The escalation game Part 2 [M/F] [True Story]

[Part one is here!](

I gripped the steering wheel with sweaty fingers and stared at the shower block, and though there was no chance I was going anywhere soon, my feet bounced on the pedals nervously. It was late, it must have been to be getting dark in the height of summer, and even as I sat waiting and breathing shallow breaths I had noticed the features of the caravan park around me beginning to recede from view as the twilight swallowed them.

The light of my phone shaking to life illuminated the inside of the car shockingly and I jumped a little, grabbing it nervously and reading the message on the screen.

“What the fuck have you done?” it read. Maybe a little dramatic.

“Tell me what was on your card” I texted back. I set my phone back down and waited for a response.

There was silence.

Only a couple of hours earlier I had shuffled a deck of cards and handed one to her, the salty taste of my own cum fresh in my mouth after she had kissed me. She had stared at the card skeptically, looked back up at me, but just as she was about to speak I stopped her.

“I dare you to keep your card a secret.”

She had seemed confused, but a wry smile crept over her mouth at long last and she nodded.

A minute or two went by in my car as I waited for her response. I glanced at the seat beside me, where a pile of her clothes sat with my phone perched on top.

Clothes I had stolen from her shower bag before she left, leaving her with just her towel and… something else. Finally the vibration and sharp illumination happened once again.

“There, happy?”

The text was accompanied by a picture, taken in the harsh fluorescent light of the shower block, showing Jess wet from the shower, her short red hair clinging in tendrils to her face and shoulders. The towel, bound around her chest, squashed her small breasts into a plump cleavage above which sat a studded metal collar around her neck. My little gift to her.

“Good, now come outside like a good girl.” I messaged back, and the next few texts came in a flurry.


“Then tell me what your card was.” “No. Coming”

I looked up at the shadowed door to the shower block, illuminated by the yellow glow of an old style sodium lamp, and immediately saw her pale face peeking around the corner. She slowly and cautiously emerged from the concrete recess, clocked the group of boys still hanging around just a few metres away, and visibly winced.

She shot a furious glare over at me, staring daggers at the dark car window where she imagined I was. Then, with as much dignity as she could muster, she hurried out of the block.

Eyes were on her almost immediately, the short towel clinging to her body and the luridly sexual collar clasped round her neck drawing attention like a magnet, and the group immediately began to chatter excitedly into cupped hands.

The ground was soft and uneven, and as the chatter rose she tried to quicken her pace, stumbling awkwardly on bare feet and clasping the fold of the towel to her chest with white knuckles. After one stumble too many she reached out her arms to steady herself and the towel slipped.

She grasped it back in panic with a little squeal, clasping the material to her breasts but allowing it to fall from her back, exposing her slender shoulders and the fat, round peach of her arse. To the sound of louder whoops and jeers from the crowd, all attempts at dignity lost, she jogged the last few feet to the car – her little tits bouncing under the towel and her slender legs unsteady like a deer.

She slammed into the car door with relief and immediately began to hammer on it with a little fist.

“You absolute fucker let me in” she hissed, glancing up at the grinning boys. “Seriously you fucking dickhead, open this fucking door”

Her face was red and flushed and she looked as annoyed as I’d ever seen her. Casually I pressed the electric window button, winding it down painfully slowly and allowing the cool night air into the fusty warm interior. She swung a playful punch through the window but I dodged it.

“Sure, but first give me the towel or tell me your card”

A pained look shot across her face and she glanced furtively across the camp ground, weighing up her options. The boys at the shower block were, obviously, still staring in our direction but they were a little distance away by now, and the car mostly shielded their view in the gloomy half-light.

“Oh, fuck you then” she hissed again, unwrapping the towel quickly, bundling it through the window and folding her arms on the roof, resting her chin on them as casually as possible.

She looked exaggeratedly pale in the twilight, and her soft little breasts hung small but heavy and firm through the car window. Her body nipped at the waist into an hourglass shape and her hips flared out at the top of her bubble butt, and I could just see the peachy fuzz of her pussy above the rim of the window.

I reached out and cupped one breast and then the other, squeezing them gently between my fingers, and I heard her breathing quicken. I tweaked the puffy, pink nipples between my knuckles, massaging and stretching them before squashing her tits together and planting a long, luxuriant lick across her pale, freckled, sensitive skin.

She shuffled awkwardly on her feet, squeezing her legs together in discomfort before exhaling loudly.

“FFFFuck” she gasped. “Just… just be quick, ok?”

I had no intention of being quick, and feeling one of her soft little nipples hardening in my hands, I took it into my mouth and played with it between my teeth, tasting a mixture of soap and sweat, before taking her breast into my mouth up to the tan line where her small bikini top usually hid her modesty.

I reached one arm casually out of the window and slid it between her legs, running my fingers up her thigh towards the radiant warmth of her slit, finding the gap already slick and sticky with her wetness. The tight curls of her light red fuzz tickled my fingertips and I teased her pussy, sliding two fingers between her legs and almost through to her arse, resting them maddeningly on the edge of her lips.

She sighed deeply again, and pushed her body towards them, forcing her soaking cunt onto my fingers and thrusting them inside her.

She let out a little squeak as they penetrated her, and I felt her body shudder as she began to grind on them, bending a little until I felt the tiny pearl of her clit graze my knuckles, while inside I continued to lap and suck at her exposed breasts which grew pink and hot, covered with tiny beads of sweat.

She grew more and more forceful, lifting an arm from the car roof to grab my wrist and push my immobile fingers deeper inside her, grinding her sensitive clit harder and harder against me, then slowly and intensely as her slit soaked my wrist. She panted and cursed and whined under her breath as she fucked herself harder and harder against my hand, slamming her palm down on the car roof occasionally as her tiny, guilty little orgasm approached.

Then all at once I snatched my hand away, withdrawing my arm back inside the car.

“No! You cunt! Please!” she began to shout, trailing off as she lowered her voice back to a hoarse whisper. “Please, you can’t! I’m so close! Please just finish me. You have to…”

Wordlessly I unlocked and opened the car door, and she virtually flew inside, bundling herself through the gap and straddling me awkwardly in the car seat, her legs bent and twisted around the console, but seeming not to notice. She grinned and grabbed at my cock underneath my jeans, forcing her palm against its hard length and beginning to fiddle with the button. She quickly glanced over at the boys and then looked back urgently.

“Please, just fuck me now – it’ll be quick I promise, it’s ok they can’t see.”

She trailed off as she lent forward and buried her face in my neck, kissing and biting at my skin and panting and sighing like an animal. Her hands moved to my chest and she squeezed my shoulder blades as she kissed harder, then she gripped my hair in her fingers and forced my face into her cleavage, squashing her perky little tits together until they were fat and thick against my lips.

“I want your arse this time” I muttered quietly into her chest.

She laughed as she grinded against me. “Fuck off, you cheeky little shit” she whispered.

“Ok, tell me what your card was”

She stiffened a little and slowed down, clutching me tighter and becoming quieter. She stayed this way for an eternity of seconds.

“No.” She said, quietly.



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