Friday night dinner

My husband is away working and I’m home alone feeling a little horny thinking about a recent experience, so I thought I’d share with anyone who is interested. I haven’t finished the confession yet, as I made me too horny recounting the night and I eventually gave in and made myself cum mid text. If there is enough interest, I will continue to the end.

Something happened 3 weeks ago that I never thought would happen! I received a message from an old school boyfriend (let’s call him Mark) who I’ve not seen for 20 years who was planning to visit from overseas on business. He just sent me a message on fb saying that he was over for a few days and if I wanted to catch up for dinner with my family that would be great. We chatted a bit on messenger and he talked about his life, kids, wife etc and got on very well. We had only been a ‘couple’ for about 2
months at the age of 16 and nothing sexual ever happened, so I had no reluctance to tell my husband about it. I thought it might be nice to see someone from my home town so we agreed to get a baby sitter and meet up for dinner on the Friday night during his trip.

So a little bit of background on us, we have be flirting with the idea of the hotwife lifestyle for a really long time and recently decided it wasn’t for us after a few failed attempts. Due to my husband’s kink he kept asking over and over about my relationship with my ex, if we had fucked etc etc. As there was
nothing to tell he started fantasizing about the guy doing things to me and we role played some stuff in the bedroom.

Anyway, the night arrives and we are getting ready for dinner. Hubby (James) is still playing his fantasies over in his head and asks me to wear my sexy sheer underwear and short tight skirt. I agree but know it’s just for his pleasure and I have no intention of trying to seduce my ex. I will admit however it was nice to dress up sexy and receive encouragement from my husband. I’m a mum of 2 in her late 30’s, and not the stereotypical hot mum, 5ft5, A-cup tits, blonde, slim but not toned
at all, so it was nice to feel hot for once.

We head out to dinner in the city, to a nice Thai place and the night goes well, lots of laughs and chat. I had not seen Mark for so long, and he looked really different from how I remembered, 6ft tall, and in good shape, not muscular or anything like that, just an average well-kept dad bod.

My husband behaves himself and gets his mind out of the gutter for the evening πŸ˜‚, and as the meal comes to an end my husband suggests we show Mark a couple of cool bars in town and he agrees, so we head out to the main strip to a nice bar we love to visit. As we are walking, I feel my phone vibrate
in my bag and take it out for a look, it’s from my husband;

‘You are looking so fucking hot tonight, and I’m not the only one who’s noticed. Mark can’t keep his eyes off you, I caught him checking out your ass as we left πŸ˜‰’

I felt myself blush a little and rushed my phone back into my bag as a wave of paranoia came over me that someone might see. Not that I believed a word of it, and I assumed James was just trying to get a rise out of me , but I felt my heart quicken and that strange fluttery feeling in my chest. The thought it might be true made me feel excited and drew my thoughts to the roleplay games we had played in the bedroom.

We arrived and ordered drinks, I excused myself and went to the toilet. I went straight to a cubicle and read the message again with the intention of responding;

‘Stop it, we are having a nice night πŸ˜€There will be plenty of time for your naught fantasies when we get home !’

The response was almost immediate:

‘I’m serious, he was totally checking you out, you are so naive πŸ˜‡and guess what? We are talking about you right now πŸ˜‰so take your time coming back’

I felt myself getting that fluttery feeling again, and my pussy start to feel the slightest bit tingly, and my tits become a little sensitive

‘WTF do you mean’ I responded

‘Oh, don’t worry, I’m just asking what you were like at school and how many boyfriends you had, that kind of thing. He’s telling me some interesting things I didn’t know about you! Seems like you were quite a busy girl πŸ˜†’

I rushed back into the bar as quick as I could, feeling my cheeks were red from embarrassment. I could see them at the table chatting to each other as I pushed my war across the bar to interrupt. They both had big smiles on their faces but said nothing, and the conversation continued as normal, work, family and the usual. The guys had ordered a round of drinks and a tray of Sambuca shots, which we knocked back quicky toasting the night. I was at this stage starting to feel tipsy from the
wine we had with the meal, several shot sand a couple of cocktails.

