[FFM] My cousin [F19] and me [F25] ended up getting pounded hard by out AirBnb host after days of teasing him

Part 2 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SluttyConfessions/comments/w2ycaj/my_cousin_f18_and_me_f25_pushed_our_airbnb_host/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Almost 5 days had passed since we arrived to the property and despite our teasing lately, there was literally little to no progress at all. We knew for sure that seducing a married man would be a difficult task but we didn’t expect M to be so much more difficult to read. He barely shown any emotion when he looked at us as we were trying to be as much revealing as possible. But in the opposite, my cousin seemed pretty chill about it at time.

The time was around past 11 on Thursdays’s evening, I was laying next to her, thinking about what weapon we could use to shot him down completely. Guess that competitive mindset did not help me at all during that time since I hate losing.

– “Ah, just got a message from M. He said he will be off early tmr and would be back later in the morning. He also suggested us to ask him on anything related to our schedule for tmr since it should not be possible for us to meet him in person” – Kath gave me the heads up while having her eyes glued to the phone

– “Urghhh. Another wasted morning and possibly day too. But hey you been chatting with him a lot lately? Got anything interesting” – I asked
– “Shame, I didn’t get him to talk much. Sounds a bit creepy when your Airbnb visitor is trying to approach you via phone isn’t it” – Kath told me the bitter truth while shaking her head.

We went on a bit and finally decided to call it a day and got to sleep. But later the night, I thought of a plan that I would like to try. My mind was like “Ok, fuck it, let’s go all in and see if it would make it or break it. No turning back from that point for sure.”. I asked to borrow that cute crop-top from Kath for the next day and she just nodded while laying face down on the bed.

– “Finger crossed” – my inner self prep talk was doing the work.

Next morning, I woke up a bit later than I used to. Head to the upstairs bathroom for a morning shower. When I got to the 2nd floor, nobody was inside M and L bedroom and ofc the bathroom was vacant. Be patient, I thought and went to the bathroom, took a longer shower than I used to. And then came the crucial part. I changed into the outfit for a morning coffee making session. Yes, nothing but a crop-top and a pair of laced- underwear. The panties was not a thong but it barely cover half of my buns anyway and also the tiny top cut off right at my belly button so my whole bottom was free from obstruction of any kind. What a freaking slutty [outfit](https://www.reddit.com/user/Puzzled-Rule9387/comments/w3nlua/dirty_mirror_preventing_me_from_taking_a_clean_pic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). I tip toed to the laundry room and then headed to the kitchen to start my routine. Good – L was off to work but M wasn’t here either so that’s bad. Oh well, let’s pray that M would came home and this would be the first thing that he saw. A freshly showered, foreign girl grinding coffee in your private property, with her ass exposed and demanding your full attention. Welp, that was literally the only plan that my hard-working brain could came up with. But it back fired quickly because I actually needed the luck of M coming home rightnow. So the coffee making session was agonisingly longer than user and to make it worst, the thought of wearing such a daring outfit in some stranger house got me horny and oh my god I could feel my juice pouring out and drenching my panties.

Done with the prepping, I just stood there, leaning my side on the kitchen top. Got my AirPods on, scrolling thru my phone while enjoying the the ice coffee came from the finest grinded coffee powder.

“Please come home, please come home right now” – I prayed but never turned to look at the main door, music volume hitting that ‘loud sound’ warning message.

Suddenly and finally, felt a gentle tap on my shoulder.
– “Oh shit…” – I turned to the side and goshhhhhh yes it was M shaking his head lightly but accompanied by a smile too. Ah yes, I knew this reaction, that meant he didn’t hate seeing me like this.

– “Crap, sorry, I thought you won’t be here this morning since Kath told me yesterday about you having to take care of some matter.” – I lied somewhat. Please say something nice, please say something nice M. Please give me a signal.
– “Sorry, my bad hahaha, should have be more specific on the schedule and to also went in the kitchen blindfolded. And it is hot here after all…” – M jokingly said that and put his groceries on the kitchen top.
– “No no, it’s mine to be honest. But do you mind if I could finish my coffee first” – gathered all the courage, I looked at him and said.
– “You should sit down and I will move to the back of the kitchen haha, problem solved. You do you and I ehhh, don’t want to do anything else aside from enjoying my coffee” – the hell was that coming from my mouth. Such a dumb ass invitation for him to stay.

I could hear M exhaled out of his nose and start smiling.

– “Do you mind?” – He asked
– “Hell no, this was to seduce you” – I thought but reply with a different message instead
– “Oh no no no, DO YOU MIND?” – I imposed that it depended on him instead.
– “Not really” – he briefly locked eyes with me and stated. Immediate turn of head after that
– “What does that even mean” – I faked my laugh and asked
– “Stuffs you got to do for a 5 star rating, mannnnn, I must not complain.” – he shouted even thought I was opposite to him on the other side of the kitchen island.

