The Taking of Ms M

I've been working at your office for 3 weeks as an Intern. You are my direct supervisor. I really need this job, and you know it. For the past week, when no one can back up my claims, you call me "Limp Dick" because you found a prescription for Viagra in my desk. You think this is hilarious because I am so young.

It is late Friday night and you've taken particular pleasure in picking an intern and making them stay late on Fridays working on your "personal" projects. Finishing the grunt work you couldn't give a fuck about.

You've been expecting me to deliver finished the necessary paperwork for an important account for the last hour.

Annoyed, bordering on infuriated you have spent the last 15 minutes searching for me – when you find me in the break room. I've taken my tie off, undone my shirt buttons and have almost opened one of your special coffees from the break room fridge.

You are completely livid rushing to within an inch of my face you begin your famous screaming rampage.

"JUST WHAT IN THE BLUE BLAZING FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING. LIMP DICK?! Christ I've seen some stupid fucking interns in my time but you….you….above ALL others have earned the crown of King Limp Dick of Fucktard Mountain. You can't tile TPS reports, you can't follow directions, you can't find your red stapler much less a hole in the ground meanwhile I'm still waiting for your dumb ass so I can finalize the Vandelay account with legal… what the fuck are you doing here drinking MY. FUCKING. COFFEE??! HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU NOT KNOW THAT ITS MY FUCKING COFFEE"

I look at you calmly. Put ice cold glass bottle down. I smile slightly.

My hand swings out and catches you right across the mouth smearing your $80 french lipstick you never shut up about.

You put a hand to your stinging face. You look at me with shock – opening your mouth to speak – I lash out with my other hand. Harder the second time, its turned your head and left the other side of your mouth hurting even more then the first.

Your shock subsides – you arms start to move as I grab you by the hair and pull you against me. You try to push off of me. In one swift move I twist with one leg behind your knees – pulling you off balance. I yank your head backwards, then shove you forward guiding you down to your knees. I pull your hair harder tilting your hair back and exposing your throat to me. Forcing you to look into my eyes

"First, I want to thank you for being such a huge fucking cunt. If you hadn't been riding my ass so hard I wouldn't have worked as hard double checking the accounting errors on the Vanderlay account. Ms. M….I think I know how you keep buying those Coach purses."

The look in your eyes says everything – I know what you know – and you know that I know. Everything you've ever worked for and everything your name means in this company and in this industry is in the palm of my hands.

With my other hand I reach over and pick up the coffee. YOUR coffee. I hold it out in front of you "I want to tell you something – and I want to make sure you understand it completely.

I shake the coffee in front of your nose – it reminds you when you potty trained your dog.

"Everyone in the office – FUCK – Everyone in the entire building knows. 'These are your coffees, they are ALL your coffees' You have an entire shelf devoted to them and you can't help yourself can you – you have to remind ALL of us ALL THE TIME they are yours. We get it."

I relax my grip on your hair.

"Open it up"

You are still in shock – staring at me in disbelief. "Limp Dick, you stupid motherfucker"

I tap you on the forehead with the bottom of the bottle, it rings enough to bring you back to reality. You start to talk again – I raise the bottle to give you another "love tap". Your mouth trembles closed as you reach out for the bottle.

"Open it up. Now. Bitch."

You fumble for a moment before popping the bottle, the lid falling to the floor.

"This is YOUR coffee" I say tipping it over to slowly spill out a Ice Cold Mocha Frappuccino over your tits. You squeal, your legs kicking and scrambling against the floor. I twist my hand in your hair – the pain twisting your neck against yourself keeps you in place.

I snatch the bottle out of your greedy little hand.

"This is coffee is ALL YOURS" It pours out agonizingly slow – drawing out your humiliation. I keep pouring until its all out and your blouse is completely soaked. I'm still not done until I've shaken the last few drops out. A few fly high and leave you with a couple droplets around your mouth.

I look down at you and smile sympathetically – you can feel my cock jump against the side of my leg and smile.

"Awww Ms. M – you've made such a mess you barely managed to get any in your mouth at all – let me help you."

I reach out to your face. You struggle, tightening up but knowing your resistance is futile you don't flinch as I collect the coffee drops with the tip of my finger. Your cheeks flush when I hold my finger out to you.

"Go on."

Your head shakes a tight little no, still in my grip.

