into one apartment, the other opened the other side into mine, and straight into the wide open carpeted living room.

J … lifted off her sundress in one smooth, even practiced, motion. Sometimes it’s nice to ‘unwrap your present’ and sometimes … gods … sometimes it’s just a distraction to be dispensed with. This was one of THOSE times.

She was, to me, perfect. All 4-foot-5 inches of her… standing naked in front of me, her wild black curly hair around her shoulders, and those freckles … oh those freckles .. that just didn’t stop. She held her legs slightly apart and like a dancer — gracefully moved to a kneeling position on the floor. She held my gaze until that moment, then gestured for Me to come closer, a sparkle in her eyes.

“I want to taste you.” she said.

“You do, do you?” I chuckled, from the doorway. “You want me to walk over to you and suck my cock?”

“Yes, I do.” she demurred. “Very much so.”

I took off My jacket and hung it up on the coat hook by the door. Then I took off My watch, deliberately and slowly, on its shelf. “What makes you think I’ll simply do as you ask, J? What could you possibly say that would break Me from my little ‘come home’ routine?”

… I continued by taking off My shoes, and carefully arranging them next to the two others on the stand by the door.

J put on a frustrated look… then her face lit up with an “A-HA!” moment… “Please?” she said.

“Please… what?” I intoned, looking her in the eyes. J turned her eyes away, looking down.

“Please…. Sir. Will you let me taste your cock?”

I smiled. *’Kinky, submissive, exhibitionist INDEED’* I thought to Myself. I undid my belt buckle, and wrapped it loosely around one hand, then walked up to J… her short stature meant that when she was kneeling her lips were at the -perfect- height.

J reached over, and undid the button on my slacks, then used her teeth to pull down the zipper. She put both hands along My ass and into the pockets, pulling them down. She pushed her face into my boxers, nuzzling them. “You smell nice,” she said “you smell like soap and sexy.” Then, she pulled my cock out of my boxer shorts, holding it and looking at it. Then looking at it some more. Then looking me in the eyes…

Now, there’s something you should know. In the ‘down below’ department, I’m average in all ways… but one. I’ve got a very girthy, circumcised penis. To put it in delicate(ssen) terms… it’s as big around as a kielbasa sausage, or the average Coke can. It’s not what most people expect me to be packing… and J found that out firsthand, right then.

“Um.” she licked it around the bottom, then the top, and around the head… the first touch of her tongue was pure warm, liquid, honey and pleasure. I could tell she was mentally figuring out what to do. “I … have never had a dick like yours, Sir.” she said, softly.

I laced my fingers together, and put them behind her head. “And now, little manic pixie nympho, you have.” I chuckled. “What do you want to do about it?”

J didn’t look at me. She took my cock in both hands, and then brought her mouth up to it… and I swear to you, performed a minor feat of magic…. she opened her mouth wide, and bit by bit she wrapped it up and took it in, her tongue moving in waves. She didn’t choke, or gag, or for a moment struggle… she just enthusiastically took it in, and then started to slowly pull back and forth, each time taking it deeper… making small pleased, even pleading noises.

It was, in every way, a moment of perfect pleasure as she sucked, licked, and took my cock into her throat. Her untamed enthusiasm built up a powerful, pleasurable, rhythmic bucking and I let out a pent-up growl as I came, over and over into her throat. She swallowed every bit of it, hungrily, mewing.

I stood there like that for a bit… dick her mouth, her eyes shining with what she had done, the sunlight streaming in and the ocean view in the window behind her. Slowly, gently, she eased her mouth free, and lay back on the carpet. She was very, very clearly wet between her legs… dripping with excitement.

WIth measured care, I undid the buttons of my shirt, folded it, and set it aside on a chair, and slipped off My boxer shorts. I took the belt that was wrapped around My hand and made a collar out of it, slipping it over her head and around her neck. “That ok, girl?” I said softly to her.

She nodded, eyes bright, making a mewling sound very much like a cat. “Yes, Sir. I love the feeling”

Without much more warning, I sat cross legged on the floor and gathered J up into My lap, sitting behind her. One hand held the belt-collar I had make closely around her neck, and with the other I took one of her petite breasts and put her nipple between two fingers, and squeezed. Not terribly hard, but hard enough to be felt.

J tensed, and then started to squeak, then moan, and then squeak as I pinched and rolled her nipples, and tightened the belt between fingers and thumb. I moved down to her pussy, and spread her extremely wet lips aside with two fingers… touching her clitoris under the hood without so much as a by-your-leave.

Her reaction was instant. She bucked against My hand, HARD. Her eyes closed, and she let the sensation of being controlled, held like that wash over her. I tightened my grip again on the belt, this time with just enough tension to let her feel the sensation of being choked, but still breathing freely.

Then, I thrust my fingers into her pussy, curling my index and first fingers up to slam up against the rough spot deep inside her tight, wet, hot cave. She shook her head back and forth, not to say “no” but because she couldn’t stop the intense feeling that was about to explode in her… then instead of growling, or shouting, she let loose a fluttering “OHhhhhhh! Ohhhh! Ohhh—hhh—hhh” as her whole body shook as she came.

… and I relaxed the collar, cuddling her, and gently letting her down. We both had been so coiled up, so tense, so WANTING each other… it’s hard to believe that just a couple hours before, we had just met.

J napped for a few minutes, recovering, eyes closed with a dreamy look on her face… snuggled up like that, in my lap, like a slinky, freckled, beautiful human housecat. When she finally recovered, she looked up into My eyes and said “I think… yes… I think…”

“Oh?” I asked

“The question, or the letter?” she teased.

“OH COME ON!” I pushed her down on the floor, and pinned her under Me. “You think… what?” I asked, putting my nose right up against hers.

She laughed, that wonderful, beautiful laugh of hers, looking me straight in the eyes. “I think I’ll keep you, for now. You’re a very nice Mean Mr. Dom.”

“Is that so?” I smirked. “I don’t get a say in the matter?”

“No, you don’t. I’m keeping you.” she said, matter of factly, wrapping her legs around Me. “I definitely am keeping you…” … and I swear to you, that I went from “tired” to “rock hard” in about a second. She wiggled her belly, and her pussy up against my cock and whispered in my ear “But I’m definitely going to need some practice, a condom, and more foreplay before you can put THAT in me.”

As I said, it was the beginning of a wonderful, weird, and extremely sexy chapter in my life. One that would quickly lead to more adventures.

( … which I’ll continue in Part 3, in which I continue the tale of Vancouver’s interesting and fun nightlife in Gastown, and in which J gets very, very thoroughly fucked. In the good way. )


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