I [M] am a massage therapist and love it when my recurring clients [F] start to build sexual tension, PT 4

Sorry to leave everyone on a cliffhanger in my [last post](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vwpp41/i_m_am_a_massage_therapist_and_love_it_when_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb), but unfortunately I had to turn Sarah’s request down for more time just as things were getting sexually intense. In response to her question asking to continue, I told her another client would be here soon, and I unfortunately couldn’t extend our session.

I’ll be honest though, leaving the room to let her get dressed while she laid there on the table topless, her chest and face flush and breathing deeply, her legs spread in a diamond under the sheet … let’s just say that was tough. After she dressed and during our little post massage chat while she was checking out, she scheduled another massage in exactly two weeks – this time a 90 minute session instead of her usual 60.

With her permission I extended that to two hours in my calendar, and told her in my most professional persona (which isn’t very convincing) that we should plan on having a bit longer of a pre-massage consultation next time, just to make sure we’re both on the same page with what she wants out of these sessions. She responded with a bit of a cheeky smile, saying she would definitely think long and hard about it, then gave me a big hug and left. 100% honesty again – I was so turned on when she left that I quickly got myself off in the restroom before my next client showed up, thankfully an older man. Super cool guy, just not my type.

Fast forward 13 days, and I had done a pretty good job of procrastinating on thinking about Sarah. While looking over my client list for the following day late that night though, everything hit me pretty hard all at once. Over a beer, I read through my session notes from Sarah’s previous appointments and thought about everything that had happened so far with her. Mostly about how I wanted to approach our conversation – replaying scenario after scenario in my head.

Thankfully though after a mostly sleepless night, Sarah jumped right to the point during our pre massage consultation the following morning. After we made the usual small talk and walked through where she was feeling sore, I asked her how she felt about our sessions, the work we had done so far, and if there was anything specific that she wanted moving forward. She took a deep breath, smiled, and nervously started to talk. Paraphrasing here since this was several months ago.

She said “So far I’ve enjoyed everything. I’ve really been able to relax and de-stress during these sessions, and you and your hands are making me feel all sorts of sensations I’ve never felt before …”

She paused and fidgeted in her seat slightly, then continued “or at least haven’t felt in a long time due to all the stress I’ve been neglecting to deal with … I also really enjoyed the level of well, intimacy and … maybe the more, umm sensual feelings of …”

I could see she was starting to lose her thread, so I interjected to say “I get what you’re saying. I’ll be honest in that you’re the first client who has asked for this type of more sensual massage here at this practice, but it’s something I know how to do and as long as you’re enjoying it and think it’s beneficial for you we can continue, I just need you to vocalize that and set your limits.”

There was a slight pause in our conversation as she took on a serious face of contemplation, but she soon smiled again and said “Thank you … I just don’t know what’s too much or what type of feelings are right or wrong to feel. I haven’t experienced what I felt last session before …”

She went silent for a moment and looked at me strangely, before opening up and saying “when you were massaging my breasts it was like all the stress in my body was gone, like I was floating on this cloud of just warmth and sexual energy, and it just felt so powerful. I mean obviously you know I wanted more, and I’ll be honest … I did a lot of reading about tantric and (in airquotes) ‘yoni’ massages last week.”

I responded to her more open tone, “I could definitely tell you were enjoying it, and if you want our sessions to also include attention to that sensual and tantric energy, I trust you enough to do so.”

I then asked more directly “I do need to hear what you are and aren’t comfortable with – you can always change or stop or request more during the massage, but I want you to think for a moment and tell me what you’re envisioning.”

She nodded her head and started tapping her foot on the ground, put her hands under her chin, and took on a very pondering look.

Sensing a bit of hesitation, I continued “For example, I’m only comfortable keeping this in the realm of a hand massage. These sessions are still about helping you relax and work with your body, and I only want to be the facilitator of that. I’ve done some private Tantric work in the past, and am okay doing that here, but I don’t want this to turn into anything more than me providing this experience to you. Obviously it’s an intimate space that we’ll be creating, so some of that energy will flow both ways, but my intention and limit is for this to be directed at you.”

She looked relieved and sighed a little, then nodded her head. “Okay, I really liked the breast massage and the way you built up and teased out that intensity. I want more of that, and I also am intrigued by the idea of a yoni massage from what I read. I want you to try that and warm up to it, but is it okay if I stop in the moment and not continue?”