"I've got all night to play. The custodians will be here in a while to clean up….you know considering how you treat them maybe we should wait for Maria and the…."

You jump forward and take the very tip of my finger in your mouth and pull away.

I shake my head condescendingly "Ms M… I am disappointed. That's it?" I give your head a little shake.

"Well, good thing for you I like playing 'just the tip' too. In fact….lets finish this game in your office. If I let go of your hair will you try to run?"

You shake your head – trying to convince me.

"I don't believe you – and I like it. FUCK! I hope you run.…." I pause and close my eyes relishing the thought – involuntarily licking my lips.

"ungh…if you fucking run….let's just say … when you crawl into the share holder meeting on Monday to explain what you've done. They won't even fucking recognize you."

Beads of sweat start to roll down the sides of your pretty face.

Disappointed…."You're not going to run are you"

trembling – you shake your head.

"Ah well. March."

I push you forward by your head – you have to catch yourself from falling face first on the floor. You get to your feet. You try and fix your hair and clothes out of instinct – your hands flopping about confused – its very cute.

When we get to your office, you turned – embarrassed – you've forgotten your key.

You are only getting cuter. I move you aside and boot the door right above the lock – the flies open hanging on the hinges. The sound and the suddenness of the violence shakes whatever will you have to resist out of you.

"Get naked, bitch."

You peel clothes faster than you ever have in your life – your cold wet sticky blouse still clinging to your chest as you peel it away. Your nips are still hard and swollen the perfect tips to such full round breasts.

You've just stepped out of your slutty black thong, with hot pink trim – "Stop. Hand those to me."

You timidly reach out and put them in my hand. I hold them up – looking at them admiring them. Really appreciating the texture of the fabric between my thumb and forefinger – and then I find the wet spot – YOUR wet spot.

"Oh. OH!…Ms. M you should have told me you were getting so excited. You fucking little slut. Open up and let me see."

You open – slowly – I can just see a highlight on the rim of your lips – a little shine where your pussy juice has betrayed your true feelings.

"Fucking look at that" I point and laugh "I've turned my project supervisor into a common whore."

You shift a little in your stance – starting to bring your hands around from your sides to cover up your dripping shame.

"No. Hands behind your head – interlace your fingers, pretend I'm a cop and you've been busted for being a whore. A common street whore at that look at how fucking wet you are right now."

I bend down – face first to stare into your pussy. I dip my finger just inside your juices to get it wet – and bring it to my mouth to get a taste. So hot and sticky and sweet.

You, can't help yourself from being a stupid whore, think that this is your chance and focus all your energy into kneeing me in the face.

I see your remarkable thighs tense up, reaching behind your leg when you move to knee me I guide you by the back of your knee past my head, and past your center of balance – I hold my left hand out with my middle two fingers up as you sit right not to them. Your pussy is so wet my fingers slip all the way in you and its my hand in your cunt and my other hand behind your knee keeping balance.



  1. You moan gutturally – you’re finally getting a piece of what you’ve wanted since I first got my hand in your hair. Compulsively you rock back and forth against my hand. My fingers stand still as you slide your lips back and forth around them. My laughing calls you back from your lust you – your thighs clench around my hand. I put your leg down and stand up before you. Face to face – you hands still behind your head. I rock my hand on a curve sliding my fingers in and out of you at the same rhythm you were fucking yourself against me. You don’t want to like it – you wiggle your hips – hoping you can shake me out – it just feels that much better to move with me, move against me, to just move with me inside of you. Your cheeks are red and radiating warmth – maybe your embarrassed from all the wet squichy sounds your pussy is making as I play you like a cheap instrument. I run my other hand up and down the length of your chest – you shudder at my touch and the pleasure you don’t want it to bring. Softly my finger tips graze your center line over the tight curves of your stomach up between the soft curves of your breasts. I flatten my hand against your chest – my fingers spread out and seeking the soft smooth flesh of your tits – but they don’t stop. They keep traveling up until they are around your throat – tightening. First my hand is pinning you in place against the wall. My grip tightens. As I pull you up to you by your throat to your tip toes. My hands faster inside you. You reach out, from behind your head, go pry at my hand – it’s just starting to get harder to breathe. I let go. You drop down, diving deeper on my fingers gasping for breath. I grab you by your face – turning you directly towards me and give your swollen cocksucker a solid slap that leaves a little drool on my fingers. Your eyes water, you sniffle it back and my hand takes your throat again, squeezing harder than before. Lifting you back up to your tip toes, choking, strangling on one hand and being fucked by my other. You’re holding your breath trying to cum – and just before the wave can crash over you I drop your throat and pull my hand out from under you letting you fall to the floor coughing, and drooling. Your legs weak and shaking before me. "This morning, I was actually afraid of you. Did you know that? That you would tell everyone about my little blue pills. That no one would believe me…. They aren’t for me you little whore. They’re for you. I have no problem getting it up – when I take one of these" Reaching into my pocket and pulling out my prescription bottle. "My cock can’t be satisfied. Oh I’ll come – but I’ll stay hard and hungry – for that." I tap the inside of your thigh with my foot to punctuate the point. You sit there on the floor – collapsed, confused, catching your breath. But you never take your eyes off me as I undo my belt and let my slacks hit the floor. You can see a raging hard on hiding in my boxers – your eyes track it up and down. You catch me watching you. Your head drops a little in shame but your eyes turn back up on to my cock. I toss my shirt aside – and rub the length of my cock down my thigh. "First its going in your mouth – and you better do a good job because when I pull it out its going up your tight ass.

