A chance encounter…(18+) part three

Tom reaches into his pocket, produces 2 keycards, he slides one across the table towards me. ‘’Room 182’’, he says.

In one swift moment, Louise finishes her drink and they both stand to leave.

Her eyes meet mine as she inches past me to leave, her body so close to mine and her intoxicating aroma flooding my senses….

Before I know it both of them are gone, the only signs they were really here are the key card, the empty glasses and the smell of her perfume….

I turn the key card over and over in your hands…

Turning the keycard over and over, I struggle to accept the reality of the situation.

Does this stunning couple really want me? Why me? What do they plan to do with me?

I am filled with deep regret for all those sexual encounters I never had and opportunities I never took. I wish I had rid myself of this cursed virginity long ago – maybe I would have been able to be the confident man I painfully wished to be in this moment.

I take what’s left of my drink and drain it. I still sense her scent on my clothes. I don’t know how else to react to this opportunity in front of me.

I can’t go through with this… can I?

I stand in the lift, staring at the card in my hand. When I reach my own room, I am so caught up in the moment that I spend half a minute trying to unlock my own door with their spare keycard.

Eventually I get in, and head to the bathroom to splash water on my face. I look at my reflection, mulling what to do.

I decide I will never forgive myself if I don’t do this.

I remove my clothes, jump in the shower and quickly make sure that every single part of me is fresh and clean. I slip on a fresh pair of CK briefs, spray myself with deodorant and put my shirt and jeans back on.

My heart is thumping as I walk down the corridor and into the staircase. My footsteps echo with every stair I go, until I reach the first floor.

I walk down the corridor until I see it. Room 182.

I pause for what feels like an eternity as I will myself to find the courage to open the door. After an age, I sigh a deep sigh, slide the card into the slot until I hear the click and, tentatively, I push the door open…

The first thing I see is Louise draped over the bed, her glorious curves on show, the red lace lingerie hugging to her as if it was made purely for her body.

She looks up, smiles and motions for me to come over.

Tom then appears in the bathroom doorway, standing confidently in just his briefs. He looks lustfully at Louise, and I glimpse him quickly rearrange himself.

I am wondering what I’ve gotten yourself into, but the excitement and the unknowing makes me move closer to the bed, closer to this beacon of beauty that is oozing sex from every pore of her body…

I am in awe of the raw sexual energy exuding from this impossibly attractive couple. Both a picture of sexual confidence. I have to take a moment to absorb the image in front of me.

Seeing Louise’s body draped in exquisite lingerie makes my body ache in a way it never has before. Can this truly be real? What have I gotten myself into? What do they want me to do?

Louise beckons me over to the bed and I nervously walk over, very aware of the bulge beginning to stir in my jeans. I don’t know whether to try and hide it or not.

But I cannot take my eyes off Louise’s body. I drink in every inch of her breathtaking form. From head to toe, a picture of pure lustful luxury.

I stand at the foot of the bed, awaiting her command.

She whispers one word, “strip”.

I am astounded, do I have the confidence to do this I wonder, will I disappoint.

Louise quickly shake’s her head and dismisses those worries and I take another look at what is before me.

I drink in the sight of Louise’s body greedily, relishing the sight of her in a red lace one piece. Her nipples are exposed through the lace.

I then glance at Tom in his black form hugging briefs.

I took this moment to show them both what i can offer, slowly unbuttoning my shirt…

‘Fuck… I’ve gone too far to back out now’, I think to myself.

Louise’s body looks astounding in her delicate red one piece lace suit. The sight is stirring deep feelings within me, until I am distracted by Tom’s bulging briefs. His impressive package both impressing and intimidating me and I can sense that he knows it is too.

At Louise’s command, I begin unbuttoning my shirt. Button by button, I begin to peel myself from the garment. All the while, hoping my body is not to slim and disappointing for the pair of them.

I slide the shirt off from me and discard it to the floor. I look back at Louise obediently, standing in wait for her next instruction as I feel my breaths getting shallower by the second.

Tom joins Louise on the bed, discarding his pants as he approaches, his eyes never leaving mine.

Louise’s body responding to his touch, her back arching to lean in to him.

She breathes huskily and says, “lose the trousers”.

Tom stops and waits in anticipation clearly wanting to see what I can offer.

I feel in a trance, mesmerised by this couple and my hands reach for my trouser button…

I am transfixed by Tom’s cock and want to please them both. I unbutton my jeans, pull down my zip and let them fall limply to the floor, standing there in just my white CK briefs and my obvious erect cock.

I nervously step out of my jeans and stand there, too scared to do anything but far too turned on to want to stop.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/w1geyt/a_chance_encounter18_part_three