Family Friends Camping Trip (Part 3)

See [Part – 1]( & [Part – 2](
“Get those shorts up buddy, lets go swimming…” she giggled and walked out of the tent like nothing happened.

I quickly pull my swim shorts up, and hurry out of the tent and Kaitlyn yells quite loud “Roman… are you coming?!?!” I look towards the sound, and I see her a good ways off down a trail towards the lake.

“Yeah! Stay there! I’m coming!” I holler back and give my mom and dad a quick smile and a wave and head after Kaitlyn in a slight jog as I see she is standing there shaking her head at me with a smirk on her face.

“Sorry about that…” I say with a big smile on my face as I get to Kaitlyn… my eyes can’t help but gaze down her body, stopping at her chest and vividly remember how amazing her titties looked and even more so after my cum splattered all over them. “I was… uh… just… wrapping my head around what the fuck just happened back there… if I’m being totally honest!” I say with a slight awkward laugh.

Kaitlyn smiles really big at me, “its ok… that was a lot of fun though… we should try that again some time…” she teases back, biting her lip playfully as I continue to walk towards her and I can see in her eyes, she is equally vividly remembering what just happened.

As we just stand there for a bit… we hear footsteps approaching us from behind so we turn to see the rest of our family is marching along the path right towards us… so we start walking towards the lake area. However, as we get down to the community sight, we both stop dead in our tracks as we look around and see about 25 men and women ranging from age 30 to 60 BARE ASS NAKED! “What the fuck?!?!” I blurt out.

“Roman… watch you damn mouth!” my dad hollers out as they continue making their way towards us.

“James! You watch you mouth too!” my mom snaps back while Chelsi (my little sister) and Rachel (Kaitlyn’s little sister) snicker quietly and my dad mumbles back under his breath “don’t tell me what to do Trish…” and I can see my mom rolling her eyes.

“No dad… seriously… you gotta see this shit!” I say pointing down towards the lake, specifically towards a large black man it chatting with a few white women all of which were completely naked.

As the rest of our families catch up to us… Kaitlyn’s dad (Bryan) blurts out “What the fuck!?!?! He wasn’t kidding…” and both of our little sisters audibly gasp simultaneously followed almost immediately by giggles.

“Ummm… Bryan, how about you and James go figure out what the Hell is going on here… and Trish and I will take the kids back to the campsite.” Kaitlyn’s mom (Claire) says. “Oh yes… um… yeah… That’s a great idea!” my mom quickly follows up as she turns our little sisters around and makes eye contact with me to follow them and they begin to walk back. Kaitlyn seems to be in a total daze as she quietly just looks at more naked people until I give her hand a little pull to get her attention and then we both begin to walk back to the campsite.

“Seriously… what the fuck is going on?!?!” I whisper to Kaitlyn.

She quickly whispers back, “I don’t know… but I like it!” she says with seemingly an almost embarrassed giggle.

“Yeah.. I guess it was pretty cool…” I pause, “I… guess I’m just afraid I’m going to be hard all damn day at the lake and not be able to do anything!?!?”
I must have started to talk a little too loud as my mom stops up ahead of us and turned around saying, “hunny… getting hard is completely natural… especially at your age seeing naked people.”

Kaitlyn smiled at me and giggled, making me feel completely mortified. “Oh my god mom… STOP!” I whip back to her, rolling my eyes.

“No I will not stop young man!” my mom says with a stern yet bubbly tone, “A boy getting a hard on is COMPLETELY NORMAL…. And if I happen to see that your penis is hard… I won’t mind one bit or say anything about it to make you feel uncomfortable at all… and I bet you $1,00 that Claire and Kaitlyn feel the same way… maybe even Chelsi and Rachel… we’ve talked with them about sexual stuff… they are fully aware of everything! Right girls?!?!”. My heart nearly stops and I feel like I could throw up, as all of this tension and pressure and conversation is solely based on me and my cock.

Just as I was going to say OK, and apologize, Kaitlyn speaks up “She’s right Roman… I wouldn’t care.”, quickly followed by Claire with a playful smirk “me neither sweetie!”. Chelsi and Rachel giggle and say “are you hard now?!?!” in a teasing way. I oddly felt at ease and empowered by this sudden outburst of acceptance from the women so I rolled my eyes with a smirk “ok… I’m sorry… thanks for making me feel better… and NO… I’m not hard right now GIRLS….” I say chuckling.

Just then, we can hear the dads chatting on their way towards us, so we all turn back looking to them for some explanations as they arrive. My dad explains to us about the “Live Free” event and there was nothing we could do about it… so they left it up to us to decide if we wanted to stay or not. However, apparently the campground did state that we could keep our clothes on IF we wanted to… but would leave that up to us.

“However…” Bryan politely interrupted my dad, “As the dads/leaders of our families… James and I decided the only way to REALLY try this out… we’ve made the decisions that for today, all of us HAVE to embrace the nudist culture for the day… no one has a choice. We all go nude for the day…”

“That’s right…” my dad says, “And then, during dinner… we will all talk about our feelings about the matter, honestly and openly during dinner and if ANYONE of us feel’s any negative way about being nude in general, being naked in front of our family, or seeing anyone in our family naked… etc. We all have to agree to wear clothes the rest of the trip, even If we don’t feel uncomfortable about it.”

“SO… that’s how we are going to handle this… got it” Bryan stated with almost an authoritarian tone and we all collectively responded back… “Got it…”

To Be Continued…



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