Self Caught CEO M45M40+F30 Mind Control, Blackmail, Non-consensual

Self Caught CEO M45M40+F30 Mind Control, Blackmail, Non-consensual

My name is Jan Ardwater, CEO of Boudicca Athletic Wear, plus sized athletic wear for women serious about their workouts. I am one of those women, 48G-40-46. Let me tell you, before I came to the market, no one was making clothes for us.

I founded my company with the money I was left by my grandmother after her death. My parents told me I should use it for school, or to buy a house, but I had a dream.

I put myself through school, working as a fitness instructor and yoga teacher, while working on my Business degree. I absolutely knew what I wanted to do, and I knew no one else was doing it. I am cursed, some would say blessed, with the kind of curves that people pay good money to fake, or to see naked.

Fun fact, we look so much better naked because no clothes are designed for us. The best we can do is take the general potato sack of the plus size clothes no one makes attractive because they assume people in them want to conceal their bodies and have something to hide.

I put my money in designing and manufacturing plus sized athletic wear. I don’t mean lingerie, I mean the kind of athletic wear you can actually work out in and not feel like you should be twirling around a pole, or that you are strapped down so tight that it hurts when you open your chest in a stretch or lift.

I started the business online for a reason. There are not a lot of us who are that curvy and athletic, so online was the way to reach us. I knew who the target demographic was because I was standing in it. I learned from successful startups through some available Ted Talks, and the big thing was to get customer input right from the start. Build outward from the demographic you knew to the demographics you didn’t know exist. Find the people starved for product and build your brand loyalty there.

We started not entirely female only, but most of us were women. As we grew larger, we built partnerships with local shipping companies, then eventually accepted an offer for one that was looking to sell and let us take over the management and just concentrate on expanding their delivery network.

We got big, then we needed a more conventional sales and purchasing team to deal with the bigger organizations. I hire based on ability, rather than preference, and that got me Tony.

Tony was a good old boy. College jock turned salesman. He had a logistics background from the army, where he dealt with a bum knee that got him out of the airborne by switching to logistics. Boy he could sweet talk the old boy network, the big organizations that patted me on the head and told me to run along were more than willing to sit down with Tony, and the deals he got may not have looked all that amazing when I saw them, but a year later looking at the numbers, his deal performed a lot better than what I thought we wanted.

There was just one problem. He looked at every woman there like he was eyeing the dessert tray. I asked HR to hear right away about any complaints, especially when he was cleared to hire a team of other good old boys to run his section. I didn’t get any complaints.

Then I made my mistake. I got one note from IT, from one of Tony’s hires that set up and built our new website so we were hosting it ourselves, that Tony had some really powerful audio/visual software he had bought himself, also hosted on our servers. He said it was all locked, so that only I could override it and see what was in there.

I knew about our surveillance system, we had a top of the line surveillance system throughout all our buildings for security and insurance purposes. My first thought was that Tony was playing peeping Tom on our change rooms and exercise rooms. I provide both gym and daycare facilities for the same reason I provide generous health and dental benefits, because I know how much it affects retention even in the face of higher salary offers.

I used the overrides to look.

What I found were hypnoreels. Instructional videos.

I watched one. It was Tony’s voice. He was pretending to be a hypnotist of all things. It was an instruction video on how to relax and surrender your mind. To empty your mind, to stop thinking unless you were given permission. It was literally a brainwashing video that said it was a brainwashing video.

I listened to it, watching the spirals. His voice called upon me to surrender, then return again and again. Teasing about how he knew how much I wanted to surrender, how good it felt to surrender, like that is my place, my purpose.

The video called upon us to surrender control of our body, to imagine we could not move it we wanted to. Where we couldn’t remember how to take back control. Where trying to take back control caused you to become distracted by the pleasure of surrendering, being shaped and remade by someone elses will.

It was all crap, such misogynist bullshit. I would stop it any moment now. Just it is so relaxing, I might as well just take a break and enjoy it.

He layered his suggestions with “would you kindly” and anytime he said that we were supposed to simply obey without thought, and when we did, to feel a bliss that wipes away all other thought.

Any time his voice said “don’t you agree?” and we were to answer “Yes of course!” because that was always what we thought.

As if that would work. I will shut this off and order it deleted. Any time now.

Still, the idea of pretending they worked, pretending that fat pervy Tony really could give me suggestions and commands felt so naughty. It is not like he would ever know.

Oh! It was over. I felt myself coming back. I was so relaxed, so energized. Maybe I would install this on my own machine, and use it before work, and maybe at lunch to get rid of my stress? Tony would never know.

Tony’s view:

Coming in to work the next day Tony saw the alert on his desk. His restricted files had been accessed, and one of them duplicated. Tony looked to see if HR had sent any flack about inappropriate content, or a request for a meeting, but there was none.

Opening the file log he found some interesting notes. It had been copied to the owners own account. Even better, the watch counter he installed said she had listened to it 20 times.

The next meeting Tony watched as Jan strode in, power suit and pearl white blouse committing the criminal offense of hiding those massive titties from the world. Tony smiled and when she was halfway through her meeting introductions he interrupted her.

“Would you kindly take off that jacket, and give us a spin?” Tony asked, making everyone in the boardroom freeze expecting an angry slapdown, possibly followed by a firing.

Yet Jan stood, calmly unbuttoning her blazer, and placing it on her chair back, she turned in both profiles, showing off her curves.

Tony was pretty sure, but had to be totally sure.

“I think that blouse really suits you, but it would look better if you undid a few buttons; don’t you agree?”

Tony said it looking her right in the eye. Her eyes went blank, and she unbuttoned her blouse right down to her bra, exposing enough cleavage to stop conversation.

“Yes of course!” Jan said, pushing on through the meeting as if nothing had happened.

Tony spend the whole meeting trying to think unsexy thoughts so he could stand up at the end and not be waving a flag pole at the whole of the board.

As he passed his beautiful CEO, Tony planted the last hook.

“Would you like to download and watch the other videos in that series? I think they would do you good, don’t you agree?”

Jan flushed like a schoolgirl with her first crush.

Tony felt the blood rushing to his cock. Slowly Tony. Slowly. The hooks are planted, but the fish isn’t in the net yet. He was a good fisherman. It isn’t enough to know you have a mermaid on the line. You don’t celebrate until she is in the boat and you are fucking the fins off her.

More to follow
