A Dragon in the Dungeon [F24/F124] [Lactation]

Falia was your standard human fighter. A pale skinned brunette wearing chain-mail armor and carrying a simple steel sword and shield. While this doesn’t mean she lacks the abilities or experience to be a successful adventurer, she does have trouble sticking out amongst the elven druids and tiefling rogues.

Falia was just one of five adventurers hired to clear out recently discovered goblin cave. Nothing new for her, and Falia has worked with the other four before, though they weren’t particularly close any of her coworkers.

The party’s rogue scouted ahead, with the druid, wizard, and barbarian following. Falia took the rear, to help prevent any ambushes from particular stealthy goblins. While this was an important role, this usually meant she was the last to the fight, and the last to claim any loot.

The party reached a fork in the cave. Falia looked back to make sure they weren’t being stalked, not noticing the rest of her group running down one of the tunnels. By the time she turned around, she was all alone.

Making a quick guess, Falia stepped down the left hallway. Almost immediately, the floor gave away, and Falia slid down the hole.

She landed with thud. When Falia was able to regain her senses, she looked around to see the room she was in. It was a large, ornate chamber lit by green flame torches. At the center of the room was a large circular pool with a coffin-like object hanging above it by a chain. The ceiling shook, likely from a fighting happening on the above floor, and the chain broke. The coffin fell into the pool with a large splash, a splash large enough to hit Falia.

After a few seconds, a naked elven woman flew out of the pool. She had a dark skin tone with green markings on her neck, arms, and legs. Her hair was black and her eyes glowed in an orange hue. Her eyes locked with Falia’s, and she snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, Falia was sitting on the ledge of the pool, naked. The water was clear, but the pool seemed to be bottomless. Falia looked over to her left and saw her armor, clothes, and weapons neatly lying on a long table. Looking forward, the woman was floating right in front of her. Her knees were in the water, so her large breast lined up with Falia’s face. With a closer look, the green markings resembled scales.

She spoke “I am Evialyn, the poisoned princess, one of Tiamat’s five half-dragon daughters. I would like to thank you, Falia, for freeing me from my prison.”

Falia wanted to say that she wasn’t the one to free her, but didn’t want to lose the good graces of a dragon. She remained silent.

Evialyn continued. “As a reward, I offer you a position by my side. I will protect you from the dullness of mortal life, as well as full access to my treasures. Falia.” She offered her hand. “Take my hand and I will make you a god amongst men.”

Intrigued, Falia took the dragon’s hand. Evialyn pulled her new champion in and laid a deep kiss on her lips. Initially shocked, Falia quickly grew to enjoy the kiss and closed her eyes.

The kiss was so passionate, that Falia failed to notice that they were slowly sinking into the pool. During this descent, Evialyn reached down and started rubbing and fingering her human companion’s pussy.

The second the two touched the bottom of the pool, Falia pulled away from the kiss and let out a moan as she climaxed. Opening her eyes, she finally noticed that the two were deep underwater and, most importantly, she wasn’t drowning. Evialyn did something that allowed her to breath underwater.

At the bottom of the pool was a submerged tunnel. Evialyn floated down the tunnel and Falia swam after her at a much slower pace.

The tunnel lead to a room filled with various jewels, gold, and other treasures. The treasure covered floor and some piles reached the ceiling. At the center of the horde was Evialyn sitting on an ornate throne.

As Falia swam towards Evialyn, she patted her lap saying “Sit down love.” Falia followed suit, and Evialyn grabbed a large dildo from a treasure pile next to the throne.

Evialyn shoved the dragon sized dildo in Falia’s asshole before reaching for another one. “Tell you princess how much you love her.”

“I-I love you my princess. Falia stuttered as the princess shoved the second dildo into her pussy.

As Evialyn used the dildo to pleasure her new pet, Falia placed her lips around her master’s nipple. “Cheeky brat.” Evialyn said. “I’m not holding back anymore.”

Evialyn began to masterbate Falia faster and faster, and Falia’s sucking and licking also became more intense. The dragon’s milk started to leak into Falia’s mouth. Get more hot and heavy, Evialyn adjust the human’s position, lifting her up and placing her into the throne. Evialyn placed the other side of the dildo in Falia’s ass into her pussy and started thrusting. Falia remained latched to Evialyn’s left breast, and took her right breast placed that nipple into her mouth.

Evialyn the dragon princess fucked her savior in the ass, and Falia was sucking on both of her master’s tits.

With one final thrust, the two climaxed. Falia freed Evialyn’s breast, allowing milk to spray into the open water.

Evialyn softly fell into a pile of gold coins, breathing heavily and leaking milk. Falia slumped in the throne and removed the dildos, before falling on top of Evialyn and landing face first into her breast. Both the human and the half-dragon smiled was they fell alseep, ending the first day of a beautiful relationship.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/w7xbxx/a_dragon_in_the_dungeon_f24f124_lactation