  2. You try and push yourself away from me on the floor, backing yourself up against the wall? I step sideways, clearing a path to the door. "You can still run…if you think you can get away. I’ll even give you a head start" I take a step back further…. ‘Can I ….’ you ask yourself as you stand up. Like a new born fawn new on your legs you try to wobble towards the door. "10" You turn to look at me. "9" You look back towards the door – you bend down to grab your clothes "8" You lose your balance stepping into your skirt and fall back down on your butt. "7" You climb back out of your skirt, grab it and try to run away. Your out of the office and back into the hallway – you run hard and swift…but your no match for me. "1" You hear my feet pounding behind you – but you’re too scared to look. With a leap I tackle you back down to the ground. On your stomach you try to roll over and swing at me. "Let go of me you sick motherfucker" you scream But I laugh grabbing you behind your head in that familiar grip of my hand wrapped around your hair I pull your head back and wrangle you as you fight like a wild animal. Im straddled on the small of your back as you try and shake me off. "Now I’m going to fuck your ass first…and then your mouth." I spit on my hand reach around behind my, groping at the crack of your ass…. "NOOOOOOO" you howl – shaking harder twisting away from me. Im laughing and hooting like a cowboy – you can’t shake me off and this is only humiliating you further. You struggle hard, but my thighs cut into your sides as i grip and maneuver against you. "Oh, its happening you little whore. Im fucking you up your ass – the only thing you get to decide is how much its going to hurt to walk tomorrow." You sink – back down – defeated. "Ass up" I command. You comply with a huff. Popping that perfect bubble butt up. I rim your tight little pucker with my wet finger – you can’t help but groan with anticipation. I curl my finger and start tapping at your back door testing how tight it is. I start pushing in – slow solid pressure – I stop at the first knuckle. "This is how you play ‘Just the Tip’ isn’t it?" I ask pulling my finger out and pushing it back in, just the tip of my finger. The finger you sucked your special coffee of earlier when all this began. "Say it – Say This is how we play just the tip" For the first time all week you shut the fuck up. You pull against my hand to hanging your head lower and let out a tight lipped grunt of insolence and insubordination. "Say it..NOW" I push my finger up to the second knuckle with out warning – working your asshole loosening you up for my cock. In and out watching your asshole try and close up a little before it swallows up my finger again getting easier and looser each time. "This…." you grunt "This is you how" ….you finally begin to give in and allow yourself to appreciate how good it feels to have your ass finger fucked by a real man. "This is how you play just the tip, sir" you belt out, exasperated and push yourself all the way against my finger – right up to the hand before you slide back forward to dive down harder on my finger. "Look at this little anal whore." I say admiring the grip of your asshole. When you slide forward I put my middle finger along side the first and when you come back again your ass swallows up both fingers as hungrily as the first. You can’t help yourself and start fucking yourself against my hand. Your moaning louder and louder as you fill up your own ass. Your moans are getting higher pitched and you move faster against me. I know you finally want to cum – so I pull my hand away you as thrust back onto nothing. Your ass waves about as you search for my hand groaning in disappointment. I position myself behind you, kneeling between your legs – I grab the base of my long hard cock and slap it against your cheeks a few times. I run it length wise between your lips thrusting up against you. Your clit bouncing off the head of my cock as I pound in getting it wet. You can feel how deep inside it would go if I would only stop missing your hole. When I put the head of my cock against your quivering asshole its soaked in your pussy juice. I let go of your hair and grab your hips, my fingers digging into your flesh. You couldn’t shake free from me if you tried. I pull you back on to my cock as I stand still. Your asshole is still too tight for my girth and you struggle to relax as I stretch your asshole to its limit on the apex of the head of my cock…I hold you there in agonizing delight. You know if you can push back just a little bit