I nodded my head in agreement and stood up to let her get ready. She stood up with me, and it just felt natural to give her a hug. She fell into my arms a little, we took a deep breath together, and then I stepped out.

I gently knocked a few minutes later and opened the door. The studio is set up with dim warm lighting, a shaded window opposite the door, some comfy seating off to the side, a speaker up top playing some soft natural music, and in the center of the room the heated massage table. The table is facing away from the door – and when I stepped in I was greeted by Sarah’s beautifully toned body, fully nude, laying on top of the sheet. The warm lighting was making her skin look radiant. Her legs were spread slightly and I could see her vulva peeking out from between her thighs.

I had to take a deep breath to compose myself as I walked towards her, and I could hear her giggle quietly as she said in a soft tone “I hope you don’t mind, I wasn’t really feeling the sheet today.” As I reached the top of her head and placed my fingers on the top of her upper back, it was my turn to be a little lost for words. “No … no worries Sarah. As long as you’re comfortable … I’m happy with what you want”.

As I started working through my usual upper body scan with my fingers she quickly retorted “Oh so you’re happy to finally see all of me” while wiggling her butt in the air a little. I laughed and switched the topic back to the massage, instructing her to breathe deep and relax into my hands.

I started and carried out the massage like our past sessions. Deep breathing while I scanned her body, slowly increasing the amount of contact between my hands and her back. She had tension in the usual spots – up by her neck/trapezius connection and down at the top of her hips.

Since she was fully nude, I switched up my usual routine a little and worked her entire back in long sweeping motions – working down one half of her body from her head to her toes and then back up the other side. I started with light pressure, really just acclimating her to my touch and feeling out her muscles. Occasionally I instructed her to recenter her breathing or breath deep into my hands, but for the most part she was getting very intune without much guidance.

As the amount of pressure started to increase and my focus got a little more pinpoint on the bits of tension in her body, she started to get more vocal, sighing, moaning, letting out little “of fucks” or “yes wow right there”. I encouraged her to let it out and try to drop any tension as we got deeper and deeper.

Her upper back was pretty good minus a few points, so I transitioned down to her lower back and butt. I made sure to do the long, sweeping forearm presses across her glutes that she liked previously, and alternated that with more direct kneading deeper in her glutes. On a personal note, I’m definitely more of a butt guy, so it was enjoyable for the both of us. We were bantering back and forth slightly, and she was very clearly enjoying teasing me about how nice her butt was.

Focusing next a little more on her legs, I started working up from her feet, over her calves, and up her thighs. I was deliberately dragging my fingertips slowly at the end of the stroke just along her inner thigh, causing her to shiver a little each time.

Her hips were giving me a bit of resistance though, and I was having some trouble getting them to really relax and “drop” their tension. I used a fun technique that did the trick though – standing at her feet, I leaned up and wrapped my hands around the uppermost part of her thigh, the back of my inner hand resting on that warm soft skin just next to her vagina, the other pushing her cute little butt upwards. I squeezed tightly and slowly dragged my linked hands downwards back towards her feet, using my fingers to knead into her muscles connecting her hip to her hamstring and quad.

At her knee, I left one hand under her leg, and massaged the other down her calf to her ankle. Applying pressure from below her knee and pulling up on her ankle, I lifted one leg at a time and pulled back slightly, essentially trying to pull her leg up and away from her hip, moving it ever so slightly in small circles to loosen up. I held this position and repeated on both sides while she breathed deeply, telling me how good it felt between breaths. (If you have tight hips and a partner to do this move, definitely try it out.)

Anyways, while holding that stretch, I was also secretly admiring the view – her oiled body shimmering, her toned lower back flexing, her butt raised up in the air, and her labia spreading slightly between her legs, already glistening and damp.

With her legs and hips finally relaxed, I spent some more time on her feet which she really seemed to enjoy, then worked my way up her thighs one last time. As I crept closer and closer up her inner thigh, I could feel her body start to tense up slightly. I backed off and told her to just breathe and relax, then started again. Up and up my hands went, spreading her thighs slightly, my thumbs just brushing against the fuzz of trimmed hair on her swollen lips. She inhaled sharply and let out a whimper as I backed off again, tracing my fingertips down her hamstrings.

