Kidnapped by a Cult [humil] [rape] [bdsm] [nc] [M+F]

It’s my first time writing an erotica so please let me know how I did and/or how I could improve it. Enjoy!


It was 9:00 AM on a Monday, and Mia woke up, thanks to the alarm her mother set after she slept at night. Well, she was awake anyway, might as well get ready for college. She got up from bed and brushed her teeth. Going downstairs, her mother and father were talking about the trip they were going to. “You ready for college? Remember, there is a key-” “-under the rug, I remember Mom”, she said with a bored expression on her face.

Breakfast was relatively normal, not much happened. After she was done, Mia picked up her bag and left for school. Or so she had her parents believe. Mia had other plans. Her parents were supposed to leave 30 minutes after she left for college and return a week later. So for a week, she had the house to herself and that meant she would stay home the whole time. She went into the woods behind her house and waited. She hid behind some bushes, and through the branches, she had direct view of her house, and soon enough, her parents left.

Now that Mia was all alone, she decided to go for a walk in the woods, as she loved nature. She got her gym clothes on and left the house with a bottle of water. The woods were quiet, aside from occasional birds and insects. Mia knew where she was going, the lake in the woods.

Mia was now 19 years old. Ever since she was 10, she liked swimming in the lake. It made her feel disconnected from the world. In a peaceful location in the middle of nowhere, Mia could spend her whole life like that if she had to.

Mia lost track of time as she walked and thought of the lake, as she was at the edge of it sooner than she expected. She took her clothes off and dipped her legs in. It was cool, and she smiled. Soon, she was in the lake, swimming and enjoying the water against her body.

A few hours passed, Mia was still relaxing in the lake. She decided it was time to head home, after all, her neighbor, Simon, was supposed to drop by after he usual college timings with some food he offered to provide. As she got to the edge and picked her clothes up, she felt uneasy. She felt watched. She brushed it off at first as it wouldn’t be the first time it happened to her. “It’s just these woods. As creepy as beautiful” she thought. After getting dressed she walked back to her house.

While walking, she felt it again, as if someone was watching her. It was weird and creepy. She didn’t think much of it this time either but she did feel uneasy. A few minutes later, she was walking through a usual trail she took when she heard leaves crunching behind her. She paused for a second and turned around, but saw nothing. Her face clearly showed her nervousness. She sighed and turned back around. As she continued to walk, she heard a branch break. She turned around and saw him.

It was a man. Wearing a black shirt, black jeans and black shoes. His face was hidden behind a white mask with black outlines around the eyes, nose and mouth. There were red tears made under the eyes. Mia couldn’t speak at first, but her adrenaline got to her and she started running to her house right away. She didn’t stop for a second, didn’t turn around even once and soon enough she was there.

Simon had arrived by then, waiting by her door. He noticed her arriving while running and panting loudly. “Hey Mia, you okay? What’s going on?” Mia stuttered a lot when she spoke. “T-T-There was s-s-some-someone in the woods. He-he was…” until she fell to her knees due the running. Simon looked the direction she came from but saw no one. After gathering herself, Mia got the key and opened the door.

They both sat down and she told him everything, the walk, the swim and the weird man. Simon told her to not leave her house because of this incident and offered to stay with her, but she refused. He stayed for some time before leaving for some work at him house. And thus Mia was left all alone.

The rest of the day went by with nothing happening. Mia had her lunch, did some homework, watched some movies and tried to forget her encounter in the woods. After finishing another movie, Mia decided that it was time to sleep as she was feeling tired.

She walked up the stairs and closed her bedroom door. She removed all of her clothes and got in bed. But she couldn’t sleep, as the encounter she had in the woods kept coming back to her. She tried sleeping for an hour, rolling in the bed and flipping her pillow. But she couldn’t sleep at all. Frustrated, she got up and checked her phone. it was 1:00 AM. She laid down and closed her eyes hoping to sleep. A few mins passed by and she was still wide awake.

She opened her eyes and there he was. The same man in the same outfit, standing beside her bed, staring at her from behind that mask of his. Mia was about to scream when he clapped his hand over her mouth. She tried to wrestle with him but he took out a pair of handcuffs using his other arm and locked them around her wrists, with a bit of effort.

