The Perfect Victim, Part 2 (femdom, real, bdsm, kidnap, torture, consensual) (m35/f38)

She sat on the edge of her bed. She had laid out three outfits already, one for each of the next three days. There was part of her that was a bit nervous about this morning, sure everything that happened last night came directly from conversations they’d had while they knew each other, but she did have someone help her drug him and then chained him to the floor in her home. As she pulled on her black leather joggers, she looked in the mirror and thought about what she wanted to accomplish today. Her main goal was to get into a headspace that this was all real – she knew if she was there, he would be too.

She put on her matching black leather tank top and watched the monitor from the security camera downstairs. His sleep seemed to becoming more fitful, and it was almost time. She put on a matching black leather mask that completely hid her identity, especially when she tucked her long hair up underneath. She took one last look in the mirror, took a deep breath and walked out of the room. She knew the next ten minutes would make or break the weekend.

As she walked into the room, she could smell the stench of her own piss on the mattress from the night before – as gross as it seemed, she was very aroused by it. She turned on the lights and once again admired her work. She may have been most proud of getting him from her Jeep to the bed. She took another deep breath and walked towards him, it was the moment of truth.

She approached him and loosened the hood. She wanted to make it so that a strong tug would pull it all the way off. She felt him start to wake up and she grabbed the top of the hood and gave it a hard pull. His eyes blinked and tried to adjust. The feeling of what felt like the worst hangover ever, and the light rushing in after more than 12 hours in the dark was overwhelming. Finally his eyes adjusted and he panicked. He immediately tried to run and the chain pulled him back, snapping his neck and slamming himself to the mattress – right in her still-damp piss stain.

“You can’t go anywhere slut,” she said standing just out of reach. “You’ve fucked up one too many times, and now you’re going to pay for it.”

He snapped at her, “Leslie? Leslie, what the fuck?”

She came close and put both her hands around his throat.

“Shut. The. Fuck. Up!” She yelled as she violently squeezed his windpipe. “That’s not my fucking name and don’t ever call me that again. As a matter of fact, call me Miss – that’s fucking it.”

He was still in a state of shock as she pushed him away again. He laid there partially confused, partially scared; but all aroused. She could tell that from the fact that the bulge in his jeans looked ready to burst.

“So it looks like you’re excited,” she said in a seductive tone. “I knew you’d like these pants and the way they fit my body; but this isn’t about you. It’s about me, and what I want; and I want to make you fucking suffer like I’ve never seen anyone suffer before.”

She walked to the corner of the room where she had left the black bag she brought in last night. She continued to talk as she stepped into a harness with a large black strap on, and pulled it up over her leather joggers. Looking down, she even thought the look was extremely hot.

“See that camera,” she said pointing to the tripod at the foot of the bed. “It streams to my monitor upstairs, and it records. So you’re going to be an internet star when you suck and get fucked by this big black cock.”

She was all of 5-3 standing in her bare feet, but it was a very sexy frame. She ran both of her hands over her added appendage as she mocked her victim.

“Ah my little closet cocksucker. Never wanted anyone to know, but now he’s going to show everyone,” she unwrapped the duct tape around his head and pulled out the drool-soaked socks. “Let’s see that pretty little asshole now slut.”

She unbuttoned his pants and opened them up. She was shocked at what she found underneath.

“What do we have here cocksucker?” She tugged on the pink panties underneath. “You put these on to go out last night? Were you hoping to find someone at the bar to fuck your tight little hole? I’ll tell you what – we’ll go back there tomorrow night and we’ll do $10 blowjobs, and $20 to cum in your fuck hole – and you can’t leave until you make $200. You’d fucking like that, wouldn’t you?”

She knew that the fact that he absolutely worshipped her strap on was his deepest secret. He worried about what it would be like if his co-workers or fantasy football league found out that he’d do anything for her to fuck his ass.

“Suck it,” she slapped him in the face with the cock as she berated him. “We’re going to make you a porn star, and the audience is going to be that everyone@ e-mail address I found on your laptop. I’m sure your company will love it.”

“You cunt,” he said angrily. “This isn’t a fucking joke, I trusted you. I fucking told you that shit because I thought it was between us. You fucking whore!”

Her demeanor completely changed. She wasn’t angry, her response was completely cerebral – this was exactly what she hoped for – he was in a headspace where this was now completely real. She left the room and returned with a very thick, long cane and a curled bull whip.

“You don’t ever speak to me that way – ever,” she dropped the whip and put two hands on the cane bringing it down across his back. “Never you mother fucker. You don’t have choices now, you belong to me – and I decide if you’ll ever fucking leave this room again.”

She hit him nine more times, all on the lower back. She knew he had a bad back and that would be a very painful place to get hit. She followed it up by telling him there were 50 lashes coming from the bull whip, and he’d be smart to accept them and not protest. She administered them viciously and could see blood actually coming from the wounds through his shirt.

“That will fucking teach you,” she said as she stepped out of the strap on and smacked him across the head with it. “You fucked up bad, really bad, and I don’t know where we go from here.”