I repeated again several times, each time drawing in a sharp inhale and a louder moan. Finally on the last pass right at the last moment I adjusted my hands, spreading her butt apart with my top fingers and using my thumbs to spread her lips, massaging the wetness around her opening. She let out a loud “fuck … please”, but I backed off and told her it was time to flip over.

She took a long, slow, deep breath and said “this feels so good” as she pressed her body up on all fours, dropping into a quick child’s pose and stretching her back out – giving me an insanely arousing view of her body from behind – before rolling over. I tried mostly unsuccessfully to take a few deep breaths and calm my own sexual arousal before walking up to her crown and placing my hands on her head, massaging her temples.

She looked up at me and smiled, then fluttered her eyes closed and sighed as I pushed my hands down the sides of her neck. I pushed her shoulders down, decompressing them away from her head and kneading into the tops of them. I continued my downward pressing sweep over her arms and to her hands, causing me to lean over her head a little.

I went to her sides and stretched out each of her arms, rotating her shoulder and working the delicate muscles in her palms and hands. I then skipped down to her feet again and spent some time there. I found a couple good pressure points in her feet that had her squirming and moaning, causing her knees to bend outwards and her legs to open up again, giving me an unobstructed view of her whole body.

I worked up her legs and spent some time teasing her again, just barely brushing my fingers over her lips, lightly parting them and feeling her wetness glide over my fingers, avoiding entering her or touching her clit. After I could tell her sexual energy had built up strongly again, I moved to her side and started making upward dragging motions with my fingers spread, squeezing her lips together between my pointer and middle fingers. I repeated this motion over and over, making sure to massage her clit a little through her squeezed together lips at the top of each stroke. I could feel her getting wetter, her eyes were tightly closed, her breath getting more and more inconsistent and rapid.

Once she started making that distinctive whimpering begging sound, I backed off and moved up to her head again, pulling up a stool so I could sit behind her. I positioned her arms so she was resting with her hands behind her head, then started to work down her chest. I repeated pretty much the same routine as the last session – starting by massaging her pectoral muscles, then working in some teasing and circling of her nipples, backing off to massage the muscles and fascia again, and then building up the sexual tension again.

All the while, I was talking her through her breathing. I would emphasize her breathing as my fingers got closer to her nipples, then switch to having her bring her awareness down to her genitals, paying attention to her physical response to the sexual energy building within.

On a long stroke I circled her breasts several times getting closer and closer, my oily fingers applying pressure to her nipples and pulling upwards, finally giving her the direct stimulation she needed. She let out a loud, beautiful moan and raised her hips up off the bed, grinding them into the air. She dropped her hips as I relieved the tension, connecting her feet and dropping her legs into an open diamond. The room was starting to feel warm and smell like sex, the sexual energy palpable.

I spent another 10 minutes or so on her breasts, exploring how she liked her nipples stimulated, circling them, squeezing, lightly flicking them back and forth with the pads of my fingers. She was nearly shaking at this point – her abdomen spasming and flexing, her skin warm and sweating slightly.

I love this part of a tantric massage, when the sexual energy is simmering within them, their body glistening and begging for release – its such a beautiful and powerful emotion that so many never get to experience.

I kept my hands on her body as I stood up, dragging them to her head and caressing her, twirling my fingers in her hair. I leaned down and whispered in her ear, asking “Everything still good? Ready?”. She opened her eyes and looked at me intensely, a fire in her eyes, and told me “Please keep going … do whatever you want”.

As I slowly walked down to her side, I dragged my fingers along her body, savoring her curves and smooth skin. I reached her mound covered in a small patch of pubic hair, tussled it slightly, then reguided her breathing. I placed my hands gently over her entire yoni, letting her take deep breaths into my hand. I slowly started to apply pressure downwards through her into the bed, trying to ground her attention purely in her sexual region.

Moving my hand slowly, gyrating it back and forth gently, I could feel her body getting hot again. I then repeated the same stroking and squeezing motion, making a V with my fingers and gliding her lips through it. Finally after a few moments I put my two fingers together, and starting just below her opening parted her lips as I dragged upwards, spreading my fingers slightly to brush the sides of her clit at the top of the stroke.

