Tumbledown Falls – A Choose Your Own Misadventure [F-POV][Rape][Monsters][Slavery]

Author’s Notes:

Hello, adventurers! I hope the moderators of this fine subreddit will humor me, in that this is an entire collection of posts that only eventually get erotic, but this starting page isn’t one of them. I threw the other pages onto a different subreddit just to avoid cluttering up r/eroticliterature with posts that are just decision points and such.

This is a short, vaguely coherent series of misadventures for you, the reader, to explore as a fresh-faced female adventurer, ready to tackle the world and make it a safer place.

Spoiler alert: you’re pretty unlikely to succeed.

While there’s *technically* one “good” ending, that’s not exactly the point of this, and there are eight endings in all including that one. Now, if you’re impatient, you don’t have to try to figure out what path leads to which. I’m not your boss, so you can just go to the subreddit where all the choice posts are and read out-of-order to your heart’s content.

Feel free to leave comments on any post that you like (or didn’t like), or just an upvote/downvote for how you feel about it. Just remember that this is all just a big personal project, so please be kind (unlike the characters in the story).

Hope you enjoy!


“I’m tellin’ ya, there’s something wicked in that cave!”

Jarven Feemaster squints up at you. Short, even by human standards, he gestures with a gnarled cane out in the–you assume–vague direction of the “something wicked”.

You stifle a sigh and do your best to give him a patient smile without being condescending. This man–these people–have had a spate of troubles lately, and you’re the only adventurer to have bothered answering their call for help. It’s no wonder–the village of Tumbledown Falls is barely more than a few ramshackle huts scattered about like corn tossed to the hens, and even that’s being generous.

Still, you have to get your start somewhere. You’ve had training in all the combat basics–sword, magic, and bow–and now it’s time to put them to use. First though,you’ll need to figure out how to actually start.

What would you like to do?

– To head directly to the cave to see if you can put a swift end to the trouble, turn to [page 33](https://www.reddit.com/r/LazyThunderSnake/comments/w3fi8j/page_33/)
– To continue asking around town for more information, turn to [page 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/LazyThunderSnake/comments/w3fbag/page_4/)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/w3qaxb/tumbledown_falls_a_choose_your_own_misadventure