I still had James’ message in the back of my mind and kept getting flashes of excitement when I let my mind wonder for a few seconds. I did start to think about what James had said and if Mark really was checking me out, or if he thought I was hot, the whole thing started to get me turned on and I was already looking forward to getting home and satisfying my urges with James and my favorite dildo.

It was getting late and we needed to be heading home for our curfew with the babysitter, besides I was horny and most of the way drunk. I suggested it was time to leave to the guys, but they both said it was such a shame to leave being as we had only visited one bar. James pulled out his phone and started typing a message and after about 5 minutes said

‘great news, the babysitter is happy to stay over and she said don’t worry about getting back at any time-enjoy your evening’.

I felt my heart race as he said the words, I felt like there was something I didn’t know, kinda vulnerable or not in a responsible frame of mind…..and it made me really excited. I felt my pussy throb lightly
and breathing feel shallow and quick. I was so surprised after our little message exchange that James just didn’t want to get home and fuck me.

‘I know a club’ said James and with that James, Mark and myself headed out o the club.

When we arrived, it was really busy, and I felt slightly out of place amongst all the 20 something girls in their sexy dresses.

‘I’ll get the drinks, you two find a spot’ said James and disappeared into the crowd.

We headed over to the far side of the club and found a booth that a group were just vacating. There was a brief awkward silence until Mark said;

‘So…it’s been really nice seeing you again after all this time. Things have changed so much, its crazy. Somethings haven’t changed though….you still look great’

As he finished his sentence, that was it, I felt my pussy just soak. I felt so nervous and excited at the same time i thought I might puke πŸ˜‚ I thought in my head, where the fuck did that just come from? What the hell have they been talking about? What’s going on? and where is my fucking husband?

It had been nearly 20 minutes and there was no sign of him or our drinks. We made small talk while we waited, I’d thanked Mark for the complement and kinda just pretended it hadn’t happened. My
phone vibrated in my bag and I pulled it out;

‘How are you two getting along? ‘

‘Where the fuck are you?’

‘I’m close, I can see you’

I looked around, but I couldn’t see James anywhere

‘What are you upto?’ I messaged back, and the response came;

‘Nothing, just enjoy some time with your old friend and relax, everything is ok. And by the way, I’ve been texting him too 😜’

I felt the place just swallow me up, like I’d died. I looked up and Mark just smiled and said;

‘Is this cool, ok? I mean if it isn’t its ok, I can just leave….I mean I’m kinda surprised and wasn’t expecting this’

‘Expecting what? ‘ I said softly

‘James told me how you had talked about me and that you still think about…you know…’

‘Think about what?’

‘That you think about doing stuff together. That you’ve acted it out in the bedroom’

Oh my god, I thought to myself, I can’t believe this, I can’t believe he’s done this. I felt numb, physically weak and shaking, almost like an out of body experience but all of a sudden, the adrenaline kicked in, the alcohol and the fact I was getting hornier by the second. A rush of self-confidence came over me and I felt like I needed to take charge of the situation.

‘Tell me in more detail what he has told you, I want to hear it from your mouth’ I said

‘Well…’ he said as I could see him getting nervous and flustered, now it was
his turn to feel anxious. ‘ He just said that you both play threesomes in the bedroom with your toys and imagine that its ex-boyfriends, and that its sometimes me’

‘He told you that did he? ‘ I exclaimed ‘And what was your response to that?’

‘Well, I was quite shocked…..but I liked it…I mean it’s pretty flattering’

‘Just Pretty Flattering ?’ I teased (As I said this, I remember thinking to myself, who the fuck are you and where is this coming from πŸ˜€)

‘Well…erm…pretty fucking hot if I’m honest’

At that moment my phone went off again, it was James;

‘Are you ok? You haven’t stormed out yet so I guess so. I hope you are enjoying this; I know I am. I don’t know where this is going baby, I just took a chance to see what would happen. You are in control and I just want you to enjoy yourself, however there are some rules, do you want to keep going? If yes I’ll tell you the rules, you must not break them unless I say its ok. oh, and by the way, you should switch seats to his side of the table’

‘Holy fuck James! What the hell are you doing? Are you sure about this, I’m not! What are you expecting here? I thought we weren’t doing this?’