With her clit finally touched, she shivered and let out a deep “fuuuuck”. I continued this, each long stroke getting a little shorter and more focused on the her clit. After a few minutes, I was solely focusing on stroking the sides of her clit, one hand stroking while the other applied pressure at the top of her mound pulling her skin upwards, adding to the tension.

As I started to really figure out what made her tick and feel good, I could see the waves of pleasure building up in her abdomen. She was absolutely soaked at this point, and I started lowering my attention to her opening. I could see a small pool of her wetness building between her thighs, so I slid my fingers through it and made a figure eight motion with my fingertips, circling her opening then moving up to circle her clit. After repeating this motion several times, she started to try and grind her hips up into my hands, matching the figure eight I was making.

I could see her clit throbbing, and told her how beautiful she looked. She moaned out a barely understandable “sooo good”, before throwing her head back and moaning deeply and breathing sharply. I decided it was a good time to focus on her clit again, finally brushing my finger lightly across the top of it. This made her legs quiver as she whimpered a sharp “oh fuck yes”. After this, it didn’t take long – within maybe ten or fifteen more strokes of her clit her legs and abdomen were tensing up in quick repetition, and she told me “please dont stop”. Ten or fifteen more deliberate strokes of her clit and her head raised off the table, her entire body tensed, and she looked me deep in the eyes as she said “I’m cumming … oh my god I’m cumming.”

Her orgasm rolled across her, toes curling, head thrown back again, back arched off the table driving her waist up into my hands. I maintained the same slow stroking across her clit until the shaking in her legs started to slow, maybe forty seconds or so. I backed off her clit and returned to a gentle figure eight motion. She lay there panting as I started focusing on just the bottom of the figure eight, circling her opening, applying pressure little by little.

As I did this I checked in again and said “all good?”. She answered, stretching her arms up long over her head, “so good. Better than good. That was the hardest I’ve ever came.”

I asked “Good to keep going? We still have more time”, my two fingers still circling her opening. She happily agreed, just letting out a long “mmmm yes please”. Just as she finished saying this I slipped my pointer and middle finger inside of her, dropping my thumb to the side of her swollen and tender looking clit. I explored her opening for a moment, getting accustomed to the feeling of her walls squeezing around me, sliding them in and out, letting her wetness coat my fingers and run down towards my palm.

As I explored her inner warmth, I slid my free hand up her body to her breast again, massaging and teasing her nipples. Directing her breath, I got her recenterd and started amping up the sexual stimulation. It took a moment to figure out what type of internal stimulation she liked, but eventually found the strongest response from more of a circular swirling motion with my fingers inside of her while applying pulsating pressure onto her clit with my thumb. I slowly ramped up the speed of this motion while also directing more of my attention to her nipples with my free hand.

As it started to get more and more intense, she grabbed the wrist of my hand by her breasts with both her hands and held it firmly, looking up at me with eyes that were lustful, gentle, and needy all at once. Her face started to take on a serious, almost pouty look. She pulled my wrist up towards her face and did one of the most sensual and sweetest things I’ve ever experienced – she started kissing the back of my hand delicately while I fingered her.

After maybe a minute of this, I could feel her walls starting to squeeze my fingers more rhythmically. She stopped kissing my hand and just held it to her cheek as her breathing got intense and her hips started gyrating up into me. Her legs closed ever so slightly and she switched from the open diamond to setting her feet flat and propping her knees up as her abdomen started flexing hard.

I wrapped my free hand around the back of her head to support her neck as it started to come off the table and squeezed the back of it slightly. This started to send her over the edge. She started moaning in an almost crying tone, and she quickly reached out and grabbed the back of my thigh, pulling me close to her, almost hanging onto me as I brought her towards her second orgasm.

Her moans went silent, her mouth open, her brow tightly clenched as her walls spasmed and squeezed around my fingers. She gripped my thigh hard, almost painfully so, my own hardness pressing into the side of her chest through my pants. She was holding her breath, so I told her to take a deep breath in and out. This attention on her breath sent her over the edge … her entire body spasmed, her breasts swelled, she got even wetter than she already was, her toes curled down into the table, pinching the sheets between them.