your ass can shrink back down around my shaft. Cruelly I jam it that far, and farther and farther still not relenting. Im balls deep in your asshole and pushing grinding harder until you can’t take it anymore. " I think we both have been waiting for that all night haven’t we" I don’t let you answer before I pull back to the rim of my head and batter your hole with another balls deep thrust. You dig your nails and palm into the ground as each time I pound into you you fight for traction against the floor so your balance doesn’t slip out from under you. The feeling of your ass taking me whole sends shivers down my spine and if I hadn’t taken a viagra earlier I would have dumped a hot load already. I can the spirit of resistance leave you as you, again, get agonizingly close to cumming. With a thick, wet "SSHLOCKK" I pull my cock out of your gaping asshole. I watch you quiver as your asshole expands and contracts involuntarily as you fall off the rush of nearly cumming. I hold your ass still and gather up a thick sticky wad of spit – letting it roll off my tongue – trail down off my tongue and drop directly in the middle of your stretched out asshole. Your hair is drenched in sweat and shame, mascara is running down your cheeks and there is a thin trail of drool from the corner of your mouth pooling on the floor. You turn your head back to me. "Let…me…cum…luh….Limp…Dick." I grab your face and pull you down onto my cock. You weren’t ready to go ass to mouth, but I’m not giving you any choice. You’re too exhausted to fight back and I push you down further and further on it until its at the back of your throat. I shake with pleasure when I feel your throat collapse around the length of my cock as you drool and bubble around the base of my shaft with my balls draping past your chin and on to your completely stuffed throat. I pull your head off my cock. Lift you up to look me eye to watery bloodshot eye. "If you can cum before I do, I’ll let you leave with your clothes on. Do you understand" "Yuh-yes" I give your face a light, friendly little pop – it makes a wet smack from all the drool dripping off your ruined face. "Yes, what?" "Yes, Sir." "Then what are you waiting for, slut?" You look at me confused…. "Start rubbing your fucking cunt or Im going to take your clothes with me when I leave." You reach down between your legs and start working your lips first to get your fingers wet. Then tight circles around your clit. Your eyes hold some spark of the tiger that tried to fight me off, but your tamed now. You’re owned. You’re now my pet and performing a trick for your new master and owner. I slowly push your head back down to my cock, you swallow it up greedily working back and forth the length of my cock. I don’t even have to push you down you voluntarily gag yourself on my cock. I pull your hair back and my cock flops out against the side of your face. Just flexing my cock I let it hop on up and slap you on the face twice before I line you up and send it straight back to the back of your throat to feel you gag on my cock head. You start to hum and grown around around my cock as you finally, make yourself cum. You shudder as waves of pleasure over take you radiating from your cunt outward. My cock swells up as I grab your head with both hands push down and shoot thick hot blast of cum straight down your throat in mouth filling gulps. I let go and you collapse to the floor fingers still working as your legs quiver. I walk over to your clothes, and pick them up. Turning back towards you I toss out your coffee soaked blouse onto the floor that hits with a damp smack. "You almost came before me, so I’ll let you keep whats left of these." I use the front of your skirt to wipe you off my cock, squeezing the last big of cum out of my head and smearing it on the expensive fabric. Dropping that on top of your blouse, I pull out your panties. "But, since we did come at the same time, Im going to keep these" I say, giving them a quick satisfying sniff before walking away with them. I step back into view with my pants are on and my shirt his hanging over my shoulder. "We should do this again next Friday, after you complete the Vandelay account. I’m going to go ahead and take a personal day on Monday, though, Im going to spend all weekend washing whore off my cock. You have a great weekend." You listen to my footsteps trail off…you begin to climb back up to your feet when you hear. "Oh! Maria! No, no, no. Its ok. Ms M can explain, she’s waiting for you in her office."

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