‘It’s ok, we don’t have to do anything, there is no expectation from me. Just talk, dance, kiss whatever, I just want you to feel sexy and naughty for us both. So do you want the rules or not?

‘I hesitated for a minute and answered;’Yes I want to hear the rules’

‘Ok, and these do not mean anything particular is going to or has to happen, it just covers all bases:

1. If you want anything to stop or for us to just leave the safe word is flower. I can also use this word if I’m not comfortable.
2. I get be present or be involved anytime I like
3. This is one off on the understanding we will not be seeing Mark again for a long time
4. If you have sex he is to wear protection (I have some condoms)

Anything else is up to you. Mark already knows the rules. So, what do you say baby?’

Instead of answering the message, and knowing full well James was watching somewhere in the club I got up and sat on the opposite side of the table next to Mark. I leaned in and kissed him open mouthed and passionately waiting for him to take the lead. As we kissed his hand moved to my bare
knee and a rush of excitement went straight to my pussy. I could feel how wet my knickers had become, my heart was beating so fast I was getting light headed, this was really fucking happening!

The kissing got more and more intense, my hand holding his wrist as he tried to move up my inner thigh until suddenly, I just let go.His warm hand slid slowly up my skirt and I invited him in by parting my legs under the table. His hands felt so big and powerful, and different from James, I can’t describe how exciting the feeling of ‘different’ is. As his fingers made it to my knickers, he started rubbing through the shear fabric of my panties, pulling the G-string tighter up my ass. It felt so good, the wet fabric sliding over my shaved pussy and then his finger pushing into my slit more and more until he found my clit.

By this point my clit had swollen up nice and big, my clit gets very swollen and sensitive and tonight was not exception. As he lightly caressed by clit I let out a little moan into his mouth as we kissed, we
literally had not broke away from that kiss for about 10 minutes as he touched me for the first time. As he played with me through my knickers I could hold back from temptation no more
and reached across his lap to feel his cock through his trousers. It was so hard and bulging, I could not get a real feel for his size at first but he felt thick, and his was dick throbbing and twitching as we
kissed. I was so captivated, we could have been anywhere, I just didn’t care we were in the middle of a club playing with each other, and I started to stroke his cock over the top of his trousers.

God, it felt good, and so fucking naughty stoking another husbands cock, making him cheat and feel another woman that wasn’t his wife. It made me feel like what I was, a slut. Finally, we broke from the kiss and I realised that James was sitting opposite us in the booth.

‘Did you enjoy that?’ I asked

‘Very much’ was his short response

‘Well Mark has got to do what he missed out on 20 years ago’ I joked, and as we spoke Mark continued to play up my skirt, now pulling my knickers to one side to touch my bare pussy, slowly and lightly caressing my lips and making little circles around my clit. James’ eyes were transfixed on us, and I noticed his eyes keep moving down to my chest, as I looked down at myself, I could see my hard nipples were so erect they were showing through my delicate bra and white vest top.

My tits were feeling so sensitive, and I loved the thought of guys noticing how pert my little tits had become.

‘Look what he’s done to me baby, look at my boobies’ i said to James in a whisper ‘He’s touching my pussy baby, and it feels really nice. I want you to kiss me’ and with that James moved over to our side of the table and stated kissing me deeply as Mark played with my pussy. As we kissed James moved his hand up across my belly to my tits and gently squeezed my little tit making me shudder and squirm on Marks fingers.

My heart was beating out of my chest, and the rush was like nothing I’ve ever felt before. My mind was racing so much, trying to focus on so many things, and feels. The voice in my head kept saying to me ‘what if someone can see, what if someone saw me kissing two different men, what if my work colleagues are in the club, or my friends, or the school mums, what if I cum at this table right now, or we get caught?’ The answer to all these questions was the same, I want people to see, I hope we get caught, I just don’t care, I just never want this to stop….my irresponsible, uncontrollable version had taken over and I loved it. She’s taken control before but never like this, this was too far, too much but it was too late. I literately felt like another person I, and the real me was along for the ride.