She started panting and shaking and I kept my pace steady for a good minute before she finally collapsed. I withdrew my fingers from inside of her, causing her to let out a quiet “holy shit”. Her head dropped back to the table, her limbs fell limp to her sides. She looked like she was in a state of pure bliss, a slight smile, skin glowing, her breath still a little shaky. I got a glass of water for her and propped her head up so she could take a sip, then took a seat in the stool again behind her head.

I took her head into my hands, caressing her cheeks with my hands, then bent down to place my forehead on hers. I whispered to her, telling her how beautiful she was, how amazing she did, and then got her to follow my breathing. I synced up her breathing to mine and got her to calm down, and finally she spoke, just saying “thank you” over and over again. She reached her hands up and placed them in my hair, scratching it slightly and pulling my head up just slightly, sort of twisting my face up. I figured out what she wanted and gave her a slow kiss on the forehead, to which she sighed and nestled down into the table.

We sat there unmoving, just breathing together for several more minutes. I told her to start bringing her awareness back to her body, to start moving her toes and fingers, then her legs and arms. I lifted my head from hers, then helped her sit up. She propped herself up with her arms behind her and dangled her legs over the table, and just stared at me for a moment as I started to reorganize the room. I caught her gaze and she laughed, saying “That was amazing. I didn’t even know that was possible.”

We continued to chat about the session while I organized and she slowly got dressed. I could see her looking down to the obvious hard-on in my pants, but didn’t bring it up. She gave me one last long hug followed by a kiss on the cheek before departing, but not before scheduling another session several weeks out.

Also huge thanks again to u/Nvrrlyhere for proofreading and edit suggestions <3

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/w48lf3/i_m_am_a_massage_therapist_and_love_it_when_my


  1. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 fantastic read and I’ve learnt something new today!

  2. Holy GUACAMOLE! That was one of the hottest things I’ve ever read. (And that’s high praise because I read a LOT of spicy books)

    Literally, it being sexy content aside, it was really well written! Well done 👍🏻

    Can’t wait to read more

  3. This did not disappoint! I can only imagine how healing this was for her mind, soul, and body. Incredible.

  4. You should write a book , that was hot lmao. So much detail , felt like I was there. Can’t wait for the next part 😉

  5. Great read!

    And pointer for where to learn more about tantric and yoni massages, for us mere mortals..?

  6. Do we get a little information about her? Married? Kids? Professional woman? This is so sexy you can’t help but be curious

  7. So amazing. That’s quite the adventure o.o. I really gotta try out this tantric stuff now. You’ve certainly set my expectations high haha.

    Thanks again for another story can’t wait for more

  8. Wow.. just wow! You are a phenomenal writer. I can feel the tension and become completely immersed in your writing. Oh how I wish I was Sarah right now.

    I can’t wait to read your next installment. ❤️

  9. I guessed I missed it, but I have thinking that OP is a female message therapist.

  10. Woof. I’m sending this to the boyfriend for inspiration.

  11. a great story just keeps getting better and better! thanks so much for sharing. I’m looking forward to the next installment!

  12. Have you considered writing short erotica because this has basically cracked the ceiling in that specific genre

  13. Yo, extremely high-quality writing, my dude — probably the best that’s ever been on here.

    Did I miss a physical description (or any mention of lookalikes) for Sarah?

  14. Where can we learn this stuff? My girlfriend loves getting massages from me but i have no practice and would love to learn how to improve my ability to hopefully some day perform something like this.

  15. I feel like you’re a monk knowing the deepest, oldest secrets to human body. I associate these writings with oriental wisdom about life, to the point that I can almost feel the fresh air of the Hymalayas and the rich flavor of the greenest teas.

    Idk, I think my mind likes to wander and build upon these.

  16. Super hot and well-written, but also, fuck, this makes me really crave just a plain, non-sexual massage 😫

  17. This is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever read. I absolutely love all the little details, the pacing, describing your own perspective at times, and the slow build-up to an amazing ending.
    Also, Sarah gently kissing your hand with everything else that was going on brought tears to my eyes. What an incredibly pure display of gratitude/affection!

  18. I’ve been looking forward to this update and it exceeded my hopes! You are a very talented writer..and clearly a vary talented massage therapist as well.

  19. Fuckkk. Never mind her next appointment. When’s the wedding? 🤣👀

  20. Amazing story. Very well written. You deserve an award. For your stories and for your sense of respect for the lady who was your client. I wish I could see this story in a video tape.

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