Chpt2. The new normal

I woke up on the couch, groggy, of last night began flooding back to me. Setting up I try to put everything straight trying to figure out what happened. I’m not sure how long I said therefore just thinking to myself. I stayed like that until I heard a small amount of commotion in the hallway and saw him walking out into the living room still bare ass naked. It takes my entire strength not to look between his legs as he walked to the kitchen to get himself something to drink. As he walks back into the living room finishing a glass of water he stops for a second thing to think himself before saying “did….Did what I remember happening last night happen?” Deposit waiting for my answer and I sheepishly nod wondering how much exactly he remembered. “Oh….thanks.” He said cheerfully walking over setting his glass down on the coffee table and sitting on the couch next to me. “I know you’re not into guys like that but I really appreciate you helping me out” what?! I thought to myself of course I’m into guys why would he think that I’m not. Is that why he never made a move on me he thinks I’m gay? I’m about to say something it cut off. “Say, could we do that again? Like I mean, make it an ongoing thing. I mean that’s what friends do right by scratch each other’s back.” “What…what exactly are you asking….” I said trying to maneuver carefully “you know, like last where you helped me jack off.” Part of me wanted to say no but at the same time maybe this is how it could start, it starts off as like a friends with benefits kind of thing and maybe then he starts having feelings for me like I do for him. “…ok” I see and immediately see his face light up “really? That’s awesome! I was like 100% sure you were gonna say no. How about right now?” He said excitedly not waiting for my answer grabbing me by the wrist and having me get up off of the couch guiding me onto my knees in front of him.

I watched him grab his still limp cock putting his hand on the back of my head and pull me forward as he starts to slap me in the face with it I open my mouth letting my tongue hang out as he begins rubbing it on my tongue. I feel his cock quickly begin to harden against my tongue. I close my lips around the head of his cock and begin rubbing my tongue along the underside listening to him moan as he begins stroking his cock as the head rest in my mouth. “Mnh… fuck, I wish I found out how much of a slut you were before I would’ve been doing this for years it’s so much better than just my hand and or a sock.” He laughed to himself, unaware that his comment had hurt me. He let go of his cock and again put both of his hands on the back of my head alarm bells going off as I prepared for him to go back to what he did last night but to my surprise he was actually far more gentle pushing his cock back into my mouth and then slowly pulling it out back and forth, each stroke of my lips along his shaft causing a small amount of pre-cum to spill onto my tongue as I close my eyes. I could almost pretend this was romantic up until I suddenly felt him pressing down on my head causing me to gag again my eyes fly open scene practically nothing as he was hunched over me his torso pressing down on my head before he leaned back on the couch again. He had leaned forward to grab his glass of water. After having a drink he grabbed one of my shoulders bringing my arm up so that he could place the glass of water in my hand before grabbing my head again and using my mouth to jerk off. It didn’t take long before I felt him start to speed up familiar pulsing off his cock in my mouth letting me know he was getting ready to cum. But instead of exploding down my throat or in my mouth and grabbed a fistful of hair pulled my head back off of his cock and begin furiously stroking his cock before unleashing his entire load onto my face refusing to let go until he had left every single drop he had wiping the tip of his cock on my chin. “Fuck…. that was fucking dope. I got to go to work though. Do me a favor and get the dishes before I get home I wanna make something for dinner tonight.” He said standing up taking a glass of water from him and finishing it before adding it to the stack of dishes in the kitchen sink. I sat there in front of the couch for a little bit letting what just happened sink in. My face still covered in my best friends cum as it dripped down onto my chest. He’s going to be more difficult than I thought, I thought to myself as I slowly stood up and went to the shower to clean up.


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