As the kissing continued, with both James and Mark taking turns playing with my tongue, James’ hand slowly moved down across my stomach, over my skirt which was half hitched up to my waist and into my knickers under the waist band. His hand met with Marks, who was still teasing my swollen clit. Mark was rubbing my clit with 2 fingers, one either side of my clit with his palm facing up, and as James’ hand reached my pussy he slid his index finger between marks 2 fingers to feel how big my clit was. James briefly gave a gentle rub on top of my clit, which made my pussy contract, the feeling of two hands on my pussy again taking my breath away and giving me a head rush for about the 6th or 7th time this evening. He pushed his finger further down my slit, forcing Marks hand away in the process, and i felt my knickers snap back into position as Marks hand pulled out. As James’ continued to feel my pussy, rubbing my juices all over my lips he gently pushed two fingers into me. Oh my fucking god, I was so ready to feel something inside me, and my legs closed around his hand as I felt the start of an orgasm. I immediately turned my head to Mark and invited his tongue into my mouth while I enjoyed my husbands fingers in me.

‘Not yet’ whispered James as he sensed my body tense up ‘Don’t cum yet, it’s just starting’

James continued to finger fuck as I pulled Marks hand up to my boobs. His big firm hand felt amazing as he touched my tits through my top. As he got into it and started grabbing firmer and firmer I felt my bra pop up over my tiny little tits, and could feel the warmth of his palms on my nipples through the thin cotton of my top. I remember thinking, I hope someone is watching, I really want people to want we and be turned on by me. I didn’t dare open my eyes to check however. Suddenly James pulled his fingers out of my pussy, and pushed his hand towards the floor, taking my knickers with it sending then down to my ankles. I wiggled my feet to get them over my shoes and onto the floor. James reached down to pick them up;

‘mmmm they’re so wet baby’ he whispered into my ear as I kissed Mark ‘Just like your pussy. Do you think Mark would like to taste?’

I broke again from kissing to face James ‘Yes’ I said and pulled James in for a kiss, and as I pulled away James rubbed his wet finger all over my lips and put his fingers into my mouth.

‘Would you like to taste her pussy Mark?’ said James, and with no answer Mark kissed by lips and licked my juices from my mouth. As he did so I felt James pull Marks hand to my exposed pussy and guide two of his fingers into me. Oh my, his fingers were big, bigger than James’ fingers, I cant explain the feeling entirely, but I just felt full, not stretched but just full and satisfied. Now as I’d mentioned, we had over the course of ten years tried a few little things, and this wasn’t the first time I’d had my pussy touched since we’ve been married but this was next level, I’d not had something or someone do this to me since my very early 20’s. I flexed my hips so I could push down onto him, I Just wanted all of his 2 fingers inside me.

James got up and moved back to the other side of the table, this turned me on even more, now I had my audience. We just sat there, in front of him and kissed and fingered, just like a couple of horny teenagers. Marks had had, without my notice somehow, pushed up my top and he was now cupping my bare tit as he fingered my pussy slowly, sliding out and over my sensitive clit with his finger tips, then in reverse back over and into my pussy. My eyes were firmly closed as I focused on every sensation between my legs, on my tits and across my whole body.

I kicked off my shoe and outstretched my leg to James’ crotch under the table. I couldn’t quiet reach but I felt him shuffle forward, he was right up to the table with his elbows on the top and his chin resting on his clasped hands. Now I could feel his soild cock, through his jeans and i began to rub up and down the shaft with my stocking-ed foot. He undid his trousers and I started to rub my foot on his hard cock trough his boxers, the feel of my nylon tights on his boxers felt awesome.