He pulled her out of bed, and threw her to the floor. He let go of her mouth and grabbed some Duct Tape, and Mia took the opportunity to scream. Annoyed, the man shoved his boot in her mouth, silencing her. After getting the duct tape, he removed his boot from her mouth and taped it shut.

Mia was on the verge of tears. This couldn’t be happening. All she wanted was to have a nice swim at night and now she was being tied up by some creep she saw in the woods.

The man then took out some ankle cuffs and locked them around her feet. She then grabbed her and went downstairs. Downstairs, there were two more men with similar masks but different outfits. And there was a fourth figure, facing his back towards her. The 2 masked men were going through the house, grabbing whatever valuables they could find.

The unmasked man turned around to face her, and she finally got to see his face. It was Simon. Her neighbor. He had a sinister smile spread across his face and he said in a low voice “Hello there Mia” while walking toward her and ripping the duct tape off her mouth.

Mia couldn’t believe it. Confused, she asked “Simon? What are you doing here? What the hell is going on??? Tell me!!!”

Simon simply chuckled and said “You should’ve gone to college today like a good gal Mia. Going for a walk in the woods was your mistake. Today we were gathering to hunt for animals to sacrifice, but you saw him” as he pointed to the Black Clothed Creep. “And when I found out, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to have you as my pet” as he rubbed his hand over her cheek.

“What? Y-Your pet? No! No fucking way! I am not going to be your pet! Let me go right now and I won’t tell anyone about this. I promise”. Simon laughed again. “Or what? What will you do if I **don’t** let you go right now? What will you do then? Call the cops with your hand cuffed? Hmm? Or run to help with your legs cuffed? Accept it Mia, you’re now going to be my pet. Our pet. To be used by us whenever we please. Enough chat. Get her strapped to the bench, we’ll have our way with her”

Mia tried fighting back, screaming, yelling at Simon to let her go, but all he did was smile and look. Two of them grabbed her and laid her down on the dinner table. They removed her handcuffs and tied her hands to the edge of the table. Same with her legs. One of them approached her and removed his pants, revealing his erected dick.

Mia was crying by now, scared more than she ever was, she did not want to lose her virginity to these creeps. But there was nothing she could do as the man thrusted his dick inside her pussy. She screamed out loud. The man kept thrusting it back and forth. And after what felt like eternity, he loaded his semen inside her. She had lost her virginity to him and she couldn’t stop crying.

This went on with the other two masked creeps. They loaded her full of their semen. Mia was exhausted. Trying to struggle out of her restraints and also getting raped took a toll on her. And now it was time for Simon.

He held something in his hand. It looked like a ring….. a collar! Mia was too tired to fight back and just let it happen. Simon clicked the lock around her neck and tied to chain to it. He didn’t do anything with it yet however. She just raped her the way the other three had.

Mia woke up after Simon slapped her in the face. He told her it was time to go. She wasn’t given a choice. Her restraints were undone only to be put in the cuffs again, both hand and ankle ones. Simon tugged at her collar chain and told her to move. They walked through the woods for some time until they arrived at a cave not too far from the lake.

Mia looked at him and asked “What are you going to do to me? Why bring me here?”

Simon looked at her with an annoyed expression and said “Like I said, you’re going to be our pet, meant for nothing but to be used by us. And obviously we wouldn’t be able to do that in your parents’ house so now this is your new home.”

He led her to a small cage, which looked like a dog cage but much bigger in size. Simon told her to crawl inside as it was too small to walk inside of. She did and the door was locked. Her collar chain was locked to the cage as well.

Hours passed, and Mia was still sitting in the cage. She wondered what would happen next. What will happen to her now? What about her family? Her friends? If she would ever see them again. Tears formed in her eyes as she started crying.

Simon walked in a few minutes later and said “Aww don’t cry Mia. You’ll get used to your new life soon. Don’t think about your previous life, it’ll hurt you more remembering who you used to be. Best accept your position and live with it. As the object of our cult.”



Let me know how I did, and I might even make a Part 2 to this explaining the cult’s motives, a bit more to Mia’s life as a pet and perhaps even give a happy ending.
