My roommate puked all over me, and I felt more disgusted by myself rather than her. [F]

Because I liked it.

My roommate had a big promotion at work, so we had a little celebration in our apartment. We’ve been drinking for a couple of hours before everyone had left, and then we had some more.

We ended up on the couch, drunk and exhausted. We watched some Netflix for a while when my roommate shifted awkwardly:

— Hey, I don’t feel so good.

— Let me get you some water, I said.

I went to the kitchen, filled her a glass and came back. Her face was pale, almost white. I handed her the glass and parked myself back onto the couch.

She sipped some water, then suddenly stopped.

— What is it? — I asked.

She turned towards me, her mouth gaping.

— I… Uh… — she struggled.

As she tried to speak, she made a gurgling sound and a stream of vomit came shooting out of her mouth — all over my dress. My brand new dress.

The smell was disgusting. I looked down, only to see streams of sticky fluid flowing down my chest, forming a small, obnoxious lake at the place where my skirt was folded from sitting.

Yet, for some weird, bizarre reason — I felt incredibly aroused.

— Oh… I… I’m so sorry… — she said.

— It’s okay, I’ll just clean up. Get some rest — I said.

I scurried off into the bathroom, careful not to drip any of her puke over the floor. As soon as I closed the door, my hands instinctively started rubbing her vomit all over my dress. I couldn’t believe what I was doing — it felt so incredibly wrong, but I couldn’t stop.

It took me several minutes before I headed into the shower with my dress still on and started rinsing everything off.

I never told my roommate. I have no idea how she’d react if I did.

I just feel so disgusted with myself.