I jokingly punch him on the arm and made an anger emotion toward him. After all the giggles from both of us. I asked him to not to tell this to Kath or even worse, his wife – L.

– “No, I must tell my wife. I would like her to wear only that in the kitchen from now on hahaha.” – M laughed hard
– “Screw you” – I felt the second hand embarrassment rushing in.
– “But hey don’t take it seriously though, remember when Kath told us about you giving off that bitchy vibe, I don’t thing this is bitchy enough. Must be something else then. Hmmmmm” – M rolled his eyes up and pretended to think
– “NOOO, don’t listen to her. Hey, do you want to make a bet that when she wake up, she would be wearing something slutty too. Not just meeee!. It was hot these days and because I didn’t anticipate your present” – I nagged.
– “Lol, what would I get if your cousin walked in with a modest outfit.” – He replied
– “Anything you got in mind to prove that I am also a 5 stars Airbnb guest” – This is my chance to lure him into that thirst trap.

We then agreed to move to the living room and wait for her and to further discuss about the prize but first.
– “I am going to go in and change first” – I said to M
– “Leave your phone and please don’t cheat”
– “Look away dude” – Handed him my phone, I raised my eyebrows and swiftly disappeared and came back to the living room couch with a pair of shorts.

Then we waited for Kath to walk in. While waiting, we were chatting about some random stuffs and finally it came to the point where I redirect him back to the bet’s prize aspect.
– “Hmmm I got nothing in mind, what about you?” – M asked
– “A really good foot massage right now. Urrghhhhhhhhhh” – I kinda moaned right there.

Right at that moment, here came the main event. Kath stepped out from our bedroom, wearing a long t-shirt just like mine the other day. M looked at me, lifted his eyebrows and kinda rolled his eyes.

– “Wait, you are not wearing anything under the shirt aren’t you?” – I shouted
– “Perverse big sister…” – Kath threw me that disgusting look and shook her head

– “See, I told you. She is the same as me. We wore as little as possible because it is comfy and also due to the heat,…etc.” – I explained to M, ignoring Kath when she headed to the kitchen.
– “Rightttttt, very convincing indeed. Absolutely giving off the same vibe as wearing only an underwear. Fair enough” – M said with much sarcasm
– “Hey there, it is very slutty to wear a t-shirt like that you know, a win is a win and it’s my win” – Didn’t let him finished complaining, I demanded my prize to be deliver. I pointed to my feet using both of my hands, signalling him with the action.
– “Dear Airbnb, I will demand a higher service charges…” – M mumbled and shook his head in shame
– “Ahahaha, good luck with that, not my problem. Now, ten minutes” – I concluded and started laying on my stomach, showing him my legs. Finally, I have got him to at least touch my body so there would be progress.

– “Hhmmmm” – I gave of a satisfied sound when he touched my carves with his hands.

He was gently rubbing both of my legs at the same time, moving up little by little. The stimulation was so good, that must be because of my horniness. I subtly and slightly spread my leg a bit but not too much and hope that he would be more aggressive and move onto my inner thighs. But such a painful experience, M never actually went close to my butt.

– “Come on, I won’t be mad. Grab my ass, pinch it or even burry your face to it. Take off my shorts, bite into my bun. Just go ahead” – I screamed internally while the juice keep oozing out of my pussy. God I was wet as heck at time for sure.

Time sure flied past quickly. Suddenly, I felt a hard slap on my ass. I jolted, immediately lifted my head up. Another hard slap onto my thigh.
– “You horny ass, perverse big sister” – Kath’s voice and her laugh echo across the room but still wasn’t as loud as my ass being slapped.
– “You little b…..” – I sat up and grabbed her hand, pinched her ass under the T-shirt. Kath let out that high pitch scream again.
– “Damn bastard, you are not actually wearing anything. You slut dare to call me a pervert” – I kept on pinching her butt several times more while she was fighting back.

Damn it, Kath did actually cock blocked me at that moment. God knew if M could actually turned aggressive and started touching me all over the places. After I stood up, there was actually no courage left from me so I did not dare to ask him to continue with the session. I retreated back to the room like a sore loser and ended up not seeing him for the rest of that day. At night, while I was preparing to sleep while Kath was on her phone. Suddenly, she showed me her phone with the [conversation](https://www.reddit.com/user/Puzzled-Rule9387/comments/w3o1q2/dont_ever_get_naked_when_your_bratty_cousin_is_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) with M. What the fuck?. Oh hell nah the did not just done that to me. She used [me](https://www.reddit.com/user/Puzzled-Rule9387/comments/w3nnxc/please_massage_my_legs_thoroughly_do_ask_if_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) as a bait to fish for M reaction. What had she done?

End of part 3

[incoming](https://www.reddit.com/user/Puzzled-Rule9387/comments/w3not9/can_you_guess_which_one_swallow_his_load_first/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) in part 4

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/w3oijc/ffm_my_cousin_f19_and_me_f25_ended_up_getting


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