The feel of James cock on my foot made me to slide my right are under the arm Marks was using to finger me and unzip the fly of his trousers. I reached inside and grabbed his dick through his boxers. Fuck, it felt even thicker than before, and I tried to rub up and down to get a feel for the length. It was a good size, I wasn’t really sure how big and this point but I was just excited to have a new dick in my hand. As I fumbled around I found the hole in his underwear (sorry not sure what its called haha, where the guy sticks his dick through to wee i guess, kind like a fly?) and I get my first bare touch of his cock, skin on skin. The most memorable or should i say first think i noticed my how fucking hot (as in temperature) it was. It felt sooooo good, hard, warm, thick and fucking sexy. I started masturbating him as he enjoyed my pussy, kissing and wanking him knowing James was loving every second. His cock was slippy from all the pre-cum I’d rubbed up and down his shaft as kept running my palm over the head of his penis. I was stroking and twisting my hand up and down his shaft, trying to give him my best performance he would remember. After every couple of minutes I’d stop and pull back his foreskin to expose the head of his cock and gently stroke the underneath of his head (Frenulum I believe its called, i had to look it up ;-)), his balls and helmet, and then continue to wank his cock faster each time.

So there we were, sat at the table in the middle of a noisy, packed club, me and Mark kissing as we masturbate each other, my foot on the love of my life’s cock as he watched his wife act the little slut in front of him. We had done what we had threatened to for nearly 20 years, all the false starts, cancelled dates, bail outs etc etc, it was all worth it because this felt right and sooo fucking amazing. I felt like the naughtiest, dirtiest, hottest little slut there has ever been and that feeling, even as I type right now makes me feel so sexy and turned on.

Then it started, I felt Mark’s cock start to throb, slowly it first, but with each throb it got stronger and more frequent.

‘Fuck….I’m going to cum’ he said under his breath

‘Fucking cum for me baby, I fucking want your cum’ I whispered back. I couldn’t believe I’d called him baby, I’d only ever called my husband that, but I was so in the moment.

‘oh fuck yes…..fuck yes Ami…..dont fucking stop’

As it was about to happen, i looked into James’ eye’s and bit my lip. His hot cum came hard out of his cock, so much of it and so hot a really big mess in his boxers and all over my hand. His head just rested on my shoulder in relief and I help onto his soaked cock. With that James retook his seat next to me. My skirt was now above my waist, tight around my stomach. James noticed this and reached around my back to undo the clasp and lower the zip, providing instant relief. Mark was still passionately finger fucking me despite organisming already, and James started work on my clit, semi-roughly stroking it with 2 fingers as he took over the kissing. I felt close, and started to cum, i reached down to my pussy and held Marks fingers still inside my so I could throb on them as i climaxed.

‘Oh fuck its big daddy, I’m going to cum so hard’ I whimpered

‘I know, baby, cum for me sweetie, make me proud baby’ was his quiet reply

I started to momentarily panic as I lost complete control, fearing I’d scream or make a huge commotion and then I came, oh fuck did I cum! I thrust my face into James’ chest muffling my moans, my pussy was throbbing out of control and my whole body shaking. I could feel my contracting pussy squeezing on Marks fingers and my pussy juices gushing out of me onto the seat.

‘Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck’ I moaned. I kinda felt emotional, drained and euphoric, the feeling was immense, I wanted it to last as long as possible. I had not cum like that I don’t think ever, like so intensely and so beyond my control. James kissed my and said ‘So how was that? ‘with a big smile.

I had suddenly become aware of where we were and what we’d done ! I my feelings started to mix up again, excited, horny, self-conscious, embarrassed……….lets get out of here quick haha !

‘Can we go please?’ I asked trying not to look around too much, or make any eye contact with anyone.

‘Of course, lets get out of here’

We just, all 3 of us got up and casually walked out, like nothing had happened. When we got outside, Mark broke the silence;

‘Fuck…..I mean fuck…..what just happened? ‘ he said laughing

‘I don’t know’ replied James ‘but I think we all enjoyed it, did you Ami?’

Now we were outside, I reflected a little, more level headed. I took James’ hand as we walked down the main street, then took Marks:

‘Yes, i think I did’ I replied after a short pause

I let go of Marks hand and put it onto my bare ass cheek as we walked.

“so where are you staying Mark?’ Jame’s enquired


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